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Ohne ZusammenfassungDas Manuskript wurde in etwas ausführlicherer Form von der Naturw.-Mathem. Fakultät der Ruprecht Karl-Universität in Heidelberg im Februar 1953 als Dissertation angenommen.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aus Windprofilmessungen in feststehenden H?hen über den Wellenk?mmen lassen sich keine zuverl?ssigen Schlüsse über die effektive Schubkraft des Windes an der Meeresoberfl?che ziehen. Der Grund liegt im wesentlichen in der verschiedenartigen vertikalen Windgeschwindigkeitsverteilung über Wellenbergen und Wellent?lern und in der Tatsache, da? die Windprofilmessungen im wesentlichen nur das Windprofil über den Bergen widerspiegeln. Der Versuch, die Windprofilmessungen zu „reduzieren“, ist mit zu gro?en Fehlern behaftet, zeigt aber qualitativ eine systematische Erh?hung der aus Windmessungen berechneten Reibungsfaktoren an. Damit kann der Anschlu? an die aus Windstaubeobachtungen ermittelten Reibungsfaktoren gewonnen werden, so da? der vermeintliche „Sprung“ von einer „glatten“ zu einer „rauhen“ Grenzfl?che verschwindet, und eine „kritische Windgeschwindigkeit“, die diesen Sprung angeben soll, gar nicht existiert.
On the problem of the “critical wind velocity” at the air — sea boundary surface
Summary From the measurements of wind profiles at fixed heights above the wave crests no reliable conclusions can be drawn with regard to the wind's effective shearing force at the sea surface. This is essentially due to the diversified vertical distribution of the wind speed above the waves' crests and troughs as well as to the fact that when measuring wind profiles above the waves it is mainly the profiles above the wave crests that are obtained. Attempts to “reduce” wind profiles have proved to be subject to considerable errors; however, they show qualitatively a systematic increase of the frictional factors as computed from wind measurements. This links up with the frictional factors ascertained from observations of the wind effect so that the supposed “leap” from a “smooth” to a “rough” boundary surface and the “critical wind speed” corresponding to this leap do not exist at all.
Surface samples, mostly from abyssal sediments of the South Atlantic, from parts of the equatorial Atlantic, and of the Antarctic Ocean, were investigated for clay content and clay mineral composition. Maps of relative clay mineral content were compiled, which improve previous maps by showing more details, especially at high latitudes. Large-scale relations regarding the origin and transport paths of detrital clay are revealed. High smectite concentrations are observed in abyssal regions, primarily derived from southernmost South America and from minor sources in Southwest Africa. Near submarine volcanoes of the Antarctic Ocean (South Sandwich, Bouvet Island) smectite contents exhibit distinct maxima, which is ascribed to the weathering of altered basalts and volcanic glasses. The illite distribution can be subdivided into five major zones including two maxima revealing both South African and Antarctic sources. A particularly high amount of Mg- and Fe-rich illites are observed close to East Antarctica. They are derived from biotite-bearing crystalline rocks and transported to the west by the East Antarctic Coastal Current. Chiorite and well-crystallized dioctaedral illite are typical minerals enriched within the Subantarctic and Polarfrontal-Zone but of minor importance off East Antarctica. Kaolinite dominates the clay mineral assemblage at low latitudes, where the continental source rocks (West Africa, Brazil) are mainly affected by intensive chemical weathering. Surprisingly, a slight increase of kaolinite is observed in the Enderby Basin and near the Filchner-Ronne Ice shelf.

The investigated area can be subdivided into ten, large-scale clay facies zones with characteristic possible source regions and transport paths. Clay mineral assemblages of the largest part of the South Atlantic, especially of the western basins are dominated by chlorite and illite derived from the Antarctic Peninsula and southernmost South America and supported by advection within the Circumantarctic Deep Water flow. In contrast, the East Antarctic provinces are relatively small. Assemblages of the eastern basins north of 30°S are strongly influenced by African sources, controlled by weathering regimes on land and by a complex interaction of wind, river and deep ocean transport. The strong gradient in clay mineral composition at the Brazilian slope indicate a relatively low contribution of tropically derived assemblages to the western basins.  相似文献   

