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Basaltic pyroclastic volcanism takes place over a range of scales and styles, from weak discrete Strombolian explosions (~102–103 kg s?1) to Plinian eruptions of moderate intensity (107–108 kg s?1). Recent well-documented historical eruptions from Etna, Kīlauea and Stromboli typify this diversity. Etna is Europe's largest and most voluminously productive volcano with an extraordinary level and diversity of Strombolian to subplinian activity since 1990. Kīlauea, the reference volcano for Hawaiian fountaining, has four recent eruptions with high fountaining (>400 m) activity in 1959, 1960, 1969 (–1974) and 1983–1986 (–2008); other summit (1971, 1974, 1982) and flank eruptions have been characterized by low fountaining activity. Stromboli is the type location for mildly explosive Strombolian eruptions, and from 1999 to 2008 these persisted at a rate of ca. 9 per hour, briefly interrupted in 2003 and 2007 by vigorous paroxysmal eruptions. Several properties of basaltic pyroclastic deposits described here, such as bed geometry, grain size, clast morphology and vesicularity, and crystal content are keys to understand the dynamics of the parent eruptions.The lack of clear correlations between eruption rate and style, as well as observed rapid fluctuations in eruptive behavior, point to the likelihood of eruption style being moderated by differences in the fluid dynamics of magma and gas ascent and the mechanism by which the erupting magma fragments. In all cases, the erupting magma consists of a mixture of melt and gaseous bubbles. The depth and rate of degassing, melt rheology, bubble rise and coalescence rates, and extent of syn-eruptive microlite growth define complex feedbacks that permit reversible shifts between fragmentation mechanisms and in eruption style and intensity. However, many basaltic explosive eruptions end after an irreversible shift to open-system outgassing and microlite crystallization in melt within the conduit.Clearer understanding of the factors promoting this diversity of basaltic pyroclastic eruptions is of fundamental importance in order to improve understanding of the range of behaviors of these volcanoes and assess hazards of future explosive events at basaltic volcanoes. The three volcanoes used for this review are the sites of large and growing volcano-tourism operations and there is a public need both for better knowledge of the volcanoes’ behavior and improved forecasting of the likely course of future eruptions.  相似文献   
Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) analyses of olivines from peridotite xenoliths found in southern African kimberlites indicate 0 to 80 ppm H2O concentrations. OH absorbance profiles across olivine grains show homogeneous H contents from core to edge for most samples. In one sample the olivines are H-free, while another has olivines characterized by lower H contents at the grain edges compared to the cores, indicating H loss during transport of the xenolith to the surface. Flat or near-flat H profiles place severe constraints on the duration of H loss from olivine grains, with implications for kimberlite magma ascent rates. Diffusion equations were used to estimate times of H loss of about 4 h for the sample with heterogeneous olivine H contents. Resulting kimberlite ascent rates are calculated to be 5-37 m s−1 minimum, although these estimates are highly dependent on volatile contents and degassing behavior of the host kimberlite magma. Xenolithic olivines from alkali basalts generally have lower H contents and more pronounced H diffusion profiles than do those from kimberlites. This difference is likely caused by higher magma temperatures and lower ascent rates of alkali basalts compared to kimberlites.  相似文献   
It has long been customary to assume that in the bulk composition of the Earth, all refractory-lithophile elements (including major oxides Al2O3 and CaO, all of the REE, and the heat-producing elements Th and U) occur in chondritic, bulk solar system, proportion to one another. Recently, however, Nd-isotopic studies (most notably Boyet M. and Carlson R. W. (2006) A new geochemical model for the Earth’s mantle inferred from 146Sm-142Nd systematics. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.250, 254-268) have suggested that at least the outer portion of the planet features a Nd/Sm ratio depleted to ∼0.93 times the chondritic ratio. The primary reaction to this type of evidence has been to invoke a “hidden” reservoir of enriched matter, sequestered into the deepest mantle as a consequence of primordial differentiation. I propose a hypothesis that potentially explains the evidence for Nd/Sm depletion in a very different way. Among the handful of major types of differentiated asteroidal meteorites, two (ureilites and aubrites) are ultramafic restites so consistently devoid of plagioclase that meteoriticists were once mystified as to how all the complementary plagioclase-rich matter (basalt) was lost. The explanation appears to be basalt loss by graphite-fueled explosive volcanism on roughly 100-km sized planetesimals; with the dispersiveness of the process dramatically enhanced, relative to terrestrial experience, because the pyroclastic gases expand into vacuous space (Wilson L. and Keil K. (1991) Consequences of explosive eruptions on small Solar System bodies: the case of the missing basalts on the aubrite parent body. