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Stoichiometric mixtures of tremolite and dolomite were heated to 50° C above equilibrium temperatures to form forsterite and calcite. The pressure of the CO2-H2O fluid was 5 Kb and \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) varied from 0.1 to 0.6. The extent of the conversion was determined by the amount of CO2 produced. The resulting mixtures of unreacted tremolite and dolomite and of newly-formed forsterite and calcite were examined with a scanning electron microscope. All tremolite and dolomite grains showed obvious signs of dissolution. At fluid compositions with \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) less than about 0.4, the forsterite and calcite crystals are randomly distributed throughout the charges, indicating that surfaces of the reactants are not a controlling factor with respect to the sites of nucleation of the products. A change is observed when \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) is greater than about 0.4; the forsterite and calcite crystals now nucleate and grow at the surface of the dolomite grains, thus indicating a change in mechanism at medium CO2 concentrations. As the reaction progresses, the dolomite grains become more and more surrounded by forsterite and calcite, finally forming armoured relics of dolomite. Under experimental conditions this characteristic texture can only be formed if the CO2-concentration is greater than about 40 mole %. These findings make it possible to estimate the CO2-concentration from the texture of the dolomite+tremolite+forsterite+calcite assemblage. The results suggest a dissolution-precipitation mechanism for the reaction investigated. In a simplified form it consists of the following 4 steps:
  1. Dissolution of the reactants tremolite and dolomite.
  2. Diffusion of the dissolved constituents in the fluid.
  3. Heterogeneous nucleation of the product minerals.
  4. Growth of forsterite and calcite from the fluid.
Two possible explanations are discussed for the development of the amoured texture at \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) above 0.4. The first is based upon the assumption that dolomite has a lower rate of dissolution than tremolite at high \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) values resulting in preferential calcite and forsterite nucleation and growth on the dolomite surface. An alternative explanation is the formation of a raised CO2 concentration around the dolomite grains at high \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) values, leading to product precipitation on the dolomite crystals.  相似文献   
At the San Luis Potosí (SLP) volcanic field (Central Mexico), Quaternary basanites and tuff breccias have sampled a suite of ultramafic xenoliths, predominately spinel lherzolites, spinel-olivine websterites, spinel pyroxenites, and hornblende-rich pyroxenites. Spinel lherzolites from the La Ventura maars have protogranular to equigranular textures, those from the Santo Domingo maars are strongly sheared. Both spinel-lherzolite types show similar whole-rock major and trace-element abundances. They are fertile to slightly depleted with mineralogical and geochemical heterogeneities induced by partial melting processes. Pyroxenites with either magmatic or metamorphic textures are high-pressure cumulates. Hornblende-rich pyroxenites are genetically linked to the host basanites. Most of the protogranular spinel lherzolites contain veinlets of glass along grain boundaries. These glasses are chemically homogeneous and have trachybasaltic to trachyandesitic compositions. Mg- and Fe2+-partitioning between olivine and glass suggests chemical equilibrium between the melts represented by the glasses and the spinel-lherzolite mineral assemblage at about 1,000°C and 10 to 15 kbar. The melts are interpreted to be of upper mantle origin. They may have been formed by in-situ partial melting in the presence of volatiles or represent percolating melts chemically buffered by the spinel-lherzolite mineral assemblage at uppermost mantle conditions. Mineral chemistry in all rock types of the whole xenolith suite reveals distinct disequilibrium features reflecting partial re-equilibration stages towards lower temperatures estimated to be from 1,050°C to 850°C at 9 to 15 kbar. The presence of similar zoning and exsolution features mainly documented in pyroxenes along with similar maximum and minimum temperatures requires all sampled xenoliths to have undergone the same temperature regime within the upper mantle. The sheared spinel lherzolites from the Sto. Domingo field are interpreted as formerly protogranular material which was sheared during uplift and cooling. The estimated mantle temperatures are higher than those predicted by low heat-flow measurements at the SLP fild, indicating that surface heat flow has not equilibrated to elevated temperatures at depth. This strongly supports a young perturbation event beneath the SLP area and connects the onset of uplift and cooling of the SLP-mantle segment with the back-arc extensional regime of the Quaternary volcanic cycle of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt.  相似文献   
A number of ship safety problems involve flow computations. Most of them do not require involved CFD calculations, but can be solved by relatively simple means which, nonetheless, are not state of the art. The problems discussed here are, in order of increasing sophistication: cross-flooding of damaged compartments; evacuation of persons on board a ship; sinking of a damaged ship in still water; accelerations and loads on free-fall lifeboats and damaged ship survival time in a seaway.  相似文献   
Magnetotelluric data from the backarc of the Central Andes in NW Argentinawere re-examined by employing impedance tensor decomposition and 2-D inversion and modelling techniques. The data in the period range of 50–15 000 s were collected on a profile of 220 km length reaching from the Eastern Cordillera across the Santa Barbara System to the Andean foreland of the Argentinean Chaco.
After a dimensionality analysis, data from most sites were treated as regional 2-D. The exception was the eastern section of the profile, where the magnetotelluric transfer functions for periods ≤ 1000 s reflect a 3-D earth. Application of two tensor decomposition schemes yielded a regional strike direction of N–S, which is the azimuth of the Central Andean mountain chains. Several 2-D models were obtained by pseudo- and full 2-D Occam inversion schemes. Special emphasis was placed on the inversion of phase data to reduce the influence of static shifts in the apparent resistivity data. The smooth inversion models all show a good conductor at depth. A final model was then calculated using a finite element forward algorithm.
