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Potalova  E. Yu.  Kleshcheva  T. I.  Permyakov  M. S. 《Oceanology》2019,59(6):814-822
Oceanology - The article considers a particular event in the influence of a mesoscale cyclone (MC) on the northern Sea of Japan on February 10–11, 2013. The passage of the MC was accompanied...  相似文献   
李迎  米铁柱  乔玲  甄毓 《海洋与湖沼》2019,50(6):1241-1251
探究微藻的氮代谢通路对了解其对不同氮源利用的分子机制具有重要意义。本研究利用Illumina高通量测序技术对两种氮素营养条件下(硝酸氮和尿素)多形微眼藻的转录组进行分析,通过基因功能注释及数字基因表达谱分析,研究了多形微眼藻细胞内氮代谢的调控机制。结果检测出15种参与氮代谢的酶,对应76个编码基因,构建了多形微眼藻的氮代谢通路图。其中10个酶编码基因在两种不同氮素营养条件下存在差异表达,最显著的是谷氨酸合成酶、谷氨酸脱氢酶和谷氨酰胺合成酶相关基因。有机氮源(尿素)实验组中,多形微眼藻细胞内的硝酸盐还原酶、亚硝酸盐还原酶等基因的差异表达明显高于无机氮源(硝酸钠)实验组,表明当环境中的氮源为尿素时,会对多形微眼藻细胞内硝酸盐的转化和利用有一定影响。本研究初步阐述了硝酸盐、尿素的吸收转运对多形微眼藻细胞内氮代谢的影响机制,可为硅藻在不同氮素营养条件下的吸收利用机制及氮代谢响应研究提供依据。  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal variability of tidal mixing in Bohai Sea is studied using a numerical approach. In calculating tidal mixing, accurate barotropic tidal current is obtained via a harmonic analysis package utilizing the simulated current output from a high-resolution regional ocean model. And a “small-scale” roughness map is adopted to describe the detailed topographic features of Bohai Sea. It is shown that the tidal mixing estimated in Bohai Sea is much higher than the level of global background, and fluctuates considerably at some regions within a single day. In Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay and Bohai Strait, the mixing varies greatly, with the peak value of O (10?2) m2 s?1. The order of magnitude of mixing in Laizhou Bay is about O (10?5~10?3) m2 s?1. Mixing with background level of O (10?5) m2 s?1 only appears in central area. Result also shows that rough topography plays relatively a more important role than tidal current in enhancing diapycnal mixing in Bohai Sea. The distributions of tidal mixing in selected sections reveal that the vertical stratification in Bohai Sea is not obvious, generally renders a barotropic structure.  相似文献   
本文利用电子探针对南海西沙群岛琛航岛珊瑚礁底部火山碎屑岩中的单斜辉石矿物的化学特征进行了研究。结果表明,该单斜辉石属于富钙透辉石,部分有正环带结构,从核部到边部Ca、Fe、Ti的含量逐渐增加,是岩浆正常结晶顺序的反映,说明该区域的岩浆演化是向着富Ca、Fe、Ti方向发展的。主量元素数据显示,单斜辉石具有低Si高Al的特征(SiO2=41.40%~48.44%,Al2O3=5.54%~10.20%),且AlⅣ含量较高,说明母岩浆为不饱和碱性岩浆系列;此外,单斜辉石Ca含量偏高,Ca/(Ca+Mg+Fe)值在46.1%~51.4%之间,推测是母岩浆的高Ca含量导致了大量高钙辉石的产出。结合西沙海域的地震和构造资料,推测琛航岛珊瑚礁的基底是玄武质火山碎屑岩组成的平顶状海山,系岩浆穿过断裂发育的岩石圈层在西沙群岛的海底喷发,随后火山碎屑物质经过堆积、固结作用而形成;该火山碎屑岩的原岩为板内碱性玄武岩。  相似文献   
相手蟹科的诸多种类因其形态极其相似成为方蟹总科分类中疑问较多的一个类群。通过对中国沿海相手蟹线粒体COI和16S rRNA基因序列进行分子系统发育分析,结果表明14种相手蟹COI和16S rRNA基因序列之间差异分别为5.7%~14.5%和1.5%~12.1%,均达到了种间差异水平。构建的系统发育树显示,14种相手蟹分别为独立有效物种,但分属于拟相手蟹属和近相手蟹属的4种拟相手蟹和3种近相手蟹,没有分别形成2个独立的支系,而是混合聚成一大支系。而属于螳臂相手蟹属的无齿螳臂相手蟹则首先与属于中相手蟹属的中华中相手蟹聚成一支,再与红螯螳臂相手蟹聚为一大支,表现出与形态分类的不一致。错综复杂的分子系统关系预示着相手蟹类为多系起源,也表明它们之间的种间关系乃至于属间关系尚有诸多问题有待进一步厘定。  相似文献   
基于正交匹配追踪的声层析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
声速剖面的变化会对声传播产生较大的影响,经验正交函数模型经常用来实现对声速剖面数据的简化描述。然而在内波、湍流等海水不均匀性存在时,这种正则化操作会造成声速重构精度的大幅降低。本文利用字典学习生成声速剖面的非正交原子,在稀疏编码时采用正交匹配追踪(OMP,Orthogonal Matching Pursuit)算法,更新字典则使用KSVD (Kernel Singular Value Decomposition)的字典更新算法。由于字典学习不需要强制使用正交条件,对于训练数据更加灵活,从而可以使用少数的原子组合达到更高的重构精度。利用一次浅海声学实验多次测量的声速剖面研究了海水声速剖面的经验正交函数表示和字典学习,研究表明:相比于正交函数表示,学习字典可以利用少数原子(甚至一个原子)更好的解释声速剖面扰动。字典学习可以提高声速剖面的稀疏性,从而提高声速剖面的反演精度。  相似文献   