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.104, 505-512). By analogy with lunar pyroclastic products, the typical size of pyroclastic melt/glass droplets under these circumstances will be roughly 0.1 mm. Once separated from an asteroidal or planetesimal gravitational field, droplets of this size will generally spiral toward the Sun, rather than reaccrete, because drag forces such the Poynting-Robertson effect quickly modify their orbits (the semimajor axis, in a typical scenario, is reduced by several hundred km during the first trip around the Sun). Assuming a similar process occurred on many of the Earth’s precursor planetesimals while they were still roughly 100 km in diameter, the net effect would be a depleted composition for the final Earth. I have modeled the process of trace-element depletion in the planetesimal mantles, assuming the partial melting was nonmodal and either batch or dynamic in terms of the melt-removal style. Assuming the process is moderately efficient, typical final-Earth Nd/Sm ratios are 0.93-0.96 times chondritic. Depletion is enhanced by a relatively low assumed residual porosity in batch-melting scenarios, but dampened by a relatively high value for “continuous” residue porosity in dynamic melting scenarios. Pigeonite in the source matter has a dampening effect on depletion. There are important side effects to the Nd/Sm depletion. The heat-producing elements, Th, U and K, might be severely depleted. The Eu/Eu ratio of the planet is unlikely to remain precisely chondritic. One of the most inevitable side effects, depletion of the Al/Ca ratio, is consistent with an otherwise puzzling aspect of the composition of the upper mantle. A perfectly undepleted composition for the bulk Earth is dubious.  相似文献   
We present a 2D numerical model for the growth of calcite from supersaturated aqueous solutions under laminar, open-channel flow conditions. The model couples solution chemistry, precipitation at solution/calcite interfaces, hydrodynamics, diffusion and degassing. The model output is compared with experimental results obtained using an oversaturated calcite solution produced by mixing CaCl2 and Na2CO3. The precipitation rate is observed to increase when the supersaturated solution flows over an obstruction, leading to a growth instability that causes the formation of terraces. At relatively high flow rates, the most important mechanism for this behaviour seems to be hydrodynamic advection of dissolved species either towards or away from the calcite surface, depending on location relative to the obstruction, which deforms the concentration gradients. At lower flow rates, steepening of diffusion gradients around protrusions becomes important. Enhanced degassing over the obstruction due to shallowing and pressure drop is not important on small scales. Diffusion controlled transport close to the calcite surface can lead to a fingering-type growth instability, which generates porous textures. Our results are consistent with existing diffusive boundary layer theory, but for flow over non-smooth surfaces, simple calcite precipitation models that include empirical correlations between fluid flow rate and calcite precipitation rate are inaccurate.  相似文献   
In a global examination of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) glasscompositions, we find that Na8–Fe8–depth variationsdo not support modeling of MORBs as aggregates of melt compositionsgenerated over a large range of temperature and pressure. However,the Na8–Fe8 variations are consistent with the compositionalsystematics of solidus melts in the plagioclase–spinellherzolite transition in the CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–Na2O–FeO(CMASNF) system. For natural compositions, the P–T rangefor melt extraction is estimated to be 1·2–1·5GPa and 1250–1280°C. This PT range is a closematch with the maximum PT conditions for explosive pressure-releasevaporization of carbonate-bearing melts. It is proposed thatfracturing of the lithosphere induces explosive formation andescape of CO2 vapor. This provides the vehicle for extractionof MORBs at a relatively uniform T and P. The upper portionof the CO2-bearing and slightly melted seismic low-velocityzone flows toward the ridge, rises at the ridge axis to lower-lithospheredepths, melts much more extensively during this rise, and releasesMORB melts to the surface driven by explosively escaping CO2vapor. The residue and overlying crust produced by this meltingthen