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随着各种形式的钻机在工程中得到广泛的应用,先进的钻机设计方法对钻机的跟进发展尤为重要。基于SolidWorks二次开发技术,提出了钻机零件参数化设计的思想;以岩心钻机卡盘为例,论述了岩心钻机关键零件结构参数化设计的具体步骤。该方法在Visual Basic程序生成的基本参数计算的用户界面上输入已知的参数,可以完成卡盘基本参数的自动计算,在卡盘参数化设计的用户界面上输入钻杆直径就能够在SolidWorks系统中生成卡盘的各零件结构图及其总装配图,实现钻机卡盘参数化设计的要求。此设计方法为钻机整体实现参数化设计奠定了基础。  相似文献   
青藏高原及其邻区石炭纪—二叠纪地层中广泛分布的漂砾层、杂砾岩、含砾板岩等是一套特殊的冰海相沉积岩,称为冰海杂砾岩,前人已对它的成因环境做了初步的研究,但没有获得统一的结论。本次以青藏高原羌塘南部冈玛错地区冰海杂砾岩的砾石为研究对象,观察它们的野外特征和镜下特点,并对与冰海杂砾岩互层产出的石英砂岩做了粒度分析。结果表明,冰海杂砾岩是在冈瓦纳大陆冰川呈消融状的情况下,冰阀搬运沉积的产物。通过碎屑锆石和岩性对比,初步认为冰海杂砾岩的物源为冈瓦纳大陆,并简单论述了冰海杂砾岩各类砾石的可能来源。以上研究成果为探讨冈瓦纳大陆的沉积环境提供了依据。  相似文献   
对不同控制策略下安装有复合MR(磁流变)阻尼器的模型结构进行了振动台试验研究.在El Centro地震动激励下,基于线性二次高斯(LQG)和广义预测(GP)两种控制算法,针对半主动控制系统、MR阻尼器以恒定电流(-0.5A(Passive-on 1)、0A(Passive-off)、2A(Passive-on 2)的控制系统,以及由半主动控制方式和基础隔震组合而成的混合控制系统,在WINCON/SIMULINK实时控制软件平台下对一个1:4的三层钢框架模型进行了地震模拟振动台试验.试验结果表明:基于复合MR阻尼器的控制系统是有效的,无论是被动控制、半主动控制还是混合控制,都显著降低了模型结构各层的加速度、位移响应;复合MR阻尼器在不通入电流时具有一定的被动控制效果;采用考虑时滞自补偿的广义预测控制效果要好于LQG控制,并且这两种控制策略的都能以较被动控制小的控制力达到较好的控制效果.  相似文献   
矿井涌水量预测预报是矿井开采过程中防治水害的重要环节。应用小波多尺度理论对工作面涌水量、自然电位及直接充水含水层水位进行研究,揭示其规律性,以解决涌水量估计问题。通过对三类数据进行小波分解与重构发现,第二层低频重构信号与三者之间具有规律性:水位下降引起自然电位升高,导致涌水量增大;水位回升、自然电位减低时,对应工作面涌水量减小。分析结果表明,第二层高频重构细节信息表现为高水位(小降深)、低电位(电性差异小)对应小涌水量和低水位(大降深)、高电位(电性差异大)对应大涌水量。  相似文献   
通过对内蒙古二连盆地西南部第四纪地层剖面进行系统测制,结合古生物化石建立起该区第四纪以来相对完整的地层层序,并对剖面上所采集的粘土矿物样品进行Ⅹ射线衍射分析,以及根据样品中的粘土矿物成分、质量分数对本区古气候演化进行探讨。结果表明: 研究区早更新世-晚更新世中期沉积物中,大量出现高质量分数的伊蒙混层和蒙脱石,反映季节性冷暖、干湿交替的古环境气候; 而晚更新世晚期地层中,伊蒙混层显著减少,伊利石增加,且总体含量高于高岭石,表明该区气候变冷且转为干旱; 全新世地层中,高岭石、伊利石和绿泥石含量均有所增加,该时间段内化学淋滤作用仍然较弱,降雨量继续减少。总体而言,本区的古气候在第四纪经历了由干湿交替到温凉偏干的过程。与岩石地层、地貌特点组合等所反映的古气候特征及其变化较好的吻合。  相似文献   
提出了利用最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)构造海底趋势面,利用该趋势面对海洋测深异常值进行剔除的方法,并与趋势面滤波进行了分析和比较,用定理证明趋势面滤波只是LS-SVM取特定参数时的解。实测算例表明,通过调整LS-SVM的参数,使其构造的趋势面更合理,从而有效地剔除测深异常值。  相似文献   
Understanding how rivers respond to changes in land cover, climate, and subsurface conditions is critical for sustainably managing water resources and ecosystems. In this study, long‐term hydrologic, climate, and satellite data (1973–2012) from the Upper Tahe River watershed (2359 km2) in the Da Hinggan Mountains of northeast China were analysed to quantify the relative hydrologic effects of climate variability (system input) and the combined influences of forest cover change and permafrost thaw (system characteristics) on average annual streamflow (system response) using 2 methods: the sensitivity‐based method and the Kendall–Theil robust line method. The study period was subdivided into a forest harvesting period (1973–1987), a forest stability period (1988–2001), and a forest recovery period (2002–2012). The results indicated that the combined effects of forest harvesting and permafrost thaw on streamflow (+ 47.0 mm) from the forest harvesting period to the forest stability period was approximately twice as large as the effect associated with climate variability (+20.2 mm). Similarly, from