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A synoptic study is carried out to reconstruct the development of the plankton community in the late Quaternary in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. It comprises quantitative analyses of coccolithophores, dinoflagellate cysts, diatoms and radiolarians. An actualistic approach is applied to evaluate the different fossil records of these plankton groups. The preliminary results of the current investigation are reported here.The composition and distribution of living communities of coccolithophores are presented as an example. A close relationship between the distribution of regional groups and surface water masses is observed. Seasonal vertical fluxes of coccolithophores and radiolarians through the water column show similar patterns within different years. However, diatoms are highly variable, both in absolute fluxes and species composition. The differentiation of sporadic and periodic processes is evident only after several years of observation. During settling and sedimentation biotic and abiotic processes such as grazing, dissolution and lateral transport alter the assemblages.Investigation of death assemblages in surface sediments reveals that in spite of these alteration processes the abundance and species distribution are related to surface water masses. Higher abundances and diversities are usually found in sediments underlying the warm Norwegian Current. Concentrations decrease to the north-west towards the cold polar water masses.The sediment assemblages of all groups are strongly altered relicts of former living communities. They are characterized by distinct changes in species composition and absolute abundances related to palaeo-oceanographic development. Their variation through the sedimentary record is used to distinguish four ecostratigraphic units during the late Weichselian and Holocene.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Für die Interpretation von Deformationsstrukturen in Sulfatgesteinen werden die felsmechanischen Resultate von Gips, Anhydrit, Tongestein und Halit aus Laboruntersuchungen miteinander verglichen. Während die Fließfestigkeit der kristallplastisch deformierenden Gesteinsmaterialien Anhydrit, Gips und Halit eine deutliche Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur und der Verformungsrate zeigen, deformiert das Tongestein kataklastisch und ist daher nur beschränkt von Temperatur und Verformungsrate abhängig. Das kataklastische Fließverhalten der Tongesteine wird weitgehend bestimmt durch den Wassergehalt, der seinerseits vom Überlagerungsdruck abhängig ist. Aufgrund dieses Verhaltens konnte für den untersuchten Opalinuston kein Fließgesetz gefunden werden, mit dem analog zu Anhydrit, Gips und Halit Fließfestigkeiten für Verformungsraten, wie sie in tektonischen Prozessen möglich sind, berechnet werden können.Die Gegenüberstellung der Fließfestigkeiten im möglichen Deformationsgeschwindigkeitsbereich der Juragebirgsbildung ist somit qualitativ und ergibt eine relative Abfolge der Ton- und Sulfatgesteine zueinander. Gips und Halit weisen ähnlich geringe Fließfestigkeiten auf, während die Werte für Anhydrit deutlich höher liegen. Im Experiment kann gezeigt werden, daß durch die Gips-Anhydritumwandlung Wasser frei wird. Dieses Wasser wird vom Tongestein aufgenommen, das dann seinerseits eine drastische Festigkeitsreduktion mit plastischer Deformation erfährt. Bei einer Umwandlung von Gips zu Anhydrit steigt die Fließfestigkeit der Sulfate an und das Tongestein könnte fließen.In der Sulfatserie der Mittleren Trias des Bergwerks Felsenau (Kt. Aargau, NE-Schweiz) wurden folgende Beobachtungen gemacht: Im undeformierten Bereich schwimmen zerbrochene Gipslagen im Tongestein, während im deformierten Bereich sowohl duktil deformierter Gips zusammen mit sich spröd verhaltendem Tongestein als auch zerrissene, ausschließlich aus Anhydrit bestehende Schichten beobachtet werden können. Eine solche Kompetenzinversion muß den durch Deformation und Umwandlung ändernden Fließfestigkeiten der beteiligten Gesteinsmaterialien zugeschrieben werden.
The aim of this study is to investigate the mechanical behaviour of rocks consisting of interbedded shales and sulphates from the Eastern Jura Mountains (Switzerland). The understanding of deformational structures in sulphate rocks is based on the studies of rheological behaviour of gypsum (Baumann 1984), anhydrite (Müller et al. 1981), halite (Heard et al. 1972) and the study of the mechanical behaviour of Opalinuston (Nüesch, 1989). Rock strengths were calculated for Jura mountain building conditions with a maximum simple shear strain of ca. 10–14s–1 and an estimated paleo-temperature of not more than 100°C.The mechanical behaviour of Opalinuston was investigated under similar experimental conditions to those for the sulphates. The bulk strength of dry specimens is generally independent of initial fabrics, the temperature (below 200°C) and strain rate in the range 10–4s–1 to 10–7s–1, but shows a strong confining pressure dependence. In contrast to evaporites cataclastic flow is the main deformation mechanism for dry Opalinuston, and time-dependent flow laws do not apply. A small increase in water content (4%), however, reduces the bulk strenght to 50%. This should also be the case for other shales since variations in the mineral composition from 10% to 90% clay have been observed to have only a small influence on the bulk strength.In order to compare rheological behaviour of shale with that of the evaporite rocks confining pressures and temperatures were calculated on the basis of a geothermal gradient of 30°C/km. The properties of gypsum are closer to those of halite than to those of anhydrite. Under experimental conditions the strength of shale lies between gypsum and anhydrite. With increasing burial depth the differential stress of Opalinuston increases in opposition to rapidly decreasing strength of the sulphates. All the same the shale will eventually be the weakest rock of all, for condition above the gypsum-anhydrite transition. Water produced during gypsum dehydration (27%/g) is absorbed by the adjacent shale reducing its bulk strength drastically.At ductile deformation conditions for gypsum the shale will deform cataclastically with distinct dilatation. The ductile deformation of gypsum ceases as the gypsum-anhydrite transition is reached and the shale starts to deform.We propose that the transition of the mechanical behaviour of sulphates from brittle to ductile concomitant with an inverse transition in the shale is caused by the transfer of water from gypsum to shale. We call this phenomenon deformation interaction. This mechanism can explain the inversion of competence between gypsum and shale observed in natural deformed Middle Triassic rocks of Northern Switzerland.

