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The broad-scale distribution of terrestrial ecosystem complexes is determined in large part by climate and can be altered by climatic change due to natural causes or due to human activities such as those leading to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration. Classifications that recognize the dependence of natural vegetation on climate provide one means of constructing maps to display the impact of climatic change on the geography of major vegetation zones. A world map of the Holdridge Life-Zone Classification, developed from approximately 8,000 meteorological records, is compared with a Holdridge Map with average temperature increments simulated by a. model of climate under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. The largest changes are indicated at high latitudes, where the simulated temperature increase is largest and the temperature intervals defining life zones are smallest. Boreal Forest Zones are replaced by either Cool Temperate Forest or Cool Temperate Steppe, depending on average precipitation. Changes in the tropics are smaller; however, in some regions, Subtropical Moist Forest is replaced by Tropical Dry Forest.Research supported by the National Science Foundation's Ecosystem Studies Program under Interagency Agreement Nos. DEB81-15316 and DEB83-15185.  相似文献   
Floras characterizing comparable evolutionary stages in the Anadyr-Koryak and North Alaska subregions of the North Pacific show some essential distinctions despite their similarity in general. Factors responsible for appearance of their distinctive features were most likely the paleoclimatic difference between the subregions and the constrained or even interrupted trans-Beringia migration of plants in particular intervals of geological history. Floras of both subregions survived the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary crisis without essential consequences for their evolution, and amplitude of floristic changes across the boundary was not greater than by evolutionary changes in the crisis-free Late Cretaceous. Evolution of the North Pacific floras near this boundary has been likely controlled by the long-term paleogeographic and paleoclimatic changes and by plants evolution and migration.  相似文献   
The objectives of the present study were twofold: (1) to identify spatial sedimentation and erosion patterns developing within patches of epibenthic structures (i.e. physical structures that protrude from the sediments, originating either from animals or plants) as a consequence of biophysical interactions; and (2) to assess the relevance of hydrodynamic flume studies for the long-term sediment dynamics in the field. We addressed these objectives by using patches of well-defined artificial structures (bamboo canes) for which we could easily monitor the long-term sediment dynamics in the field, measure the hydrodynamic effects in detail in the flume, and simulate the field and flume set-up with a commercially available hydrodynamic model. Two-year monitoring in the field showed that sedimentation was much larger in the high-density patches than the low-density ones. Within the high-density patches, comparable spatial patterns emerged at different field sites: erosion at the front and the side of the patches, and sedimentation more down-stream within the patches. The low-density patches showed no such patterns, and were generally characterised by some small-scale erosion directly around individual bamboo canes. Sedimentation and erosion in the field was well explained by the patterns in bed shear stress that were derived from our flume measurements. The 3D hydrodynamic modelling facilitated up-scaling of the flume results to the field, but failed to simulate accurately the effects at the leading edge. We conclude that: (A) field observations on sedimentation revealed interesting spatial patterns, but could not elucidate underlying processes; (B) detailed hydrodynamic measurements in a flume can elucidate these underlying processes, provided that appropriate scaling is being used; (C) flume studies are by definition not able to capture all spatial scales that are relevant for estuarine landscape formation and will always cause some flow artefacts; (D) hydrodynamic modelling offers a valuable tool to upscale flume observations, even though present models are not yet capable of fully reproducing all detailed spatial patterns; and (E) spatial heterogeneity is very important when looking at small-scale patches. There is a need for more spatially explicit and scale-dependent knowledge on bio-physical interactions.  相似文献   
There is no evidence that the climatic conditions in southeast Asia during the Neogene differed substantially from the humid tropical and subtropical climates that then characterised large tracts of the globe. Tropical planation surfaces are less extensive than those prevailing, for example, in Africa as a result of tectonism related to plate tectonics. However, during the generally somewhat drier Quaternary period the effects of climatic changes on landform development were rather unique in the southeast Asian region because large areas were under the regime of the monsoonal wind system. The climatic changes thus were not limited to changes in temperature and precipitation but included changes in wind direction. The exposure of extensive shelf areas during the low sea-levels of the Pleistocene glacial stages is another characteristic that added to the area's uniqueness. The Quaternary climatic changes in southeast Asia thus comprise four types of fluctuations: temperature, precipitation, wind patterns and sea-level. Their geomorphological effects are discussed and