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Tidewater silversides,Menidia peninsulae (Goode and Bean) were maintained in 1.3 m diameter holding tanks in identical laboratory recirculating systems. During two weeks under constant conditions (a current velocity of 8 cm per s and continuous illumination, 24L:0D) there was a low relative frequency of arrhythmic spawning. In the subsequent two-week period, fish in one pair of tanks, were maintained under the singular influence of twice daily interruptions in current velocity (8 to 0 cm per s at 0600–0700 and 1800–1900) with continuous illumination. The relative frequency of spawning remained low and there was no evidence of a daily spawning rhythm. However, the mean number of eggs per spawn increased substantially. Fish in the second holding system were subjected to a diel light cycle of 13L:11D with a constant current velocity of 8 cm per s for two weeks. The relative frequency of spawning remained low, and there was no indication of spawning rhythmicity; moreover, there was only a slight increase in the mean number of eggs per spawn. During the third two-week period, fish in the first pair of tanks were provided a 13L:11D diel light cycle, in conjunction with preexisting twice daily interruptions in current velocity; those in the second pair of tanks were provided twice daily interruptions in current velocity in conjunction with the preexisting 13L:11D light cycle. Under the combined influence of interrupted current velocity and diel light cycle cues, there was a marked increase in the relative frequency of spawning in both pairs of tanks. Fish manifested a discernible spawning periodicity, spawns typically occurred between 1800 and 2400; the mean number of eggs per spawn also increased. When fish were returned to constant conditions, current velocity 8 cm per s and 24L:0D for two weeks, the frequency of spawning decreased and there was no indication of a spawning periodicity. Results of another experiment (interrupted current at 1200 to 1300 and 2400 to 0100 with a 13L:11D light cycle) indicated gradual expression of a tidal spawning rhythm during nighttime, 2400 to 0359. Our laboratory results indicate thatM. peninsulae is predominantly a nocturnal spawner and that spawning coincides with interruptions in current velocities.  相似文献   
A variety of anthropogenic chemicals are capable of binding to the estrogen receptor of vertebrate species. Binding of these compounds can interfere with homeostasis by disrupting normal gene expression patterns. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of applying array technology as a monitoring tool for detecting the presence and distribution of estrogenic compounds in coastal habitats using sheepshead minnows as our model. cDNA clones that were isolated from differential display, including vitellogenin alpha and beta, vitelline envelope protein (ZP2), and transferrin, among others, were spotted on the macroarray. The results of these experiments demonstrate a characteristic expression pattern of estrogen responsive genes in sheepshead minnows exposed to 17 beta-estradiol (E2).  相似文献   
Ship-based acoustic Doppler current profiler (S-ADCP) technology, used in survey mode, has enabled near- synoptic views of the in situ 3-D current field in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Bight to be elucidated for the first time. Data acquired by the research vessels RS Africana and RS Algoa in June 2005, September 2007, March 2009 and July 2010 are presented. Each S-ADCP dataset showed similar circulation characteristics whereby the continental slope and outer shelf of the KZN Bight were strongly influenced by the south-westward flowing Agulhas Current. This was particularly evident in the extreme north between Cape St Lucia and Richards Bay where the shelf is narrowest and velocities exceeded 200 cm s?1. The widening of the bight to the south moves the Agulhas Current further from the coast, resulting in a diminishing velocity gradient on the outer shelf which terminates around the midshelf axis. The southern region of the bight was mostly influenced by the Durban cyclonic eddy (Durban Eddy), and in June 2005 and September 2007, by a cyclonic ‘swirl’ that occupied the entire southern half of the KZN Bight, the latter identified by a combination of S-ADCP-, satellite-derived SST- and ocean colour data. Satellite data showed low-chlorophyll offshore water to move into this swirl and northwards along the inner- and midshelf, reaching the Thukela River. Inner-shelf circulation north of the Thukela River was weak (<20 cm s?1) and highly variable. Satellite-tracked surface drogues deployed in the Durban Eddy found their way into the northward coastal current in the KZN Bight, with velocities exceeding 90 cm s?1 at times. The drogues also highlighted the strong influence of wind, especially in the northern bight between Durnford Point and Cape St Lucia, with residence times on the shelf exceeding 14 days, suggesting this region to be of biological importance particularly for recruitment.  相似文献   
Information on the reproductive development of species of box jellyfish (class Cubozoa) is poor globally, despite their significance as potent stingers and worrying projections about range expansions. While most species are confined to tropical and subtropical waters, the South African box jellyfish Carybdea branchi is commonly found in the cold-water (especially southern) Benguela ecosystem. Its biology is unknown. Here, we examine reproductive development and describe gametogenesis in this dioecious species. Four and five maturity classes were determined for males and females, respectively, as well as five oocyte developmental stages. Oocyte sizes differed significantly between developmental stages. Mature and immature medusae differed significantly in size, but males and females did not. Individuals matured at approximately 30 mm average bell dimensions. Carybdea branchi displayed gonadal development characteristic of a semelparous organism.  相似文献   