Résumé Les rhéologies du gypse, de l'anhydrite, de la halite et des argiles sont comparées dans des conditions expérimentales semblables afin de mieux comprendre les structures de déformation des roches sulfatées. La résistance des roches impliquées lors de la formation du Jura e été calculée à partir de données rhéologiques connues du gypse (Baumann, 1984), de l'anhydrite (Müller et al., 1981) et de la halite (Heard et al., 1972). Le comportement des argiles (Opalinuston) a été étudié à des températures oscillant entre 20° et 200°C. Si la résistance globale des échantillons secs est généralement indépendante de la fabrique initiale, de la température et de la vitesse de déformation, elle montre une forte dépendance de la pression hydrostatique. Cependant, une légère augmentation de la teneur en eau en réduit très sévèrement la résistance globale.Contrairement aux évaporites, le principal mécanisme de déformation des argiles sèches (Opalinuston) est le »cataclastic flow«, processus indépendant du facteur temps.Comme les variations de la composition minéralogique de l'»Opalinuston« n'influencent pas sa résistance globale, nos observations devraient aussi pouvoir s'appliquer à d'autres argiles.Afin de pouvoir comparer le comportement rhéologique des argiles avec celui des évaporites, la pression hydrostatique et la température ont été calculées sur la base d'un gradient géothermique de 30°C par Km. Les propriétés du gypse sont plus proches de celles de la halite que de celles de l'anhydrite.Les conditions expérimentales montrent que la résistance des argiles de situe entre celles du gypse et de l'anhydrite. Puisque la contrainte différentielle de l'Opalinuston augmente continuellement avec la profondeur, les argiles pourraient devenir la roche la plus faible au delà de la transition gypse-anhydrite. L'eau résultant de la déshydratation du gypse est absorbée par les argiles environnantes et réduit leur résistance globale. Parallèlement au gypse qui se déforme de manière ductile, les argiles se déforment cataclastiquement et montrent une dilatation distincte. En s'approchant de la transition gypse-anhydrite la déformation ductile du gypse s'atténue. Au delà de cette transition, les argiles commencent à se déformer ductilement. Nous pensons que ce processus de »déformation interaction« correspond à une transition entre la déformation ductile du gypse et celle des argiles résultant d'un transfert d'eau entre le gypse et les argiles.Nos résultats sont comparés à des structures de déformation naturelle de roches du Triasique moyen du nord de la Suisse.

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A method was developed for subsampling freeze-dried laminated sediments that employs a vacuum to draw off sediment from the sample in a precise way. The technique was tested on anin situ frozen sediment core of Mondsee containing varves 2 to 7 mm thick. Material was subsampled for137Cs dating.  相似文献   
Sedimentological analyses concerning ice rafted debris, grain size distribution, biogenous components, and clay mineral composition of four sediment cores from the Antarctic continental margin off Kapp Norvegia reveal a cyclical pattern of three different sediment facies. These are classified into warm and cold types representing warm and cold a climatic periods and short transition period from cold to warm events.The sedimentological parameters reflect the variations within the cryosphere and the hydrosphere, which are directly influenced by the climatic fluctuations. The unusually high content of carbonaceous planktonic and benthonic foraminifera in these polar sediments, as well as the interfingering of terrigeneous and biogeneous-rich sediments with increasing distance from the continent, might reflect the influence of the Weddell Sea Polynya and the oscillations of polynya, pack ice and ice shelf extent during the late Pleistocene.
Zusammenfassung An vier Sedimentkernen eines Profils am antarktischen Kontinentalhang vor Kapp Norvegia wurden Eisfracht, biogene Komponenten, Korngrößenverteilungen und Tonmineralvergesellschaftungen bestimmt. Die Verteilung der sedimentologischen Parameter zeigt eine zyklische Abfolge von drei verschiedenen Sedimentfazies, die die klimatisch gesteuerten Veränderungen innerhalb der Hydrossphäre und der Kryossphäre widerspiegeln.Die drei Sedimentfazies werden warmen und kalten Klimaperioden sowie einer kurzen Übergangszeit zugeordnet. Der für polare Sedimente ungewöhnlich hohe Gehalt an kalkigen benthonischen und planktonischen Foraminiferen sowie die Verzahnung vorwiegend terrigener mit biogenreichen Sedimenten bei zunehmender Entfernung vom Kontinent lassen den Einfluß der Weddell See-Polynya und die Oszillationen von Schelfeiskante und Packeisbildung während des späten Pleistozäns erkennen.