migrate away from the ridge axis as new oceanic lithosphere.The entire process of oceanic lithosphere creation involvesonly the upper 140 km. When lithospheric stresses shift fractureformation to other localities, escape of CO2 ceases, the vehiclefor transporting melt to the surface disappears, and ridgesdie. Inverse correlations of Na8 vs Fe8 for MORB glasses areexplained by mantle heterogeneity, and positive variations superimposedon the inverse variations are consistent with progressive extractionof melts from short, ascending melting columns. The uniformlylow temperatures of MORB extraction are not consistent withthe existence of hot plumes on or close to ocean ridges. Inthis modeling, the southern Atlantic mantle from Bouvet to about26°N is relatively homogeneous, whereas the Atlantic mantlenorth of about 26°N shows significant long-range heterogeneity.The mantle between the Charlie Gibbs and Jan Mayen fracturezones is strongly enriched in FeO/MgO, perhaps by a trappedfragment of basaltic crust. Iceland is explained as the productof this enrichment, not a hot plume. The East Pacific Rise,Galapagos Ridge, Gorda Ridge, and Juan de Fuca Ridge samplemantle that is heterogeneous over short distances. The mantlebeneath the Red Sea is enriched in FeO/MgO relative to the mantlebeneath the northern Indian Ocean.  相似文献   
Sewage water rich in P poses a threat to natural water systems. In households that are not connected to a sewer network, an easily maintained purification technique is needed to remove P from domestic waste waters. In the present study, the P retention properties of phlogopite-rich mine tailings were studied to determine whether the untapped tailings can be utilised in wastewater treatment for this purpose. On the basis of its chemical and mineralogical properties, this material, produced in the enrichment process of apatite ore in Siilinjärvi, Finland, can be assumed to act as a P sorbent. The P retention capacity and the P sorption mechanisms of phlogopite-rich tailings were studied with desorption–sorption isotherms and various chemical extractions. The impact of the artificial weathering of the material as well as the reaction time and particle size on P retention were also investigated. The fluctuating shape of the isotherm determined for the untreated material suggests the operation of several sorption mechanisms. The results imply that phlogopite-rich tailings retain P efficiently through specific sorption by amorphous Al and Fe oxides and possibly also by calcite present as an accessory mineral. Acidification of the material, extended reaction time and decrease in particle-size markedly increased the P retention.  相似文献   
Memorial landscapes: analytic questions and metaphors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past two decades, geographers have probed the intersection of collective memory and urban space. Their sustained interest in the subject reflects an understanding of the social condition of commemoration and the important role that space plays in the process and politics of collective memory. Along with other critical social scientists, geographers envision these public symbols as part of larger cultural landscapes that reflect and legitimate the normative social order. A review of the extant literature indicates that geographers scrutinize memorial landscapes through three conceptual lenses that may be understood via the metaphors of ‘text,’ ‘arena,’ and ‘performance.’ These metaphors are in turn mobilized through a series of analytic questions that serve to identify the interests served and denied by landscape ‘texts,’ the ‘arenas’ in which they are produced, and the ways in which they are enacted via ‘performance.’ This article’s synopsis of the subfield’s predominant metaphors and its attendant questions contributes to the ongoing cultural geographic project of articulating and implementing methods for interpreting landscapes as open-ended symbolic systems.
Derek H. AldermanEmail:
Biaxial test simulations using a packing of polygonal particles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanical response of cohesionless granular materials under monotonic loading is studied by performing molecular dynamic simulations. The diversity of shapes of soil grains is modelled by using randomly generated convex polygons as granular particles. Results of the biaxial test obtained for dense and loose media show that samples achieve the same void ratio at large strains independent of their initial density state. This limit state resembles the so‐called critical state of soil mechanics, except for some stress fluctuations, which remain for large deformations. These fluctuations are studied at the micro‐mechanical level, by following the evolution of the co‐ordination number, force chains and the fraction of the sliding contacts of the sample. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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