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Zusammenfassung Aus dem nördlichen Teil der Wechselserie wird die Kupferlagerstätte von Trattenbach in Niederösterreich beschrieben. Nach einem kurzen Überblick über die Erzparagenese wird ausführlich auf die Gangarten eingegangen. Die Mineralvergesellschaftung liegt heute in umgeprägter Form vor, die Lagerstätte wurde metamorph, doch sind die ursprünglichen Bildungen noch in Relikten vorhanden. Abschließend wird die Lagerstätte von Trattenbach mit stofflich ähnlichen Vorkommen dieses Gebietes verglichen. Es wird dabei auf die Schwierigkeiten eingegangen, die sich nach den neuen Untersuchungen beim Versuch ergeben, die Vererzung von Trattenbach in das in der Literatur gegebene System der ostalpinen Vererzung einzuoronen.
Summary The copper deposit at Trattenbach (Lower Austria) in the Wechselserie is described. An informative and short review of the ore paragenesis is given, and the gangue is described in detail. The deposit has been metamorphosed, but in addition to the present mineral association, there are relicts of the original one. Finally, the Trattenbach deposit is compared with similar ones from this region, and the difficulties in fitting the results of the new investigations from this deposit into the system of ore genesis in the Eastern Alps used in the literature is discussed.

Mit 32 Textabbildungen und 1 Karte  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von einem Vergleich randnaher Normprofile und der faziellen Analyse eines vollständigen Bohrprofils wird für die Randfazies des Unteren Muschelkalkes ein Sedimentationsmodell entwickelt, das auf der Basis klimatisch und epirogenetisch bedingter Untergliederungen des Profils neue Parallelisierungsmöglichkeiten mit beckenwärtigen Faziesbereichen eröffnet.Hervorstechendste Merkmale des Bohrprofils sind rhythmisches Auftreten von Magnesit — der als sedimentäre Bildung bislang nur in Zusammenhang mit chloridischen Evaporiten bekannt war —, eine sedimentologisch und geochemisch begründete zyklische Gliederung sowie intensive Bioturbation und zugleich durchgehende Vergipsung.Die Zyklen sind formal gekennzeichnet durch Koppelung von tonigem Sandstein mit geringen Eisen- und hohen Magnesiumgehalten einerseits und von rotem Ton und Silt mit hohen Eisen- und niedrigen Magnesiumwerten andererseits. Die Zyklen werden als Wechselfolge von litoralen Sedimentationsphasen in subtropischem Klima und Abschnürungsphasen mit Hungersedimentation in aridem Klima interpretiert. Der syndiagenetisch gebildete Magnesit ist dabei Tonsedimentationsphasen genetisch zugeordnet. Anhand der Verteilung der vier nicht-detritischen Hauptminerale Dolomit, Gips, Anhydrit und Magnesit wird der Diageneseablauf rekonstruiert.Nach einer Diskussion der Bildungsumstände und der Korrelierbarkeit bieten sich die Werksteinzone der Randfazies und die Spiriferinabank der Beckenfazies als sedimentologische Zeitmarke an.
A depositional model of the marginal facies of the Lower Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) is developed by comparison of near-marginal profiles and a facies analysis of a complete drilling record. It is based upon climatologically and epirogenetically caused partitions of the profile and opens new possibilities of correlation with basinal areas.Significant features of the drilling record are rhythmic occurrences of magnesite in sediments only known in connection with chloridic evaporites, a cyclic deposition based on sedimentological and geochemical criteria, and intensive bioturbation with a gypsification throughout.The cycles are formally marked by the correlation of clayey sandstone with low iron and high magnesium contents at the one hand and of red clay and silt with high iron and low magnesium values at the other hand. The cycles are interpreted as an alternation of littoral sedimentation under a subtropical climate and of stages of lagoonal conditions or emersion under an arid climate. The magnesite syndiagenetically formed is genetically attached to stages of clay sedimentation. The process of diagenesis is reconstructed studying the distribution of four main non-detrital minerals: dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite, and magnesite.After discussion of the depositional conditions and the possibilities of correlation, the Werkstein-Zone of the marginal facies and the Spiriferina-Bank of the basinal facies are thought to be sedimentological time markers.

