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We examine the effects of Io ejecta on the surface and environment of Europa. We find that the observed sulfur on the trailing side of Europa, when interpreted as a deposit in equilibrium between implanation of, and sputtering by, corotating Io ejecta, implies a slow loss of material from Europa by sputtering. From this we infer that the spectrum of particles sputtered from water ice is soft. The quantity of observed sulfur and its confinement to the trailing hemisphere appear to exclude significant implantation and sputtering by energetic heavy ions. We also conclude that the contribution from Europa to the magnetospheric plasma (even at Europa itself) is negligible compared to the matter ejected from Io.  相似文献   
Lake Koronia, a Ramsar site, is shallow, polymictic, hypertrophic and until recently was aerially the fourth largest lake in Greece. Although exceeding 5 m in the past, lake depth has declined progressively from 3.8 m in 1980 to < 1 m in 1997, reducing surface area and water volume by 50% and 80%, respectively. Specific conductivityincreased from 1300 μS cm−1 in 1977 to >6000 μS cm−1 in 1991. Increased phosphate concentrations from the late 1970's (8–45 μg L−1) to the late 1990's (100–1000 μg L−1) document that the previously eutrophic system with a limited littoral zone switched to hypertrophy dominated by massive cyanobacteria blooms. Oxygen saturation of the water column increased progressively from about 80% in 1983 to full saturation about 1993, after which it decreased progressively to only 20% saturation in 1997. In spite of cyanobacteria dominance, community metabolism of the lake switched from progressively increasing autotrophy to rapidly advancing heterotrophy associated with progressive water-level reduction leading to fish extirpation in the lake.  相似文献   
Water column concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS), particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate nitrogen (PN) were measured at three different depths in four different locations bracketing the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) along the main channel of a temperate riverine estuary (Winyah Bay, South Carolina, USA). Measurements were carried out over full tidal cycle (over 24 h). Salinity, temperature, current magnitude and direction were also monitored at the same time throughout the water column. Tidally averaged net fluxes of salt, TSS, POC and PN were calculated by combining the current measurements with the concentration data. Under the extreme low river discharge conditions that characterized the study period, net landward fluxes of salt were measured in the lower part of the study area, suggesting that the landward transport through the main channel of the estuary was probably balanced by export out through the sides. In contrast, the net fluxes of salt in the upper reaches of the study area were near zero, indicating a closed salt balance in this part of the estuary. In contrast to salt, the net fluxes of TSS, POC and PN in the deeper parts of the water column were consistently landward at all four sites in Winyah Bay indicating the non-conservative behavior of particulate components and their active transport up the estuary in the region around the ETM.The carbon contents (%POC), carbon:nitrogen ratios (org[C:N]a) and stable carbon isotopic compositions (δ13CPOC) of the suspended particles varied significantly with depth, location and tidal stage. Tidally averaged compositions showed a significant increase up the estuary in the %POC and org[C:N]a values of suspended particles consistent with the preferential landward transport of carbon-rich particles with higher vascular plant debris content. The combination of tidal resuspension and flood-dominated flow appeared to be responsible for the hydrodynamic sorting of particles along the estuary that resulted in denser, organic-poor particles being transported landward less efficiently. The elemental and isotopic compositions indicated that vascular C3 plants and estuarine algae were the major sources of the particulate organic matter of all the samples, without any significant contributions from salt marsh C4 vegetation (Spartina alterniflora) and/or marine phytoplankton.  相似文献   
A quantitative measure of the rate at which fossil-pollen abundances changed over the last 18 000 years at 18 sites spread across eastern North America distinguishes local from regionally synchronous changes. Abrupt regional changes occurred at most sites in late-glacial time (at 13700, 12 300, and 10000 radiocarbon yr BP) and during the last 1000 years. The record of abrupt late-glacial vegetation changes in eastern North America correlates well with abrupt global changes in ice-sheet volume, mountain snow-lines, North Atlantic deep-water production, atmospheric CO2, and atmospheric dust, although the palynological signal varies from site to site. Changes in vegetation during most of the Holocene, although locally significant, were not regionally synchronous. The analysis reveals non-alpine evidence for Neoglacial/Little Ice Age climate change during the last 1000 years, which was the only time during the Holocene when climate change was of sufficient magnitude to cause a synchronous vegetational response throughout the subcontinent. During the two millennia preceding this widespread synchronous change, the rate of change at all sites was low and the average rate of change was the lowest of the Holocene.Contribution to Clima Locarno Past and Present Climate Dynamics; Conference September 1990, Swiss Academy of Sciences — National Climate Program  相似文献   
