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Zusammenfassung Die in Entstehung befindliche hydrothermal-sedimentäre Lagerstätte Atlantis-II-Tief im Roten Meer wurde in den Jahren 1969, 1971 und 1972 von den Forschungsschiffen Wando River und Valdivia aus genauer untersucht. Die Detailkartierung zeigt eine Fallenstruktur, die hauptsächlich durch NW-streichende Grabenrandverwerfungen hervorgerufen wurde. Die in die se Depression in ihren tiefsten Teil einströmenden metallhaltigen Solen hielten das für die Lagerstättenbildung, besonders das für die Sulfidausfällung nötige Milieu über längere Zeit aufrecht. Diese seit dem ausgehenden Pleistozän anhaltende stabile Situation wurde einige Male von Lava-Ausflüssen, tektonischen Ereignissen und Verlagerung der Quellen unterbrochen. Diese Vorgänge und die komplizierte Morphologie der solegefüllten Becken führten zu einer sehr komplexen Faziesentwicklung und stratigraphischen Abfolge. Insgesamt läßt sich, von den Quellen ausgehend, eine Zonierung von sulfidisch-silikatischer zu manganitischlimonitischer Ausfällung beobachten.
The Atlantis II Deep, a hydrothermal-sedimentary metal depositin statu nascendi has been investigated in detail 1969, 1971 and 1972 with the research vessels Wando River and Valdivia. The new bathymetric map reveals a trap structure mainly caused by NW-striking faults, limiting local grabens. The metalliferous brines discharging into the deepest part of this depression maintained the conditions necessary for the formation of the deposit, esp. of the sulfides, for a long time.This stabil situation active since the end of the Pleistocene was several times disturbed by lava flows, tectonic events and displacement of the discharge vents.These events and the complicate morphologic structure of the brine-filled deep are responsible for a very complex development of lithologic facies and the stratigraphic sequence. There is a general deposit differentiation from sulfidic-silicatic precipitation near the discharge points and formation of limonite and manganite outside the brines.

Résumé Pendant les années 1969, 1971 et 1972 les gisements hydrothermaux sédimentaires Atlantis II, en voie de formation dans la Mer Rouge, ont fait l'objet de campagnes scientifiques détaillées entreprises par les navires océanographiques Wando River et Valdivia.La carte morphologique montre une structure de descente qui a été formée principalement par des failles de direction NW délimitant des graben. Les saumures métallifères affluant dans la partie la plus profonde de cette dépression ont maintenu pendant une certaine durée le milieu nécessaire à la formation du gisement, et surtout à la précipitation des sulfures. Cette situation restée stable depuis la fin du Pléistocène a été interrompue plusieurs fois des émissions basaltiques, par des dislocations tectoniques et par le déplacement des sources. Ces événements, ainsi que la morphologie compliquée du bassin rempli de saumures, ont conduit à un développement très complexe des faciès lithologiques et de la séquence stratigraphique. Dans l'ensemble on peut constater une zonation des faciès avec précipitations sulfurosilicatées près des points d'entrée des saumures et manganolimonitiques plus à l'écart.

1969, 1971 1972 . - , -11-, . , , . , - . , , , . , , , . . , , - - .
