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黄河源区气候变化的季节特征与区域差异研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
基于黄河源区有关气象台站的观测数据,对该区黄河沿水文站以上、黄河沿水文站-吉迈水文站区间、吉迈水文站-玛曲水文站区间、玛曲水文站-唐乃亥水文站区间各区域及整个黄河源区1960-2014年期间气温、降水的季节变化特征及其区域差异进行了分析。结果表明:黄河源区气温变化与全球气温变化有着较好的一致性,各区年平均气温与各季气温的年际变化均呈波动状上升态势并明显高于过去50a全球与我国气温的升幅,且各气温系列升幅差异不大;而各区年平均气温与各季气温的年代际变化的上升态势较年际变化的更为显著,但不同区域各季气温升幅差异较大。各区气温均在1996年后出现一个跃动,跃动后各气温系列均值较跃动前有较大幅度的上升。由于区域地理环境的影响,黄河源区降水量的变化比较复杂,各区各季降水量的变化具有较大的差异。近50余年来,总体上整个河源区平均降水量的年际变化呈不明显的增长态势。其中河源区的上半部分,即黄河沿以上、黄河沿-吉迈之间等海拔较高的区域年降水量增长比较显著,而源区的下半部分,即吉迈-玛曲、玛曲-唐乃亥之间的区域,年降水呈减少态势,并且对全区平均降水量与产流量贡献最大的吉迈-玛曲之间的区域,年降水量的减少非常显著。各区冬春季和夏季降水量普遍呈增长态势,秋季是河源区各季节中降水唯一减少的季节,其中吉迈-玛曲之间的区间秋季降水量的减少最为显著。各区域各季降水量的年代际变化较其年际变化差异更大,但近十余年来大部分区域各季降水普遍偏多。各区域降水系列亦有突变发生,但突变时间并不像气温系列那样一致;年降水量与夏季降水量的突变大都发生在2005年,秋季降水量突变大都发生在1986年,春季和冬季降水量突变的时间杂乱无序;突变前后系列均值有增有减,且幅度大小不等。  相似文献   
Abstract– Tektites, natural silica‐rich glasses produced during impact events, commonly contain bubbles. The paper reviews published data on pressure and composition of a gas phase contained in the tektite bubbles and data on other volatile compounds which can be released from tektites by either high‐temperature melting or by crushing or milling under vacuum. Gas extraction from tektites using high‐temperature melting generally produced higher gas yield and different gas composition than the low‐temperature extraction using crushing or milling under vacuum. The high‐temperature extraction obviously releases volatiles not only from the bubbles, but also volatile compounds contained directly in the glass. Moreover, the gas composition can be modified by reactions between the released gases and the glass melt. Published data indicate that besides CO2 and/or CO in the bubbles, another carbon reservoir is present directly in the tektite glass. To clarify the problem of carbon content and carbon isotopic composition of the tektite glass, three samples from the Central European tektite strewn field—moldavites—were analyzed. The samples contained only 35–41 ppm C with δ13C values in the range from ?28.5 to ?29.9‰ VPDB. This indicates that terrestrial organic matter was a dominant carbon source during moldavite formation.  相似文献   
基于有关水文、气象台站的降水、气温和径流观测资料,对天山南、北坡的代表性河流——开都河与乌鲁木齐河上游山区径流变化及其对气候变化的响应进行了分析。在此基础上建立山区径流对气候变化的响应模型,假定不同的气候情景组合,就两条河流出山径流对气候变化的敏感性进行分析对比。结果表明,近40余年,两条河流山区年降水量、平均气温及径流总体上均呈波动状上升态势。一方面径流与降水、气温的变化呈明显的正相关关系;另一方面山区径流对降水、气温变化的响应的程度存在着明显的区域性差异,即乌鲁木齐河出山径流对降水变化的响应程度明显强于开都河,而开都河出山径流对气温变化的敏感性要高于乌鲁木齐河。  相似文献   
选取多种卫星探测数据和站点观测资料,利用ENVI和ArcGIS软件提取湖泊和冰川面积信息,分析1973~2020年青藏高原西部昂拉仁错和仁青休布错两大湖泊与东部隆格尔山脉冰川的时空演变特征及其与气象要素的关系。结果表明:近48a,昂拉仁错湖面面积总体上趋于萎缩,2000年之前呈显著减少趋势,2000~2010年呈增加趋势,2010年之后呈弱增加趋势;仁青休布错湖面面积总体上略有扩张,1993年之前呈减少趋势,1993年之后呈增加趋势;隆格尔山脉冰川总体上显著退缩,2000年之前的消融速度较2000年之后的更快;隆格尔山脉冰川面积变化在不同海拔高度存在差异,5500~6000m的冰川面积呈显著减少趋势,6000~6500m的冰川面积呈增长趋势,6500m以上的冰川面积基本不变;昂拉仁错湖面面积与降水量的相关性最好,与气温次之;仁青休布错湖面面积与地温和气温的相关性最好,与蒸发量次之;隆格尔山脉冰川面积则与蒸发量的相关性最好。  相似文献   
In the present paper,the possible analytical applications of two topological models,the DARC modeland the group contribution model,are discussed.Both models are applied to obtain calibration laws,which relate UV and IR characteristics with the chemical structure of ethylene oxide condensates.The group contribution model is also applied to determine the contribution of each part of thedifferent compounds involved in a chemical interaction process,having established the sensitizationparameters of benzodiazepines and anionic surfactants from the micellar enhancement fluorescence.  相似文献   
The Aracena metamorphic belt, in the southwest Iberian Massif,is characterized by the presence of MORB-derived amphibolitesand continental rocks deformed and metamorphosed during theHercynian orogeny. Geochemical relationships of these amphibolitesindicate the existence of a multiple fractionation process froma set of parental magmas, implying the existence of a multi-chambersystem beneath the ridge where the basalt protolith was extruded.Neodymium isotopic ratios are typical of MORB, and oxygen isotopesindicate that these amphibolites have been derived from theuppermost part of the oceanic crust. Thermal evolution, revealedfrom the study of chemical variations