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Denitrification rates along a salinity gradient in the eutrophic Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, were quantified using membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) within short-term batch incubations. Denitrification rates within the system were highly variable, ranging from 0 to 275 μmol N m−2 h−1. Intrasite variability increased with salinity, but no significant differences were observed across the salinity gradient. Denitrification rates were positively correlated with sediment oxygen demand at the upstream sampling site where sediment organic carbon levels were lowest. This relationship was not observed in the more saline sampling sites. Denitrification rates were highest during winter. On an annual basis, denitrification accounted for 26% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen and 12% of the total nitrogen supplied to the system.  相似文献   
A method has been developed to control ammonium fugacity, \(f_{{\text{NH}}_{3}}\), at elevated temperatures and pressures. The method uses an internal nitrogen buffer, the assemblage Cr + CrN, in conjunction with a traditional external hydrogen buffer. In this manner, all gas fugacities in the system N-O-H can be calculated.The Cr + CrN buffer has been applied to study equilibria between buddingtonite (ammonium feldspar), ammonium muscovite, sillimanite, and quartz at a constant gas pressure of 2,000 bars. Two of the five relevant reactions were measured experimentally; from these data, it is possible to calculate isothermal sections at 500, 600, and 700° C.Below 600° C, ammonium muscovite is stable even at extremely low levels of \(f_{{\text{NH}}_{3}}\), while buddingtonite requires \(f_{{\text{NH}}_{3}}\;\geqq\;10^4\) bars. Release of NH3 during progressive metamorphism can be achieved by three processes: thermal decomposition, dehydration, and cation exchange. Within the crust, \(f_{{\text{NH}}_{3}}\) predominates over \(f_{{\text{N}}_{2}}\) by several orders of magnitude; but on the surface, nitrogen released as NH3 by metamorphism will be oxidized to N2. Biological materials provide important intermediate storage for nitrogen compounds during the nitrogen cycle.  相似文献   
Sandwiched between the Adriatic Carbonate Platform and the Dinaride Ophiolite Zone, the Bosnian Flysch forms a c. 3000 m thick, intensely folded stack of Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous mixed carbonate and siliciclastic sediments in the Dinarides. New petrographic, heavy mineral, zircon U/Pb and fission-track data as well as biostratigraphic evidence allow us to reconstruct the palaeogeology of the source areas of the Bosnian Flysch basin in late Mesozoic times. Middle Jurassic intraoceanic subduction of the Neotethys was shortly followed by exhumation of the overriding oceanic plate. Trench sedimentation was controlled by a dual sediment supply from the sub-ophiolitic high-grade metamorphic soles and from the distal continental margin of the Adriatic plate. Following obduction onto Adria, from the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition onwards a vast clastic wedge (Vranduk Formation) was developed in front of the leading edge, fed by continental basement units of Adria that experienced Early Cretaceous synsedimentary cooling, by the overlying ophiolitic thrust sheets and by redeposited elements of coeval Urgonian facies reefs grown on the thrust wedge complex. Following mid-Cretaceous deformation and thermal overprint of the Vranduk Formation, the depozone migrated further towards SW and received increasing amounts of redeposited carbonate detritus released from the Adriatic Carbonate Platform margin (Ugar Formation). Subordinate siliciclastic source components indicate changing source rocks on the upper plate, with ophiolites becoming subordinate. The zone of the continental basement previously affected by the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous thermal imprint has been removed; instead, the basement mostly supplied detritus with a wide range of pre-Jurassic cooling ages. However, a c. 80 Ma, largely synsedimentary cooling event is also recorded by the Ugar Formation, that contrasts the predominantly Early Cretaceous cooling of the Adriatic basement and suggests, at least locally, a fast exhumation.  相似文献   
We have reconstructed the depositional environment of sulphate‐dolomite‐sand‐mud sequences of the Callanna Beds of the late Proterozoic Adelaidean System in three areas of the Willouran Ranges, South Australia. We interpret the Callanna Beds which represent the earliest Adelaidean sediments as having been deposited in a series of discrete shallow cratonic basins. The sequences in all three areas consist of cyclic hypersaline sand‐shale‐carbonate sheets and wedges. Hypersalinity has been inferred from a study of evaporites and their pseudomorphs, which imply basin evolution in sabkha and playa palaeoenvironments. We interpret the Callanna Beds in the Willouran Ranges to have been formed in playa lake or prograding sabkha complexes, that formed in a series of yoked half‐grabens within the tectonic setting of the Adelaide palaeorift.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird versucht, eine Vorstellung über die Möglichkeit der Durchpausung präexistierender flächiger oder körperhafter Inhomogenitäten eines tieferen Stockwerkes in das darüberliegende Deckgebirge bei neuerlicher Beanspruchung zu gewinnen. Zu diesem Zweck werden zunächst einige Beispiele, das Verhältnis von Tektonik und Vulkanismus betreffend, betrachtet. Schließlich wird an zwei konkreten Beispielen (Nordschwarzwald und Spessart) eine etwas eingehendere Analyse unternommen. Es läßt sich dabei die komplexe Natur von Art und Grad der Durchpausung erkennen, so daß bei ihrer Beurteilung größte Vorsicht am Platze ist. Ähnliches gilt für alle mit der Posthumität in der Tektonik zusammenhängende Fragen.  相似文献   
