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At Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park in southern Alberta, Canada, weathering is causing deterioration and loss of archaeologically important Indian rock art. A procedure devised for the use of park personnel identified four classes of weathering ranging from largely unweathered rock to severely weathered. The technique employed simple visual, qualitative assessment and photo interpretation of 50 sample sections of sandstone cliff face covering a total area of 354 m2. Schmidt hammer tests indicated large variations in rock strength and provided a numerical basis for the visual assessment. About 43 per cent of the cliffs are severely to completely weathered, 41 per cent show moderate weathering.  相似文献   
A multidisciplinary geochemical study of the distribution, dispersion, and glacial dispersal, of the pge and associated elements has been undertaken within soil, till, humus, vegetation and water at Ferguson Lake, Northwest Territories, Rottenstone Lake, Saskatchewan and Sudbury, Ontario.As the pge generally are present at low levels in surficial materials, development work on analytical techniques was an essential part of this study.At Ferguson Lake, the spatial distribution patterns of Au, Pt and Pd in till clearly indicate the exposed gossan zones, as expected, but also indicate a possible extension of the zone beneath a peat bog- and till-covered area. Down-ice dispersal of Au, Pt and Pd is limited to one to two hundred metres, in the <63 μm component of the till samples collected from frost boils. In vegetation the pge enrichment extends for several hundred metres down-ice and is best defined by Pd in birch twigs. Detectable, although extremely low, levels of Pt (2.8 ppt) and Pd (2.0 ppt) are present in waters in the vicinity of the gossanous zones at Ferguson Lake.At Rottenstone Lake, moderate to high concentrations of pge, Au, and base metals were found in ashed twigs of black spruce and the hmc of the tills for a distance of less than two hundred metres down-ice of the mineralization. Low Pd and Au concentrations were present in ashed spruce twigs about one kilometre down-ice of the mineralization, where only the hmc of the tills yielded anomalous concentrations of Pt and Au. There appears to be only limited dispersal of the pge and Au. These data indicate that only the hmc and the spruce twigs are of value in detecting Pt and Au in this area. Palladium presents a different picture, being detectable in only some of the soils, absent in the tills and hmc, yet appreciably enriched in the twig ash. The inference is that Pd is moving in solution and is being somewhat adsorbed in the soil but is much more significantly being taken up by the plant roots.At the Sudbury areas the pge, hosted in the Ni-Cu mineralization, are best reflected by elevated levels in the ashed humus of almost all elements examined. There is only minimal response in pge and Au to the mineralization from any of the fractions of the soil; whereas the <2 μm fraction of the B-horizon soil reflects the mineralization by elevated levels of As, Sb, Se, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Pb and Zn. Only hmc from the tills show elevated pge, Au and variable enhancement in As, Sb, Se and the base metals. The < 2 μm portion of the tills tends to be highest in As, Se, Cr and the base metals.This ongoing study shows that surficial materials and vegetation are effective in identifying areas of concealed pge mineralization. Various pathfinder elements, primarily Cu and Ni, but perhaps also As, Se, Sb and the other base metals, in the < 2 μm B-horizon soils and tills, may be informative in a preliminary evaluation of the pge potential of an area, prior to undertaking the more expensive precious-metal analyses. Humus and vegetation both appear extremely effective, and most cost efficient, and heavy-mineral concentrates (hmc) appear effective, for identifying areas with pge potential, whereas hmc from tills appear most effective for zeroing in on the site of the pge mineralization.  相似文献   
Two current rings have been observed in the equatorial plane of the earth at times of high geomagnetic activity. An eastward current exists between about 2 and 3.5 earth radii (Re) distant, and a larger, more variable companion current exists between about 4 and 9 Re. These current regions are loaded during geomagnetic substorms. They decay, almost exponentially, after the cessation of the particle influx that attends the solar wind disturbance. This review focuses upon characteristics needed for intelligent use of the ring current as a source for induction probing of the earth's mantle. Considerable difficulties are found with the assumption thatDst is a ring-current index.  相似文献   