Résumé Une conception de la formation du facies marginal du Muschelkalk inférieur est développée sur la base d'une comparaison entre les profils normés de la région de sondage Mersch/Luxembourg et l'analyse facielle du profil complet de la carotte de ce sondage. A partir des divisions en partie causées par les climats et par des mouvements épirogénétiques, cette conception donne une nouvelle possibilité de corrélation avec le facies situé plus au centre du bassin sédimentaire.Le forage étudié est caractérisé par la présence rythmique de magnésite, qui, jusqu'à présent, était seulement connu en tant que formation sédimentaire, avec des évaporites, par une répartition cyclique basée sur des observations sédimentologiques et géochimiques et par une bioturbation intensive ainsi qu'une gypsification générale.Les cycles sont caractérisés formellement par le couplage d'un grès argileux à faible teneur en fer et à forte teneur en magnésium d'une part et d'argile rouge à forte teneur en fer et à faible teneur en magnésium d'autre part. Les cycles sont interpretés comme une séquence alternante comprenant une sédimentation littorale en climat subtropical et une sédimentation lagunaire ou d'émersion en climat aride. La magnésite formée syndiagénétiquement est donc coordonnée à une phase sédimentaire argileuse. Le cours de la diagénèse est reconstruit à partir de l'étude de la répartition des quatre minéraux principaux non-détriques: dolomite, gypse, anhydrite et magnésite.A la suite de la discussion des conditions de formation et des possibilités de corrélation la « Werkstein-Zone » du facies marginal et la « Spiriferina-Bank » du facies central apparaissent comme des indicateurs sédimentologiques chronostratigraphiques.

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Zusammenfassung Im August 1971 wurden vom Verfasser Feldarbeiten zur Sedimentologie des Colville Deltas, Alaska, durchgeführt. Aus subaquatischen Typlokalitäten wurden Probenkerne gezogen und auf Strukturen, Korngrößen und Mineralogie hin untersucht. Neben konventionellen Labormethoden kamen moderne elektronische Verfahren zum Einsatz (Röntgenradiographie, Röntgendiffraktometrie, Elektronenmikroskopie). Die Arbeiten sind Teil eines Programmes, dessen Gesamtleitung Prof. Dr. H. J. Walker, Baton Rouge, USA, hatte und das unterstützt wurde von: Arctic Program and Geography Programs, Office of Naval Research.
In August 1971, sedimentological field work was carried out by the author in the Colville River delta, Alaska. Short cores were taken from several deltaic environments and analyzed for structure and composition. Laboratory analysis included both conventional laboratory methods and modern electronic techniques (radiography, X-ray diffractometry, electron microscopy). The research reported is part of a program headed by Prof. Dr. H. J. Walker, Baton Rouge, USA, and was supported by the Arctic Program and Geography Programs, Office of Naval Research.

Résumé En auguste 1971 l'auteur a étudié sur le terrain la sédimentologie du delta de Colville (Alaska). On a prélevé des échantillons dans des profiles de divers environnements typiques; on en a examiné les structures et la composition par les méthodes traditionelles et électroniques (rayons X, radiographie et diffractométrie, microscope électronique). Ces investigations font partie d'un programme sous la direction du Prof. Dr. H. J. Walker, Baton Rouge, USA, subventionné par »Arctic Program and Geography Programs, Office of Naval Research«.

