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The past history of recurrent flank collapses of la Soufrière volcano of Guadeloupe, its structure, its well-developed hydrothermal system and the current activity constitute factors that could promote a future flank collapse, particularly in the case of a significant increase of activity, with or without shallow magmatic input. To address the hazards associated with such a collapse, we model the emplacement of the debris avalanche generated by a flank-collapse event in 1,250 BC (3,100 years B.P.). We use a finite-difference grain-flow model solving mass and momentum conservation equations that are depth-averaged over the slide thickness, and a Coulomb-type friction law with a variable basal (minimum) friction angle. Using the parameter values determined from this simulation, we then simulate the debris avalanche which could be generated by a potential collapse of the present lava dome. We then discuss the region which could be affected by such a future collapse, and additional associated hazards of concern.  相似文献   
We analyzed 85 fluid inclusions from seven samples from the porphyry Cu–Mo deposit in Butte, MT, using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The Butte deposit formed at unusually great depth relative to most porphyry deposits, and fluid inclusions in deep veins trapped a low-salinity, CO2-bearing, magmatically derived, supercritical fluid as a single aqueous phase. This fluid is interpreted to be the parent fluid that cooled, decompressed, unmixed, and reacted with wall rock to form the gigantic porphyry Cu deposit at Butte. Few previous analyses of such fluids exist.Low-salinity, aqueous fluids from the earliest veins at Butte are trapped in deep veins with biotite-rich alteration envelopes (EDM veins). These veins, and the Butte quartz monzonite surrounding them, host much of the Butte porphyry Cu mineralization. Twenty fluid inclusions in one EDM quartz vein are dominated by Na, K, Fe (from 0.1 to 1 wt.%) and contain up to 1.3 wt.% Cu. These inclusions contain only small amounts (tens of ppm) of Pb, Zn, and Mn, and typically contain Li, B, Ca, As, Mo, Ag, Sn, Sb, Ba, and W in less than detectable quantities. The abundance of Cu in early fluids indicates that a low-salinity, Cu-rich, aqueous ore fluid can be directly produced by aqueous fluid separation from a granitic magma. Similar inclusions (eight) in an early deep quartz–molybdenite vein with a K-feldspar selvage have similar compositions but contain significantly less Cu than most inclusions in the biotite-altered vein. Analyzed inclusions in both veins contain less than detectable concentrations of Mo even though one is molybdenite-bearing.Low-salinity, CO2-bearing aqueous fluids are also trapped in pyrite–quartz veins with sericitic selvages. These veins cut both of the above vein types and contain inclusions that were trapped at lower pressure and temperature. Thirty-nine inclusions in two such veins have compositions similar to early fluids, but are enriched by up to a factor of 10 in Mn, Pb, and Zn relative to early fluids, and are slightly depleted in Fe. Many of these inclusions contain as much or more Cu than early fluids, although little chalcopyrite is found in or around pyrite–quartz veins.Eighteen halite-bearing inclusions from three veins from both chalcopyrite-bearing and barren veins with both K-silicate and sericitic selvages were analyzed as well. Halite-saturated inclusions are dominated by Na, K, Fe, and in some inclusions Ca. Whereas these inclusions are significantly enriched in Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, and Pb, fluids in all three veins contain significantly less Cu than early, high temperature, low-salinity inclusions.Analyses of all inclusion types show that whereas bulk-salinity of the hydrothermal fluid must be largely controlled by the magma, fluid–rock interactions have a significant role in controlling fluid compositions and metal ratios. Cu concentrations range over an order of magnitude, more than any other element, in all four samples containing low-salinity inclusions. We infer that variations are the result of fluid trapping after different amounts of fluid–rock reaction and chalcopyrite precipitation. Enrichment, relative to early fluids, of Mn, Pb, and Zn in fluids related to sericitic alteration is also likely the result of fluid–rock reaction, whereby these elements are released from biotite and feldspars as they alter to sericite. In halite-bearing inclusions, concentrations of Sr, Ca, Pb, and Ba are elevated in inclusions from the pyrite–quartz vein with sericitic alteration relative to halite-bearing inclusions from unaltered and potassically altered samples. Such enrichment is likely caused by the breakdown of plagioclase and K-feldspar in the alteration envelope, releasing Sr, Ca, Pb, and Ba.  相似文献   
