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全球气候恶化,洪涝、风沙、干旱等自然灾害频繁,科学研究预测区域乃至全球环境演变趋势,并采取有效措施加以防治,成为目前全人类面临的一大课题。要科学的掌握环境变化的规律,就必须研究过去的环境变迁,沉积物无疑是最好的研究对象。而湖泊在其发生发展过程中,直接出露于地表,其沉积物则是最好记录环境变化信息的载体。近几年来元素地球化学在研究湖泊演变历史,揭示湖泊环境变迁等方面取得了很大的进展。根据目前的研究现状,今后的工作应着眼于分析研究引起源泊环境变化的原因,环境演变与人类活动的关系及其演变规律,进而对未来环境演变趋势进行预测和对自然灾害进行防治,或许是今后湖泊沉积物元素地球化学研究的主要方向。  相似文献   
新疆罗布泊地区属于极端干旱气候地区,大气降水对地下水的补给极其有限,长期以来,众多学者认为凝结水量是罗布泊干盐湖潜卤水的重要补给来源之一。本次通过在罗北凹地地区开展的凝结水试验,较准确地计算了其补给资源量,指出尽管研究区凝结水总生成量较大,但真正能入渗补给到潜卤水饱水带的量却极少,绝大多数凝结水都以难以开发利用的土壤水形式短暂保存,被蒸发散失到大气中,对潜卤水资源量评价影响较小。  相似文献   
低碳城市是在改造和适应全球气候的基础上提出的未来城市发展模板。城市的碳排放值是衡量低碳城市的主要指标。从社会经济、能源和环境3个角度分析了天津市现状,并在此基础上进行情景分析,估算不同情景下天津市2010—2050年的碳排放量。主要结论有:(1)天津市近10年能源消费量和碳排放量均呈现出持续上涨的趋势;(2)从产业结构来看,第二产业所产生的碳排放是天津市碳排放的主体,而一次能源中,煤炭所形成的碳排放占据了首位;(3)天津市在节能情景下即可完成我国2020年的减排承诺,在低碳情景下,天津市可以承担更多的减排责任;(4)按低碳模式发展,天津市将在2020—2035年间达到碳排放的高峰。基于这些结论,提出天津市构建低碳城市的策略,这些策略也同样适用于处于城市化后期的其他中国城市。  相似文献   
李明财  任雨  熊明明  杨艳娟 《地理科学》2012,(12):1538-1544
设计暴雨是区域防洪排涝和城市市政排水的重要基础,是关系到区域安全和城市运行的重要问题。利用天津站和塘沽站完整的分钟降雨量资料以及环城四区和滨海新区其它台站的降雨年最大值资料,推求了各台站的暴雨强度公式,分析了天津市城市化对设计暴雨强度的影响,以及中心城区与滨海新区的空间差异。结果表明:城市化对设计雨量有明显的影响,城区重现期1a的暴雨强度有降低的趋势,而重现期3 a以上的暴雨强度有所增强,而且城市化效应在不同环城区域存在明显的一致性,环城四区排水设计在重现期1a及以下时对城市化影响应有所考虑,而3 a以上重现期设计雨量采用中心城区暴雨公式是安全的;滨海新区3个区域各历时不同重现期下的暴雨强度均高于中心城区,尤其是塘沽远远高于中心城区,滨海区域采用全市统一的暴雨公式进行排水系统设计是不安全的,宜采用滨海新区各区县当地的暴雨强度公式。  相似文献   
闽南山地不同密度桉树人工林土壤肥力的分形研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以分形理论对闽南山地造林密度分别为1 125、1 225、1 325、1 625和2 225株/hm2的桉树人工林土壤结构和理化性质进行研究,建立桉树人工林土壤水稳性团聚体含量与其分形维数相关关系式,以及土壤水稳性团聚体的分形维数和对应的土壤理化性质指标的回归模型.研究结果表明,桉树林土壤水稳性团聚体的分形维数与土壤水稳性团聚体含量及理化性质呈显著回归关系,土壤水稳性团聚体含量与分形维数呈负相关.造林密度为1 325株/hm2的桉树林土壤水稳性团聚体的分形维数最小,林地水稳性团聚体含量最高,土壤结构和稳性性最好.分形理论在林地土壤肥力研究上的应用为林地评价提供了新方法.  相似文献   
The sequence architecture and depositional evolution of the Ordovician carbonate platform margins in the Tarim Basin, China, were formed in response to the interplay of tectonism and sea‐level change, their history being documented by the integrated analysis of many seismic lines, drilling and outcrop data. The Ordovician carbonate system in the basin is divided into four composite sequences defined by major unconformities. Each sequence consists of a regional depositional cycle from transgression with an onlapping transgressive systems tract (TST) to regression with a prograding highstand systems tract (HST), and can be further subdivided into 10 third‐order sequences based on subordinate discontinuous boundaries at the carbonate platform marginal zones. Constrained by the marginal slope of the early‐rifted Manjiaer aulacogen, the carbonate platform margins of the Lower and Middle Ordovician that prograded eastward in an arcuate belt extending generally north‐south across the northern part of the basin. The development of the Tazhong uplift due to compression resulted in an extensive paleokarst hiatus between the Middle and the Upper Ordovician in the south‐central basin, and subsequently constrained the formation of a peninsula‐shaped carbonate platform whose margins were controlled by marginal thrust‐fault belts of the paleo‐uplift during the Late Ordovician. In the northern basin, the Late Ordovician carbonate platform margin developed around the marginal slope of the Tabei paleouplift. The transgressive–regressive cycles of the carbonate system are comparable and seem to have occurred simultaneously across the entire basin, suggesting that the cyclic sequence architecture was fundamentally controlled by eustatic fluctuations. Stacking patterns of the composite sequences varied due to the interplay between the accommodation produced by tectonism and sea‐level change, and the carbonate production rate. The reef–shoal facies complexes that developed along the platform margins, with paleokarst development at unconformities, constitute the major reservoir of large petroleum reserves in the basin.  相似文献   
