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We have studied nitrogen and phosphorus distributions across the thermohaline front in Kii Channel in winter by using engine-cooling sea water of a ferry boat. On Dec. 1986 and Jan. 1987, differences of PO4–P and DIN across the front are recognized. Especially in the latter case, differences of nutrients concentrations across the front are very obvious. But differences of nutrients across the front on Feb. 1986, Feb. and Mar. 1987 are not obvious. Inspite of winter,Akashiwo had happened in Osaka Bay, nutrients mostly have already been utilized by phytoplankton in inner part of Osaka Bay. Consequently, differences of nutrients concentrations across the front are nearly zero.  相似文献   
Consumption of silicate and nitrate (Si:N molar ratio) in the upper layer of the pelagic subarctic Pacific in summer was evaluated by a regression analysis of silicate vs. nitrate concentrations at the upper 100 m depth. Based on data of three cruises, the pelagic subarctic Pacific can be classified into two groups. First group is characterized by roughly 1:1 consumption of silicate and nitrate, and occupies rather larger area of subarcfic Pacific, i.e., the Gulf of Alaska and the Western Subarctic gyre (averaged slope of Si:N linear regression: 1.21, n = 10 and 1.45, n = 9, respectively). Second group is the regions of the Bering Sea basin and the Oyashio region, and showed higher silicate consumption compared to that of nitrate (averaged slope of Si:N linear regression: 2.14, n = 9 and 2.36, n = 3, respectively). The Si:N difference observed is possibly attributed to relative contribution of diatoms production among the phytoplankton assemblages in the regions, i.e., dominance of diatoms production in the regions of the second group. Higher accumulation of ammonium at the bottom of euphotic layer in the summer Bering Sea basin would also contribute to increase consumption ratio of Si:N amounts.  相似文献   
To investigate the response characteristics of a bay to tsunamis, field measurements of long-period waves have been carried out at Onagawa and Okachi Bays, both of which face the Pacific Ocean in northern Japan. In Onagawa Bay, the observed transfer function is in good agreement with the prediction based on the one-dimensional numerical model, in the period range larger than about 15 minutes. The response of shorter periods seems to be influenced by the two-dimensionality of the bay. The oscillations within Onagawa Harbor are also discussed with respect to the relative amplitude and phase at two stations inside the harbor and it is estimated that the reflection coefficient at the waterfront is about 0.7. In Okachi Bay, the oscillations in the period range larger than about 10 minutes could be explained by a Y-shaped model of the bay. The dominant oscillations offshore of these two-bays are found to be the mode with the motion predominantly in the direction normal to the shelf orientation, and the estimated power spectral density of incoming waves in deep water varies asf –2,f being the frequency. The waves of lateral modes, such as edge waves on the shelf, are small and of minor importance to generate bay oscillations of longer periods.  相似文献   
A whale skeleton was discovered on the flat-topped summit of the Torishima Seamount, 4037 m deep, northwest Pacific Ocean, during a dive by the submersibleShinkai 6500 in 1992. The skeleton was encrusted with mytilid mussels and harbored benthic animals such as galatheid crabs, echinoderms, sea anemones, and unidentifiable tube worms. The whale skeleton was revisited in 1993. Sediment samples were collected to outline the chemical-microbial distribution in the sediment associated with the skeleton. In the sediment, there was a gradient of sulfide concentration with the peak of 20 n moles per gram sediment just beneath a bone. Corresponding gradients were observed in thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme activity, bacterial colony counts and fatty acid amounts. Direct analysis of the sediment fatty acid composition suggested the occurrence of methane-oxidizing bacteria and sulfur-reducing bacteria in close association with the whale skeleton. These observations imply that the methane and sulfides were formed during the saprogenic process and utilized for the chemosynthetic bacterial production to feed the whale skeleton-animal community.  相似文献   
Goaf-side entry driving in underground coal mines could greatly improve coal recovery rates. However, it becomes more difficult to maintain stability, especially in deep coal mines. Pillar width plays a pivotal role in the stability of goaf-side entry driving. To obtain a reasonable and appropriate narrow pillar width, theoretical calculations of the widths of mining-damaged zone and limit equilibrium zone in the pillar are derived according to limit equilibrium theory. Based on the stability issues of goaf-side entry driving in the first island longwall coal face (LCF) at a depth of 800 m below the surface in Guqiao Coal Mine in China, a numerical model is established by FLAC software to analyze the stability of the surrounding rock of goaf-side entry driving during excavation, using various coal pillar widths and support schemes. The results obtained from theoretical calculations, numerical simulation, and engineering practice indicate that an 8-m-wide coal pillar is relatively reasonable, appropriate, and feasible. Field measurements show that deformations of the surrounding rock could be efficiently controlled 31 days after the support schemes were implemented in goaf-side entry driving with an 8-m-wide narrow pillar along the adjacent goaf side with a compaction duration of 10 months. The mining influence range of the overlying LCF on the stability of goaf-side entry driving is found to be the area from 50 m ahead of the LCF to 70 m behind the LCF as it passes over the measurement point.  相似文献   