This introductory paper lays the basis for this supplementary issue by briefly presenting the state of knowledge on the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Bight at the start of this multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional, ship-based research project that ran from 2009 to 2013. The rationale and aims of the project are also described. The project was a major component of the South African Department of Science and Technology’s African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP), which has been prominent in supporting research on the east coast of South Africa and the wider South-West Indian Ocean. Pivotal to this was the RS Algoa, which was made available for two 30-day surveys (winter and summer) in the KZN Bight by the Department of Environmental Affairs. Although some aspects of the bight ecology are known, much of the research is dated and fragmented, and required refreshing and consolidation in order to produce a platform upon which the understanding of the region’s ecosystem functioning could be established. Much of the oceanographic knowledge is also dated, with no dedicated surveys and significant measurements undertaken since 1989. The overarching theme of the KZN Bight project was to examine the relative importance of sources of nutrients to the central KZN coast and how these are taken up and recycled in the ecosystem, and to describe aspects of the benthic biodiversity, which is poorly described in much of this region. An ambitious project, its accessibility to a ship-based research platform and the diverse scientific skills of the participating scientists allowed considerable success, as reflected in the papers that follow.  相似文献   
Several genes normally induced by estradiol (E2) in female fish, those for vitellogenins (VTGs) and zona radiata proteins (ZRPs), are also inducible in males exposed to estrogenic chemicals. Male sheepshead minnows (SHM) were exposed to both E2 and para-nonylphenol (NP), at several doses and times to determine a dose-response. Quantitative real time PCR was used to measure mRNA for VTG1, VTG2, ZRP2 and ZRP3. Both E2 and NP elicited a dose-response increase in all of the mRNAs tested. Exposure to both chemicals resulted in VTG2 expression at about a 10-fold lower level than VTG1, and ZRP2 expression at a lower level than ZRP3.  相似文献   
Information on the environmental characteristics of the juvenile habitat of many deposit-feeding sea cucumber species is limited, despite most fished species exhibiting rapid localised depletion. The current study combined large and small scale surveying techniques within a New Zealand harbour to identify areas with high densities of juvenile Australostichopus mollis, a commercially valuable aspidochirote holothurian. Data from detailed surveys were used to relate densities of juveniles and adults with measures of physical habitat characteristics including depth, sediment facies type, grain size range, as well as measures of chlorophyll-a, phaeopigment, carbon and nitrogen content of surface sediment. Results revealed a highly localised distribution of juvenile A. mollis focused on one site associated with an area of high adult density. Sites of high juvenile A. mollis density were characterised by sediment qualities favouring epibenthic detritivorous deposit feeding, including high nitrogen content, high phaeopigment:chlorophyll-a ratio and small grain size. The high-density juvenile site had facies that were further characterised by the presence of large shell fragments (>10 cm length) of the horse mussel (Atrina zelandica), which may provide a unique settlement microhabitat for early juveniles. Unlike some other sea cucumber species, juvenile A. mollis shows no distinct spatial separation from adult sea cucumbers, no association with dense macroalgae and no clear preference for shallower depths than adults. Overall, the results illustrate the highly localised pattern of recruitment of this species to a widely distributed adult population, which may help to explain the lack of previous observations of juveniles in this species. These results indicate the importance of identifying and protecting what appear to be very specific juvenile habitats in deposit-feeding sea cucumbers to ensure continuing recruitment to exploited populations.  相似文献   
Le Bas MJ 《岩石学报》2006,22(2):517-518
Recent ce-valuation of the dating of the carbonatite dykes associated with the REE-Re-Nb giant deposit at Bayan Obo has  相似文献   
Siphonophores are commonly considered to be useful indicators of water masses and water-mass movement, but their employment as such across the wider Southern Ocean has not so far been attempted. We redress this here using archived samples, collected during January–February 1993 along a transect from Cape Town to the South African National Antarctic Expedition (SANAE) base in Antarctica, and compare the patterns generated with those determined from a prior analysis of whole assemblages at lower taxonomic resolution. Twenty-one species were identified from 18 of the original 53 samples collected, and two distinct assemblages were confirmed as separated by the Sub-Antarctic Front. That to the south was characterised by low diversity and high abundance and was dominated by cold-water specialists, whereas that to the north comprised a larger number of subtropical and temperate species at low abundance. Assemblage structure was strongly influenced by the mixed layer depth, sea surface salinity and chlorophyll a concentration, as well as mesozooplankton biomass. Congruence with the whole-assemblage study was high, indicating that this taxon can be suitably employed as a proxy in studies such as this. The study emphasises the value of archived plankton samples and makes a plea for better curation.  相似文献   
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