Drilling on Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon, during ODP Leg 204 enabled us to investigate fabrics of gas hydrate samples in a wide depth range of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). X-ray computerized tomographic imaging on whole-round samples, frozen in liquid nitrogen, revealed that layered gas hydrate structures are related to variable processes occurring at different sediment depths. Shallow gas hydrates often form layers parallel or sub-parallel to bedding and also crosscut sedimentary strata and other gas hydrate layers, destroying the original depositional fabric. The dynamic processes interacting with this complicated plumbing system in this shallow environment are responsible for such highly variable gas hydrate fabrics. Gas hydrate layers deeper in the sediments are most often dipping with various angles, and are interpreted as gas hydrate precipitates filling tectonic fractures. These originally open fractures are potential candidates for free gas transportation, and might explain why free gas can rapidly emanate from below the bottom-simulating reflector through the GHSZ to the seafloor. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
We describe the fabrication of organically modified sol–gel (ORMOSIL) planar optodes for mapping the two-dimensional oxygen distribution in sediments. All sensor foils were based on the use of ruthenium(II)-tris-(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenantrolin)-perchlorate, which is a fluorescent dye quenched dynamically by oxygen. Sensors made with different sol–gel immobilisation matrices, different concentrations of precursors and indicator dye, as well as different types of scattering particles co-immobilised in the sensor foil were investigated systematically. Optimal sensor performance was obtained with dye concentrations of 2–10 mmol/kg in an immobilisation matrix made of diphenyldiethoxy-silan and phenyltriethoxy-silan precursors with addition of organically coated TiO2 particles. The sensors exhibited a good mechanical stability and a high sensitivity from 0% to 100% oxygen, which remained constant over at least 36 days. The planar optodes were used with a fluorescent lifetime imaging system for direct mapping of the spatio-temporal variation in oxygen distribution within marine sediment inhabited by the polychaete Hediste diversicolor. The measurements demonstrated the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the oxygen distribution in bioturbated sediments due to burrow structures and non-constant irrigation activity of the polychaete, which is difficult to resolve with microsensors or with traditional biogeochemical techniques.  相似文献   
The course of crystallization of basalt forming clinopyroxenes in the olivine-basalt-hawaiite-mugearite-trachyte-and basanitoid (= basanite)-series from the Hocheifel area (Western Germany) has been presented by the author in two earlier papers (Hucken-holz, 1965 a, 1965 b). The present paper deals with the evolution of clinopyroxenes from the ankaramites in the same area. The ankaramites are richer in olivines and clinopyroxenes than the normal olivine basalts and may be a product of accumulation of olivines and clinopyroxenes in an olivine basalt magma. The first clinopyroxene formed in the ankaramites is a greenish chromian salite Ca47.1 Mg40.9 Fe12.0 which is preserved in the cores of the phenocrysts. Strongly zoned brown titansalite Ca45 Mg42Fe13 surrounds the chromian salite (HF 5) or appears in independent microphenocrysts (HF53). The groundmass clinopyroxene is titansalite Ca45Mg37Fe18 with a small optic axial angle. Phenocrysts of nickel-rich olivine Fe12–14 and chrome spinell were formed together with chromium clinopyroxene. The same minerals together with orthopyroxenes have been observed in the olivine basalts, hawaiites and basanitoids (= basanites). This paragenesis indicates high pressure and high temperature in the alkali basalts of the Hocheifel during an initial stage of magmatic evolution. With the decrease of pressure, mineral reaction occurred with the alkali basalt melt. The high pressure clinopyroxenes of the ankaramites and basanitoids (= basanites) were changed to a larger extent than the clinopyroxenes of the olivine basalts and hawaiites or were completely destroyed (HF 53) because they are in contact with the hot magma for a longer period of time. This favours the reaction between the solids and the melt, and the high pressure garnet and/or enstatite components in the clinopyroxenes are substituted by Ca-Tschermak’s and titanaugite molecules.   相似文献   

Radar reflectivity measurements and sounding data were analyzed to investigate snowfall production in a long‐lasting snowband that formed in advance of a warm surface front moving across Alberta. The sounding data indicated that the band could have been forced by slantwise overturning during the release of moist symmetric instability combined with frontogenesis. The stability analysis presented here is novel in that it includes ice phase thermodynamics, neglected in previous studies of slantwise convection.

Radar reflectivity fields were analyzed to determine the total snow content and the mass outflow rate as factors of time. The peak value of total snow content was 17 kilotons per km of snowband, and the peak mass outflow rate was 10 tons s‐1 km‐1. The snowfall rate averaged across the cloud base was about 0.8 cm h‐1, and the average snow content remained close to 0.2 g m‐1. The characteristic time (defined as the ratio of total snow content over mass outflow rate) was about 30 minutes, which is approximately the time needed for the growth of snowflakes by aggregation in the observed temperature range. The precipitation efficiency of the snowband, defined as the ratio of snow mass outflow to water vapour inflow was estimated to be 14%. The precipitation production values observed in the Alberta snowband are compared with previous estimates reported for frontal rainbands and Alberta thunderstorms.  相似文献   
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