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Hydrogeologic field work in remote settings is often challenging: assessing spring behaviour and aquifer characteristics can be expensive in both time commitment and resources needed to assess these systems. In this study, we document the hydrology and geochemistry of 47 perennial karst springs in the Kaweah River, a mountain river basin in the Sierra Nevada, California. After preliminary hydrogeochemical characterization and grouping, selected springs were continuously monitored to further assess aquifer characteristics in each group. Later, in areas without previous dye‐tracing work, traces were conducted to establish connections between large sinking streams and springs. The springs have a wide range of inter‐spring and intra‐spring variability in discharge and geochemistry. We assessed this variability by performing statistical comparisons with spring chemistry and principal components analysis of all measured variables. Results show that springs can be divided into two distinct groups: high elevation springs of the Mineral King Valley and lower elevation springs throughout the rest of the basin. Continuous discharge, temperature and specific conductivity data from four springs (two from each group) were then used to characterize the hydrograph recession behaviour of springs in each group. Both groups showed statistically similar baseflow recession slopes, suggesting that both groups contain baseflow storage compartments with similar hydrogeologic properties. The biggest difference between each group is the variability in amount of water remaining in the aquifer during baseflow conditions. High elevation springs have lower baseflow discharges, relative to peak flow, than lower elevation springs, despite the fact that more precipitation falls at higher elevation. This is likely caused by differences in the amount of soil and epikarst storage, which are related to recent geomorphic events: high elevation aquifers were glaciated as recent as 41 thousand years ago (kya), while there is no evidence that low elevation aquifers were glaciated. As a result, lower elevations have developed thicker soils, weathered bedrock and epikarst. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The development of satellite-derived vegetation indices and metrics has enabled researchers to monitor land surface phenology (LSP). While the use of satellite data to monitor LSP is prevalent, there has been minimal effort to model LSP in temperate climates using satellite observations of the land surface. Satellite-derived LSP models are beneficial for studying past and future changes in phenology and related ecosystem processes (e.g., water, energy, and carbon fluxes). The purpose of this study was to model LSP during the spring in a mixed temperate forest using satellite-derived measurements of leaf area index (LAI) and land surface temperature (LST). As part of the model validation process, the use of LST as a proxy for air temperature to model LSP was also investigated. The results indicate that LST derived from the MODIS Terra sensor at 10:30?a.m. (local solar time) can be used to develop a LSP model that predicts the full profile of LAI from winter dormancy to maturity and the date when LAI reaches half of the annual maximum (LAI50%) with relatively low error. In addition, the modeled LAI values closely tracked in situ observations of the phenological development of the dominant deciduous tree species located in the study area where the model was developed. A comparison of LST and daily maximum air temperature at two levels above the ground surface revealed distinct differences and nonlinearities in the relationship between these two variables. However, accumulated growing degree-days calculated from each of these variables were similar because the largest differences between LST and daily maximum air temperature occurred prior to the beginning of heat accumulation. Consequently, the model predictions of LAI50% derived from the use of LST and daily maximum air temperature were similar. When the developed model was applied in two other mixed forests, the errors were larger due to substantial interannual variability in the relationship between LAI and heat accumulation and systematic differences in this relationship between sites. Although the model cannot be successfully applied in these other mixed forests, the ability of the model to capture a consistent relationship between satellite estimates of LAI and LST in the study area where it was developed demonstrates that satellite observations of the land surface can be used in certain locations to create LSP phenology models. When validated, the models can be used to examine past and future changes in phenology and related ecosystem processes.  相似文献   