Textural variational pattern of economic and accessible Quaternary aquifer repositories and its conductivity in the south-eastern Nigeria have been assessed through the integration of vertical electrical sounding and laboratory measurements. The results have shown the lithological attributes, pore-water and amount of residual clay minerals in the assumed clean sand; mechanism of charge fixation at the fluid - surface interface; intricate geometry of pores and pore channels; formation’s ability to transmit pore-water and cation exchange capacity.The connections of electrical and hydraulic properties and their distributions have been established. The average interface conductivity contributed by residual clay minerals in assumed clean sands of the aquifer repositories in the study area have been estimated as 30µS/m. Intrinsic average porosity and formation factor have been respectively deduced as 12% and 14.75. Comparing the simulated aquifer formation factor obtained from the observed porosity data with the observed aquifer formation factor, indicates the that study area has 0.5 ≤ a ≤ 0.8 pore geometry factor and 1.5 ≤ m ≤ 2.0 cementation factor as the best fitting values. The interrelations between aquifer parameters have been established through different plots and the aquifer have been empirically proved to be associated with residual clay minerals as the interface conductivity Cq is not equal to zero. The wide ranges of parameters estimated are an indication of variations in grain size. The estimated intrinsic average porosity, formation factor and the average BQv are viable in characterizing the aquifer flow dynamics and contaminant modelling in the associated aquifer sands For low pore geometry factors a (0.2) and low cementation factor m (0.5) the formation factor remains fairly constant. However, marked variability is noticed at higher a (1.0) and m (2.5). Despite the observed variability in formation factors at the indicated porosities, the spatial or geometrical spread of the formation factor remains unchanged in the aquifer units. The Tables for geoelectric and petrophysical parameters and the associated mathematical models generated in this study can be used for groundwater contaminant modelling and simulation of pore space parameters with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   
The overall performance of pile-restrained flexible floating breakwaters is investigated under the action of linear monochromatic incident waves in the frequency domain. The aforementioned floating breakwaters undergo only vertical structural deflections along their length and are held in place by means of vertical piles. The total number of degrees of freedom equals the six conventional body modes, when the breakwater moves as a rigid body, plus the extra bending modes. These bending modes are introduced to represent the structural deflections of the floating breakwater and are described by the Bernoulli–Euler flexible beam equation. The number of bending modes introduced is determined through an appropriate iterative procedure. The hydrostatic coefficients corresponding to the bending modes are also derived. The numerical analysis of the flexible floating breakwaters is based on a three-dimensional hydrodynamic formulation of the floating body. A parametric study is carried out for a wide range of structural stiffness parameters and wave headings, to investigate their effect on the performance of flexible floating breakwaters. Moreover, this performance is compared with that of the corresponding pile-restrained rigid floating breakwater. Results indicated that the degree of structural stiffness and the wave heading strongly affect the performance of flexible floating breakwaters. The existence of an “optimum” value of structural stiffness is demonstrated for the entire wave frequency range.  相似文献   
The sedimentary record of 130 km of microtidal (0.9 m tidal range) high wave energy (1.5 m average wave height) barrier island shoreline of the Cape Lookout cuspate foreland has been evaluated through examination of 3136 m of subsurface samples from closely spaced drill holes. Holocene sedimentation and coastal evolution has been a function of five major depositional processes: (1) eustatic sea-level rise and barrier-shoreline transgression; (2) lateral tidal inlet migration and reworking of barrier island deposits; (3) shoreface sedimentation and local barrier progradation; (4) storm washover deposition with infilling of shallow lagoons; and (5) flood-tidal delta sedimentation in back-barrier environments.