Résumé Des analyses sédimentologiques ont été effectuées sur 4 carottes prélevées le long d'un profil dans les sédiments de la marge continentale antarctique au large du cap Norvegia. Elles ont porté sur les débris amenés par les glaces, la granulométrie, les composants biogéniques et la composition des constituants argileux. Ces analyses révélent une succession cyclique de 3 facies sédimentaires; ceux-ci correspondent à des périodes climatiques chaudes et froides, ainsi qu'à de courtes périodes de transition du froid vers le chaud.Les paramètres sédimentologiques reflètent des variations de l'hydrosphère et de la cryosphère, directement influencées par les fluctuations climatiques. La teneur anormalement élevée de ces sédiments polaires en foraminif ères carbonatés planctoniques et benthoniques, ainsi que l'indentation de sédiments terrigènes et de sédiments riches en éléments biogéniques, peuvent traduire l'influence de la polyme de la Mer de Weddell, ainsi que les oscillations des surfaces occupées par la polynie, le pack et l'iceshelf, au cours du Pleistocène tardif.

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The earliest representatives in the sequence of Tertiary to Recent magmatic rocks on Adak island in the central Aleutians, are the Finger Bay Volcanics and associated small shallow-level gabbroic intrusives. The tholeiitic Finger Bay pluton (gabbro to quartz monzodiorite) is among the least altered representatives of this earliest period. The field relations, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Finger Bay pluton contrast with the more recent calcalkaline plutons in the arc (e.g. on Adak, Hidden Bay pluton: 33 m.y. and on Kagalaska, Kagalaska pluton: 15 m.y.). Compared with the Hidden Bay pluton, the Finger Bay pluton is smaller (8 km2 versus 100 km2), has a greater proportion of gabbro (84% versus 5%), has a somewhat different mineralogy, and has higher whole rock and mafic mineral FeO/MgO ratios, higher K2O, and higher concentrations of incompatable elements in rocks of equivalent SiO2 (particularly for the more siliceous units). Magmatic amphibole occurs only in the most siliceous units in the Finger Bay pluton, whereas it is common in the calc-alkaline plutons. Except for the size, these differences parallel those between tholeiitic and calc-alkaline volcanic rocks from the active Aleutian volcanic centers. Textural, miner-alogical, and trace element analyses indicate that mixing of magmas and gabbros generated some of the rocks of intermediate (monzodiorite) composition in the Finger Bay pluton. Most of the differences in magmatic trends between the calc-alkaline and tholeiitic plutons are attributed to the physical conditions of magmatic evolution in the crust, rather than to differences in initial magmatic types. This conclusion rests on the similarity of fractionation-independent isotope ratios and trace element ratios in Aleutian magmas of all ages. In particular, compared to magmas of the north Pacific ocean basin (MORB, oceanic islands), Aleutian magmas show excess enrichment of Ba, K, Rb, and U relative to REE and high 207Pb/204Pb ratios for a given 206Pb/204Pb ratio. Recognition of tholeiitic series plutons in the arc provides direct evidence for magmatic conditions accompanying fractionation, and serves to emphasize the diversity of magmatic trends that are found over time and space at convergent plate margins.  相似文献   
Mathematical geology has developed into a very diverse system of mathematical models, algorithms and corresponding software. Experience shows that this diversification of approaches and methods was and is accompanied by an increasing gap between the availability of powerful tools and the continuation of many traditional working methods in the geosciences. Besides continuing to develop models, one of the basic functions of mathematical geology should be to introduce all new tools into practice and to aid non-specialized geoscientists to use them successfully and without bias. Some ways to do so will be briefly discussed here. Instructive and intelligible contributions towards attaining this goal were presented at the last (32nd) International Geological Congress held in Florence, Italy, in 2004. The intention of this present compilation is to suggest relevant discussions and conclusions. Mathematical geology should not be the domain of a few experts. It should be made accessible to all geologists and scientists in related fields.  相似文献   
In this work, we present a new numerical framework for the efficient solution of the time-harmonic elastic wave equation at multiple frequencies. We show that multiple frequencies (and multiple right-hand sides) can be incorporated when the discretized problem is written as a matrix equation. This matrix equation can be solved efficiently using the preconditioned IDR(s) method. We present an efficient and robust way to apply a single preconditioner using MSSS matrix computations. For 3D problems, we present a memory-efficient implementation that exploits the solution of a sequence of 2D problems. Realistic examples in two and three spatial dimensions demonstrate the performance of the new algorithm.  相似文献   
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