in the amphibole chemistry,is interpreted as resulting from subduction in a low-pressureregime in which the thermal structure of the continental hanging-wallplayed an important role. This continental wall was previouslyheated by subduction of a slab window resulting from migrationof a triple junction along the continental edge during plateconvergence. Three petrologic arguments support this tectonicmodel. These are: (1) the low-pressure inverted metamorphicgradient of amphibolites of the oceanic domain; (2) the high-temperature-low-pressure metamorphism of the continental hanging wall; (3)the early intrusion of boninites into the continental domain. *Corresponding author.  相似文献   
Large memory computers create new possibilities for seismic interpretation in well-drilled areas, and more generally in problems involving deep sources. Records obtained by well-to-surface, surface-to-well and/or well-to-well propagation contain a large amount of information, owing to the great number of seismic rays travelling throughout the subsurface. This paper considers two successive steps: — direct case: computation of the first arrival times of seismic rays propagating through a two-dimensional subsurface with given vertical and horizontal velocity variations; — inverse case: computation of a two-dimensional velocity distribution, knowing the travel times of seismic rays through the subsurface. A computer program has been elaborated to solve both direct and inverse problems. There are no difficulties with the direct case; a certain number of uncertainties remain with the inverse case.  相似文献   
基于Landsat卫星遥感数据,采用水体指数法和相关分析法,分析1988—2018年那曲市双湖县其香错湖泊水域面积变化及原因。结果表明:该湖泊近31 a内水域面积呈显著增长趋势(R2=0.88,P < 0.001),31 a内增长了33.37 km2,增长率为18.03%;从空间上分析,其香错在近31 a内湖泊面积不断向四周扩展,其中在东、西方向和北部变化尤为显著。湖泊所在区域年平均气温呈增加趋势,蒸发量显著减小,冻土深度也明显减小。在上述因素的共同作用下,引起湖泊补给水源的增加和湖泊水容量的增大,最终导致湖泊面积持续上涨。  相似文献   
Following introduction of the term ‘nummulite bank’, there has been debate regarding interpretation of these types of deposits as autochthonous (automicrite) or allochthonous (detrital micrite). These banks are made up of large foraminifera and ill‐defined fine‐grained components. The fine‐grained components consist mainly of micrites. The recognition of automicrite has deep implications for the synsedimentary cementation and stabilization of the bank. In order to distinguish between automicrite and detrital micrite, the nanomorphology, geochemistry and organic matter remains in the microfacies of a nummulite bank in the Middle Eocene of Monte Saraceno (Gargano, Southern Italy) were analysed. Optical and scanning electron microscope investigations showed that the micrites have been recrystallized to aggrading microsparite. Epifluorescence observations on selected micrite/microsparite areas with peloidal texture revealed the presence of organic matter. Scanning electron microscope analyses on epifluorescent micrites showed that the microbial peloids have smaller crystal sizes than those in organic matter‐depleted areas. The geochemical characterization of extracted organic matter, performed through the functional group analyses by Fourier transform‐infrared spectroscopy, shows strong prevalence of the aromatic fraction over the aliphatic and carboxylic ones. These characteristics of organic compounds indicate both their thermal maturation and their likely derivation from degradation of bacterial communities. The local presence of peloidal anti‐gravity textures, bright epifluorescence and organic molecules in clotted peloidal areas suggest that the metabolic activity of microbial communities could have induced precipitation of these micrites and, consequently, the syndepositional cementation of the nummulite bank. This type of cementation can rapidly stabilize sediments and promote the depositional bank geometry.  相似文献   
产于火山岩中的沥青铀矿床常伴生Mo、Cu、Pb、Zn、Au、Ag等元素,形成铀多金属矿床和矿田。文中在认识花岗岩型铀多金属矿田成因的基础上,对华北沽源盆地和华南仁差盆地的铀多金属矿田的主要矿床成矿特征进行对比研究。结果表明此类矿床是火山岩地层之后的热液矿床,其形成与岩浆喷发过程无关。热液成矿作用一般有早、晚两期:早期主要为亲硫元素,形成金属硫化物矿床;晚期为亲氧元素成矿,形成沥青铀矿床。盆地的沉降使得早期金属硫化物成矿壳层位置下降,从而缩短了与晚期重熔界面之间的距离,造成晚期氧化物(沥青铀矿)成矿壳层在空间上与其重叠或靠近,从而形成氧(沥青铀矿)硫(金属硫化物)复合矿床(矿田)。  相似文献   
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