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At the Midway, Utah, USA fish hatchery, a groundwater development program was conducted to help transition the facility from surface to groundwater in response to contamination by whirling disease, which is caused by a trout parasite. The unconfined aquifer system that provided the hatchery water became infected through the recharge of infected irrigation water obtained from the Provo River. Whirling disease was first discovered in Utah in 1991 at a private fish farm. Infected fish from the farm quickly infected many of Utah’s waterways and infected the hatchery in 2000. Because the parasite completes its life cycle in multiple organisms and can survive for decades in a variety of harsh environments, a comprehensive study of the hydrostratigraphy and hydrodynamics at the hatchery was critical in order to understand the hazard and avoid further contamination. Drilling revealed the presence of a shallow unconfined (surface to 10 m) and two deeper confined aquifer systems (~20–35 m and >40 m bgs). Confinement is related to tufa layers, detected both by drilling and reflection seismology. The tufa layers are associated with past discharge of the thermal system. Vertical leakage is apparent from upward hydraulic head gradients and incrementally increasing unconfined aquifer discharge into downstream on-site drainage canals. High-resolution seismic profiles reveal small-offset faults that provide pathways for upward flow. Analysis of water quality data demonstrates an inverted geochemical gradient in that apparent 14C ages, solute concentrations, and temperatures decrease with depth. The origin of the inverted geochemical gradient is related to mixing of upwelling thermal, high-TDS waters with cold, low-TDS systems several kilometers up-gradient from the hatchery. Thermal upwelling appears to be fault controlled. Up-gradient of the hatchery, near-surface groundwater mixes with a larger proportion of thermal groundwater than does deeper groundwater. As these mixed systems flow toward the hatchery, a major locus of groundwater discharge, they are segregated into confined and unconfined compartments. Our study requires integration of hydrological, geochemical, and geophysical strategies in order to understand a complex natural hazard and thus may serve as a model for other similarly complex hydrological environments.  相似文献   
More than fifty new K-Ar age determinations are reported for mineral separates and whole-rock samples from igneous and metamorphic basement rocks of northwestern Argentina and contiguous Chile between 25° and 30°S. The age data define three thermal events, occurring in the late Ordovician-Silurian (400–450 m.y.), mid-Carboniferous (310–340 m.y.) and Permian (225–270 m.y.), and confirm deductions of previous workers that the crystalline basement rocks of the Pampean Ranges of northwestern Argentina are not of Precambrian age, but rather evolved predominantly during the Palaeozoic. The proposed radiometric age provinces and the inferred orogenic history of the area are compared with those for the rest of South America, and it is confirmed that, by the late Ordovician, the focus of major orogenic activity in South America was located along the present western and southern margins of the craton, and tended to migrate westwards during the Palaeozoic.  相似文献   
The recent discovery and excavation of the Bolton Spring Site, located in the glaciated uplands of eastern Connecticut, presents an enigma to archaeologists and geologists interested in dating and interpreting prehistoric human habitation sites. A single discrete charcoal-bearing occupation level at the site was characterized by artifacts of the Middle Archaic Period (8000-6000 B.P.) and contained an abundance of small-mammal remains typical of the Holocene woodland fauna. Although the site seemed to present a clearcut opportunity for radiocarbon-dating, C13-corrected radiocarbon dates from the cultural horizon span nearly three thousand years. Our interpretation is that occupation occurred near the end of a depositional hiatus during which noncultural charcoal accumulated. Subsequent burial of the cultural layer by eolian sediments may have resulted from deflation of pre-existing eolian sediments in the Connecticut River Valley during drier, mid-Holocene conditions. Substantial rockfall activity and rubble movement on adjacent slopes may have been restricted to late Holocene time.  相似文献   
On 2006 August 30, SXP18.3 a high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with an 18.3 s pulse period was observed by Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ). The source was seen continuously for the following 36 weeks. This is the longest type II outburst ever seen from a HMXB in the SMC. During the outburst, SXP18.3 was located from serendipitous XMM–Newton observations. The identification of the optical counterpart has allowed SXP18.3 to be classified as a Be/X-ray binary. This paper will report on the analysis of the optical and weekly RXTE X-ray data that span the last 10 yr. The extreme length of this outburst has for the first time enabled us to perform an extensive study of the pulse timing of a SMC Be/X-ray binary. We present a possible full orbital solution from the pulse timing data. An orbital period of 17.79 d is proposed from the analysis of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) III light curve placing SXP18.3 on the boundary of known sources in the Corbet diagram.  相似文献   
Optical and X-ray observations are presented here of a newly reported X-ray transient system in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The data reveal many previously unknown X-ray detections of this system and clear evidence for a 45.99 d binary period. In addition, the optical photometry shows recurring outburst features at the binary period which may be well indicative of the neutron star interacting with a circumstellar disc around a Be star.  相似文献   