The distribution of dissolved (D) and acid-dissolvable (AD) Fe, Ni, Cu and Pb in the upper water column (0–300 m depth) was determined in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean (140°E meridian) during three cruises conducted between November 2001 and March 2002. For Ni and Cu, there was no significant difference in concentration between dissolved and acid-dissolvable species. DNi and DCu showed significant (P = 0.01) positive correlations with silicate, phosphate and nitrate, reflecting their strong nutrient-type behaviour. For Fe and Pb, the acid-dissolvable concentration mostly exceeded the dissolved concentration, reflecting the importance of labile particulate species for these elements. DPb decreased between January and February in the Polar Frontal Zone and in Antarctic continental shelf water. ADPb maxima occurred in the Antarctic Zone, resulting in a maximum AD/D ratio of 7. The mean DFe concentration in the surface mixed layer was 0.3 nM in the sub-Antarctic zone, 0.4 nM in the Polar Frontal Zone, 0.5 nM in the Antarctic Zone and increased southward beyond the Antarctic Divergence and towards the continent. DFe did not show a clear temporal change in its horizontal distribution, which was in contrast to the other nutrients and trace metals. ADFe substantially increased in Antarctic continental shelf water where the AD/D ratio reached 11. The following conclusions can be drawn from these data. (1) Ni and Cu exist exclusively as dissolved species and their distributions are mainly controlled by their biogeochemical cycling, similar to those of the major nutrients. (2) Pb is dominated by particulate species. The distribution of DPb is temporally and spatially variable due to a sporadic source and strong scavenging. (3) DFe is rather a minor fraction of total Fe in Antarctic continental shelf water where shelf sediments and Antarctic sea-ice appear to be strong sources for Fe. There is substantial temporal variation in the supply of Fe to the upper water column. DFe in the mixed layer of the open Southern Ocean is maintained at low concentrations throughout summer due to uptake by phytoplankton and scavenging.  相似文献   
Hydrate-bearing sediment cores were retrieved from recently discovered seepage sites located offshore Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Okhotsk. We obtained samples of natural gas hydrates and dissolved gas in pore water using a headspace gas method for determining their molecular and isotopic compositions. Molecular composition ratios C1/C2+ from all the seepage sites were in the range of 1,500–50,000, while δ13C and δD values of methane ranged from ?66.0 to ?63.2‰ VPDB and ?204.6 to ?196.7‰ VSMOW, respectively. These results indicate that the methane was produced by microbial reduction of CO2. δ13C values of ethane and propane (i.e., ?40.8 to ?27.4‰ VPDB and ?41.3 to ?30.6‰ VPDB, respectively) showed that small amounts of thermogenic gas were mixed with microbial methane. We also analyzed the isotopic difference between hydrate-bound and dissolved gases, and discovered that the magnitude by which the δD hydrate gas was smaller than that of dissolved gas was in the range 4.3–16.6‰, while there were no differences in δ13C values. Based on isotopic fractionation of guest gas during the formation of gas hydrate, we conclude that the current gas in the pore water is the source of the gas hydrate at the VNIIOkeangeologia and Giselle Flare sites, but not the source of the gas hydrate at the Hieroglyph and KOPRI sites.  相似文献   
The horizontal components from twenty Ocean Bottom Seismometers deployed along three profiles near the Kolbeinsey Ridge, North Atlantic, have been modelled with regard to S-waves, based on P-wave models obtained earlier. Two profiles were acquired parallel to the ridge, and the third profile extended eastwards across the continental Jan Mayen Basin. The modelling requires a thin (few 100 m) layer with very high V p/V s-ratio (3.5–9.5) at the sea-floor in the area lacking sedimentary cover. The obtained V p/V s-ratios for the remaining part of layer 2A, 2B, 3 and upper mantle, correspond to the following lithologies: pillow lavas, sheeted dykes, gabbro and peridotite, respectively. All crustal layers exhibit a decreasing trend in V p/V s-ratio away-from-the-axis, interpreted as decreasing porosity and/or crack density in that direction. A significant S-wave azimuthal anisotropy is observed within the thin uppermost layer of basalt near the ridge. The anisotropy is interpreted as being caused by fluid-filled microcracks aligned along the direction of present-day maximum compressive stress, and indicates crustal extension at the ridge itself and perpendicular-to-the-ridge compression 12 km off axis. Spreading along the Kolbeinsey Ridge has most likely been continuous since its initiation ca. 25 Ma: The data do not suggest the presence of an extinct spreading axis between the Kolbeinsey Ridge and the Aegir Ridge as has been proposed earlier. The V p/V s-ratios found in the Jan Mayen Basin are compatible with continental crust, overlain by a sedimentary section dominated by shale.  相似文献   
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