Zusammenfassung Das Uranvorkommen bei Mähring/Oberpfalz liegt im Grenzbereich Moldanubikum-Saxothuringikum. Die erzführenden Strukturen streichen ± N–S (Gang II) und NNWSSE (Gang I). Sie durchschlagen ein aus Kalifeldspat-Biotit-Granitoiden und chloritisierten Biotitglimmerschiefern aufgebautes Nebengestein vermutlich präkambrischen Alters. Die Gangquarze liegen in mehreren Generationen vor; sie werden stark kataklastisch beansprucht und umgelagert. In den Drusen und im Intergranularraum des Quarzganges schieden sich die Phosphate, Eisenbisulfide, Molybdänsulfide und U-Titanate, U-Oxide und U-Silikate ab. Diese Vererzung läßt sich mit der in Höhensteinweg bei Poppenreuth aufgefundenen monotonen S-akkordanten U-Mineralisation vergleichen. Sie weist innerhalb der Vererzung eine nebengesteinsbezogene Bindung der Uranerzminerale dahingehend auf, daß die Urantitanate an die chloritisierten Nebengesteinsbereiche gebunden sind, während die Uranoxide vornehmlich in den reinen Gangquarzen konzentriert sind. Eine polymetallische U-Mineralisation kommt nicht vor. Vergleiche mit Uranerzvorkommen in der CSSR legen niedrig-thermale Bildungsbedingungen für das Vorkommen Wäldel nahe. Die Elementassoziation U-P-Mo-C deutet auf eine Karbonatoder/und Schwarzschiefereinschaltung in der Bunten Gruppe als Muttergestein hin. Die Elementanreicherung geht primär auf eine Mobilisationen durch den jungvariszischen Magmatismus zurück. Eine postvariszische Umlagerung ist nach den Spurenelemenlvergleichen mit anderen U-Vorkommen und nach den mineralogischen Daten (z. B. kein radiogener Bleiglanz, viel metamorphes Bitumen) anzunehmen. Die Lagerstätte wird nicht als Gangvorkommen s. Str., sondern als mineralisierte Strukturzone bezeichnet. Diese Strukturzonen weisen häufig eine sehr große Teufenerstreckung auf.
The uranium occurrence near Mähring/Upper Palatinate is situated in the border zone between the Moldanubian and Saxothuringian. The ore-bearing structures run NNW-SSE (lode I) and more or less N-S (lode II). They intersect Precambrian country rocks composed of potassium feldspar-biotite-granitic-mobilisates and chloritised biotite mica schists. The gangue material has formed at different stages and has been affected by intensive cataclastie deformation and recrystallisation. The phosphates, iron sulfides, molybdenum sulfides and U-titanates, U-oxides and U-silicates crystallised in cavities and interstices of the vein quartz. The whole mineralisation can well be compared with the monotonous subconcordant U-mineralisation found in the Höhensteinweg uranium deposit, which is in the neighbourhood of the Wäldel uranium deposit. There is a close relationship between the type of U-mineral and the lithology of the wall rock. Brannerites, for example, are closely associated with chloritised rocks, whereas U-oxides are predominantly encountered in pure vein quartz. No polymetallic U-mineralisation has been found up to now. Comparisons with U-occurrences in Czechoslovakia point to a low temperature of formation for this U-mineralisation. Judgeing from the main elements such as U, P, Mo and C, the mineralisation may have been derived from a deeper-lying metachert and/or carbonate horizon of the Varied Group. The late Variscan thermal events were probably responsible for the mobilisation of these elements. Mineralogical features (e.g. no radiogenic galena, impsonites) and trace element distribution suggest that this mineralisation was redeposited during the Alpidic period. The deposit cannot be classified as a vein-type deposit s.s. as has been done in the past, since it lacks any gangue material paragenetically associated with the U-ores. It is better described as a mineralised fault zone. They are well known for their deep reaching ore bodies.

Résumé Le gisement d'uranium de Mähring, en Haut-Palatinat, se trouve sur la limite des zones moldanubienne et saxo-thuringienne. Les structures minéralisées sont orientées ± N-S (filon II) et NNW-SSE (filon I). Elles recoupent une roche encaissante d'âge probablement précambrien, constituée de granitoides à biotite et feldspath potassique et de micaschistes chloritisés à biotite. Plusieurs générations se retrouvent dans le quartz filonien qui a subi une forte contrainte cataclastique et a été remanié. Des phosphates, des disulfures de fer, des sulfures de molybdène, des titanates, des oxydes et des silicates d'uranium se sont déposés dans les géodes et dans les espaces intergranulaires du filon de quartz. On peut comparer ce gite avec le minéralisation uranifère, monotone, de plan S, de Höhensteinweg, près de Poppenreuth. Le fait que les titanates uranifères sont liés aux zones chloritisées de la roche encaissante, alors que les oxydes d'uranium sont le plus souvent limités aux filons de quartz pur, indique une liaison avec lá roche encaissante au sein de la minéralisation. Il n'y a pas de minéralisation polymétallique uranifère. La comparaison avec d'autres gisements d'uranium d'Europe centrale suggère une formation à basse température pour le gisement dé Wäldel. L'association des éléments U-P-Mo-C indique une intercalation de schistes noirs et/ou de carbonates dans la roche-mère, la «Bunte Gruppe». A l'origine, l'enrichissement des éléments est dû à une mobilisation contrôlée par des phénomènes magmatiques d'une phase jeune du cycle varisque. La comparaison des éléments en traces avec ceux d'autres gisements d'uranium, ainsi que les données minéralogiques (pas de galène radiogène, beaucoup de bitume) suggèrent qu'il y a eu un remaniement et une phase de minéralisation postvarisques. Ce gisement n'est pas considéré comme un gisement filonien au sens strict, mais plutôt comme une «zone structurale minéralisée». Ce genre de zones structurales montre souvent une très grande étendue en profondeur.

