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实现地图图面要素配置的自动化是地图制图自动化中的一个重要部分,能够帮助制图人员提高制图效率。文中在分析国内外有关研究成果的基础上,利用地图图面配置规律和视觉平衡理论,提出一种自动搜寻地图图面要素合适位置的方法。该方法从专题地图生产的实际需要出发,考虑了纸张大小和地图比例尺等因素,用矩形框表示图面要素的大小和位置,简化设计过程。最后,在CorelDRAW环境下,利用VBA技术实现文中所提出的方法。该软件提供了多种地图图面要素配置模板供地图设计人员选择,能进行地图图面要素位置的自动冲突探测,可以为地图设计人员提供一个标准化地图图面配置模板。  相似文献   
黄河水中胱氨酸对铅(Ⅱ)与悬浮粒子相互作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了黄河水中胱氨酸对铅(Ⅱ)与悬浮粒子相互作用的离子交换率E(%)-pH关系曲线的影响.结果表明:(1)2.0 u mol·L-1 的胱氨酸降低了离子交换率E(%);(2)与未加有机物相比"S型曲线"左移0.95个pH单位;(3)随着胱氨酸浓度的增加,离子交换率提高.  相似文献   
通过分析中国大洋科考22航次第七航段海洋环境资料,重点研究了热带东太平洋洋中脊海域的气象与海浪特征,并分析了同期热带大洋气候背景.船测资料与卫星资料的分析结果一致显示,洋中脊海区受到了东南太平洋副热带高压偏强的影响.本文的分析结果将为更精确地研究Nin02、3区的海洋环境特征提供了数据支持.  相似文献   
东海捕虾桁拖网选择性能不佳,对渔业资源的保护和渔业的合理管理带来了负面的影响.刚性栅栏是实现拖网渔具种类选择性捕捞的主要装置,本文根据在吕四渔场开展刚性栅栏海上生产试验,结合SELECT模型分析不同栅条间距(15、20和25mm)的刚性栅栏对短吻舌鳎、小黄鱼和棘头梅童鱼的分隔效率.结果表明,随着栅条间距的增大,栅栏对鱼类的重量分隔率逐渐减小,分隔栅栏对鱼类的50%选择体长(L50S))逐渐增大;对于短吻舌鳎,个体接触分隔栅栏的概率可使用常数来表示,即接触概率与个体尺寸无关,接触概率在0.2-0.4之间,并随着栅条间距的增大而增大(不显著,P>0.05):对于小黄鱼和棘头梅童鱼,所有进入网囊的个体都将接触刚性栅栏;不同鱼类接触栅栏概率的显著差异说明不同鱼类在网囊中的不同行为习性.  相似文献   
随着城市化进程的深入发展,传统二维GIS应用系统的空间分析与表达已无法满足城市信息化管理的需求。三维GIS系统相对于二维GIS系统具有直观、准确的优点,是支撑智慧城市建设的核心技术。本文以广州市海珠区琶洲街为范围,设计了二三维一体化的城市三维仿真应用系统的体系结构,介绍了系统建设的技术路线,最后对应用系统的部分软件功能予以展示。本系统建设流程主要包括数据建设和应用系统开发两大部分,本文均予以详细阐述。由于需对海量的二三维数据进行融合存储并实时调度,而本系统底层利用的Skyline三维引擎支持实时的超大数据融合,因此,本系统具有良好的三维数据运载能力。  相似文献   
The Helan Mountain, an intraplate deformation belt in the North China Craton, is located in the northern portion of the China North-South seismic belt, and at the northwestern margin of the Ordos Block. The Cenozoic deformation history of the Helan Mountain is characterized by extension along the eastern Helan Mountain fault (EHSF), resulting in the exhumation and uplift of the Helan Mountain, relative to the rifting of the adjacent Yinchuan Basin. Here we present new apatite fission track (AFT) data from several transects adjacent to the EHSF in the central and northern Helan Mountain. AFT ages from the northern Helan Mountain (Dawukou and Zhengyiguan transects) range from 10 Ma to 89 Ma, whereas AFT ages from the southern Helan Mountain (Suyukou transect) are greater than 71 Ma. The AFT data analysis reveals initiation of rapid uplift and exhumation of the Helan Mountain at 10–12 Ma. Additionally, a plot of the AFT ages versus their mean track length shows a distinctive "boomerang" pattern indicating that the Helan Mountain experienced a discrete phase of accelerated exhumation beginning at 10-12 Ma. Spatially, AFT samples systematically increase in age away from the EHSF and are consistent