1971 . , . , . , - , . , . . H. J. Walker, Baton Rouge, USA Arctic Program, and Geography Programs, Office of Naval Research.
Denitrification rates along a salinity gradient in the eutrophic Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, were quantified using membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) within short-term batch incubations. Denitrification rates within the system were highly variable, ranging from 0 to 275 μmol N m−2 h−1. Intrasite variability increased with salinity, but no significant differences were observed across the salinity gradient. Denitrification rates were positively correlated with sediment oxygen demand at the upstream sampling site where sediment organic carbon levels were lowest. This relationship was not observed in the more saline sampling sites. Denitrification rates were highest during winter. On an annual basis, denitrification accounted for 26% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen and 12% of the total nitrogen supplied to the system.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird versucht, eine Vorstellung über die Möglichkeit der Durchpausung präexistierender flächiger oder körperhafter Inhomogenitäten eines tieferen Stockwerkes in das darüberliegende Deckgebirge bei neuerlicher Beanspruchung zu gewinnen. Zu diesem Zweck werden zunächst einige Beispiele, das Verhältnis von Tektonik und Vulkanismus betreffend, betrachtet. Schließlich wird an zwei konkreten Beispielen (Nordschwarzwald und Spessart) eine etwas eingehendere Analyse unternommen. Es läßt sich dabei die komplexe Natur von Art und Grad der Durchpausung erkennen, so daß bei ihrer Beurteilung größte Vorsicht am Platze ist. Ähnliches gilt für alle mit der Posthumität in der Tektonik zusammenhängende Fragen.  相似文献   
Behavior of diorite under impact by variously-shaped projectiles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SummaryBehavior of Diorite Under Impact by Variously-Shaped Projectiles The effects of striker diameter and tip geometry on the crater and crack network produced in diorite by normal projectile impact in the energy range from 4–30 J was investigated. Ejecta kinematics were determined by high-speed photography; elastic strain wave propagation was measured by embedded gages in a composite specimen; and the damage pattern was ascertained from an examination of the sectioned specimen. It was found that the projectile nose shape exerts a strong influence on the shape of the elastic transient, on the crater geometry, on the extent of the crack network and on the average size of the ejecta. The crater depth was found to be the most repeatable parameter in identical tests using the same striker and initial kinetic energy.With 7 Figures  相似文献   
On the basis of recently reported data on the kinetics of carbon-13 exchange between CO2 and CH4 at temperatures above 500°C, first order rate constants log k = 11.16?10,190/T were derived allowing variations in Δ, the difference in the isotopic composition of coexisting CO2 and CH4, to be evaluated as a function of initial composition and cooling rate of the rising geothermal fluid. Observed Δ-values in geothermal discharges are likely to represent frozen in compositions attained after minimum residence times of 20 ka at 400°C or 10 Ma at 300°C. The carbon-13 contents of any biogenic gases are unlikely to have been affected by thermal re-equilibration at temperatures below 200°C. The chemical equilibrium involving CO2 and CH4 can be expected to proceed about a hundred times faster than isotopic equilibration.  相似文献   
Numerous ordered defect structures are known that are related to the sodium chloride (or MgO) structure type, thus they are basically cubic closest packed (ccp) arrangements with vacancies. For example the NbO type is an MgO type in which one quarter each of the anions and the cations are missing compared to the ccp in such a way that both anions and cations are in square-planar coordination. In spinel, Al2MgO4, one half of the octahedrally coordinated cations are missing compared with the MgO type and only one eighth of the tetrahedrally coordinated sites within the ccp are occupied. What these cases have in common is that all these derivatives are rather dense. This is different in pharmacosiderite, K[Fe4(OH)4As3O12]. 6 to 7H2O, where one half of the anion positions, three quarters of the octahedral sites and five eighth of the tetrahedral sites remain vacant, compared to the spinel type. Pharmacosiderite is a wide open porous structure with zeolitic properties. We are illustrating these relationships using a Bärnighausen symmetry tree and by tables relating the various structure types to each other.  相似文献   
Dredged samples from the Geophysicist seamount volcano in the northeastern part of the Kurile Basin include volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks ranging from basalt to andesite. The rocks have geochemical features typical of high-K island-arc calc-alkaline volcanism. They are enriched in LILE and depleted in Zr, Ti, Nb, Ta and Y. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns are characterized by enrichment of LREE similar to those of island-arc lava from the submarine volcanoes of rear-arc zone of the Kurile Island Arc. The volcanic rocks have a wide range of 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70287-0.70652), varying 143Nd/144Nd and Pb isotopic ratios. Their trace-element compositions and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope signatures may be explained by a small addition of crustal continental component to mantle-derived magmas that suggest the existence of thinned continental basement under the eastern part of the Kurile Basin.  相似文献   
Lower to Middle Devonian carbonates of the Prague Syncline, the Carnic Alps, the Montagne Noire, and the Cantabrian Mountains were investigated for δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg. These values were measured on bulk rocks, selected components and cements. Many carbonates exhibit primary marine values, but some are altered by diagenesis. A δ13C curve can be presented for the latest Pridolian to Emsian time interval. Several sharp or broad positive excursions are obvious in the woschmidti-postwoschmidti, sulcatus, kitabicus, Late serotinus, and kockelianus conodont zones. The excursion at the Silurian–Devonian boundary is known worldwide and therefore considered global in nature. Some of the others are described for the first time from central and southern Europe, and their global nature has to be verified by further investigations in other regions. Most excursions relate to and/or started during major regressions whereas sea-level highstands correspond to minimal δ13C values. Similar relationships between sea-level changes and δ13C have been observed from other early Palaeozoic intervals. The transgressive Chote? (?) and Ka?ák events are marked by positive isotope excursions, this type of combination is usually observed in late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic black shale events.  相似文献   
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