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During the Mesozoic (250–64 Ma) intervals of about 0.5 Myr were subject to severe environmental changes, including high sea-surface temperature and very low oxygen content of marine water. These Oceanic Anoxic Events, or OAEs, occurred simultaneously with profound disturbance to the carbon cycle. The carbon-isotope anomaly in the Early Jurassic that marks the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) at ~ 182 Ma is characterized in marine sections by a series of dramatic steps towards lighter values. Herein we present new carbon-isotope data from terrestrial organic matter (phytoclast separates), collected through a Late Pliensbachian–Middle Toarcian coastal and marginal marine succession in the Polish Basin, a setting where hinterland climate and sea-level change are well recorded. The results show that the shift to light carbon-isotope values in the woody organic matter, and therefore also in atmospheric carbon dioxide, similarly occurred in major steps. The steps are here correlated with those identified from marine organic matter, where they have previously been attributed to 100 kyr eccentricity forcing of climate. The results provide strong support for orbitally and climatically controlled release of isotopically light carbon from gas hydrates into the ocean–atmosphere system in a series of rapid bursts. Additionally, a link between the carbon-isotope steps and shoreline movements can be demonstrated. Individual peaks of the negative excursion are mostly associated with facies indicative of sea-level rise (flooding surfaces). However, at the same time inferred higher atmospheric carbon-dioxide content may be expected to have resulted in increased rainfall and temperature, leading to accelerated weathering and erosion, and consequently increased sediment supply, progradation and regression, causing some mismatches between isotope shifts and inferred sea-level changes. Enhanced abundance of megaspores derived from hydrophilic plant groups, and marked increase in kaolinite, are coincident with the overall development of the negative isotope excursion. The combined data suggest that each 100-kyr cycle in carbon-isotope values was characterized by increasingly severe palaeoclimatic change, culminating in extremely hot and humid conditions co-incident with the peak of the final most negative carbon-isotope excursion. The chemostratigraphic correlation allows very precise dating of the Late Pliensbachian–Middle Toarcian coastal and marginal marine sedimentary succession in the Polish Basin.  相似文献   
The role of non-gravitational forces in the evolution of orbitalmotion of C/1995 O1 (Hale–Bopp) has been investigated. Inorbital calculations the observational material covering theperiod from April 1993 up to August 2001 was used. To model thenon-gravitational acceleration, observed and theoretical profilesof the H2O production rates were employed. A set of forcedprecession models of a rotating cometary nucleus consistent withthe observed spin axis orientation was fitted to positionalobservations. The non-gravitational models allowed us to constrainthe mass and radius of the comet. The orbitalevolution of Comet Hale–Bopp was investigated over ±400 k yusing two sets of randomly varied orbital elements wellrepresenting all positional observations in the pure gravitationalcase, as well as in the non-gravitational case. The calculationsshowed that the comet's motion is predictable only over an interval ofa few orbital periods. The statistical conclusions changesignificantly when non-gravitational effects are included in the analysis.  相似文献   
High energy release during seismic events induced by mining operation is one of the major dangers perturbing production in underground mines. In this work, temporal changes of seismic event parameters for one of the Rudna Mine (Poland) panels are investigated. The study aim was to find whether the temporal clustering of smaller events in different parameters can be observed before and after the high energy events (Ml?≥?3) in the mining panel. The method chosen for analysis was the study of temporal variation of fractal dimension of the seismic events parameter sets composed from: the interevent epicentral distance (dr), logarithm of seismic energy (lE), and interevent energy coefficient (dlE), which is the absolute difference between logarithms of energy of two consecutive events. Temporal variations study was performed in equivalent dimension (ED) space. The transformation of the seismic source parameters into ED space allowed to estimate and compare the temporal changes of the fractal dimension of different parameter spaces using the same method—correlation fractal dimension, and then easily compare the obtained temporal changes of fractal dimension of different parameter sets. The effect of grouping is expressed by decrease of fractal dimension, which is connected with the similarity of events parameter values. The temporal changes of the fractal dimension of seismicity before the strong induced events would indicate some initiation phase of the process leading to the high energy release. In the case of the studied Rudna Mine panel, the temporal behavior of the fractal dimension values in different parameter spaces before seismic events showed significant changes before three out of four events with CLVD dominant source mechanisms.  相似文献   
