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Zusammenfassung Im Bereich der südlichen Ägäis überlagern vier allochthone Stockwerke den autochthonen Plattenkalk (Perm-Oligozän). Die allochthonen Serien entstammen ursprünglich konzentrisch angeordneten mesozoisch-alttertiären Faziesräumen der zentralen Ägäis. Die tektonische Abfolge aus neritischen Karbonaten, pelagischen Karbonaten und einem vulkano-sedimentären Komplex, die durch inkompetente Zwischenmittel (Mélange) getrennt werden, besteht über den gesamten Bogen. Fazielle und stratigraphische Merkmale sowie die Art der Deformation ermöglichen die Korrelation der Teilprofile des südägäischen Deckenstapels und dessen Anknüpfung an die südwestliche Türkei. Die kinematische Analyse des Deckenbaus führt zu dem Bild eines sich ausbreitenden Mantel-Diapirs, an dessen geneigter Grenzfläche ein gravitativer Transport ausgelöst wurde.
In the realm of the Southern Aegean Arc four allochthonous units are piled up above the autochthonous Cherty Limestone (Permian-Oligocene). The allochthonous units are derived from different Mesozoic to Paleogene facies zones which originally were arranged in concentric belts in the Central Aegean Sea. The nappe pile consists — from bottom to top — of neritic carbonates, pelagic carbonates and a volcano-sedimentary complex along the entire arc. These competent units are separated by incompetent members of mainly flyschoid sediments, acting as lubricants. The intercalated sediments were deformed to mélanges due to tectonic transport. Facies analysis, stratigraphy and the style of deformation lead to a correlation of type sections of the southern Aegean nappe pile and its relation to the southwestern part of Turkey. The nappe transport is caused by diapiric uplift and lateral shifting of a thermal dome. A radial gravity transport occurred on its inclined boundary plane.

Résumé Dans la région de l'Egée méridionale le Calcaire en plaquettes, en position autochthone (Permian-Oligocène) repose sous quatre unités allochthones. Les séries allochthones proviennent de différentes zones de faciès mésozoique-paléogène qui à l'origine étaient disposées concentriquement dans l'Égée centrale. Les nappes sont constituées tout le long de l'arc entier pour des carbonates néritiques, des carbonates pélagiques et un complexe volcano-sédimentaire. Ces unités compétentes sont séparées par des formations incompétentes, notamment des sédiments flyschoides qui ont servi de lubrificant. Ces sédiments intercalés ont été déformés en mélanges par le transport tectonique. Des caractéristiques de faciès et d'ordre stratigraphique, et le style de la déformation rendent possible la corrélation entre les fractions des nappes sud-égéennes et leur rattachement au sud-ouest de la Turquie. Le transport des nappes est lié au déploiement latéral de l'enveloppe d'un dôme diapirique, qui a déclanché un transport radial, par gravité, le long de sa base inclinée.

4 (-). - - . - , (Mélange). , - - . , .

