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The Juina diamond field, in the 1970–80s, was producing up to 5–6 million carats per year from rich placer deposits, but no economic primary deposits had been found in the area. In 2006–2007, Diagem Inc. discovered a group of diamondiferous kimberlitic pipes within the Chapadão Plateau (Chapadão, or Pandrea cluster), at the head of a drainage system which has produced most of the alluvial diamonds mined in the Juina area. Diamonds from placer deposits and newly discovered kimberlites are identical; they have super-deep origins from the upper-mantle and transition zone. Field observations and petrographic studies have identified crater-facies kimberlitic material at seven separate localities. Kimberlitic material is represented by tuffs, tuffisites and various epiclastic sediments containing chrome spinel, picroilmenite, manganoan ilmenite, zircon and diamond. The diamond grade varies from 0.2–1.8 ct/m3. Chrome spinel has 30–61 wt.% Cr2O3. Picroilmenite contains 6–14 wt.% MgO and 0.2–4 wt.% Cr2O3. Manganoan ilmenite has less than 3 wt.% MgO and 0.38–1.41 wt.% MnO. The 176Hf/177Hf ratio in kimberlitic zircons is 0.028288–0.28295 with εHf = 5.9–8.3, and lies on the average kimberlite trend between depleted mantle and CHUR. The previously known barren and weakly diamondiferous kimberlites in the Juina area have ages of 79–80 Ma. In contrast, zircons from the newly discovered Chapadão kimberlites have a mean 206Pb/238U age of 93.6 ± 0.4 Ma, corresponding to a time of magmatic activity related to the opening of the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean. The most likely mechanism of the origin of kimberlitic magma is super-deep subduction process that initiated partial melting of zones in lower mantle with subsequent ascent of proto-kimberlitic magma.  相似文献   
Bottom sediments from the central zone of the Sea of Okhotsk were preliminarily dated. The petromagnetic parameters of two groups of samples formed at cold and warm climatic stages were studied. Warm oxygen isotopic stages and substages were characterized by the coexistence of pseudo-single-domain allogenic magnetite and predominant magnetite and greigite (pyrrhotite) grains subject to biologic control. At cold stages, sediments containing a mixture of pseudo-single-domain and multidomain terrigenous magnetite particles accumulated. The petromagnetic curves agree with the normalized standard oxygen isotopic curve over the last 350 kyr of the column section.  相似文献   
Lithological, geochemical, and micropaleontological data indicate that the Late Glacial of the northwestern Okhotsk Sea (OS) is characterised by severe climatic and environmental conditions with mainly perennial sea ice coverage and low productivity accompanied by weak deep-water ventilation and a temperate formation of the upper Sea of Okhotsk Intermediate Water (SOIW). The age model of the studied core sediments was constructed by AMS 14C dating. The most severe environmental conditions occurred during the period 15.8–14.8 kyr, synchronous with cold Heinrich event 1. Insignificant regional environmental amelioration accompanied by an increase of productivity and ice weakening during summer occurred almost simultaneously with the Bølling–Allerøed (BA) warming. The obtained results distinguished both the Bølling and Allerøed warmings as having different environmental conditions. Oxygen content in the surface sediment was low, as seen from the production of the benthic foraminifera (BF) species. During 12.6–11.1 kyr, synchronous with the Younger Dryas (YD) cold event, the regional environment conditions were cold, but not as severe as the glacial ones. Some climatic warming since the Preboreal has stimulated sea ice melting and surface amelioration during the summer season, which in turn led to a productivity rise and changes in the water column and bottom environment. Some increase in the surface water stratification and the intensified oceanic diatom and surface radiolarian production is parallel with the development of a mesopelagic regime of productivity. The surface sediment condition favours BF abundance and domination by BF species tolerant to oxygen deficiencies. During the Boreal period more stable surface conditions were accompanied by continuously high productivity and an intensifying of its mesopelagic regime.Significant regional climate warming since the Atlantic (9 kyr ago) strongly intensified the summer sea ice melting in the OS, and this created considerable surface environment amelioration with the preferential transport of bacteria and phytodetritus into the SOIW. Further considerable warming of the regional climate from 6 kyr ago contributed to slight sea ice changes, surface water warming, and the enhancement of its stratification; all typical for most of the OS. Along with a high nutrient supply from the Amur River, the NW OS experienced a strong diatom production increase with the maximum amount occurring during the last 3.6 kyr. This changed the productivity type and organic matter export into the water column while increasing the feeding of the “productive” Plagoniidae spp. group and decreasing the microbial biomass supply into the upper SOIW. Some sea surface water cooling or saltier conditions at the beginning of the Subatlantic (2.4–1.8 kyr) was followed by its warming or freshening 1.5–1.0 kyr ago, which likely correlated with the Medieval Warm Period. In turn, that probably led to strong surface water stratification, productivity deterioration and considerable changes in the overall NW OS environment. The established sequence of the northwestern OS environmental changes during the Late Glacial–Holocene is related to the Northern Hemispheric climate changes and was likely forced by atmospheric teleconnection in line with the polar circulation index variability.  相似文献   
Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from peat are strongly focused on ombrotrophic mires, but this study demonstrates that eutrophic mires can also be used. A multi-proxy approach was applied to a eutrophic mire on a floodplain terrace in the southern taiga of West Siberia. The results of the reconstruction were considered in the wide geographic context of the surrounding regions, including Siberia and Central Asia. Different palaeoecological proxies (analysis of plant macrofossils, testate amoebae, oribatid mites, molluscs, peat humification, ash content and spectral characteristics of humic acids) were used in this study. The results of different proxies showed a high level of consistency among themselves, which allowed for a robust interpretation of Holocene mire development. Throughout the ~7800 years history of the mire, there was a high level of surface wetness. The presence of mineral matter in the peat between 7800 and 5100 cal. a BP indicates regular flooding caused by the intensive fluvial activity, apparently resulting from increased precipitation. This was followed by a trend towards a gradual decrease in surface wetness from conditions of high surface moisture (stagnant water) between 5100 and 3000 cal. a BP to present day conditions of moderate surface moisture with a water table slightly below the mire surface. This pattern is consistent with the well-documented long-term trend from palaeoecological records throughout the taiga and arctic zones in West Siberia and central arid Asia. Our data further support the idea that the westerlies were the dominant driver of climate for the southern taiga of West Siberia during the Middle to Late Holocene.  相似文献   
The northernmost Kamchatka Peninsula is located along the northwestern margin of the Bering Sea and consists of complexly deformed accreted terranes. Progressing inland from the northwestern Bering Sea, the Olyutorskiy, Ukelayat and Koryak superterranes (OLY, UKL and KOR) are crossed. These terranes were accreted to the backstop Okhotsk-Chukotsk volcanic-plutonic belt (OChVB) in northernmost Kamchatka. A sedimentary sequence of Albian to Maastrichtian age overlaps the terranes and units of the Koryak superterrane, and constrains their accretion time. A paleomagnetic study of blocks within the Kuyul (KUY) terrane of the Koryak superterrane was completed at two localities (Camp 2: λ=61.83°N, φ=165.83°E and Camp 3: λ=61.67°N, φ=164.75°E). At both localities, paleomagnetic samples were collected from Late Triassic (225–208 Ma) limestone blocks (2–10 m in outcrop height) within a melange zone. Although weak in remanent magnetization, two components of remanent magnetization were observed during stepwise thermal demagnetization at 32 sites. The A component of magnetization was observed between room temperature and approximately 250 °C. This magnetic component is always of downward directed inclination and shows the best grouping at relatively low degrees of unfolding. Using McFadden–Reid inclination-only statistics and averaging all site means, the resulting A component mean is Iopt=60.3°, I95=5.0° and n=36 (sites). The B magnetic component is observed up to 565 °C, at which temperature, most samples have no measurable remanent magnetization, or growth of magnetic minerals has disrupted the thermal demagnetization process. Combining sites with Fisher estimates of kappa (k-value)≥13 and n (sites)≥3, where bedding orientation differs within a block, most of these sites show the best grouping of B component directions at 100% unfolding, and two of the blocks display remanent magnetizations of both upward and downward directed magnetic inclination. Combining sites with Fisher estimates of kappa (k-value)≥13 and n (sites)≥3, the resulting overall B component paleolatitude and associated uncertainty are λobs=30.4°N or S, λ95=8.9° and n=19 (sites). When compared with the expected North America paleolatitude of λAPWP expected=57.9°N, our data support a model in which blocks within the Koryak superterrane are allochthonous and far travelled.  相似文献   
A well-preserved radiolarian fauna from a clastic unit of the Khabarovsk accretionary complex (southern part of the Badzhal accretionary wedge terrane in the Russian Far East) is assigned to the basal part of the Pseudodictyomitra carpatica zone. The age of the fauna is most likely late Tithonian. This is the first reliable dating of the clastic unit and makes it possible to constrain the timing of subduction accretion in the Badzhal terrane. The Khabarovsk complex is correlated chronologically with the Bikin and Samarka terranes (Russian Far East), Mino, Southern Chichibu and North Kitakami terranes (Japan), and Nadanhada terrane (northeast China).  相似文献   
Surface dissolution features on diamonds and Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy (FTIR) of phenocrystal and xenocrystal olivines from kimberlites contain a record of magmatic fluid in kimberlite magmas. We investigated composition and behavior of kimberlitic fluid and the effect of volatiles on the eruption style and geology of kimberlites using microdiamonds and olivine concentrates from six kimberlite pipes with different lithologies and the character of diamond resorption (Ekati Diamond Mine, Northwest Territories, Canada). The study showed a clear correlation between the resorption style of diamond population of the kimberlites and the type of infrared (IR) spectra of their olivines. Four kimberlites have high quality diamonds with smooth regular surface features and high H2O content of the olivines indicating the presence of H2O-rich fluid during the emplacement. Fast ascent rates of fluid-rich magma can explain explosive eruption and filling the pipes with volcaniclastic kimberlite facies. Conversely, Grizzly and Leslie kimberlites have diamonds with complex sharp features diminishing diamond quality and indicating loss of the fluid. The slower ascent rates and less explosive eruption of the fluid-free magmas produced kimberlite pipes filled with magmatic facies kimberlite. Distinctive peaks in olivine IR spectra at 3356 and 3327 cm? 1 were found to correlate with the presence of hydrous magmatic fluid. Character of diamond morphology suggests that during the whole ascent of all six kimberlites, the magmatic fluid when present had a high H2O:CO2 ratio.  相似文献   
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