Electrical conductivity of orthopyroxene and plagioclase in the lower crust   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The electrical conductivities of lower crustal orthopyroxene and plagioclase, as well as their dependence on water content, were measured at 6–12 kbar and 300–1,000°C on both natural and pre-annealed samples prepared from fresh mafic xenolith granulites. The complex impedance was determined in an end-loaded piston cylinder apparatus by a Solarton-1260 Impedance/Gain Phase analyzer in the frequency range of 0.1–106 Hz. The spectra usually show an arc over the whole frequency range at low temperature and an arc plus a tail in the high and low frequency range, respectively, at high temperature. The arc is due to conduction in the sample interior, while the tails are probably due to electrode effects. Different conduction mechanisms have been identified under dry and hydrous conditions. For the dry orthopyroxene, the activation enthalpy is ~105 kJ/mol, and the conduction is likely due to small polarons, e.g., electrons hopping between Fe2+ and Fe3+. For the dry plagioclase, the activation enthalpy is ~161 kJ/mol, and the conduction may be related to the mobility of Na+. For the hydrous samples, the activation enthalpy is ~81 kJ/mol for orthopyroxene and ~77 kJ/mol for plagioclase, and the electrical conductivity is markedly enhanced, probably due to proton conduction. For each mineral, the conductivity increases with increasing water content, with an exponent of ~1, and the activation enthalpies are nearly independent of water content. Combining these data with our previous work on the conductivity of lower crustal clinopyroxene, the bulk conductivity of lower crustal granulites is modeled, which is usually >~10−4 S/m in the range of 600–1,000°C. We suggest that the high electrical conductivity in most regions of the lower crust, especially where it consists mostly of granulites, can be explained by the main constitutive minerals, particularly if they contain some water. Contributions from other highly conducting materials such as hydrous fluids, melts, or graphite films are not strictly necessary to explain the observed conductivities.  相似文献   
In this paper it is argued that the re-establishment of a metropolitan government in the Greater Copenhagen Area in 2000 (Greater Copenhagen Authority) is not to be seen as a return to the kind of regional, coordinative authority (Greater Copenhagen Council) that was abolished in the Thatcherite climate of the 1980s. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s new forms of urban governance, entrepreneurialism and a higher national priority to the capital region were introduced, which changed the conditions under which the new metropolitan government is operating. This `contextualization' of the analysis of the two generations of metropolitan government points to the fact that typologies of metropolitan government, such as the one put forward by Sharpe (1995), often lacks analytical cogency. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Ultrahelvetic units of the Eastern Alps were deposited on the distal European continental margin of the (Alpine) Tethys. The Rehkogelgraben section (“Buntmergelserie”, Ultrahelvetic unit, Upper Austria) comprises a 5 m thick succession of upper Cenomanian marl-limestone cycles overlain by a black shale interval composed of three black shale layers and carbonate-free claystones, followed by lower Turonian white to light grey marly limestones with thin marl layers. The main biostratigraphic events in the section are the last occurrence of Rotalipora and the first occurrences of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica and Quadrum gartneri. The thickest black shale horizon has a TOC content of about 5%, with predominantly marine organic matter of kerogen type II. Vitrinite reflectance and Rock-Eval parameter Tmax (<424 °C) indicate low maturity. HI values range from 261 to 362 mg HC/g TOC. δ13C values of bulk rock carbonates display the well documented positive shift around the black shale interval, allowing correlation of the Rehkogelgraben section with other sections such as the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) succession at Pueblo, USA, and reference sections at Eastbourne, UK, and Gubbio, Italy. Sediment accumulation rates at Rehkogelgraben (average 2.5 mm/ka) are significantly lower than those at Pueblo and Eastbourne.  相似文献   
Erosion-driven uplift of the modern Central Alps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a compilation of data of modern tectono-geomorphic processes in the Central European Alps which suggest that observed rock uplift is a response to climate-driven denudation. This interpretation is predominantly based on the recent quantification of basin-averaged Late Holocene denudation rates that are so similar to the pattern and rates of rock uplift rates as determined by geodetic leveling. Furthermore, a GPS data-based synthesis of Adriatic microplate kinematics suggests that the Central Alps are currently not in a state of active convergence. Finally, we illustrate that the Central Alps have acted as a closed system for Holocene redistribution of sediment in which the peri-Alpine lakes have operated as a sink for the erosional products of the inner Central Alps.While various hypotheses have been put forward to explain Central Alpine rock uplift (e.g. lithospheric forcing by convergence, mantle processes, or ice melting) we show with an elastic model of lithospheric deformation, that the correlation between erosion and rock uplift rates reflects a positive feedback between denudation and the associated isostatic response to unloading. Thus, erosion does not passively respond to advection of crustal material as might be the case in actively converging orogens. Rather, we suggest that the geomorphic response of the Alpine topography to glacial and fluvial erosion and the resulting disequilibrium for modern channelized and associated hillslope processes explains much of the pattern of modern denudation and hence rock uplift. Therefore, in a non-convergent orogen such as the Central European Alps, the observed vertical rock uplift is primarily a consequence of passive unloading due to erosion.  相似文献   
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