Marine benthic trophic relationships and food web structures may be influenced by benthic–pelagic coupling processes, which could also be intensified by the physical dynamics of marine fronts. In this work, we employed stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analysis to investigate the influence of the Southwest (SW) Atlantic shelf-break front (SBF; 38–39°S, 55–56°W; Argentina) on an epibenthic trophic web. Epibenthic organisms were sampled, at depths of ~ 100 m, with a non-selective dredge from a sandy bottom community located in frontal (F) and marginal (M) areas. The SBF position and the chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations were inferred using satellite data of the sea surface temperature (SST) and satellite chl-a concentration, respectively. The most noticeable shifts in stable isotopes between the sampled areas were those of the Patagonian scallop, Zygochlamys patagonica13C), and those of the sea urchin, Sterechinus agassizi15N). Diet analyses inferred from stable isotopes and mixing models demonstrated that the dominant component of this community, Z. patagonica, had variable contributions to higher trophic levels between areas. More importantly, the epibenthic assemblage in F areas showed δ13C-enriched and δ15N-depleted isotopic signatures with respect to the M areas. Collectively, this evidence suggests that frontal dynamics promotes the accumulation of δ13C-enriched phytoplankton in the seabed in F areas, while in M areas the more degraded organic matter becomes more important in the trophic web, decreasing the δ15N isotopic signature of the assemblage. Therefore, the trophic web was sustained by fresher food in F areas than in M areas, demonstrating the role of frontal dynamics in the shaping of these communities.  相似文献   
River discharge in mountainous regions of the world is often dominated by snowmelt, but base flows are sustained primarily by groundwater storage and discharge. Although numerous recent studies have focused on base-flow discharge in mountain systems, almost no work has explicitly investigated the role of karst groundwater in these systems across a full range of flow conditions. We directly measured groundwater discharge from 48 karst springs in the Kaweah River and its five forks in the Sierra Nevada mountains, California, United States. Relationships between spring and river discharge showed that karst aquifers and springs provide significant storage and delayed discharge to the river. Regression models showed that, of all potential seasonal groundwater storage compartments in the river basin, the area of karst (0.1–4.4%) present provides the best explanation of base-flow recession in each fork of the Kaweah River (directly measured contributions from karst springs ranged from 3.5 to 16% during high-flow to 20 to 65% during base-flow conditions). These results show that, even in settings where karst represents a small portion of basin area, it may play an over-sized role in seasonal storage and water resources in mountain systems. Karst aquifers are the single most important non-snow storage component in the Kaweah River basin, and likely provide similar water storage capacities and higher base flows in other mountain river systems with karst when compared with systems without karst.  相似文献   
The selection criteria for the project of a new radio telescope in Egyptare described. The telescope will have a diameter of 32 m and will belocated in Abu Simbel (Upper Egypt). One major task of the telescope isthe participation in VLBI network operation.  相似文献   
We present observations of the solar flare on 1980 June 27, 16:14–16:33 UT, which was observed by a balloon-borne 300 cm2 phoswich hard X-ray detector and by the IKARUS radio spectrometer. This flare shows intense hard X-ray (HXR) emission and an extreme productivity of (at least 754) type III bursts at 200–400 MHz. A linear correlation was found between the type III burst rate and the HXR fluence, with a coefficient of 7.6 × 1027 photons keV–1 per type III burst at 20 keV. The occurrence of 10 type III bursts per second, and also the even higher rate of millisecond spikes, suggests a high degree of fragmentation in the acceleration region. This high quantization of injected beams, assuming the thick-target model, shows up in a linear relationship between hard X-ray fluence and the type III rate, but not as fine structures in the HXR time profile.The generation of a superhot isothermal HXR component in the decay phase of the flare coincides with the fade-out of type III production.Universities Space Research Associates.ST Systems Corporation.  相似文献   

Le complexe ophiolitique du Monviso représente un témoin essentiel de la lithosphère océanique subduite puis exhumée dans les Alpes occidentales. Ce complexe est classiquement subdivisé en unités lithologiques, qui ont toutes subi une évolution structurale caractérisée par la succession de trois événements dans des environnements (1) éclogitique, (2) schistes bleus puis (3) schistes verts. Cependant la quantification des conditions physiques du métamorphisme éclogitique au sein de trois unités à lithologies comparables (Viso Mozzo, Passo Gallarino et Lago Superiore), montrent clairement l’existence d’une hétérogénéité des conditions éclogitiques enregistrée par l’ensemble des unités, indépendamment de la chimie de la roche initiale. Les conditions estimées sont de 450 ± 40 °C et de 12 ± 3 kb pour l’unité du Viso Mozzo et du Passo Gallarino contre 580 ± 40°C et 19 ± 2 kb pour l’unité du Lago Superiore. De plus l’analyse structurale combinée révèle que c’est au cours de l’exhumation, dans les conditions du faciès des schistes bleus, que les différentes unités vont être juxtaposées et vont suivre une histoire tectono-métamorphique commune. Ces nouvelles données, impliquent une réinterprétation des modèles géodynamiques existants et couramment admis pour le Monviso. Ce dernier doit être considéré comme un complexe résultant de l’accrétion de différents morceaux d’une lithosphère océanique subduite, qui se sont détachés à différentes profondeurs pour venir se stocker à 25 km de profondeur dans les conditions du faciès des schistes bleus. © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
