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利用′tHooft的边界条件和“准周期”边界条件分别求解了1+1维黑洞背景时空中的KleinGordon方程和Dirac方程,并计算了相应的玻色子熵与费米子熵,发现它们具有同一发散形式,两者仅相差一个系数  相似文献   
如何对传感器资源进行重新组合并用于发现来实现高级的信息共享是目前亟待解决的问题。本文针对目前传感器的建模现状和发现机制现状,选择传感器模型语言(Sensor ML)实现传感器信息的建模。针对Sensor ML用于发现机制的Profile规则,提出了面向处理的传感器抽象模板建模方法。并且使用传感器实例注册(Sensor Instance Registry,SIR)客户端传感器信息模型。基于本文提出的方法,采用自主设计开发的传感器建模软件SensorModel完成了对传感器的快速实例化建模,应用SIR客户端完成了对所建传感器信息模型有效的注册和发现。  相似文献   
The organic-rich shale of the Shanxi and Taiyuan Formation of the Lower Permian deposited in a marine-continental transitional environment are well developed in the Ordos Basin, NW China, which is considered to contain a large amount of shale hydrocarbon resources. This study takes the Lower Permian Shanxi and Taiyuan shale collected from well SL# in the Ordos Basin, NW China as an example to characterize the transitional shale reservoir. Based on organic geochemistry data, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) observations, the desorbed gas contents of this transitional shale were systematically studied and the shale gas potential was investigated. The results indicate that the Lower Permian Shanxi and Taiyuan shale has a relatively high total organic carbon (TOC) (average TOC of 4.9%) and contains type III kerogen with a high mature to over mature status. XRD analyses show that an important characteristic of the shale is that clay and brittle minerals of detrital origin comprise the major mineral composition of the marine-continental transitional shale samples, while the percentages of carbonate minerals, pyrite and siderite are relatively small. FE-SEM observations reveal that the mineral matrix pores are the most abundant in the Lower Permian shale samples, while organic matter (OM) pores are rarely developed. Experimental analysis suggests that the mineral compositions mainly govern the macropore development in the marine-continental transitional shale, and mineral matrix pores and microfractures are considered to provide space for gas storage and migration. In addition, the desorption experiments demonstrated that the marine-continental transitional shale in the Ordos Basin has a significantly potential for shale gas exploration, ranging from 0.53 to 2.86 m3/t with an average value of 1.25m3/t, which is in close proximity to those of terrestrial shale (1.29 m3/t) and marine shale (1.28 m3/t). In summary, these results demonstrated that the Lower Permian marine-continental transitional shale in the Ordos Basin has a significantly potential for shale gas exploration.  相似文献   
不同温室气体排放情景下未来中国地面气温变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
由于高光谱大气红外探测器(AIRS)有2378个通道,如何从众多的通道中提取主要的有用信息。针对这点,文中提出了基于主成分累计影响系数的通道选择方法。首先,进行通道的预处理。然后,考虑白天的通道组合,分别对温度和湿度雅可比矩阵进行主成分分析,得到每个通道对主成分的累计影响系数,根据累计影响系数的大小,进行通道排序。最后,考虑夜晚的通道组合,加入受太阳光影响的通道。最终得到白天和夜晚的入选通道子集。进行温度和湿度廓线反演的实验表明,该方法用于通道选择是可行的。  相似文献   
Rock formations in Glutenite reservoirs typically display highly variable lithology and permeability, low and complex porosity, and significant heterogeneity. It is difficult to predict the pathway of hydraulic fractures in such rock formations. To capture the complex hydraulic fractures in rock masses, a numerical code called Rock Failure Process Analysis (RFPA2D) is introduced. Based on the characteristics of a typical Glutenite reservoir in China, a series of 2D numerical simulations on the hydraulic fractures in a small-scale model are conducted. The initiation, propagation and associated stress evolution of the hydraulic fracture during the failure process, which cannot be observed in experimental tests, are numerically simulated. Based on the numerical results, the hydraulic fracturing path and features are illustrated and discussed in detail. The influence of the confining stress ratio, gravel sizes (indicated by the diameter variation), and gravel volume content (VC) on the hydraulic fracturing pattern in a conglomerate specimen are numerically investigated, and the breakdown pressure is quantified as a function of these variables. Five hydraulic