Twenty-five radiocarbon dates of subsurface peat and shell material from the Cape Lookout area are the basis for a late Holocene sea-level curve. From 9000 to 4000 B.P. eustatic sea level rose rapidly, resulting in landward migration of both barrier limbs of the cuspate foreland. A decline in the rate of sea-level rise since 4000 B.P. resulted in relative shoreline stabilization and deposition of contrasting coastal sedimentary sequences. The higher energy, storm-dominated northeast barrier limb (Core and Portsmouth Banks) has migrated landward producing a transgressive sequence of coarse-grained, horizontally bedded washover sands overlying burrowed to laminated back-barrier and lagoonal silty sands. Locally, ephemeral tidal inlets have reworked the transgressive barrier sequence depositing fining-upward spit platform and channel-fill sequences of cross-bedded, pebble gravel to fine sand and shell. Shoreface sedimentation along a portion of the lower energy, northwest barrier limb (Bogue Banks) has resulted in shoreline progradation and deposition of a coarsening-up sequence of burrowed to cross-bedded and laminated, fine-grained shoreface and foreshore sands. In contrast, the adjacent barrier island (Shackleford Banks) consists almost totally of inlet-fill sediments deposited by lateral tidal inlet migration. Holocene sediments in the shallow lagoons behind the barriers are 5–8 m thick fining-up sequences of interbedded burrowed, rooted and laminated flood-tidal delta, salt marsh, and washover sands, silts and clays.

While barrier island sequences are generally 10 m in thickness, inlet-fill sequences may be as much as 25 m thick and comprise an average of 35% of the Holocene sedimentary deposits. Tidal inlet-fill, back-barrier (including flood-tidal delta) and shoreface deposits are the most highly preservable facies in the wave-dominated barrier-shoreline setting. In the Cape Lookout cuspate foreland, these three facies account for over 80% of the sedimentary deposits preserved beneath the barriers. Foreshore, spit platform and overwash facies account for the remaining 20%.  相似文献   

Fine-grained sediment deposition is often conceived to happen in still water conditions and to represent slow sedimentation rates. However, it has been increasingly noted that mud sedimentation commonly occurs under high-energy conditions. The macrotidal Petitcodiac River estuary is used as an example to investigate the significance of flocculation as an important process in the rapid removal of large amounts of sediments from suspension under turbulent flow conditions. A range of physical sedimentary structures was observed at the Petitcodiac River estuary intertidal flats and bars, including low-angle and horizontal planar lamination, current and climbing ripples, surficial fluid mud, soft-sediment deformation, microfaults, and mud rip-up clasts. Fluid mud within the study area contains considerable proportions of clay (21–67%) and contributes to the formation of creeping fluid-mud sheets and streams. Detailed examination of the naturally occurring clay flocs shows that they contain up to 77% of the entangled silt- and sand-sized grains. SEM and microscopic imaging of fluid mud reveal a substantial amount of bioclastic material within the flocs and dispersed among the sediments. These observations show that physicochemical and biological processes influence silt, plankton, and clay aggregation. Water samples and observations from the Petitcodiac River estuary confirm that flocs form in the water column and then settle to the tidal-channel floor and flanking intertidal flats. Laboratory experiments, using Petitcodiac sediment, show how the clay flocs have the potential to sweep the water of silt-sized suspended grains. Additionally, diatoms and their associated extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) sheaths might play a role in mineral aggregation and increased sediment cohesiveness.  相似文献   
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