( ) Moldanubikum — Saxothuringikum. N—S ( 11). NNW—SSE ( 1). , - , , - . , , . ; , , , , . Hohensteinweg Poppenreuth. , , , , — . . , Wäldel. U, , . . (.: , ) . , . .

Der Begriff Struktur wird zur Kennzeichnung eines im Streichen verfolgbaren Erzvorkommens verwendet. Es handelt sich um einen rein deskriptiven Begriff, der auf den durch die Exploration gewonnenen Daten basiert und frei von einer präjudizierenden lagerstättengenetischen Deutung sein soll.  相似文献   
The diffusion of water in dacitic and andesitic melts was investigated at temperatures of 1458 to 1858 K and pressures between 0.5 and 1.5 GPa using the diffusion couple technique. Pairs of nominally dry glasses and hydrous glasses containing between 1.5 and 6.3 wt.% dissolved H2O were heated for 60 to 480 s in a piston cylinder apparatus. Concentration profiles of hydrous species (OH groups and H2O molecules) and total water (CH2Ot = sum of OH and H2O) were measured along the cylindrical axis of the diffusion sample using IR microspectroscopy. Electron microprobe traverses show no significant change in relative proportions of anhydrous components along H2O profiles, indicating that our data can be treated as effective binary interdiffusion between H2O and the rest of the silicate melt. Bulk water diffusivity (DH2Ot) was derived from profiles of total water using a modified Boltzmann-Matano method as well as using fittings assuming a functional relationship between DH2Ot and CH2Ot. In dacitic melts DH2Ot is proportional to CH2Ot up to 6 wt.%. In andesitic melts the dependence of DH2Ot on CH2Ot is less pronounced. A pressure effect on water diffusivity could not be resolved for either dacitic or andesitic melt in the range 0.5 to 1.5 GPa. Combining our results with previous studies on water diffusion in rhyolite and basalt show that for a given water content DH2Ot increases monotonically with increasing melt depolymerization at temperatures >1500 K. Assuming an Arrhenian behavior in the whole compositional range, the following formulation was derived to estimate DH2Ot (m2/s) at 1 wt.% H2Ot in melts with rhyolitic to andesitic composition as a function of T (K), P (MPa) and S (wt.% SiO2):
The Late Permian/Early Triassic succession of the Central European Basin (CEB) was repeatedly affected by the tectonic pulses associated with the earliest phases of Tethyan and Arctic–North Atlantic rifting. Effects of the differential tectonic subsidence are particularly well recorded by unconformities, which form widespread sequence boundaries. Such unconformities are most obvious in areas occupied by fault-controlled intra-basinal highs (swells). In that areas, stratigraphic loss may comprise entire Lower and Middle Buntsandstein formations and in places remnant Middle Buntsandstein successions directly rest on Permian strata. Analysis of 3D-seismic data and well logs combined with high-resolution sedimentological logging of drillcores at the western margin of the Ems Trough (NW Germany) reveals details of synsedimentary tectonic control on sequence development. Early Triassic extensional faulting of basement blocks provided stepwise addition of accommodation space for continental sequences by growth faulting along north–south oriented fault zones blocks on the flanks of the East Netherlands High. This process is most evident during the development of the Hardegsen Unconformity, which is characterised by an amalgamation of succeeding unconformity surfaces in areas of structurally controlled intrabasinal highs.  相似文献   
Numerical study of the performance of tunnel plugs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Harald H  kmark 《Engineering Geology》1998,49(3-4):327-335
