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Bare patches in alpine meadow are the main manifestation of its degradation. The change of bare patches in an alpine meadow in the Yellow River Source Zone during 2018-2019 was studied in relation to the disturbances caused by plateau pika(Ochotona curzoniae) population and simulated grazing via artificial mowing both independently and interactively. The disturbance was set at three levels of high, medium and no disturbance(control group). Bare patches were mapped by from unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) images with fine resolution of 1 cm obtained in August 2018 and August 2019 in ArcGIS. The results showed that the total area of bare patches decreased by 112.05 m~2 in sub-plots devoid of pika disturbance but increased by 126.37 m~2 in other subplots. The highest rate of increase is 89.02%. The individual effect of pika exceeds the joint effect of pika and mowing disturbances. The sole effect of mowing is lower than the joint effect of pika disturbance and intensive mowing, but higher than the joint influence of pika disturbance and moderate mowing. Strong pika disturbance(14 per sub-plot) caused the influence of mowing from moderate to intensive to increase by five-fold. The area of bare patches treated with moderate mowing and no pika disturbance decreased at the highest pace(-37.22%). Intensive mowing and medium density pikas(100 pikas/ha) are considered the thresholds at which the bare patches start to expand. Even if the meadow is mowed at the medium and high intensity, the area of bare patches can be significantly reduced if plateau pika population is controlled to a low level. ANOVA analysis and longterm macro-scale satellite-derived results reveal that pika disturbance is more important in causing the bare patches to change than simulated grazing. Therefore, it is more important to control the number of pikas than to reduce grazing intensity to prevent the expansion of bare patches in the degraded alpine meadow in the study area.  相似文献   
1 Introduction The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, known as the highest plateau with the most complex topography in the world, covers an area of more than 200km2, with a mean elevation of more than 4000m a.s.l. (Ye and Gao, 1979). Surrounded by the Earth’s highest mountains, such as the Himalayas, Pamir, Kunlun Mountains, the plateau plays a significant role in climate change in China even in the world, thus attracted great attention of researchers. Up to now, many achievements have been gained by…  相似文献   
在2维交通网络逻辑数据模型基础上,讨论了概念化的楼层网络,进行了室内连通的3维网络模型的研究.基于ArcGIS的交通网络模型建立了试验区的室内3维网络模型,并给出分析结果,该方法为室内3维网络模型研究提供了技术支持.  相似文献   
Dawsonite, NaAlCO3(OH)2, is widespread as a cement, replacement and cavity filling in Hailaer Basin in China and Bowen-Gunnedah-Sydney (BGS) basin system in Australia. The origin of dawsonite is emphatically contrasted and analyzed through stable isotopic composition. Dawsonite δ13C values ranging from -4.0×10-3 to 4.1×10-3 are remarkably consistent through the BGS basin system. The calculated δ13C values of CO2 gas in isotopic equilibrium with dawsonite range from -11.3×10-3 to -4.6×10-3. These values indicate carbon of dawsonite came from inorganic CO2 gas accompanied by magmatic activity. In Hailaer Basin, the Dawsonite δ13C values ranging from -4.64×10-3 to 2.12×10-3 are also consistent. The calculated δ13C values of CO2 gas in isotopic equilibrium with dawsonite range from -11.82×10-3 to -5.11×10-3. According to the coincidence of dawsonite-bearing well and CO2 gas well with mantle source,lying along deep fracture within or adjacent to Yanshanian granite,it is concluded that CO2 gas forming dawsonite is derived from mantle related to magmatic process during the Yanshanian. A little biologic origin carbon owing to petroleum charging intervened when dawsonite formed.  相似文献   
以海拉尔地区为例,提出了基于核磁共振T2谱构建水谱库进行流体性质识别的一种新方法,实测核磁谱包含了孔隙结构、水和油气的信息,构建的水谱来自于水层的核磁实测谱,相当于消除了油气的影响,其基本原理是应用构建的水谱库与实测谱的差异识别流体性质。通过在海拉尔地区应用,得到了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   
为解决Storm编程模型无法处理具有迭代结构的应用程序的问题,从迭代结构程序的特点出发,在Storm编程模型的基础上通过增加Receiver、IBolt、Checker组件组建迭代Topology,设计了一种可以处理迭代结构的编程模型,分析了这种模型实现原理,对这种模型的新增组件和其对应的应用程序接口进行介绍和分析,同时,在Storm系统架构基础上设计了一种迭代Topology的实现方案,描述了这种实现方式下解决具有迭代结构程序的具体过程,最后使用这种模型模拟实现K-Means算法,实例论证这种迭代模型的可行性。  相似文献   
基于测井电阻率和有机地球化学数据,利用页岩极化率测试和干酪根激光拉曼测试等技术手段,对导致南方下古生界高演化海相页岩呈现极低电阻率(测井电阻率低至10~1Ω·m及以下)的主控因素进行了分析,深入探究了其内在成因,并对其地质意义进行了探讨。结果显示:有机质丰度和成熟度是影响极低电阻率测井的主要因素;w(TOC)与测井电阻率和实测电阻率均呈现出良好的负相关关系;成熟度越高,达到极低电阻率所需要的最低w(TOC)界限值越低,页岩的极化率也随之增加。石墨化的有机质是致使高演化页岩出现极低电阻率的主要“导电矿物”,有机质开始发生石墨化的“临界点”对应的Rmc Ro约为3.5%。极低电阻率特征是页岩有机质结构发生显著变化、向石墨化演进的重要标志。极低电阻率测井响应预示着页岩储层品质极可能遭受了巨大的损害:生烃能力枯竭、有机质孔隙大幅减少、吸附性能降低、含气性骤降。因此,圈定极低电阻率页岩范围,排除“有机质石墨化”的高风险区,对下古生界高演化海相页岩选区评价具有重要意义。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONItwasgenerallyconsideredpreviouslythatthecorrosionofsteelinseamudwasnotserious.However,itwaslaterfoundthatthecorrosionrateofsteelinsomeseamudwashigherthanthatinseawater(King,1980;Sehmide,1982;Guoetal.,1997;Hou,1998).Therearesomereportsthatthecorrosionr…  相似文献   
It is still a laborious work to consult massive multidisciplinary geological maps which are scattered in different geological departments,and hard to give full play to the potential application value of geological map. Along with the network,the development of communication and computer technology,especially with the Web2.0 technology arisen,provides opportunities to the web for sharing of geological maps. Web fast sharing platform of massive geological maps( WSPGM) is based on the Flex technology development,using B/S architecture,with map navigation,search,display,security and other functions of the software system. Through the map pretreatment and asynchronous communication the system can display any size of geological map,and through the range limits,rights management,sharing system and watermark logo to take effective security on geological map. On the basis of this system,with the Jilin University web sharing system of geological map,the system can greatly improve the efficiency of using geological map. for research.  相似文献   
ENVISAT测高数据波形重跟踪分析研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
对卫星测高技术中的波形重跟踪技术及其算法进行了详细分析讨论.同时分析了波形重跟踪中最小二乘解初值及权的确定,根据ENVISAT的SGDR波形数据,利用波形重跟踪技术研究了开阔海域上的距离改正情况(一般距离改正为20~30cm)。结果表明,重跟踪改正后的精度,18Hz距离优于1Hz距离。  相似文献   
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