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Theoretical and Applied Climatology - The extreme temperature events are a concern in recent years due to climate variability particularly in India as there is an increase in the temperature...  相似文献   
Coastal Mediterranean sediments highly polluted by refinery effluents have been studied for their hydrocarbon content and bacterial activity. The study has taken into account both the distance from the refinery and depth of sampling. Very high hydrocarbon concentrations have been found (1–250 g/kg dry sediment). Micro-organisms in the sediments have a high bacterial activity and a good correlation exists between hydrocarbon concentrations and bacteria able to use these substrates as a carbon and energy source.  相似文献   
This paper presents a hydrogeochemical modeling code HYDROS, which combines the multi-component transport model with equilibrium speciation module MINTEQA2. The processes of adsorption, aqueous speciation and mineral precipitation/dissolution are represented in the model. The numerical model uses a sequential iterative approach for solving the solute transport and the equilibrium geochemistry modules. Further the transport part is solved using an operator split approach wherein a finite volume method is used for solving the advective equations while a classical finite difference method is employed for solving the dispersive equations. The model performance is evaluated by comparing it with MINTOX for a literature problem. HYDROS is then applied to the case study of the transfer of transition metals with organic colloids in the swamp groundwater system of the experimental Nsimi watershed, representative of the humid tropical ecosystem of the South Cameroon Plateau. Field observations at the site swamp system suggest that the carbon is mainly transferred as organic colloids (i.e., dissolved organic carbon) produced by the slow biodegradation of the swamp organic matter. Using HYDROS, the behaviour of Al(III) and Fe(III) elements in the base flow system is simulated during inter rain events of a short rainy season (May–June 1996). The elemental time-series for Al, Fe, Cl, pH compare well with the simulation results. The colloids are found to have a strong impact on the mobilization and transfer of Al(III) and Fe(III), which are considered to have low mobility in weathering environment.  相似文献   
Mkn 841 has been observed during 3 different periods (January 2001, January 2005 and July 2005) by XMM‐Newton for a total cumulated exposure time of ∼108 ks. We present in this paper a broad band spectral analysis of the complete EPIC‐pn data sets. These observations confirm the presence of the strong soft excess and complex iron line profile known to be present in this source since a long time. They also reveal their extreme and puzzling spectral and temporal behaviors. Indeed, the 0.5–2 keV soft X‐ray flux decreases by a factor 3 between 2001 and 2005 and the line shape appears to be a mixed of broad and narrow components, both variable but on different timescales. The broad‐band 0.5–10 keV spectra are well described by a model including a primary power law continuum, a blurred photoionized reflection and a narrow iron line, the blurred reflection fitting self‐consistently the soft excess and the broad line component. The origin and nature of the narrow component is unclear. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Seven piston cores retrieved from the Algerian margin from Oran to 80 km east of Algiers were studied to identify sediment gravity-flow deposits and their sources. At the foot of the slope, five sediment cores indicate a decreasing frequency of turbidite sequences from the transgressive systems tract to the highstand systems tract resulting in lower off-shelf sediment fluxes during the last highstand episode. There is an approximately log-normal frequency distribution of bed thickness that increases for larger grain-size class, but this relationship is frequently altered by truncation of the top of the turbidite sequence. In the deep basin off Algeria, two sediment cores indicate that turbidite sequences are both thicker and more preserved than at the foot of the slope and are observed through the entire sediment core implying various origin of the gravity flow (eustatic change, seismicity).  相似文献   