High axial flow rates within and along tunnels, excavated for deposition of high level nuclear waste, may increase the transport capacity of potential escape routes for radionuclides that have been released to the buffer surrounding the waste canisters, or to the tunnel backfill materials, from leaking fuel canisters. High flow rates may be found if the tunnel interior has a high permeability, either initially due to the composition of the backfill material or at later times due to degradation of low permeability backfill material components. If a disturbed rock zone, a DRZ, of increased permeability was created as a result of direct damage done to the wall region during tunnel excavation, this zone may contain additional possible escape routes. Low-permeability tunnel plugs, keyed into slots cut in the rock walls, have been suggested as means of reducing axial flow rates. This paper deals with different aspects of such tunnel-plug systems. A preliminary estimate of the potential for tunnel plugs to reduce axial flow rates is made using analytical expressions. A number of numerical techniques are employed to investigate the hydraulic, mechanical and hydromechanical performance. These include μFLOW (FEM flow calculations), FLAC (finite difference mechanical calculations) and 3DEC (distinct element mechanical calculations). The mechanical calculations concern the mechanical stability in the rock surrounding the slot and permeability changes in that rock caused by stress redistribution. The results show that the effects of tunnel plugs are very significant in most cases. A discussion on the validity of the results and the applicability of the used methods is provided.  相似文献   
A seven-year record of surface ozone measurements from Denali NationalPark, Alaska shows a persistent spring maximum. These data, combined withmeasurements of NOx, hydrocarbons, O3, and PANfrom a continental site in Alaska during the spring of 1995 are used as thebasis for a sensitivity study to explore tropospheric photochemistry in thisregion. Because of the relatively high concentrations of NOx(mean of 116, median of 91 pptv), the net tendency was for photochemicalozone production. The range of net O3 production for averageconditions measured at this site during spring is between 0.96–3.9ppbv/day depending on the assumptions used; in any case, this productionmust contribute to the observed springtime maximum in O3.Model calculations showed that of the anthropogenic ozone precursors, onlyNOx had a strong effect on the rate of ozone production; themeasured concentrations of anthropogenic hydrocarbons did not significantlyaffect the ozone budget. Naturally produced biogenic hydrocarbons, such asisoprene, may also have a significant effect on ozone production, even atconcentrations of a few 10's of pptv. An observed temperature-isoprenerelationship from a boreal site in Canada indicates that isoprene may bepresent during the Alaskan spring. Measurements of isoprene taken duringthe spring of 1996 suggest that reactive biogenic hydrocarbon emissionsbegin before the emergence of leaves on deciduous trees and that theconcentrations were sufficient to accelerate ozone production.  相似文献   
The chemical removal of SO2 in the presence of different aerosol systems has been investigated in laboratory experiments using a dynamic flow reactor. The aerosols consisted of wetted particles containing one of the following substances: MnCl2, Mn(NO3)2, MnSO4, CuCl2, Cu(NO3)2, CuSO4, FeCl3, NaCl. The SO2 removal rate R was measured as a function of the SO2 gas phase concentration (SO2)g, the spatial metal concentration CMe, and the relative humidity rH in the reactor. A first-order dependence with regard to (SO2)g was observed for each type of aerosol. For the Mn(II) and Cu(II) aerosols R was found to be a non-linear function of CMe except for MnSO4 and Cu(NO3)2 particles. The removal rate showed a significant increase with the relative humidity particularly when rH was close to the deliquescence point of the wetted particles. Among the Mn(II) and Cu(II) aerosols investigated Mn(NO3)2 was found to be most efficient for the chemical removal of SO2 at atmospheric background conditions, especially in haze and fog droplets. The results further indicate that the catalytic oxidation of S(IV) in such aerosol systems may be as efficient as its oxidation by H2O2 in cloud water.  相似文献   
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