Early Mesozoic Basins in the Yanshan Fold–Thrust Belt (YFTB), located along the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC), record significant intraplate deformation of unknown age. In this article, we present evidence for the rapid exhumation of high‐grade basement rocks along the northern margin of the NCC in the Early Mesozoic. U–Pb geochronology of detrital zircons constrains the maximum depositional ages of syntectonic sedimentary units that formed during the unroofing of basement rocks and plutons in the Xiabancheng Basin. In the Early Mesozoic, the Xiabancheng Basin recorded a dramatic transformation in depositional environments, related to a significant change in the regional tectonic setting. In this study, the tectonic evolution of the YFTB is established from paleocurrent data and U–Pb zircon ages of sandstone and granitic gravels of the Xingshikou Formation, Xiabancheng Basin. The paleocurrent direction of meandering fluvial facies in the Triassic Liujiagou and Ermaying Formations are from east to west. In contrast, the overlying Xingshikou Formation consists of alluvial fan facies with paleocurrent directions from north‐northwest to south‐southeast. The lower and middle segments of the Xingshikou Formation record rapid exhumation of basement rocks along the northern margin of the NCC. U‐Pb ages of detrital zircons within the Xingshikou Formation are characterized by three major U–Pb age groups: 2.2–2.5 Ga, 1.7–1.8 Ga and 193–356 Ma. From 193 Ma to 356 Ma, a subsidiary peak occurs at 198 ± 5 Ma, constraining the sedimentation age of the Xingshikou Formation to the Early Jurassic. Zircon from the Wangtufang pluton in the northern portion of the Xiabancheng Basin yields U–Pb ages of 191 ± 1 Ma and 207 ± 1 Ma. Within error, these crystallization ages are identical to detrital zircon ages of 206 ± 1 Ma and 206 ± 2 Ma obtained for granitic gravel clasts in the Xingshikou Formation. Thus, the Wangtufang pluton and surrounding basement rocks must have experienced rapid uplift and exhumation during the Early Jurassic. The onset of exhumation along the northern margin of the NCC occurred at ca. 198–180 Ma.  相似文献   
1980-2010 年和田绿洲土地利用变化空间耦合及其环境效应   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
杨依天  郑度  张雪芹  刘羽 《地理学报》2013,68(6):813-824
在气候变暖、西部大开发及2009 年以来实施的19 省市对口援疆建设背景下,和田绿洲面临着全方位经济发展所引发的水土资源需求的巨大挑战。为此,基于研究区3 期18 景TM/ETM+遥感影像目视解译,从空间耦合角度分析了和田绿洲1980-2010 年土地利用变化及其环境效应。研究表明:① 1980-2010 年,和田绿洲土地利用时空变化显著。耕地、城乡工矿居民地面积分别增加了32.32%、142.23%,灌丛与荒漠草地面积分别减少了23.12%、18.82%。新增耕地主要源于草地、未利用地开垦及毁林开荒。绿洲耕地向西北方向逆盛行风向扩张,其质心年平均偏移16.5 m。② 中游绿洲区与下游荒漠区的绿洲面积、土地利用程度综合指数、信息熵与均衡度等分别呈现上升与下降相反趋势。这种以耗水量为纽带的空间耦合源于中游耕地扩张导致的下游径流量逐年减少而造成的下游土地退化。③ 耕地扩张提高土地利用综合水平的同时,林地与草地遭受破坏,土地利用结构信息熵上升,过渡带植被受损严重,系统不稳定性增强,威胁到和田绿洲稳定,进而危及塔里木河下游生态安全。故建议进一步调整农业内部产业结构,缩减高耗水量作物种植面积,严禁以各种名义的开荒;制定塔里木河流域地表水分配法案,立法保障关于地表水分配、增加生态用水等规定严格实施,同时严禁地下水过量开采。  相似文献   
闲暇时间约束对中山陵景区国内客源市场空间结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闲暇时间是旅游需求得以实现的必要条件之一,居民闲暇时间的变化必然对旅游地客源市场空间结构产生影响。选择"五一"小长假、"十一"黄金周及暑假3类6个不同闲暇时长的时段,基于现场问卷调研,使用客源地地理集中指数、客源吸引半径、距离衰减曲线及引力模型研究闲暇时间约束对南京市中山陵景区客源市场空间结构的影响,发现随着假日时长的增加,居民出游距离受闲暇时间的约束降低,从而旅游地客源吸引半径增大,客源地集中指数降低、距离衰减曲线变缓、距离衰减指数降低。研究结果表明,在不同时长的闲暇时间约束下,距离因素对景区客流量的影响最大,其次为收入(客源地人均地区生产总值),而客源地人口规模因素的影响最小。  相似文献   
同一地名映射不同物理空间位置的地名歧义现象普遍存在,地名消歧是指为地名分配唯一地理位置的过程.欧美国家的地名数据库和相关知识库比较完善,提出一系列通用或适宜个别语种的地名消歧方法.由于我国当前缺乏类似的高质量数据资源,难以直接引入这些方法解决中文地名消歧问题.该文提出在地名识别和地名匹配的基础上,通过构建歧义地名行政隶属关系树状图,利用上下文相关地名在树状图中出现的子节点数,判断歧义地名指向的地理位置.实验表明,该方法简单易行,而且可以达到较好的消歧效果.  相似文献   
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