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Nano-hematites, i.e., hematites with nanoparticle-, nanorod-, and nanotube-like morphologies, were synthesized via the hydrothermal method by controlling the reaction time, temperature, and reactant concentration. The nano-hematites of different crystal shapes all exhibited band gaps within the visible-light region (1.56–2.1 eV). Further, they showed weak ferromagnetic behavior, and their coercive magnetic field was larger than that of the bulk hematite. Moreover, all the nano-hematites also exhibited high photocatalytic activities during the degradation of methylene blue under visible-light irradiation. The experimental data fitted the Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetics model very well. The nanorods had the highest photocatalytic rate constant per unit surface area, possibly owing to a higher aspect ratios; this lowers the electron–hole recombination rate. These results suggest that the crystal morphology of hematites has a significant effect on their physical and photocatalytic properties. Therefore, controlling the morphology of the materials is essential for obtaining well-tailored photocatalysts.  相似文献   
对四川省南江县铁炉坝地区各类岩石和土壤的含金丰度进行了阐述,对金矿化的围岩蚀变特征进行了较详细的论述,指出黄铁矿化一电气石化-硅化的蚀变组合是该区金成矿的指示性标志。  相似文献   
We present a dataset including clay mineralogy, gamma-ray spectrometry, organic matter content and magnetic susceptibility of the Hettangian to lowest Sinemurian successions of Dorset and Somerset, southern UK (Blue Lias Formation, Bristol Channel and Wessex basins). In both areas, the clay assemblages comprise predominantly detrital illite, kaolinite and illite/smectite mixed layers. Clays probably originated from the erosion of the Hercynian massifs, the relative proportions of kaolinite and illite being modulated by arid-humid climatic fluctuations. The organic matter (OM) content (types II to IV) ranges up to 12% in both areas. A clear stratigraphical trend in clay mineral assemblages is apparent in Somerset, whereas in Dorset sharp contrasts between adjacent horizons and a greater dilution by carbonate mask the long-term evolution. Correlations between both areas based on similar vertical trends in clay mineral abundance support the suggestion of a hiatus within the angulata Zone of the Dorset succession. As expected, the kaolinite/illite ratio correlates with the Th/K ratio deduced from gamma-ray spectrometry. However, significant departures from the correlation occur in OM-rich intervals, suggesting that Th may be partly adsorbed on to OM particles. Surprisingly, high magnetic susceptibility correlates with abundant kaolinite, not with Fe-rich clays, indicating either that kaolinite is accompanied by a soil-inherited magnetisable phase (possibly iron oxide) or that illite-rich rocks are more strongly diluted by carbonate than are kaolinite-rich strata.  相似文献   
Tin deposits are often closely associated with granitic intrusions. In this study, we analyzed tin partition coefficients between different fluids and melts (\({\text{D}}_{Sn}^{aq.fl./melt}\)) as well as various crystals and melts \({\text{D}}_{Sn}^{aq.fl./melt}\)(\({\text{D}}_{Sn}^{crystal/melt}\)) from the Furong tin deposit associated with the Qitianling A-type granite. Our experimental results indicate that tin partition behavior is affected by the chemical compositions of fluids, melts, and minerals. Tin is prone to partitioning into the residual magma in fractional crystallization or other differential magmatic processes if the magma originated from crustal sources with high alkali content, high volatile content, and low oxygen fugacity. Highly evolved residual peralkaline granitic magma enriched in tin can lead to tin mineralization in a later stage. Furthermore, the volatiles F and Cl in the magma play important