illustrated by examples. Fluctuations in temperature had a marked effect on landform development, especially in the high mountains. The lowering of the snow- and vegetation lines resulted in glaciation in the highest parts, frost shattering further down and debris formation in the piedmont zone. Fluctuations in precipitation had a marked effect, especially on the landforms of the lower areas, where foot slopes developed under the effect of lateral activity processes in the drier periods, alternating with vertical activity processes during the more humid phases. Many sediment sequences and soil profiles, and in the driest areas even fossil dune fields, bear witness to former drier periods. Fluctuations of sea-level governed coastal evolution during the Pleistocene, when the extensive shelf areas emerged in the glacial periods and a drainage network developed. Coral reef formation in those parts thus was interrupted several times. Long records of sea-level changes are recorded in some raised coral reefs in the island arc zones. Fluctuations of wind patterns also had a pronounced effect on coastal development and coral cays in southeast Asia. This is especially evident from Holocene and recent changes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The velocities of near-bottom currents were measured at six locations on a 180-km transect of the Gulf Stream adjacent to Cape Hatteras. The average velocities indicate a southwesterly flow - the Western Boundary Undercurrent. Maximum recorded velocities at each of the six locations ranged from 15 to 47 cm/sec. Depth distributions of suspended particulate matter over the transect indicated that near-bottom nepheloid layers were present and that relatively large amounts of suspended matter were being carried to the southwest. Bottom photographs taken over the same transect, however, showed no evidence that the sediment surface was being affected by the active bottom currents. These results indicate that swift bottom currents do not always leave a record of their work on deep ocean sediment.  相似文献   
Late Triassic and Early Jurassic bedrock in the Newark basin is pervasively fractured as a result of Mesozoic rifting of the east–central North American continental margin. Tectonic rifting imparted systematic sets of steeply-dipping, en échelon, Mode I, extension fractures in basin strata including ordinary joints and veins. These fractures are arranged in transitional-tensional arrays resembling normal dip-slip shear zones. They contributed to crustal stretching, sagging, and eventual faulting of basin rift deposits. Extension fractures display progressive linkage and spatial clustering that probably controlled incipient fault growth. They cluster into three prominent strike groups correlated to early, intermediate, and late-stage tectonic events reflecting about 50– 60° of counterclockwise rotation of incremental stretching directions. Finite strain analyses show that extension fractures allowed the stretching of basin strata by a few percent, and these fractures impart stratigraphic dips up to a few degrees in directions opposing fracture dips. Fracture groups display three-dimensional spatial variability but consistent geometric relations. Younger fractures locally cut across and terminate against older fractures having more complex vein-cement morphologies and bed-normal folds from stratigraphic compaction. A fourth, youngest group of extension fractures occur sporadically and strike about E–W in obliquely inverted crustal blocks. A geometric analysis of overlapping fracture sets shows how fracture groups result from incremental rotation of an extending tectonic plate, and that old fractures can reactivate with oblique slip components in the contemporary, compressive stress regime.  相似文献   
Mutual relationships among temperatures estimated with the most widely used geothermometers for garnet peridotites and pyroxenites demonstrate that the methods are not internally consistent and may diverge by over 200°C even in well-equilibrated mantle xenoliths. The Taylor (N Jb Min Abh 172:381–408, 1998) two-pyroxene (TA98) and the Nimis and Taylor (Contrib Mineral Petrol 139:541–554, 2000) single-clinopyroxene thermometers are shown to provide the most reliable estimates, as they reproduce the temperatures of experiments in a variety of simple and natural peridotitic systems. Discrepancies between these two thermometers are negligible in applications to a wide variety of natural samples (≤30°C). The Brey and Köhler (J Petrol 31:1353–1378, 1990) Ca-in-Opx thermometer shows good agreement with TA98 in the range 1,000–1,400°C and a positive bias at lower T (up to +90°C, on average, at T TA98 = 700°C). The popular Brey and Köhler (J Petrol 31:1353–1378, 1990) two-pyroxene thermometer performs well on clinopyroxene with Na contents of ~0.05 atoms per 6-oxygen formula, but shows a systematic positive bias with increasing NaCpx (+150°C at NaCpx = 0.25). Among Fe–Mg exchange thermometers, the Harley (Contrib Mineral Petrol 86:359–373, 1984) orthopyroxene–garnet and the recent Wu and Zhao (J Metamorphic Geol 25:497–505, 2007) olivine–garnet formulations show the highest precision, but systematically diverge (up to ca. 150°C, on average) from TA98 estimates at T far from 1,100°C and at T < 1,200°C, respectively; these systematic errors are also evident by comparison with experimental data for natural peridotite systems. The older O’Neill and Wood (Contrib Mineral Petrol 70:59–70, 1979) version of the olivine–garnet Fe–Mg thermometer and all popular versions of the clinopyroxene–garnet Fe–Mg thermometer show unacceptably low precision, with discrepancies exceeding 200°C when compared to TA98 results for well-equilibrated xenoliths. Empirical correction to the Brey and Köhler (J Petrol 31:1353–1378, 1990) Ca-in-Opx thermometer and recalibration of the orthopyroxene–garnet thermometer, using well-equilibrated mantle xenoliths and TA98 temperatures as calibrants, are provided in this study to ensure consistency with TA98 estimates in the range 700–1,400°C. Observed discrepancies between the new orthopyroxene–garnet thermometer and TA98 for some localities can be interpreted in the light of orthopyroxene–garnet Fe3+ partitioning systematics and suggest localized and lateral variations in mantle redox conditions, in broad agreement with existing oxybarometric data. Kinetic decoupling of Ca–Mg and Fe–Mg exchange equilibria caused by transient heating appears to be common, but not ubiquitous, near the base of the lithosphere.  相似文献   