with late Cenozoic exhumation that was slow in the southwestern Helan Mountain and rapid in the northeastern Helan Mountain, as well more rapid adjacent to the EHSF and slower away from the EHSF. Obviously, the spatial distribution of late Cenozoic exhumation indicates that normal faulting of the EHSF is related to southwestward tilting and rapid exhumation of the Helan Mountain beginning at 10–12 Ma. The uplift and exhumation of the Helan Mountain was a response to the intensive extension of the northwestern margin of the Ordos Block in the late Cenozoic; this occurred under a regional extensional stress field oriented NW-SE along the Yinchuan-Jilantai-Hetao and the Weihe-Shanxi graben systems adjacent to the Ordos Block.  相似文献   
研究区内岩石物性差异明显,为进行高精度磁测提供了可靠的地球物理依据.本次工作利用Hc-95型手持式氦(4 He)光泵磁力仪在13451矿区进行了高精度磁法扫面,在划定岩性界线的同时,还识别出了隐伏的中基性火山岩.通过磁法资料的延拓处理,指出了重要的构造边界.磁法数据与地质填图的完美耦合,不仅使物探方法更好地为覆盖区地质...  相似文献   
周龙寿  丁立丰  郭啟良 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2869-2876
为研究不同压裂介质影响下的绝对应力测值,利用大尺寸真三轴模拟水压致裂试验系统,用清水及密度分别为1.1、1.2、1.3、1.4 g/cm3的泥浆介质对400 mm×400 mm×400 mm的花岗岩试样进行了水压致裂室内试验,成功获取了连续的压力-时间曲线。利用6种方法识别压力-时间曲线的闭合压力点,与实加最小水平主应力( 5 MPa)对比,得出单切线等4种方法较为符合实际情况;在考虑试验系统柔度影响前提下,对比了实测和理论重张压力;最后分析了在持续泵压作用下岩石裂缝延伸的压力。试验结果表明,密度为1.1、1.2 g/cm3的泥浆介质对压力特征参数的取值影响较小,误差不超过1 MPa,但密度为1.3、1.4 g/cm3的泥浆介质对特征参数值影响很大。试验结果对水压致裂地应力测量技术在不同压裂介质影响下的适用性有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
山东省已发现高岭土矿床18处,分为沉积型和风化残积型2种类型.沉积型高岭土矿受沉积作用的控制,石炭系-二叠系是其主要赋矿层位,广泛发育于鲁中地区北部的各煤田中.风化残积型高岭土矿则以中、小型矿床和矿点的形式零星分布于鲁南和鲁东各地.本文总结了山东省高岭土矿的成矿特征和成矿模式,通过典型矿床详细介绍了高岭土矿的矿体特征和...  相似文献   
In order to calculate the suspended sediment discharge of the flood debris flows into the main river,a small scale flume test was designed to simulate the process of confluence of Jiangjia Ravine and Xiangjiang River in Yunnan province,China.By test observation and data analysis,suspended sediment discharge of Debris flow after its entry into the main river was found to have a close relation with the bulk density,the confluence angle of the Debris flow and the main river,the ratio between per unit width discharge of Debris flow and main river.Based on the measured and simulated results,and statistical analysis,an empirical formula was proposed for the suspended SDR(Sediment Delivery Ratio) of the main river after the confluence of Debris flow.Compared with the observed results of Debris flow in 2009,the error between the data calculated by the empirical formula and the monitored data is only about 10%.  相似文献   
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