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We report erosion rates and processes, determined from in situ‐produced beryllium‐10 (10Be) and aluminum‐26 (26Al), across a soil‐mantled landscape of Arnhem Land, northern Australia. Soil production rates peak under a soil thickness of about 35 cm and we observe no soil thicknesses between exposed bedrock and this thickness. These results thus quantify a well‐defined ‘humped’ soil‐production function, in contrast to functions reported for other landscapes. We compare this function to a previously reported exponential decline of soil production rates with increasing soil thickness across the passive margin exposed in the Bega Valley, south‐eastern Australia, and found remarkable similarities in rates. The critical difference in this work was that the Arnhem Land landscapes were either bedrock or mantled with soils greater than about 35 cm deep, with peak soil production rates of about 20 m/Ma under 35–40 cm of soil, thus supporting previous theory and modeling results for a humped soil production function. We also show how coupling point‐specific with catchment‐averaged erosion rate measurements lead to a better understanding of landscape denudation. Specifically, we report a nested sampling scheme where we quantify average erosion rates from the first‐order, upland catchments to the main, sixth‐order channel of Tin Camp Creek. The low (~5 m/Ma) rates from the main channel sediments reflect contributions from the slowly eroding stony highlands, while the channels draining our study area reflect local soil production rates (~10 m/Ma off the rocky ridge; ~20 m/Ma from the soil mantled regions). Quantifying such rates and processes help determine spatial variations of soil thickness as well as helping to predict the sustainability of the Earth's soil resource under different erosional regimes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The measurement of hillslope erosion can be a difficult, costly and time‐consuming activity. Many techniques are available, ranging from using environmental tracers, to LiDAR. Erosion measurements using erosion pins are assessed and compared with regional scale erosion data, hillslope data obtained using 137Cs and erosion modelling results. The pins produced erosion rates which are within the range determined using 137Cs and model data but above that of regional denudation rates. Our findings demonstrate that inexpensive erosion pins can provide reliable data on hillslope erosion. © 2015 Commonwealth of Australia. Hydrological Processes © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
This study has hypothesized that for many rivers the trade-off between flow accumulation and the decrease in slope along channel length means that stream power increases downstream and, moreover, that given the low slope angles in headwater and low-order streams, they would have insufficient stream power to erode let alone transport sediment. The study considered the stream power profile, the particle travel distances and the application of the Hjulström curve based on the velocity profile of nine, large UK catchments. The study showed that:
  1. Some rivers never showed a maximum in their longitudinal stream power profile, implying that some rivers never develop a deposition zone before they discharge at the tidal limit.
  2. Particle travel distances during a bankfull discharge event showed that for some rivers 91% of the upper main channel would not be cleared of sediment. Furthermore, while some rivers could transport a 2 mm particle their entire length in one bankfull event, for another river it would take 89 such events.
  3. The Hjulström curve shows that for three of the study rivers the upper 20 km of the river was not capable of eroding a 2 μm particle.
  4. The study has shown that for all rivers studied, erosion is focused downstream and deposition upstream. Many UK rivers have a dead zone where, on time scales of the order of centuries, no erosion or transport occurs and erosion only occurs in the lower courses of the channel where discharge rather than slope dominates – we propose these as underpowered rivers.
© 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
Canopy interception and its evaporation into the atmosphere during irrigation or a rainfall event are important in irrigation scheduling, but are challenging to estimate using conventional methods. This study introduces a new approach to estimate the canopy interception from measurements of actual total evapotranspiration (ET) using eddy covariance and estimation of the transpiration from measurements of sap flow. The measurements were conducted over a small‐scale sprinkler‐irrigated cotton field before, during and after sprinkler irrigation. Evaporation and sap flow dynamics during irrigation show that the total ET during irrigation increased significantly because of the evaporation of free intercepted water while transpiration was suppressed almost completely. The difference between actual ET and transpiration (sap flow) during and immediately following irrigation (post irrigation) represents the total canopy evaporation while the canopy interception capacity was calculated as the difference between actual ET and transpiration (sap flow) during drying (post irrigation) following cessation of the irrigation. The canopy evaporation of cotton canopy was calculated as 0.8 mm, and the interception capacity was estimated to be 0.31 mm of water. The measurement uncertainty in both the non‐dimensional ET and non‐dimensional sap flow was shown to be very low. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