roles in tin partitioning behavior. Low F contents in the melt phase and high Cl content in the aqueous fluid phase are favorable factors for tin partitioning in the aqueous fluid phase. High Cl content in the aqueous fluid catalyzes water–rock interaction and leads to the extraction of tin from tin-bearing minerals. All these findings support a hydrothermal origin for the tin deposits. In light of the geotectonic setting, petrochemical characteristics, and mineralizing physicochemical conditions of the Furong tin deposit, it is inferred that the ore-forming fluid of the Furong tin ore deposit could have derived from the Qitianling peralkaline intrusion.  相似文献   
本文通过卫星照片解译对天山地区的地层进行了划分,尤其是通过线性构造的解译把天山地区分成了若干个不同性质的地块,并对构造规模进行了分级。此外,还讨论了新老构造的继承关系,构造与岩体之间的相互依存关系等。本文又通过环形体的解译进一步确定了火山岩的喷发期次、活动规模及其与铀矿化的关系。通过对花岗岩体侵入期次和相带的划分,进而在解译中配合四道能谱测量判读标志来分析不同影象地质体的可能含铀丰度。另外还探讨了褶皱构造各要素的半定最估算的可能性。  相似文献   
底摩擦重力试验在倾倒变形岩体稳定性研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
底摩擦重力试验(底摩擦试验)是利用相似理论分析原理,将研究原形按几何比例和各种物理力学参数,制作相似模型及确定相应的边界条件。然后按照相似边界条件进行加载试验,再现曾经发生过或今后将会出现的物理力学现象,进而了解其发展演化规律及其对工程的影响。澜沧江某水电站坝肩主要为典型的倾倒变形岩体,为探讨倾倒变形岩体在天然重力场条件的变形破裂发展趋势。试验采用模拟重力场条件的岩体底摩擦模型试验技术模拟分析岩体倾倒变形进一步发展演变过程及特征。  相似文献   
淮南矿区煤矸石的物质组成特征及资源化评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用各种测试方法,对淮南谢桥、新庄孜和张集煤矿采集的不同层位来源的240个煤矸石样品的化学成分、矿物成分和微量元素的进行测试与分析,得出了淮南矿区不同煤矿煤矸石的化学成分特征及其中微量元素的含量变化,评价了煤矸石中有害元素的环境影响作用。结合煤矸石基本特征,提出了合理的资源化利用途径,为煤矿开采过程的主要固体废物煤矸石综合利用和资源化、煤矿环境保护提供了参考资料。  相似文献   
徐韵  陈星 《第四纪研究》2007,27(3):392-400
全新世暖湿气候背景下的代表性气候突变是发生在约8.2kaB.P. 和4.2kaB.P. 的气候突然变冷变干的事件。对于气候突变事件的出现,海洋环流被普遍认为是其中的关键环节。科学家们利用不同类型的气候模式进行过个例和机理模拟试验,但还未能对气候突变机理做出合理的解释。本研究使用一个中等复杂程度的地球系统模式EMIC ( Earth-system Models Intermediate Complexity) MPM-2,模拟研究了全新世气候背景下北大西洋区域,淡水强迫机制作用对温盐环流以及全球气候的可能影响、气候系统响应和恢复时间特征以及南北半球的差异。模拟结果表明海洋对北大西洋淡水通量异常的强度响应敏感,海洋环流对热量和盐份的输送与淡水通量异常强度之间的平衡决定了温盐环流能否对淡水强迫产生不可逆转变,当淡水通量异常达到某一阈值后可能引起海洋和气候平衡态的改变。同时还发现,在气候变化过程中,两次淡水通量异常对海洋和大气系统的强迫作用是不同的,首次淡水通量异常对气候平衡态的影响要远大于其后的淡水通量异常。模拟结果还表明,北大西洋海洋的异常状况可以通过海洋、大气等各圈层相互作用传递到不同圈层和空间区域,在南北半球出现不同的响应特征。上述模拟结果对于认识全新世气候变化特征、不同突变事件之间的关系及其对现代气候的可能影响具有启发意义。  相似文献   
Metallogenesis in the gold ore-concentrated zone of Northwest Shandong Peninsula is closely related to deep processes.The region in the eastern part of North China entered into the stage of mantle plume evolution during the Yanshanian movement,following the long-time stage of stable platform evolution during Paleozoic time.At that time,the ore-concentrated zone of Northwest Shandong Peninsula just entered into the development-evolution stage of the Laiyang sub-mantle plume and the Guojiadian mantle branch structure in its periphery.The core-mantle-source gold was present in the gas-liquid form,and it migrated through mantle plume→sub-mantle plume→mantle branch structure→favorable tectonic expansion zone to the favorable loci of the mantle branch structure,where gold was deposited as ores,thereafter constituting a series of large-to medium-sized gold deposits distributed around the Guojiadian mantle branch structure.This study also dealt with the Jiaojia fault as the main detachment(fault altered rock) belt on the northwestern margin of the mantle branch structure and also presented a basic cognition about the fact that the Sanshandao fault as the listric fault on the hanging wall of the detachment belt.Furthermore,on this basis,this study also pointed out the orientation for further ore prospecting in this region.  相似文献   
据湖北省神农架永兴洞一支石笋的8个230Th年龄、648个δ18O数据,建立了晚全新世4.40~ 1.75ka B.P.时段平均分辨率为4a的东亚夏季风演化序列,其中在2.92~ 2.74ka B.P.期间,δ18O发生显著正偏,幅度达2.5‰,指示一个显著的弱季风事件(这里称之“2.8ka”事件).该事件以夏季风缓慢减弱开始,迅速增强结束,事件内部有两个次一级的振荡旋回(两峰三谷结构),在内部细节与转型特征上类似湖北和尚洞石笋δ18O记录的“8.2ka”事件,暗示发生在全新世这两个冷事件的驱动机制基本一致.这两个弱季风事件都发生在太阳活动明显减弱时期,并分别与北大西洋Bond 2和Bond 5冰漂碎屑事件同步,表明百年尺度的东亚季风环流的演化由太阳活动和北高纬气候共同驱动.  相似文献   
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