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一种长英黝帘石玉的岩石矿物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用X射线粉晶衍射、电子探针、化学分析法和傅立叶变换红外光谱等方法,对近来在北京珠宝市场上出现的一种粉白相间的玉石新品种进行了测试,全面分析了这种玉石的结构和成分,并根据硅酸盐体系的物质平衡原理,利用相混合计算(PMC)方法,估算了玉石中主要矿物的含量。结果表明,这种玉石中黝帘石含量占51.9%,钠长石占33.3%,石英14.4%,并含有少量的褐帘石、单斜辉石等矿物。样品中粉红色矿物的红外光谱最强峰位于1110~900cm-1范围内,为快速、方便地鉴定此种玉石提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
Historical phosphorus (P) dynamics were studied using sediment cores from three oligotrophic, acidic lakes in Maine, USA. Long-term oligotrophy of these lakes is consistent with high sediment aluminum (as Al(OH)3) concentrations, as Al inhibits internal P loading, even under reducing conditions. The role of microbially-mediated reactions in controlling redox conditions was evaluated by estimating microbial biomass and relative abundance of specific functional groups. Sediments were fractionated using a sequential chemical extraction technique and all lakes met criteria for P retention based on threshold sediment concentrations of Al, Fe, and P fractions as determined by (Kopáček et al. (2005) Limnol Oceanogr 52: 1147–1155). Sediment NaOH-extractable molybdate-reactive P (rP) and non-reactive P (nrP) represent P associated with non-reducible phases, and organic matter-related P, respectively. Total P (TP) does not decrease with sediment depth, as is typical of eutrophic lake sediments; however, nrP/TP decreases and rP/TP increases for all three lakes, indicating nrP mineralization without any significant upward diffusion and release into the hypolimnion; i.e. diagenesis of P is conservative within the sediment. Two diagenetic models were developed based on nrP and rP concentrations as a function of sediment age. The first model assumes a first-order decay of nrP, the rate coefficient being a function of time, and represents irreversible nrP mineralization, where the produced PO4 is permanently sequestered by the sediment. The second model assumes a first-order reversible transformation between nrP and rP, representing biotic mineralization of organic P followed by incorporation of inorganic P into microbial biomass. Both models reflect preservation of TP with no loss to overlying water. The rate coefficients give us insight into qualities of the sediment that have affected mineralization and sequestration of phosphorus throughout the 210Pb-dateable history of each lake. Similar models could be constructed for other lakes to help reconstruct their trophic histories. Paleolimnological reconstruction of the sediment P record in oligotrophic lakes shows mineralization of nrP to rP, but unlike the case in eutrophic lake sediments, sediment TP is preserved in these sediments.  相似文献   
杨联锋  段云星 《探矿工程》2020,47(11):44-50
山西省清徐县区域地质调查项目设计800、2000、3000 m科学钻探孔,以调查填补新生界底板埋深控制空白区,各孔钻入基岩30 m完钻。要求全孔取心,岩心采取率≮85%,岩心直径≮60 mm,采用塑料保护管采取原状岩样。针对超深软土层、各组地层特性及厚度未知、钻遇基岩完钻深度未知、大直径高保真全孔取心、项目价格远低于目前市场成本等难题,经过“水源钻机+大提钻取心+长裸眼孔段”实施800 m孔、“岩心钻机+绳索取心+套管固井”实施640 m参数对比孔,创新性使用“水源钻机+绳索取心+长裸眼孔段”工艺完成了2000 m孔的施工。该工艺岩心采取率达到93%,孔径和孔斜符合地质要求,为3000 m孔顺利施工打下了坚实的基础,为同类型项目提供了经验和借鉴。  相似文献   
二维温盐环流模式研究14C在海洋中的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海洋碳循环模式中常使用放射性同位素14C来检验该模式的物理模型是否较好地反映了海洋中的大尺度变化的过程。本工作使用的物理模型是包括太平洋、大西洋和南大洋在内的二维温盐环流模式,在给定的年平均海表强迫下积分4000年后,环流达到准稳态,其定常流场用来驱动14C模式。对14C模式积分5000年以上,可得到14C稳态的分布。使用不同的二氧化碳海气交换系数和垂直湍流扩散系数值进行了7个实验,发现使用Broecker等的交换系数方程和扩散系数值依深度从0.6增加到1.45 cm2/s,模拟的结果较好。使用观测到的大气中14C含量,进一步研究了工业革命后及核试验后的14C在海洋中的穿透,模拟结果与现有的一些资料进行了比较,总体上给出了合理的结果。  相似文献   
郑淋淋  孙建华 《大气科学》2013,37(4):891-904
对2007~2010 年暖季(6~9 月)发生在江淮和黄淮流域46 个对流天气过程的环流背景和地面特征进行了统计研究。根据整层可降水量小于或大于等于50 mm 将这些个例发生的环境分成干环境(10 个个例)和湿环境(36 个个例)。干环境下发生强对流的天气形势可以分为槽后型和副高边缘型,湿环境下的天气形势可分为槽前型、副高边缘型和槽后型,湿环境下有明显的暖湿区配合。湿环境下槽前型发生的概率最高,地面系统较为复杂,有静止锋、倒槽、冷锋和暖锋,而干环境下在本研究的个例中无槽前型发生。干、湿环境下副高边缘型的对流,从地面到500 hPa 都发生在副高后部的“S”流型的拐弯处,但部分湿环境个例低层有切变线。干环境下槽后型的发生概率较高,而湿环境下发生概率则相对较少。由这些研究表明,干、湿环境下强对流系统的触发和维持机制存在明显的差异。  相似文献   