Understanding the physical and biogeochemical processes that control the exchange of biogenic carbon within and between the arctic shelves, slopes, and deep basins is a key objective of the Western Arctic Shelf-Basin Interaction program (SBI). Here, egg production (EP) of the dominant copepod Calanus glacialis/marshallae was used as an indicator of food limitation for the mesozooplankton community in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in spring and summer, 2002. Both C. glacialis and C. marshallae may occur in this region but the two cannot easily be differentiated visually. Four oceanographic regions were objectively identified that roughly corresponded to the different pathways in circulation of nutrient-rich Pacific water. A ‘transition’ region characterized by ‘older’ Pacific water was located at the shelfbreak and separated the nutrient-rich shelf water and the low-nutrient waters of the deep basin. The observed spatial pattern in EP in C. glacialis/marshallae in spring and summer resulted both from the different water mass environments and from the reproductive cycle of the species. EP was greater on the shelf than in the basin, corresponding to differences in body size and nitrogen condition factor (NCF) in females, while the egg viability was generally high throughout the study area. EP showed no relationship with low-chlorophyll a biomass under heavy ice-cover in spring, while a significant relationship was observed in the more open water in summer. Adult female carbon condition factor (CCF) was much higher in summer, reflecting the accumulation of lipids during the growth season. Small animals with a markedly greater NCF dominated on the shelf. The shelfbreak region contained a mixture of females from the shelf and the basin with intermediate sizes, conditions, and EP rates. The occurrence of water typical of the ‘transition’ shelfbreak region and elevated EP in C. glacialis/marshallae offshore on the Barrow Canyon and East Barrow sections indicated offshore transport of productive shelf water and the associated plankton community. The input of nutrient-rich Pacific water and accompanying elevated production to the northern Chukchi Sea and the Chukchi-Beaufort shelfbreak region may contribute to the reproductive success of C. glacialis/marshallae in this region.  相似文献   
Kenya's rate of natural population increase exceeds 4.0%/year. At this rate, Kenya's population of 23.5 million will expand to 35 million by the year 2000. Rural migrants are being forced out of the highlands into marginal arid and semiarid regions to the east and south in the eastern ecological gradient including Meru, Kitui, Machakos, and Kajiado districts. The people have become victims of marginalization by which the productivity of a unit of land declines relative to the demands of its occupants. The concept of carrying capacity means the number of people a given area can sustain over the long term. In Maasailand, 3.5 standard stock units (450 kg each) are required per adult equivalent for full subsistence, about 7 cows/person. For the Maasai pastoralists, carrying capacities were examined at 2 levels of subsistence: 100% from the herds and 80% from the herds; 2 technological levels; and population-growth rates of 2%, 2.5%, and 3%/annum. Using the median, 3.5%/year, population-growth scenario these districts will have almost 5 million inhabitants in the year 2000. Poverty at technology level I for 40% of them, or for 2 million people, is implausible. Technology level II implies that current rural-development programs will succeed with technological innovations for farm households, access to credit, and markets for their produce. Level II is likely to prevail toward the end of the century for the majority of farmers. Level III necessitates best agricultural and livestock technology as well as the best management. At most, 25% of the households of the eastern ecological gradient could enter this realm by the year 2000. Current strategies of voluntary family planning, rural development emerging from an antiquated extension system, inability to address inequity in land distribution, and laissez-faire resource management are inadequate to deal with the pace of change.  相似文献   
