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In the present study, we sought to determine the concentration of several trace elements (total and organic mercury, selenium, cadmium, lead, arsenic, copper, chromium, iron, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium and zinc) in muscle tissue of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), an edible finfish species that is widely cultured in the Mediterranean area. The phenomenon of bioaccumulation and bioamplification (especially of mercury) was investigated by comparing farmed fish with wild specimens of the same species. Farmed specimens showed mercury and arsenic concentrations significantly lower than wild specimens, and no relationship was found between mercury concentration and body size. The lower level of methylmercury in farmed fish has important implications for consumer health.  相似文献   
以五莲分岭山火山机构为例,运用高精度的^40Ar-^39Ar定年技术,对胶莱盆地青山组火山岩的形成年龄进行了精确测定。结果表明。青山组第一旋回中偏碱性富钾火山岩的形成年龄为109.9±0.6Ma,第二旋回酸性流纹质火山岩形成年龄为108.2±0.6Ma,据此确定胶莱盆地青山组火山岩应为早白垩世岩浆活动的产物。根据该组火山岩在空间上具有自西向东年龄渐新的演变趋势,表明中生代伊泽奈崎板块向欧亚板块碰撞俯冲应是制约区内火山活动的主要动力因素。  相似文献   
We report an experimental and microstructural study of the frictional properties of simulated fault gouges prepared from natural limestone (96 % CaCO3) and pure calcite. Our experiments consisted of direct shear tests performed, under dry and wet conditions, at an effective normal stress of 50 MPa, at 18–150 °C and sliding velocities of 0.1–10 μm/s. Wet experiments used a pore water pressure of 10 MPa. Wet gouges typically showed a lower steady-state frictional strength (μ = 0.6) than dry gouges (μ = 0.7–0.8), particularly in the case of the pure calcite samples. All runs showed a transition from stable velocity strengthening to (potentially) unstable velocity weakening slip above 80–100 °C. All recovered samples showed patchy, mirror-like surfaces marking boundary shear planes. Optical study of sections cut normal to the shear plane and parallel to the shear direction showed both boundary and inclined shear bands, characterized by extreme grain comminution and a crystallographic preferred orientation. Cross-sections of boundary shears, cut normal to the shear direction using focused ion beam—SEM, from pure calcite gouges sheared at 18 and 150 °C, revealed dense arrays of rounded, ~0.3 μm-sized particles in the shear band core. Transmission electron microscopy showed that these particles consist of 5–20 nm sized calcite nanocrystals. All samples showed evidence for cataclasis and crystal plasticity. Comparing our results with previous models for gouge friction, we suggest that frictional behaviour was controlled by competition between crystal plastic and granular flow processes active in the shear bands, with water facilitating pressure solution, subcritical cracking and intergranular lubrication. Our data have important implications for the depth of the seismogenic zone in tectonically active limestone terrains. Contrary to recent claims, our data also demonstrate that nanocrystalline mirror-like slip surfaces in calcite(-rich) faults are not necessarily indicative of seismic slip rates.  相似文献   
The Temaguessine high-level subcircular pluton is intrusive into the LATEA metacraton (Central Hoggar) Eburnian (2 Ga) basement and in the Pan-African (615 Ma) granitic batholiths along a major NW–SE oriented major shear zone. It is dated here (SHRIMP U–Pb on zircon) at 582 ± 5 Ma. Composed of amphibole–biotite granite and biotite syenogranite, it comprises abundant enclaves: mafic magmatic enclaves, country-rock xenoliths and remarkable Fe-cordierite (#Fe = 0.87) orbicules. The orbicules have a core rich in cordierite (40%) and a leucocratic quartz–feldspar rim. They are interpreted as resulting from the incongruent melting of the meta-wacke xenoliths collapsed into the magma: the breakdown of the biotite + quartz assemblage produced the cordierite and a quartz–feldspar minimum melt that is expelled, forming the leucocratic rim. The orbicule generation occurred at T < 850° and P < 0.3 GPa. The Fe-rich character of the cordierite resulted from the Fe-rich protolith (wacke with 4% Fe2O3 for 72% SiO2). Strongly negative εNd (−9.6 to −11.2), Nd TDM model ages between 1.64 and 1.92 Ga, inherited zircons between 1.76 and 2.04 Ga and low to moderately high ISr (0.704–0.710) indicate a Rb-depleted lower continental crust source for the Temaguessine pluton; regional considerations impose however also the participation of asthenospheric material. The Temaguessine pluton, together with other high-level subcircular pluton, is considered as marking the end of the Pan-African magma generation in the LATEA metacraton, resulting from the linear delamination along mega-shear zones, allowing asthenospheric uprise and melting of the lower continental crust. This implies that the younger Taourirt granitic province (535–520 Ma) should be considered as a Cambrian intraplate anorogenic event and not as a very late Pan-African event.  相似文献   
Numerical studies using the displacement discontinuity method show that a single shear crack under compression propagates in its own direction, because such propagation results in the maximum release of strain energy. The methods of linear elastic fracture mechanics may not be used for such a closed crack, and the stress intensity factors are meaningless in that case. Laboratory observations of propagation by means of kinks at an angle of approximately 70° to the crack may be due to heterogeneities, to the effect of a preexisting crack, to end effects, to microcracking, or to some combination of these factors. Such kinks may thus be local phenomena which cannot release most of the strain energy, and are not incompatible with our numerical results which are based on a global energy balance.  相似文献   