fracturing modes are identified: termination, deflection, branching (bifurcation), penetration, and attraction. The propagation trajectory of the primary hydraulic fractures is determined by the maximum and minimum stress ratios, although the fracturing path on local scales is clearly influenced by the presence of gravels in the conglomerate, particularly when the gravels are relatively large. As the stress ratio increases, the fractures typically penetrate through the gravels completely rather than propagating around the gravels, and the breakdown pressure decreases with increasing stress ratio. Furthermore, the breakdown pressure is affected by the size and volume content of the gravel in the conglomerate: as the gravel size and volume content increase, the breakdown pressure increases.  相似文献   
本文对松原5.7级地震前地磁垂直分量日变化低点时间时空演化特征进行研究,结果显示:1)以去除经度效应后低点时间为0 h的等值线作为低点位移分界线,松原5.7级地震的震中分别位于2018-04-13分界线上和2018-04-24分界线附近;2)异常日期间,中国大陆地磁垂直分量日变形态存在分区特征,去除经度效应后低点时间为正、负的区域内日变形态分别以“W”型和“V”型为主;3)在2018-04-13和2018-04-24这2个异常日期间,中国大陆都存在去除经度效应后的低点时间高梯度带,松原5.7级地震的震中分别位于2018-04-13高梯度区边缘和2018-04-24高梯度区东侧。  相似文献   
In recent years, El Nio Modoki (a type of pseudo-El Nio) has been distinguished as a unique large-scale ocean warming phenomenon happening in the central tropical Pacific that is quite different from the traditional El Nio. In this study, EOF analysis was used to successfully separate El Nio and El Nio Modoki. The abilities of the NINO3 index, NINO3.4 index, NINO1+2 index and NINO4 index in characterizing El Nio were explored in detail. The resulting suggestion was that, comparatively, NINO3 is the op...  相似文献   
Classical 3D/4D variation fusion is based on the theory that error follows Gaussian distribution. When using minimization iteration, the gradient of objective function is involved, and the solution of which requires the continuity of data. This paper adopted the extended classical 3D/4D variation fusion method, and explicitly applied the prior knowledge, which was based on L1-norm, as regularization constraint to the classical variation fusion method. Original data was firstly projected into the wavelet domain during the implementation process, and new fusion model was adopted for data fusion in wavelet space, then inverse wavelet transform was used to project the result to the observation space. Ideal experiment was carried out by using linear advection-diffusion equation as four-dimensional prediction model, which made a hypothesis of the discontinuity with the data between background and observation, and that meant the derivatives between left and right were not equal on some points. The result of the experiment showed that the method adopted here was practicable. A further research was also done for multi-source precipitation fusion. Firstly, CMORPH inversion precipitation data were corrected through PDF (Probability Density Function, PDF) matching method based on GAMMA fitting function. Then corrected data was fused with the observation one. By comparison with the reference field, the result showed that this method can keep some outliers better, which might represent certain weather phenomenon. The L1-norm regularization variation fusion in this paper provided a possible way to deal with discrete data, especially for jump point.  相似文献   
岩溶动力系统中的生物作用机理初探   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
岩溶动力系统是地球表层系统的重要组成部分。生物是地球表层系统中最活跃的地质营力之一 ,它在岩溶动力系统中扮演着重要的角色。地质历史时期 ,生物圈大气圈界面上 ,生物通过植物的光合同化、动植物分泌 ,使大气圈中的CO2 不断转移到碳酸盐岩中 ,形成岩溶发育的物质基础 ,并成为全球最大的碳库 ;生物圈水圈界面上 ,生物形成的生物 (微 )环境改变了水循环的强度和方向 ,并影响岩溶发育 ;生物圈岩石圈界面上 ,生物通过生物物理、生物化学过程 ,殖居碳酸盐岩之上 ,并以之为生存依托 ,生物的新陈代谢过程使碳酸盐岩岩石圈活化 ,使其积极参与全球碳循环。  相似文献   
黄河源区降水与径流过程对ENSO事件的响应特征   总被引:19,自引:10,他引:19  
根据最新季分辨率ENSO指数序列所确认的近40年多来所发生的20次ENSO事件,并确定了每次ENSO事件强度及其影响年,通过对相应年份黄河源区降水与径流距平变化值的对比,分析了降水与径流过程对ENSO事件响应的统计规律;ENSO事件与黄河源区降水与径流年际波动变化有很好的相关性,这种相关性与ENSO事件的性质强弱,发生季节以及持续时间等有关。一般夏秋季暖事件无论强弱均使影响年降水减少,发生于春季的中等强度暖事件使发生年降水呈负距平,影响年降水呈增加趋势,冷事件与暖事件对降水的影响正好相反;暖事件对应年份黄河源区径流量减少,而冷事件则使其增加,随着20世纪90年代以来暖事件发生频率的增加,径流呈现持续减少。  相似文献   
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