集合预报产品在台风麦莎预报中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了提高集合预报效果,利用T106L19全球谱模式和增长模繁殖法对台风麦莎制作了13个成员的集合预报,并对其结果进行集合预报产品解释应用研究。首先在离散距离分簇法中,引入方差分析的方法确定分簇基础,然后对集合预报的形势场进行了分簇,相对于以往采用96小时样本为分簇基础进行分簇的方法,分簇效果提高明显,分簇结果能给出台风移动的几种可能路径及其概率;其次对要素随时间的演变利用系统聚类法进行了分类,根据分簇平均图可以确定几个可能的台风登陆地点,制作了这些特殊点要素分类烟羽图,通过分析要素随时间的演变特征,提高对台风登陆地点和时间的预报精度;最后制作了盒须图,通过盒须图中数据组主体以外的数据点,确认出值得注意的一些特殊集合成员的预报结果,减少了小概率事件的漏报率。研究结果表明,将方差分析引入离散距离分簇法,要素烟羽聚类法以及盒须图的应用有利于提高和改善集合预报效果,集合预报产品解释应用效果得到改进。  相似文献   
Salinity difference between terrestrial river discharge and oceanic tidal water plays a role in modifying the local flow field and, as a consequence, estuarine morphodynamics. Although widely recognized, recent numerical studies exploring the long-term morphological evolution of river-influenced estuaries with two-dimensional, depth-averaged models have mostly neglected salinity. Using a three-dimensional morphodynamic model, we aim to gain more insight into the effect of salinity on the morphodynamics of fluvio-deltaic systems. Model results indicate that the resultant estuarine morphology established after 600 years differs remarkably when a salinity gradient is included. A fan-shaped river-mouth delta exhibits less seaward expansion and is cut through by narrower channels when salinity is included. The inclusion of salinity tends to generate estuarine circulation, which favours landward sediment transport and hence limits the growth of the delta while enhancing the development of intertidal areas. The formation of deltaic channel–shoal patterns resulting from morphodynamic evolution tends to strengthen salinity stratification, which is characterized by an increased gradient Richardson number. The direction of the depth-averaged residual sediment transport over a tide may be opposite to the direction of residual velocity, indicating the significant influence of baroclinic effects on the net sediment transport direction (and hence morphological change). The effect of salinity on morphological evolution becomes less profound when the strength of tidal or fluvial forcing is dominant over the other. The effects of sediment type and flocculation, which are particularly important when salinity gradients are present, are also discussed. Overall, this study highlights that neglecting salinity to simulate long-term estuarine morphodynamics requires more careful justification, particularly when the environment is characterized by fine sediment types (favouring suspended transport), and relatively large river discharge and estuarine depth (favouring baroclinic effects). © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
乌鲁木齐10号泉流体综合观测及映震灵敏性初析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
从1980年至1999年10月底,距10号泉300km范围内共发生5级以上地震14次,其中在13次地震前,该泉水化学项目有前光异常反应,随着近年来对资料的进一步观测和分析,该泉的部分水化学参数也具有较好的强震远场效应,在15项测项中,有10项分虽在不同的地震前出现过前兆异常。分析该泉的映震灵敏性,初步认为原因有以下方向:(1)泉点处于活断裂带上;(2)干扰因素少;(3)处于多层含水层混合的不稳定带;(4)综合观测为寻找地震异常提供了更为丰富的依据。  相似文献   
气候变化对湖库水环境的潜在影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文着重归纳气候变化对湖库热力特性、冰期、溶解氧、营养盐、浮游植物和水生植物等方面的影响规律,探讨气候变化对湖库水环境潜在影响的区域差异,讨论现有研究方法的优缺点和发展前景.研究表明,气候变暖对湖库物理过程的影响最为显著;热带草原气候和温带海洋性气候对于气候变暖和降雨变化的响应较其他气候类型突出;气候变化对湖库水环境的影响效果具有两面性.通过分析各气候类型中气候变暖对磷水平的潜在影响差异表明,亚热带季风气候的湖库更可能受气候变暖的影响趋于富营养状态.在今后研究中,建议深入开展各气候类型中区域性气候变化对湖库水环境影响的实例研究.  相似文献   
徐勇  马林  李新正  孙悦  龚琳 《海洋与湖沼》2017,48(6):1383-1391
为了研究春季长江口外海底层鱼类群聚特征及其与环境因子的关系,我们根据2015年5月长江口外海底层鱼类的调查资料,使用聚类分析(Cluster)、非参数多维标度排序(NMDS)、相似性分析(ANOSIM)、相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)以及典型对应分析(CCA)等方法对资料进行分析。本研究共记录底层鱼类58种,其中鲈形目种类数最多(21种),鲽形目次之。六丝钝尾虾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)是优势种。底层鱼类可以划分为3个群组—近海组、南部中间组和南部远海组,不同群组的物种组成差异显著。南部中间组和南部远海组的物种多为东海外海种类,这可能是近岸黑潮底层分支影响的结果。物种数、Margalef丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性和Pielou均匀度从近海到与远海呈逐渐增加的趋势。CCA分析表明深度是显著影响底层鱼类的环境因子。短鳄齿鱼(Champsodon snyderi)、丝鳍(Repomucenus virgis)、多棘腔吻鳕(Coelorinchus multispinulosus)等东海外海种类与深度呈正相关,而优势种六丝钝尾虾虎鱼受环境因子影响较小。  相似文献   
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