Opencast mining alters surface and subsurface hydrology of a landscape both during and post‐mining. At mine closure, following opencast mining in mines with low overburden to coal ratios, a void is left in the final landform. This final void is the location of the active mine pit at closure. Voids are generally not infilled within the mines' lifetime, because of the prohibitive cost of earthwork operations, and they become post‐mining water bodies or pit lakes. Water quality is a significant issue for pit lakes. Groundwater within coal seams and associated rocks can be saline, depending on the nature of the strata and groundwater circulation patterns. This groundwater may be preferentially drawn to and collected in the final void. Surface runoff to the void will not only collect salts from rainfall and atmospheric fallout, but also from the ground surface and the weathering of fresh rock. As the void water level rises, its evaporative surface area increases, concentrating salts that are held in solution. This paper presents a study of the long term, water quality trends in a post‐mining final void in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia. This process is complex and occurs long term, and modelling offers the only method of evaluating water quality. Using available geochemical, climate and hydrogeological data as inputs into a mass‐balance model, water quality in the final void was found to increase rapidly in salinity through time (2452 to 8909 mg l−1 over 500 years) as evaporation concentrates the salt in the void and regional groundwater containing high loads of salt continues to flow into the void. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Process length variation of cysts of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum (Claparède et Lachmann) Bütschli in surface sediments from the North Pacific was investigated. The average process length showed a significant inverse relation to annual seawater density: σt annual = ?0.8674 × average process length + 1029.3 (R2 = 0.84), with a standard error of 0.78 kg m?3. A sediment trap study from Effingham Inlet in British Columbia revealed the same relationship between average process length and local seawater density variations. In the Baltic–Skagerrak region, the average process length variation was related significantly to annual seawater density: σt annual = 3.5457 × average process length ? 993.28 (R2 = 0.86), with a standard error of 3.09 kg m?3. These calibrations cannot be reconciled, which accentuates the regional character of the calibrations. This can be related to variations in molecular data (small subunit, long subunit and internal transcribed spacer sequences), which show the presence of several genotypes and the occurrence of pseudo‐cryptic speciation within this species. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
During Early Jurassic time, the Scots Bay Formation accumulated in an aerobic lake on the floor of the subtropical Fundy rift valley. A diverse biota flourished in the lake as evidenced by algal stromatolites, oncolites, charophytes, ostracods, gastropods, conchostracans, fish bones, calcispheres and logs. Carbonate wackestone and packstone were deposited in the littoral zone and lime mudstone accumulated offshore on a proximal slope. Silica-rich hydrothermal springs and seeps around and on the floor of the lake precipitated siliceous tufa and silicified adjacent carbonate strata. The tufa is characterized by the progressive sequence: (1) open-framework, porous substrate of goethite spheres, (2) encrusting chalcedony spherulites where goethite inclusions decrease in size and number outwards towards the surfaces of the spherulites, (3) a fringe of quartz on the chalcedony spherulites and (4) coarsening inwards mosaics of quartz that filled the remaining voids. Carbonate diagenesis included conversion of low-Mg calcite ooze to micrite and microspar-pseudospar, and local dissolution and reprecipitation of calcite cement. At times the lake shrank in size, concentrating silica in increasingly alkaline lake water which then silicified some of the carbonate strata and logs. The latest cements were calcite, zeolites and celadonite.  相似文献   
A regional gravity study of Honduras was performed as part of a major study of the geothermal resource potential of Honduras. This study was conducted by Los Alamos National Laboratory, in cooperation with the Honduras government. Regional offshore free-air and onshore Bouguer gravity maps, and residual/isostatic gravity maps of Honduras and surrounding regions were produced. From these data several regional crustal and upper mantle models were produced. These models pass through two local geothermal sites, Platanares and San Ignacio. The regional geologic and tectonic implications of the models and their relevance to the geothermal potential of Honduras and to six well known geothermal sites in particular are examined. No obvious regional structures observed in the gravity data can explain the thermal enhancement in general or the specific geothermal sites. More local tectonic or structural conditions must control the distribution of the thermally enhanced areas.  相似文献   
The surface parameters are being evaluated using a methodology which considers the vertical temperature structure of MONTBLEX ’90. For this 30 metre micrometeorological tower data are utilised. In this process, a concept of isolated layers has been introduced. The parameters have been evaluated following two successive iterative processes to give a consistent value both in the flux-profile relation and the related similarity relation. The heat flux obtained using the present methodology, is then utilised to examine its interplay with the synoptic as well as mesoscale features. The existence of such an interplay is observed.  相似文献   
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