We present the theory of electromagnetic induction in spherical cap current sheets of arbitrary angular size, with arbitrary axisymmetric integrated electrical conductivity variations and located at any radial position with respect to the surface of observation. The external time-varying magnetic field may be arbitrarily oriented with respect to the current layer cap and the induced fields are derived for vacuum boundary conditions appropriate to terrestrial induction and plasma confinement boundary conditions relevant to lunar induction in the solar wind or magnetosheath plasmas. Numerical evaluations show the induced magnetic field as a function of position over the current sheet cap, depth to the current layer, size of the cap, integrated electrical conductivity of the current sheet, and frequency of the fluctuating external field. The local vertical magnetic field component and the horizontal field component which is normal to the periphery of the cap exhibit peak inductive responses above the edge of the current sheet for external magnetic fields perpendicular to the axis of the cap. Thus, induced magnetic field fluctuations observed over the edge of a conductivity anomaly may exhibit a highly directional, or polarized behavior. This may provide an explanation for the asymmetric character of induced magnetic field fluctuations observed on the lunar surface.  相似文献   
We describe the mission concept of how ESA can make a major contribution to the Japanese Canadian multi-spacecraft mission SCOPE by adding one cost-effective spacecraft EIDO (Electron and Ion Dynamics Observatory), which has a comprehensive and optimized plasma payload to address the physics of particle acceleration. The combined mission EIDOSCOPE will distinguish amongst and quantify the governing processes of particle acceleration at several important plasma boundaries and their associated boundary layers: collisionless shocks, plasma jet fronts, thin current sheets and turbulent boundary layers. Particle acceleration and associated cross-scale coupling is one of the key outstanding topics to be addressed in the Plasma Universe. The very important science questions that only the combined EIDOSCOPE mission will be able to tackle are: 1) Quantitatively, what are the processes and efficiencies with which both electrons and ions are selectively injected and subsequently accelerated by collisionless shocks? 2) How does small-scale electron and ion acceleration at jet fronts due to kinetic processes couple simultaneously to large scale acceleration due to fluid (MHD) mechanisms? 3) How does multi-scale coupling govern acceleration mechanisms at electron, ion and fluid scales in thin current sheets? 4) How do particle acceleration processes inside turbulent boundary layers depend on turbulence properties at ion/electron scales? EIDO particle instruments are capable of resolving full 3D particle distribution functions in both thermal and suprathermal regimes and at high enough temporal resolution to resolve the relevant scales even in very dynamic plasma processes. The EIDO spin axis is designed to be sun-pointing, allowing EIDO to carry out the most sensitive electric field measurements ever accomplished in the outer magnetosphere. Combined with a nearby SCOPE Far Daughter satellite, EIDO will form a second pair (in addition to SCOPE Mother-Near Daughter) of closely separated satellites that provides the unique capability to measure the 3D electric field with high accuracy and sensitivity. All EIDO instrumentation are state-of-the-art technology with heritage from many recent missions. The EIDOSCOPE orbit will be close to equatorial with apogee 25-30 RE and perigee 8-10 RE. In the course of one year the orbit will cross all the major plasma boundaries in the outer magnetosphere; bow shock, magnetopause and magnetotail current sheets, jet fronts and turbulent boundary layers. EIDO offers excellent cost/benefits for ESA, as for only a fraction of an M-class mission cost ESA can become an integral part of a major multi-agency L-class level mission that addresses outstanding science questions for the benefit of the European science community.  相似文献   
A new graphical technique has been developed which permits the composition and volumetric properties of mixed CO2-H2O inclusions to be determined using microthermometric measurements. If the values of only two of the four variables
1.  density of the CO2 phase derived from the temperature and mode of partial homogenization,
2.  temperature and mode of total homogenization,
3.  volume fraction of the CO2 phase at 40°C, and
4.  molar fraction of CO2
of a mixed CO2-H2O inclusion are known, the values of the other two variables can be taken from a diagram depicting the relationships between all four variables. The diagram can be used to derive the volume fraction of the CO2 phase from measurements of the partial and total homogenization temperature. It can also be employed in the opposite sense for determining the theoretical homogenization temperature of an inclusion which decrepitates before reaching total homogenization, provided a good visual phase volume estimate is available. The graphical technique can also be applied to mixed CO2-H2O inclusions which contain 6 wt% NaCl.  相似文献   
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