When a sediment laden river reaches a flat basin area the coarse fraction of their sediment load is deposited in a cone shaped structure called an alluvial fan. In this article we used the State Space Soil Production and Assessment Model (SSSPAM) coupled landform–soilscape evolution model to simulate the development of alluvial fans in two- and three-dimensional landforms. In SSSPAM the physical processes of erosion and armouring, soil weathering and sediment deposition were modelled using state-space matrices, in both two and three dimensions. The results of the two-dimensional fan showed that the fan grew vertically and laterally keeping a concave up long profile. It also showed a downstream fining of the sediments along the fan profile. Both of these observations are in agreement with available literature concerning natural and experimental fan formations. Simulations with the three-dimensional landform produced a fan with a semicircular shape with concave up long profiles and concave down cross profiles which is typical for fans found in nature and ones developed in laboratory conditions. During the simulation the main channel which brings sediment to the fan structure changed its position constantly leading to the semicircular shape of the fan. This behaviour is similar to the autogenic process of ‘fanhead trenching’ which is the major mechanism of sediment redistribution while the fan is developing. The three-dimensional fan simulation also exhibited the downstream fining of sediments from the fan apex to the peripheries. Further, the simulated fan also developed complex internal sediment stratification which is modelled by SSSPAM. Currently such complex sediment stratification is thought to be a result of allogenic processes. However, this simulation shows that, such complex internal sediment structures can develop through autogenic processes as well. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The SIBERIA landscape evolution model was used to simulate the geomorphic development of the Tin Camp Creek natural catchment over geological time. Measured hydrology, erosion and geomorphic data were used to calibrate the SIBERIA model, which was then used to make independent predictions of the landform geomorphology of the study site. The catchment, located in the Northern Territory, Australia is relatively untouched by Europeans so the hydrological and erosion processes that shaped the area can be assumed to be the same today as they have been in the past, subject to the caveats regarding long‐term climate fluctuation. A qualitative, or visual comparison between the natural and simulated catchments indicates that SIBERIA can match hillslope length and hillslope profile of the natural catchments. A comparison of geomorphic and hydrological statistics such as the hypsometric curve, width function, cumulative area distribution and area–slope relationship indicates that SIBERIA can model the geomorphology of the selected Tin Camp Creek catchments. Copyright 2002 © Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist, Commonwealth of Australia.  相似文献   
Excessive soil erosion and deposition is recognised as a significant land degradation issue. Quantifying soil erosion and deposition is a non-trivial task. One of these methods has been the mathematical modelling of soil erosion and deposition patterns and the processes that drive them. Here we examine the capability of a landscape evolution model to predict both soil erosion rate and pattern of erosion and deposition. This numerical model (SIBERIA) uses a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to represent the landscape and calculates erosion and deposition at each grid point in the DEM. To assess field soil redistribution rates (SRR) and patterns the distribution of the environmental tracer 137Cs has been analysed. Net hill slope SRR predicted by SIBERIA (a soil loss rate of 1.7 to 4.3 t ha-1 yr-1) were found to be in good agreement with 137Cs based estimates (2.1 – 3.4 t ha-1 yr-1) providing confidence in the predictive ability of the model at the hillslope scale. However some differences in predicted erosion/deposition patterns were noted due to historical changes in landscape form (i.e. the addition of a contour bank) and possible causes discussed, as is the finding that soil erosion rates are an order of magnitude higher than likely soil production rates. The finding that SIBERIA can approximate independently quantified erosion and deposition patterns and rates is encouraging, providing confidence in the employment of DEM based models to quantify hillslope erosion rates and demonstrating the potential to upscale for the prediction of whole catchment erosion and deposition. The findings of this study suggest that LEMs can be a reliable alternative to complex and time consuming methods such as that using environmental tracers for the determination of erosion rates. The model and approach demonstrates a new approach to assessing soil erosion that can be employed elsewhere. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A chronosequence of surface and buried soils in moraines and outwash, ranging in age from Middle to Late Holocene, i.e., Little Ice Age, and forming under alpine and subalpine vegetation in the Okstindan Mountains of central‐north Norway (66o N) (Oksskolten) was studied to determine if topographic/stratigraphic setting, weathering characteristics, soil/paleosol properties, SEM/EDS analysis, and extractable Fe and Al could be used to elucidate information on paleoenvironment and age. The geochemical data previously published and geological mapping by the Norwegian Geological Survey indicate a uniform parent material in these profiles. Slight geochemical anomalies of higher U, Th and Br in organic‐rich horizons are related to vegetation and/or higher water content at various times, confirmed by extractable Fe evidence. The data interpretation also shows that extractable Fe, principally Feo, is useful in identifying previous perched water tables, possibly generated by permafrost. The activity ratio of Feo/Fed (oxalate to dithionite) and the ratio Fed/Fet (dithionite to total Fe) appear useful in distinguishing older from younger soils on the basis of the conversion of ferrihydrite to goethite+hematite. Pyrophosphate extracts, proved useful in determining movement of organically bound Al, and showed a pronounced difference between the alpine and subalpine environments. Oxalate‐extractable and dithionite‐extractable Al proved of little value in relative age determination, presumably because sodium dithionite does not extract all crystalline Al.  相似文献   
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