the forest stability period to the forest recovery period, the decrease in average annual streamflow attributed to the combined effects of forest recovery and permafrost thaw (?38.0 mm) was much greater than the decrease due to climate variability (?22.2 mm). A simple method was used to separate the distinct impacts of forest cover change and permafrost thaw, but distinguishing these influences is difficult due to changes in surface and subsurface hydrologic connectivity associated with permafrost thaw. The results highlight the need to consider multiple streamflow drivers in future watershed and aquatic ecosystem management. Due to the ecological and hydrological susceptibility to disturbances in the Da Hinggan Mountains, forest harvesting will likely negatively impact ecohydrological processes in this region, and the effects of forest species transition in the forest recovery process should be further investigated.  相似文献   
In high elevation cold regions of the Tibetan Plateau, suspended sediment transfer from glacier meltwater erosion is one of the important hydrological components. The Zhadang glacier is a typical valley‐type glacier in the Nyainqentanglha Mountains on the Tibetan Plateau. To make frequent and long period records of meltwater runoff and sediment processes in the very high elevation and isolated regions, an automatic system was installed near the glacier snout (5400 m a.s.l) in August 2013, to measure the transient discharge and sediment processes at 5‐min interval, which is shorter than the time span for the water flow to traverse the catchment from the farthest end to the watershed outlet. Diurnal variations of discharge, and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) were recorded at high frequency for the Zhadang glacier, before suspended sediment load (SSL) was computed. Hourly SSC varied from the range of 0.2 kg/m3 to 0.5 kg/m3 (at 8:00–9:00) to the range of 2.0 kg/m3 to 4.0 kg/m3 (at 17:00–18:00). The daily SSL was 32.24 t during the intense ablation period. Hourly SSC was linearly correlated with discharge (r = 0.885**, n = 18, p < 0.01). A digit‐eight hysteresis loop was observed for the sediment transport in the glacier area. Air temperature fluctuations influence discharge, and then result in the sediment variations. The results of this study provide insight into the responses of suspended sediment delivery processes with a high frequency data in the high elevation cold regions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
袁才 《地质与勘探》2016,52(1):182-190
目前常用的古构造图的制作方法为"厚度图法"和"断层平移法",这两种方法对断控圈闭为主的古构造恢复具有一定的局限性,且不能定量化的研究古构造生长发育情况。本论文首次将三维古构造恢复技术应用于珠江口盆地番禺-流花地区。三维古构造恢复技术在应用时,避免了厚度异常现象,实现了去压实恢复,能够更真实的反映古构造情况。该技术在珠江口盆地番禺流花地区"A"构造的应用,达到了定量分析古构造发育的效果,并且认识到了A构造在关键时期T32时期古构造幅度较小,后期构造幅度增大是A构造充满度过低的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
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