Stoichiometric mixtures of tremolite and dolomite were heated to 50° C above equilibrium temperatures to form forsterite and calcite. The pressure of the CO2-H2O fluid was 5 Kb and \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) varied from 0.1 to 0.6. The extent of the conversion was determined by the amount of CO2 produced. The resulting mixtures of unreacted tremolite and dolomite and of newly-formed forsterite and calcite were examined with a scanning electron microscope. All tremolite and dolomite grains showed obvious signs of dissolution. At fluid compositions with \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) less than about 0.4, the forsterite and calcite crystals are randomly distributed throughout the charges, indicating that surfaces of the reactants are not a controlling factor with respect to the sites of nucleation of the products. A change is observed when \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) is greater than about 0.4; the forsterite and calcite crystals now nucleate and grow at the surface of the dolomite grains, thus indicating a change in mechanism at medium CO2 concentrations. As the reaction progresses, the dolomite grains become more and more surrounded by forsterite and calcite, finally forming armoured relics of dolomite. Under experimental conditions this characteristic texture can only be formed if the CO2-concentration is greater than about 40 mole %. These findings make it possible to estimate the CO2-concentration from the texture of the dolomite+tremolite+forsterite+calcite assemblage. The results suggest a dissolution-precipitation mechanism for the reaction investigated. In a simplified form it consists of the following 4 steps:
  1. Dissolution of the reactants tremolite and dolomite.
  2. Diffusion of the dissolved constituents in the fluid.
  3. Heterogeneous nucleation of the product minerals.
  4. Growth of forsterite and calcite from the fluid.
Two possible explanations are discussed for the development of the amoured texture at \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) above 0.4. The first is based upon the assumption that dolomite has a lower rate of dissolution than tremolite at high \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) values resulting in preferential calcite and forsterite nucleation and growth on the dolomite surface. An alternative explanation is the formation of a raised CO2 concentration around the dolomite grains at high \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) values, leading to product precipitation on the dolomite crystals.  相似文献   
The distribution of Rb-Na and Rb-K between richterite and a 2-molal aqueous (Na, K, Rb)-chloride solution has been investigated with hydrothermal experiments at 800C and 200 MPa. Experiments were performed as syntheses in which amphiboles grew in the presence of an excess fluid containing the exchangeable cations Na+-Rb+ or Na+-K+-Rb+. The obtained amphiboles were large enough (up to 20 m in width) for reliable EMP analysis. They were chemically homogeneous and HRTEM investigations showed that they were structurally well ordered. The Rb, Na, K, Ca and Mg concentrations in coexisting fluids were measured by ICP-AES. According to the possible incorporation of Na, K and Rb on the A-site, solid solutions in the ternary Na(NaCa) Mg5[Si8O22/(OH)2] (richterite)-K(NaCa)Mg5[Si8O22/(OH)2] (K-richterite)-Rb(NaCa)Mg5[Si8O22/(OH)2] (Rb-richterite) were expected. However, Rb-rich richterites always had significant amounts of A-site vacancy concentrations (X amph=□ A /(RbA+KA +NaA+□A) of up to 0.42 in the K-free (Na,Rb)-richterites and of up to 0.67 in the (Na, K, Rb)-richterites which corresponds to the same content of tremolite+cummingtonite-component. Amphiboles containing practically only Rb besides vacancies and no Na and/or K on the A-site were also synthesized, however. The Rb-Na and Rb-K exchange coefficients between fluid and richterites are similar. Rubidium always fractionated strongly into the fluid phase. For low