Diese Untersuchungen wurden im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogrammes Geodynamik des mediterranen Raumes der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt und gefördert. Ausgehend von einer Geländetätigkeit auf Kreta in den Jahren 1973–1975 erfolgten im Herbst 1975 Vergleichsbegehungen auf dem Peloponnes, auf Rhodos und den Kykladen. Von den Mitarbeitern des Institutes für Geologie und Paläontologie der TU Braunschweig übernahmen dankenswerterweise FrauBeddies und FrauBusch die Niederschrift des Manuskriptes sowie Übersetzungsarbeiten. HerrStosnach führte freundlicherweise die Reinzeichnung der Abbildungen und Fotoarbeiten aus.  相似文献   
To date, published studies of alluvial bar architecture in large rivers have been restricted mostly to case studies of individual bars and single locations. Relatively little is known about how the depositional processes and sedimentary architecture of kilometre‐scale bars vary within a multi‐kilometre reach or over several hundreds of kilometres downstream. This study presents Ground Penetrating Radar and core data from 11, kilometre‐scale bars from the Río Paraná, Argentina. The investigated bars are located between 30 km upstream and 540 km downstream of the Río Paraná – Río Paraguay confluence, where a significant volume of fine‐grained suspended sediment is introduced into the network. Bar‐scale cross‐stratified sets, with lengths and widths up to 600 m and thicknesses up to 12 m, enable the distinction of large river deposits from stacked deposits of smaller rivers, but are only present in half the surface area of the bars. Up to 90% of bar‐scale sets are found on top of finer‐grained ripple‐laminated bar‐trough deposits. Bar‐scale sets make up as much as 58% of the volume of the deposits in small, incipient mid‐channel bars, but this proportion decreases significantly with increasing age and size of the bars. Contrary to what might be expected, a significant proportion of the sedimentary structures found in the Río Paraná is similar in scale to those found in much smaller rivers. In other words, large river deposits are not always characterized by big structures that allow a simple interpretation of river scale. However, the large scale of the depositional units in big rivers causes small‐scale structures, such as ripple sets, to be grouped into thicker cosets, which indicate river scale even when no obvious large‐scale sets are present. The results also show that the composition of bars differs between the studied reaches upstream and downstream of the confluence with the Río Paraguay. Relative to other controls on downstream fining, the tributary input of fine‐grained suspended material from the Río Paraguay causes a marked change in the composition of the bar deposits. Compared to the upstream reaches, the sedimentary architecture of the downstream reaches in the top ca 5 m of mid‐channel bars shows: (i) an increase in the abundance and thickness (up to metre‐scale) of laterally extensive (hundreds of metres) fine‐grained layers; (ii) an increase in the percentage of deposits comprised of ripple sets (to >40% in the upper bar deposits); and (iii) an increase in bar‐trough deposits and a corresponding decrease in bar‐scale cross‐strata (<10%). The thalweg deposits of the Río Paraná are composed of dune sets, even directly downstream from the Río Paraguay where the upper channel deposits are dominantly fine‐grained. Thus, the change in sedimentary facies due to a tributary point‐source of fine‐grained sediment is primarily expressed in the composition of the upper bar deposits.  相似文献   
Past research has demonstrated the dramatic effects that variations in suspended clay can have on the properties of flow by producing a range of transitional flows between turbulent and laminar states, depending on clay concentration and fluid shear. Past studies have been restricted to kaolinite flows, a clay mineral that has relatively weak cohesive properties. This paper extends these studies to suspension flows of bentonite, a clay mineral that attains higher viscosities at far lower volumetric concentrations within a flow. The results show that the types of transitional flow behaviour recognized in past studies can also be found in bentonite suspension flows, but at lower suspended sediment concentrations, thus demonstrating an even more dramatic effect on flow properties, and potentially on sediment transport and resulting bed morphology, than kaolinite flows. The paper proposes new stability diagrams for the phase space of bentonite flows and compares these to past work on kaolinite suspension flows. These new data suggest that the transitional‐flow Reynolds number can be used to delineate the types of transitional flow across different clay types and assess modern and ancient clay‐suspension flows. © 2016 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
Radiative Exchange in an Urban Street Canyon   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
The influence of building geometry on the radiation terms ofthe surface energy balance is a principal reason for surfacetemperature differences between rural and urban areas.Methods exist to calculate the radiation balance in an urban area,but their validity across the range of urban geometries andmaterials has not been carefully considered.Here the exchange of diffuse radiation in an urban street canyon isinvestigated using a method incorporating all reflections of radiation.This exact solution is compared to two commonly used approximationsthat retain either no reflections, or just one reflection of radiation.The area-averaged net radiative flux density from the facets of the canyondecreases in magnitude monotonically as the canyon aspect ratio increases.The two approximate solutions possess unphysical differences from thismonotonic decrease for high canyon aspect ratios or low materialemissivities/high material albedos.The errors of the two approximate solutions are small for near blackbodymaterials and small canyon aspect ratios but can be an order ofmagnitude for intermediate material properties and deep street canyons.Urban street canyon models need to consider at least one reflectionof radiation and multiple reflections are desirable for full applicability.  相似文献   
Summary The current resolution of operational weather forecast model is not sufficient in general to explicitly resolve even the major cities of the World. As a consequence, urban areas have traditionally been neglected in such models. The introduction of tiled land surface models has enabled sub-gridscale landuse to be modelled, and hence has provided the opportunity to model cities within weather forecast models. However, to date there has been little effort made within the operational weather forecast community. At present there is only one operational centre that explicitly resolves urban areas. This centre includes a simple urban scheme within its mesoscale and global models, which has been shown to have a positive impact on the forecast. However, with the recent developments within urban meteorology there are now a variety of urban schemes, which vary in their complexity and parameter requirements, that would be suitable for operational weather forecast models. So it is likely that more operational models, and in particular mesoscale models, will include urban areas in the near future. With the majority of the World‘s population living in cities, the resilience of these cities to the impacts of climate change is also becoming of increasing interest. This means that urban areas will have to be included within climate change simulations, as well as weather forecast simulations, in the future. At present, only one climate change model has included a parametrisation for urban areas. However, this is likely to increase if work in this area grows rapidly.  相似文献   
The UK Met Office has introduced a new scheme for its urban tile in MOSES 2.2 (Met Office Surface Exchange Scheme version 2.2), which is currently implemented within the operational Met Office weather forecasting model. Here, the performance of the urban tile is evaluated in two urban areas: the historic core of downtown Mexico City and a light industrial site in Vancouver, Canada. The sites differ in terms of building structures and mean building heights. In both cases vegetation cover is less than 5%. The evaluation is based on surface energy balance flux measurements conducted at approximately the blending height, which is the location where the surface scheme passes flux data into the atmospheric model. At both sites, MOSES 2.2 correctly simulates the net radiation, but there are discrepancies in the partitioning of turbulent and storage heat fluxes between predicted and observed values. Of the turbulent fluxes, latent heat fluxes were underpredicted by about one order of magnitude. Multiple model runs revealed MOSES 2.2 to be sensitive to changes in the canopy heat storage and in the ratio between the aerodynamic roughness length and that for heat transfer (temperature). Model performance was optimum with heat capacity values smaller than those generally considered for these sites. The results suggest that the current scheme is probably too simple, and that improvements may be obtained by increasing the complexity of the model.  相似文献   
The plasma-wave experiment ASPI (analysis of spectra of plasma waves and instabilities) on board the INTERBALL spacecraft is a combined wave diagnostics experiment. It performs measurements of the DC and AC magnetic field vector by flux-gate and searchcoil sensors, the DC and AC electric field vector by Langmuir double probes and the plasma current by Langmuir split probe. Preliminary data analysis shows the low noise levels of the sensors and the compatibility of new data with the results of previous missions. During several months of in-orbit operation a rich collection of data was acquired, examples of which at the magnetopause and plasma sheet are presented in second part of the paper.  相似文献   
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