Atmospheric mercury deposition on snow at springtime has been reported in polar regions, potentially posing a threat to coastal and inland ecosystems receiving meltwaters. However, the post-depositional fate of Hg in snow is not well known, and no data are available on Hg partitioning in polar snow. During snowmelt, we conducted a survey of Hg concentrations, partitioning and speciation in surface snow and at depth, over sea ice and over land along a 100 km transect across Cornwallis Island, NU, Canada. Total Hg concentrations [THg] in surface snow were low (less than 20 pmol L−1) and were significantly higher in marine vs. inland environments. Particulate Hg in surface snow represented up to 90% of total Hg over sea ice and up to 59% over land. At depth, [THg] at the snow/sea ice interface (up to 300 pmol L−1) were two orders of magnitude higher than at the snow/lake ice interface (ca. 2.5 pmol L−1). Integrated snow columns, sampled over sea-ice and over land, showed that particulate Hg was mostly bound to particles ranging from 0.45 to 2.7 μm. Moreover, melting snowpacks over sea ice and over lake ice contribute to increase [THg] at the water/ice interfaces. This study indicates that, at the onset of snowmelt, most of the Hg in snow is in particulate form, particularly over sea ice. Low Hg levels in surface snow suggest that Hg deposited through early spring deposition events is partly lost to the atmosphere from the snowpack before snowmelt. The sea ice/snow interface may constitute a site for Hg accumulation, however. Further understanding of the cycling of mercury at the sea ice/snow and sea ice/seawater interfaces is thus warranted to fully understand how mercury enters the arctic food webs.  相似文献   
The Hangingwall Basalt at Kambalda, Western Australia, contains zircons that have been shown by ion microprobe analyses to have very high U and Th contents and a wide variety of crystallization ages. Nearly all of these zircons certainly are xenocrysts; a few might relate to intrusive veinlets. The age of the youngest xenocrysts, 2693 ± 50Ma(2 σ), shows that the eruptive age of the basalt cannot exceed 2743 Ma. This confirms that the apparent SmNd isochron giving 3200 Ma [1,2] for Kambalda mafic and ultramafic rocks is a mixing-line [2] between unrelated components enriched and depleted in light rare earth elements. Mixing probably occurred at depth by erosion of 3200–3500 Ma old felsic crust from the walls of the HWB conduits. The zircon xenocryst ages are the first direct evidence for the presence of very old felsic crust in the eastern Yilgarn Block. The latter implies that the Kalgoorlie-Norseman greenstone sequences were formed in a continental rather than an oceanic environment.  相似文献   
Radar imaging results for Mercury's non-polar regions are presented. The dual-polarization, delay-Doppler images were obtained from several years of observations with the upgraded Arecibo S-band (λ12.6-cm) radar telescope. The images are dominated by radar-bright features associated with fresh impact craters. As was found from earlier Goldstone-VLA and pre-upgrade Arecibo imaging, three of the most prominent crater features are located in the Mariner-unimaged hemisphere. These are: “A,” an 85-km-diameter crater (348° W, 34° S) whose radar ray system may be the most spectacular in the Solar System; “B,” a 95-km-diameter crater (343° W, 58° N) with a very bright halo but less distinct ray system; and “C,” an irregular feature with bright ejecta and rays distributed asymmetrically about a 125-km source crater (246° W, 11° N). Due south of “C” lies a “ghost” feature (242° W, 27° S) that resembles “A” but is much fainter. An even fainter such feature is associated with Bartok Crater. These may be two of the best mercurian examples of large ejecta/ray systems observed in an intermediate state of degradation. Virtually all of the bright rayed craters in the Mariner 10 images show radar rays and/or bright rim rings, with radar rays being less common than optical rays. Radar-bright craters are particularly common in the H-7 quadrangle. Some diffuse radar albedo variations are seen that have no obvious association with impact ejecta. In particular, some smooth plains regions such as the circum-Caloris plains in Tir, Budh, and Sobkou Planitiae and the interiors of Tolstoj and “Skinakas” basins show high depolarized brightness relative to their surroundings, which is the reverse of the mare/highlands contrast seen in lunar radar images. Caloris Basin, on the other hand, appears dark and featureless in the images.  相似文献   
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