The most prominent feature of the resulting model is a conductor which rises from depths of 180 km below the Chaco region to 80 km beneath the Santa Barbara System and the Eastern Cordillera. Its interpretation as a rise of the electrical asthenosphere is supported by seismic attenuation studies. Magnetotelluric results, surface heat-flow distribution in the area, and the electrical properties of crustal and mantle rocks suggest that the upper mantle is predominantly ductile beneath the Eastern Cordillera and the western Santa Barbara System. This generally agrees with anelastic seismic attenuation models of the area and is useful in discriminating between models of Q quality factor distribution.  相似文献   
The past history of recurrent flank collapses of la Soufrière volcano of Guadeloupe, its structure, its well-developed hydrothermal system and the current activity constitute factors that could promote a future flank collapse, particularly in the case of a significant increase of activity, with or without shallow magmatic input. To address the hazards associated with such a collapse, we model the emplacement of the debris avalanche generated by a flank-collapse event in 1,250 BC (3,100 years B.P.). We use a finite-difference grain-flow model solving mass and momentum conservation equations that are depth-averaged over the slide thickness, and a Coulomb-type friction law with a variable basal (minimum) friction angle. Using the parameter values determined from this simulation, we then simulate the debris avalanche which could be generated by a potential collapse of the present lava dome. We then discuss the region which could be affected by such a future collapse, and additional associated hazards of concern.  相似文献   
Holocene environmental changes in the northern Fertile Crescent remain poorly understood because of the scarcity of local proxy records in the region. In this study we investigated pedogenic (soil-formed) carbonate coatings on stones at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site Göbekli Tepe as an indicator of local early-mid Holocene environmental changes. The 14C ages and stable isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen in thin (0.2–0.3 mm thick) pedogenic carbonate lamina indicate two main periods of coating formation: the early-Holocene (ca. 10000–6000 cal yr BP) and the mid-Holocene (ca. 6000–4000 cal yr BP). During the first period, there was an inverse relationship between δ13C and δ18O curves: a decrease in δ13C values coincide with an increase in δ18O values. For this period a trend towards higher temperatures is suggested. In the mid-Holocene, the mean rate of coating growth was 2–3 times higher than in the early Holocene. Both δ13C and δ18O reached their maximum values during this time and the direction of changes of the δ13C and δ18O curves became similar. The combination of data suggests that this period was the most humid in the Holocene and on average warmer than the early Holocene. At ca. 4000 cal yr BP secondary accumulation of carbonate ceased, presumably reflecting a shift to a more arid climate.  相似文献   
Acid-base titrations and electrophoretic mobility measurements were conducted on the thermophilic bacteria Anoxybacillus flavithermus and Geobacillus stearothermophilus at two different growth times corresponding to exponential and stationary/death phase. The data showed significant differences between the two investigated growth times for both bacterial species. In stationary/death phase samples, cells were disrupted and their buffering capacity was lower than that of exponential phase cells. For G. stearothermophilus the electrophoretic mobility profiles changed dramatically. Chemical equilibrium models were developed to simultaneously describe the data from the titrations and the electrophoretic mobility measurements. A simple approach was developed to determine confidence intervals for the overall variance between the model and the experimental data, in order to identify statistically significant changes in model fit and thereby select the simplest model that was able to adequately describe each data set. Exponential phase cells of the investigated thermophiles had a higher total site concentration than the average found for mesophilic bacteria (based on a previously published generalised model for the acid-base behaviour of mesophiles), whereas the opposite was true for cells in stationary/death phase. The results of this study indicate that growth phase is an important parameter that can affect ion binding by bacteria, that growth phase should be considered when developing or employing chemical models for bacteria-bearing systems.  相似文献   
As laser–plasma interactions access ever-increasing ranges of plasma temperatures and densities, it is interesting to consider whether they will some day shed light on questions concerning nuclear synthesis. One such open question is the process of endothermic nuclear synthesis for elements with A > 60, thought to have taken place at a point in time during the big bang, or currently in supernovae. We present an explanation based on a Boltzmann equilibrium condition, in combination with the change of the Fermi-statistics from the relativistic branch for hadrons from higher than nuclear densities to the lower density subrelativistic branch. The Debye length confinement of nuclei breaks down at the relativistic change, thus leading to the impossibility of nucleation of the quark-gluon state at higher than nuclear densities. Taking the increment for the proton number Z as Z′ = 10 of the measured standard abundance distribution (SAD) of the elements for a Boltzmann probability for heavy element synthesis, a sequence 3 n was found with the exponent n for the sequence of the magic numbers. The jump between the magic numbers 20 and 28 does not need then the usual spin-orbit explanation.  相似文献   
Statistical downscaling is a technique widely used to overcome the spatial resolution problem of General Circulation Models (GCMs). Nevertheless, the evaluation of uncertainties linked with downscaled temperature and precipitation variables is essential to climate impact studies. This paper shows the potential of a statistical downscaling technique (in this case SDSM) using predictors from three different GCMs (GCGM3, GFDL and MRI) over a highly heterogeneous area in the central Andes. Biases in median and variance are estimated for downscaled temperature and precipitation using robust statistical tests, respectively Mann?CWhitney and Brown?CForsythe's tests. In addition, the ability of the downscaled variables to reproduce extreme events is tested using a frequency analysis. Results show that uncertainties in downscaled precipitations are high and that simulated precipitation variables failed to reproduce extreme events accurately. Nevertheless, a greater confidence remains in downscaled temperatures variables for the area. GCMs performed differently for temperature and precipitation as well as for the different test. In general, this study shows that statistical downscaling is able to simulate with accuracy temperature variables. More inhomogeneities are detected for precipitation variables. This first attempt to test uncertainties of statistical downscaling techniques in the heterogeneous arid central Andes contributes therefore to an improvement of the quality of predictions of climate impact studies in this area.  相似文献   
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