Rb-concentrations in richterite (X Rb amph<0.1) a linear correlation between X Rb fluid and X Rb amph exists. In this concentration range, the derived exchange coefficients K D(Rb−K) amph−fluid and K D(Rb−Na) amph−fluid were 0.08 ± 0.04 and 0.04 ± 0.02, respectively. These low exchange coefficients show that significant amounts of Rb in amphiboles require a Rb-rich fluid phase. The results indicate that K-Rb fractionation between alkali amphiboles and fluids is significantly different from K-Rb fractionation between alkali feldspar/ phlogopite and fluid, with KDs of about 0.5 and 1.2, respectively. Formation of richterites will drastically alter the K/Rb-ratios of fluids or melts. These results may have important implications for the genetical interpretation of various geological settings, e.g., MARID-type rocks. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted: 7 July 1998  相似文献   
The crystallographic preferred orientation of hematite in banded iron ores and the orientation of both the measured and the calculated principal susceptibility axes are strongly related. The maximum susceptibility is aligned with the lineation and the pole of the foliation coincides with the minimum susceptibility, although there are often distinct differences between the measured and calculated values of the susceptibilities. A wide variety of configurations of c-axis pole figures modeled by varying the parameters of the Bingham distribution and Bingham–Mardia-distribution reveal that quite different c-axis patterns of hematite ores may have the same anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS) parameters. Large deviations between calculated and experimental AMS-data should initiate further investigations to resolve a probably unnoticed heterogeneity of the fabric. The present investigations show that the structural analysis of the preferred orientation of hematite ores by means of the rather inexpensive and fast magnetic method must be accompanied by the more expensive but unambiguous determination of preferred orientation by x-ray and neutron diffraction experiments in order to accomplish a complete and sound interpretation.  相似文献   
Fluorine-, boron- and phosphorus-rich pegmatites of the Variscan Ehrenfriedersdorf complex crystallized over a temperature range from about 700 to 500 °C at a pressure of about 1 kbar. Pegmatite quartz crystals continuously trapped two different types of melt inclusions during cooling and growth: a silicate-rich H2O-poor melt and a silicate-poor H2O-rich melt. Both melts were simultaneously trapped on the solvus boundaries of the silicate (+ fluorine + boron + phosphorus) − water system. The partially crystallized melt inclusions were rehomogenized at 1 kbar between 500 and 712 °C in steps of 50 °C by conventional rapid-quench hydrothermal experiments. Glasses of completely rehomogenized inclusions were analyzed for H2O by Raman spectroscopy, and for major and some trace elements by EMP (electron microprobe). Both types of melt inclusions define a solvus boundary in an XH2O–T pseudobinary system. At 500 °C, the silicate-rich melt contains about 2.5 wt% H2O, and the conjugate water-rich melt about 47 wt% H2O. The solvus closes rapidly with increasing temperature. At 650 °C, the water contents are about 10 and 32 wt%, respectively. Complete miscibility is attained at the critical point: 712 °C and 21.5 wt% H2O. Many pegmatites show high concentrations of F, B, and P, this is particularly true for those pegmatites associated with highly evolved peraluminous granites. The presence of these elements dramatically reduces the critical pressure for fluid–melt systems. At shallow intrusion levels, at T ≥ 720 °C, water is infinitely soluble in a F-, B-, and P-rich melt. Simple cooling induces a separation into two coexisting melts, accompanied with strong element fractionation. On the water-rich side of the solvus, very volatile-rich melts are produced that have vastly different physical properties as compared to “normal” silicate melts. The density, viscosity, diffusivity, and mobility of such hyper-aqueous melts under these conditions are more comparable to an aqueous fluid. Received: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 10 December 1999  相似文献   