Tree-ring reconstructed rainfall variability in Zimbabwe   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
We present the first tree-ring reconstruction of rainfall in tropical Africa using a 200-year regional chronology based on samples of Pterocarpus angolensis from Zimbabwe. The regional chronology is significantly correlated with summer rainfall (November–February) from 1901 to 1948, and the derived reconstruction explains 46% of the instrumental rainfall variance during this period. The reconstruction is well correlated with indices of the El Niño-southern oscillation (ENSO), and national maize yields. An aridity trend in instrumental rainfall beginning in about 1960 is partially reproduced in the reconstruction, and similar trends are evident in the nineteenth century. A decadal-scale drought reconstructed from 1882 to 1896 matches the most severe sustained drought during the instrumental period (1989–1995), and is confirmed in part by documentary evidence. An even more severe drought is indicated from 1859 to 1868 in both the tree-ring and documentary data, but its true magnitude is uncertain. A 6-year wet period at the turn of the nineteenth century (1897–1902) exceeds any wet episode during the instrumental era. The reconstruction exhibits spectral power at ENSO, decadal and multi-decadal frequencies. Composite analysis of global sea surface temperature during unusually wet and dry years also suggests a linkage between reconstructed rainfall and ENSO.  相似文献   
Water transport at subtidal frequencies in the Marsdiep inlet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-term time series of subtidal water transport in the 4-km wide Marsdiep tidal inlet in the western Dutch Wadden Sea have been analysed. Velocity data were obtained between 1998 and the end of 2002 with an acoustic Doppler current profiler that was mounted under the hull of the ferry ‘Schulpengat’. Velocities were integrated over the cross-section and low-pass filtered to yield subtidal water transport. A simple analytical model of the connected Marsdiep and Vlie tidal basins was extended to include wind stress and water-level and density gradients and applied to the time series of subtidal water transport. In accordance with the observations, the model calculates a mean throughflow from the Vlie to the Marsdiep basin. The mean water transport through the Marsdiep inlet consists of an export due to tidal stresses and freshwater discharge and an import due to southwesterly winds. In contrast, the variability in the subtidal water transport is mainly governed by wind stress. In particular, southwesterly winds that blow along the main axis of the Marsdiep basin force a throughflow from the Marsdiep to the Vlie basin, whereas northwesterly winds that blow along the main axis of the Vlie basin force a smaller mean water transport in the opposite direction. The contribution of remote sea-level change to the water transport, or coastal sea-level pumping, has been found to be much smaller than the contribution of local wind stress.  相似文献   
In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) with activated persulfate is commonly used for the remediation of petroleum impacted soil and groundwater because of its proven efficiency and the perception that reaction end products are completely innocuous. While the reaction products are less hazardous compared to the contaminants being treated, they may inadvertently prolong site closure in areas that have adopted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels (SMCLs) as enforceable standards. This study examines the occurrence and persistence of iron, manganese, sulfate, sodium, and total dissolved solids (TDS) in groundwater following persulfate ISCO. The concentrations of these chemicals were observed remaining above their respective regulatory criteria almost 3 years following the chemical application. Background concentrations and mobilization due to the petroleum contamination and ISCO application are also evaluated. Baseline sampling revealed substantially higher iron and manganese concentrations inside the plume area compared to the upgradient and downgradient wells suggesting mobilization due to redox reactions occurring inside of the plume. Iron was not a component in the applied chemical formula, yet the iron concentration spiked by 366% in the key monitoring well during the first post-remediation monitoring event. Ionic interactions between the ISCO amendment and native soils are believed to be responsible for displacing significant quantities of iron from the soil. Sulfate, sodium, and TDS exceedances are primarily associated with decomposition products of the ISCO amendments. The iron, manganese, sulfate, sodium, and TDS concentrations are trending downward over time, but still exceed regulatory criteria or pre-ISCO concentrations.  相似文献   
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