The Restefond fault, located in the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene Alpine foreland basin, affects the well lithified and low porosity Grès d??Annot. The fault core zone is characterized by the occurrence of highly deformed sandstone lenses. Deformation inside the lenses corresponds to mm to sub-mm-spaced cleavage planes rich in phyllosilicates and up to cm-thick and dm-long quartz-calcite pure extensional veins. The cleavages are mostly composed of newly-formed synkinematic white mica and chlorite. By using thermodynamic thermometers based on the chemical composition of chlorite, a temperature of 200?±?20?°C of fault activity was computed. This temperature shows that the Restefond fault was active at burial conditions comprised between 6.5 and 8?km, assuming a mean geothermal gradient between 25 and 30?°Ckm?1. The petrophysic properties of sandstones from the core zone and in the hanging and foot wall of the fault were determined on drilled plugs following three spacial directions. The permeability of the highly deformed sandstone from the core zone is about one order of magnitude higher than in the host rock. This increase in permeability occurs in the direction parallel to the S?CC structures and is explained by the occurrence of well-connected micropores localized between platy phyllosilicates. This study shows that the fault petrophysic properties are mostly controlled by the precipitation of synkinematic phyllosilicates under deep burial conditions.  相似文献   
New conventional and sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe zircon U-Pb dating has led to a new understanding of the subdivision and evolution of the Amazon Craton during Precambrian time, with major improvements and changes made to the previous Rb-Sr based model. The interpretation of U-Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic data identifies eight main Precambrian tectonic provinces in the Craton, with ages ranging from 3.1 to 0.99 Ga. Some of the provinces were generated by accretional, arc-related processes (Carajás, Transamazonic, Tapajós-Parima and Rondônia-Juruena) and others by recycling of continental crust (Central Amazon, Rio Negro and Sunsas). The exposed Archean crust is restricted to the east (Carajás and south Amapá in Brazil) and north (Imataca in Venezuela) of the craton, indicating that the Amazon Craton is largely a Proterozoic crust. The Carajás-Imataca (3.10–2.53 Ga) and Transamazonian (2.25–2.00 Ga) Provinces are composed predominantly of granite-greenstone terranes. The Tapajós-Parima (2.10–1.87 Ga) and Rondônia-Juruena (1.75–1.47 Ga) Provinces represent new crust added as orogenic belts, while the Rio Negro (1.86–1.52 Ga) and Sunsas (1.33–0.99 Ga) Provinces originated mainly by magmatic-tectonic recycling of the above two orogenic belts. The only zone with a prominent northeast trend is the poorly known K'Mudku Shear Belt, characterized by a 1.20 Ga shear zone which deforms the rocks of at least three different provinces (Rio Negro, Tapajós-Parima and Transamazonic). The Central Amazon Province comprises mostly Orosirian volcano-plutonic rocks (Uatumã Magmatism) and is a terrane in which the exposed crustal structure and deformation are pluton-related. The Sm-Nd TDM model ages and Nd suggest that the Central Amazon Province was generated by the partial melting of Archean continental crust (Carajás Province?), perhaps related to underplating that began at the end of the Tapajós-Parima Orogeny (1.88–1.86 Ga).  相似文献   
Environmental influences (temperature and oxygenation) on cod metabolism and their impact on the ecology of this species were investigated. Limiting oxygen concentration curves (O2 level ranging between 15 and 100% air saturation) were established at 2, 5 and 10°C. The standard metabolic rate (SMR), the maximum metabolic rate and the metabolic scope were then modelled as functions of temperature and/or oxygen saturation. The mean SMR at 2, 5 and 10°C were 19.8±4.9, 30.8±6.1 and 54.3±4.1 mg O2 h−1 kg−1, respectively. Between 2 and 5°C, the active metabolic rate of cod almost doubled from 65 to 120 mg O2 h−1 kg−1, to reach 177 mg O2 h−1 kg−1 at 10°C. In terms of metabolic scope (MS), the temperature rise from 2 to 5°C resulted in a two-fold increase from 45 to 89 mg O2 h−1 kg−1, with MS reaching 123 mg O2 h−1 kg−1 at 10°C. Our proposed model describing the impact of temperature and oxygen level provides new insight into the energetic interactions which govern the relationship between Atlantic cod and its environment. We re-examined published experimental and field studies from the angle of the regulation of metabolic power. We suggest that, when faced with heterogeneous or unstable hydrological conditions, cod tend to behaviourally maximise their metabolic scope. Through this adaptive response, fish reduce energy budgeting conflicts and presumably increase the probability of routinely operating away from lethal boundaries.  相似文献   
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