As laser–plasma interactions access ever-increasing ranges of plasma temperatures and densities, it is interesting to consider whether they will some day shed light on questions concerning nuclear synthesis. One such open question is the process of endothermic nuclear synthesis for elements with A > 60, thought to have taken place at a point in time during the big bang, or currently in supernovae. We present an explanation based on a Boltzmann equilibrium condition, in combination with the change of the Fermi-statistics from the relativistic branch for hadrons from higher than nuclear densities to the lower density subrelativistic branch. The Debye length confinement of nuclei breaks down at the relativistic change, thus leading to the impossibility of nucleation of the quark-gluon state at higher than nuclear densities. Taking the increment for the proton number Z as Z′ = 10 of the measured standard abundance distribution (SAD) of the elements for a Boltzmann probability for heavy element synthesis, a sequence 3 n was found with the exponent n for the sequence of the magic numbers. The jump between the magic numbers 20 and 28 does not need then the usual spin-orbit explanation.  相似文献   
Abstract— The HF/HCI‐resistant residues of the chondrites CM2 Cold Bokkeveld, CV3 (ox.) Grosnaja, CO3.4 Lancé, CO3.7 Isna, LL3.4 Chainpur, and H3.7 Dimmitt have been measured by closed‐system stepped etching (CSSE) in order to better characterise the noble gases in “phase Q”, a major carrier of primordial noble gases. All isotopic ratios in phase Q of the different meteorites are quite uniform, except for (20Ne/22Ne)Q. As already suggested by precise earlier measurements (Schelhaas et al., 1990; Wieler et al., 1991, 1992), (20Ne/22Ne)Q is the least uniform isotopic ratio of the Q noble gases. The data cluster ~10.1 for Cold Bokkeveld and Lancé and 10.7 for Chainpur, Grosnaja, and Dimmitt, respectively. No correlation of (20Ne/22Ne)Q with the classification or the alteration history of the meteorites has been found. The Ar, Kr, and Xe isotopic ratios for all six samples are identical within their uncertainties and similar to earlier Q determinations as well as to Ar‐Xe in ureilites. Thus, an unknown process probably accounts for the alteration of the originally incorporated Ne‐Q. The noble gas elemental compositions provide evidence that Q consists of at least two carbonaceous carrier phases “Q1” and “Q2” with slightly distinct chemical properties. Ratios (Ar/Xe)Q and (Kr/Xe)Q reflect both thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration. These parent‐body processes have led to larger depletions of Ar and Kr relative to Xe. In contrast, meteorites that suffered severe aqueous alteration, such as the CM chondrites, do not show depletions of He and Ne relative to Ar but rather the highest (He/Ar)Q and (Ne/Ar)Q ratios. This suggests that Q1 is less susceptible to aqueous alteration than Q2. Both subphases may well have incorporated noble gases from the same reservoir, as indicated by the nearly constant, though very large, depletion of the lighter noble gases relative to solar abundances. However, the elemental ratios show that Q1 and Q2 must have acquired (or lost) noble gases in slightly different element proportions. Cold Bokkeveld suggests that Q1 may be related to presolar graphite. Phases Q1 and Q2 might be related to the subphases that have been suggested by Gros and Anders (1977). The distribution of the 20Ne/22Ne ratios cannot be attributed to the carriers Q1 and Q2. The residues of Chainpur and Cold Bokkeveld contain significant amounts of Ne‐E(L), and the data confirm the suggestion of Huss (1997) that the 22Ne‐E(L) content, and thus the presolar graphite abundances, are correlated with the metamorphic history of the meteorites.  相似文献   
A computer aided design analysis using high-resolution laser scans of the bones of the stegosaur Kentrosaurus aethiopicus Hennig 1915 from the Late Jurassic Tendaguru Formation indicates that in the habitual walking pose the forelimbs were probably held erect, and that strong humeral flexion and abduction mainly occurred in a defensive stance. Rapid gaits with unsupported phases could not be used. The neck allowed sufficient lateral flexion to guarantee good sight in all directions including posteriorly. The tail covered an arch of roughly 180° and had sufficient range to be used as a weapon. Possibly, the animal could accomplish tail blows against specific targets in sight. Also, a tripodal pose is suggested to have been possible, roughly doubling the maximum vertical feeding height of Kentrosaurus.  相似文献   
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