2013年青岛输油管道爆炸,大量石油污染了附近海岸。课题组采集了污染的沉积物样品,以原油为唯一碳源和能源,富集了四个石油降解菌群。生物多样性和群落分析表明,Luteibacter、Parvibaculum 和属于食烷菌科的一个属是降解菌群的主要优势菌,都属于变形菌门。从石油降解菌群中分离筛选,获得了9株具有不同16S rRNA基因序列的降解菌,分别属于8个属。重量法测定降解菌的石油降解率,其中5株的石油降解率大于30%。GC-MS分析结果表明,石油降解菌多倾向于降解烷烃,对多环芳烃的降解能力较差,其中5株细菌的烷烃降解率较大,仅1株菌D2对多环芳烃的降解率较大,其降解率在34.9%到77.5%。通过对高通量数据的分析,表明食烷菌属是菌群A和菌群E的主要降解菌群,其中筛选获得的菌株E4可能是菌群E的一株优势降解菌。本研究所筛选菌株证明了其石油降解潜力,为油污染海滩生物修复提供了菌株资源。  相似文献   
Gao  Yun  Yang  Bin  Zou  Li  Zong  Zhi  Zhang  Zhuang-zhuang 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(1):44-56
A numerical study based on a wake oscillator model was conducted to determine the response performance of vortex-induced vibration(VIV) on a long flexible cylinder with pinned-pinned boundary conditions subjected to linear and exponential shear flows. The coupling equations of a structural vibration model and wake oscillator model were solved using a standard central finite difference method of the second order. The VIV response characteristics including the structural displacement, structural frequency, structural wavenumber, standing wave behavior,travelling wave behavior, structural velocity, lift force coefficient and transferred energy from the fluid to the structure with different flow profiles were compared. The numerical results show that the VIV displacement is a combination of standing waves and travelling waves. For linear shear flow, standing waves and travelling waves dominate the VIV response within the low-velocity and high-velocity zones, respectively. The negative values of the transferred energy only occur within the low-velocity zone. However, for exponential shear flow, travelling waves dominate the VIV response and the negative energy occurs along the entire length of the cylinder.  相似文献   
Liu  Cai  Gao  Yang-yang  Qu  Xin-chen  Wang  Bin  Zhang  Bao-feng 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(3):344-355
A series of three-dimensional numerical simulations is carried out to investigate the effect of inclined angle on flow behavior behind two side-by-side inclined cylinders at low Reynolds number Re=100 and small spacing ratio T/D=1.5 (T is the center-to-center distance between two side-by-side cylinders, D is the diameter of cylinder). The instantaneous and time-averaged flow fields, force coefficients and Strouhal numbers are analyzed. Special attention is focused on the axial flow characteristics with variation of the inclined angle. The results show that the inclined angle has a significant effect on the gap flow behaviors behind two inclined cylinders. The vortex shedding behind two cylinders is suppressed with the increase of the inclined angle as well as the flip-flop gap flow. Moreover, the mean drag coefficient, root-mean-square lift coefficient and Strouhal numbers decrease monotonously with the increase of the inclined angle, which follows the independent principle at small inclined angles.  相似文献   
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