Extreme rainfall events are of particular importance due to their severe impacts on the economy, the environment and the society. Characterization and quantification of extremes and their spatial dependence structure may lead to a better understanding of extreme events. An important concept in statistical modeling is the tail dependence coefficient (TDC) that describes the degree of association between concurrent rainfall extremes at different locations. Accurate knowledge of the spatial characteristics of the TDC can help improve on the existing models of the occurrence probability of extreme storms. In this study, efficient estimation of the TDC in rainfall is investigated using a dense network of rain gauges located in south Louisiana, USA. The inter-gauge distances in this network range from about 1 km to 9 km. Four different nonparametric TDC estimators are implemented on samples of the rain gauge data and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Three averaging time-scales are considered: 1 h, 2 h and 3 h. The results indicate that a significant tail dependency may exist that cannot be ignored for realistic modeling of multivariate rainfall fields. Presence of a strong dependence among extremes contradicts with the assumption of joint normality, commonly used in hydrologic applications.  相似文献   
We applied the Coulomb stress transfer technique to investigate interactions among seismic events induced by mining works in the Rudna mine in the Legnica-Glogów Copper District in Poland. We considered events with energy greater than 105 J from the period 1993–1999. We examined the influence of the cumulative static stress changes (ΔCFF) due to previous events on the generation of subsequent ones. The results indicate that in many cases strong mining tremors produce changes in the state of stress of a sufficient magnitude to influence subsequent events. The location of over 60% of events is consistent with stress-enhanced areas where the values of ΔCFF were above 0.01 MPa. For most of the events located inside areas of a calculated negative ΔCFF, their modelled rupture zone was partially located inside stress enhanced area, providing thus additional evidence for possible triggering at the nucleation point.  相似文献   
Previous research on rock weathering crusts has revealed their large variability depending on the type of host rocks and development of weathering processes. The composition of crusts developed on natural sandstone exposures is less documented in the literature in comparison to those developed on architectonic stones. In both cases, previous research has focused mainly on the progress of salt weathering. This study considers the surfaces of sandstone tors in the Polish Outer Carpathians. The exposed parts of the rocks in this area are often covered by crust, which is up to several centimetres thick, and differs from the internal part in colour and composition. The crusts were characterized using light and electron microscopy, X‐ray diffractometry, thermal analyses, Mössbauer spectroscopy, bulk chemical analyses and sequential chemical extractions. Porosity was estimated by digital image processing. The following two hardened zones were observed: (1) thin (up to 30 µm), black, external layer, rich in carbon and composed of opal‐type silica, covered in places by sulphate incrustations and numerous spherical particles of anthropogenic origin; (2) thicker (up to several millimetres), internal part composed of a set of laminae of variable colouration, enriched in iron (oxyhydr)oxides (goethite and hematite) in comparison to the rock interior. Development of the crust results from silicon and iron redistribution during the sandstone alteration. The chief source of silica is hydrolysis of aluminosilicates, whilst that of iron is decomposition of aluminosilicates, carbonates and sulphides. Hematite is probably a result of goethite transformation. However, air pollutants may play an important role in the formation of sulphates. Silica and iron compounds affect the properties of the rock, hardening the surface and lowering porosity by formation of secondary cement. Crystallization of sulphate salts, in turn, may contribute to mechanical disintegration of the rock. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The mechanisms maintaining community structure following an ecosystem shift are poorly understood and we propose that they must inherently be biological. Over-exploitation can provide a “natural experiment” with man as a predator driving a change in community structure, possibly an ecosystem shift. We examined a possible mechanism that maintains algal beds as an alternative state on the east coast of South Africa where the mussel Perna perna has been overexploited. Even on unexploited shores, about 50% of mussel larvae settle onto algae, but it is unclear whether they later recruit into adult beds. On such shores we used two indirect field approaches to understand the fate of recruits, testing whether inhibition of mussel recruitment by macroalgae could constitute a biological mechanism preventing reversion from the algal to the pre-disturbance mussel-dominated state. First, we examined possible ontogenetic migration of recruits from algae to adult mussels, testing the prediction that the ratio large:small recruits in adult beds is greater where algae are liberally interspersed with mussels. Second, we examined whether, like adults, recruits show spatial structure that is related to the distribution of topographic depressions, testing the hypothesis that large and small recruits show different co-variation with depressions, microhabitats where algae commonly occur. We found no evidence that recruits on algae actively move to nearby mussel beds as neither the ratio large:small recruits nor the abundances of small or large recruits showed any relationship with algal cover/variability. Small and large recruits showed different co-variation with topographic depressions on spatially structured transects. Like adults, large recruits commonly exhibited negative relationships with depressions. Thus, large recruits neither occur on algae nor migrate from algae to the primary substratum or onto adult beds. Consequently our results (a) highlight the importance of post-settlement mortality in structuring these mussel populations, and (b) suggest that the interception of larvae by algae forms a biological mechanism that can maintain macroalgal beds that develop following exploitative disturbance by man, thus preventing or at least drastically delaying the natural recovery of mussel beds.  相似文献   
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