The DuneXpress observatory will characterize interstellar and interplanetary dust in-situ, in order to provide crucial information not achievable with remote sensing astronomical methods. Galactic interstellar dust constitutes the solid phase of matter from which stars and planetary systems form. Interplanetary dust, from comets and asteroids, represents remnant material from bodies at different stages of early solar system evolution. Thus, studies of interstellar and interplanetary dust with DuneXpress in Earth orbit will provide a comparison between the composition of the interstellar medium and primitive planetary objects. Hence DuneXpress will provide insights into the physical conditions during planetary system formation. This comparison of interstellar and interplanetary dust addresses directly themes of highest priority in astrophysics and solar system science, which are described in ESA’s Cosmic Vision. The discoveries of interstellar dust in the outer and inner solar system during the last decade suggest an innovative approach to the characterization of cosmic dust. DuneXpress establishes the next logical step beyond NASA’s Stardust mission, with four major advancements in cosmic dust research: (1) analysis of the elemental and isotopic composition of individual interstellar grains passing through the solar system, (2) determination of the size distribution of interstellar dust at 1 AU from 10 − 14 to 10 − 9 g, (3) characterization of the interstellar dust flow through the planetary system, (4) establish the interrelation of interplanetary dust with comets and asteroids. Additionally, in supporting the dust science objectives, DuneXpress will characterize dust charging in the solar wind and in the Earth’s magnetotail. The science payload consists of two dust telescopes of a total of 0.1 m2 sensitive area, three dust cameras totaling 0.4 m2 sensitive area, and a nano-dust detector. The dust telescopes measure high-resolution mass spectra of both positive and negative ions released upon impact of dust particles. The dust cameras employ different detection methods and are optimized for (1) large area impact detection and trajectory analysis of submicron sized and larger dust grains, (2) the determination of physical properties, such as flux, mass, speed, and electrical charge. A nano-dust detector searches for nanometer-sized dust particles in interplanetary space. A plasma monitor supports the dust charge measurements, thereby, providing additional information on the dust particles. About 1,000 grains are expected to be recorded by this payload every year, with 20% of these grains providing elemental composition. During the mission submicron to micron-sized interstellar grains are expected to be recorded in statistically significant numbers. DuneXpress will open a new window to dusty universe that will provide unprecedented information on cosmic dust and on the objects from which it is derived.  相似文献   
To assess the vulnerability of ground water to contamination in the karstic Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA), age-dating tracers and selected anthropogenic and naturally occurring compounds were analyzed in multiple water samples from a public supply well (PSW) near Tampa, Florida. Samples also were collected from 28 monitoring wells in the UFA and the overlying surficial aquifer system (SAS) and intermediate confining unit located within the contributing recharge area to the PSW. Age tracer and geochemical data from the earlier stage of the study (2003 through 2005) were combined with new data (2006) on concentrations of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), tritium (3H), and helium-3, which were consistent with binary mixtures of water for the PSW dominated by young water (less than 7 years). Water samples from the SAS also indicated mostly young water (less than 7 years); however, most water samples from monitoring wells in the UFA had lower SF6 and 3H concentrations than the PSW and SAS, indicating mixtures containing high proportions of older water (more than 60 years). Vulnerability of the PSW to contamination was indicated by predominantly young water and elevated nitrate-N and volatile organic compound concentrations that were similar to those in the SAS. Elevated arsenic (As) concentrations (3 to 19 μg/L) and higher As(V)/As(III) ratios in the PSW than in water from UFA monitoring wells indicate that oxic water from the SAS likely mobilizes As from pyrite in the UFA matrix. Young water found in the PSW also was present in UFA monitoring wells that tap a highly transmissive zone (43- to 53-m depth) in the UFA.  相似文献   
Must magmatic intrusion in the lower crust produce reflectivity?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Færoe–Iceland Ridge (FIR) provides a laboratory in which to investigate the reflectivity and velocity structure of thick crust generated above a mantle plume in order to constrain models of underplating and the origins of lower-crustal layering in an environment dominated by young igneous processes. Over 600 km of common midpoint (cmp) data were collected along and across the FIR using a large airgun array with a 240-channel streamer. The interpretation of these data has been integrated with a velocity model of the crust and upper mantle along the FIR obtained from wide-angle seismic arrivals into ocean bottom and land seismometers. Due to the intermediate water depths and the presence of basalt near the water bottom, specialized processing steps were required for the cmp data. A wave equation-based multiple attenuation scheme was applied to the prestack data, which used a forward model of the multiple series to predict and attenuate multiple energy. Array simulations were applied in the shot and receiver domains in order to minimize spatial aliasing and reduce low apparent-velocity noise. Most of the sections over the central (oceanic) portion of the FIR show no pronounced reflectivity, although occasional Moho and/or lower-crustal reflections are observed. We believe that the poor reflectivity results largely from a lack of physical property contrasts rather than being an effect of acquisition or processing, although we also conclude that residual energy from strong multiple reflection remains in the final sections. Amplitude decay and reflection strength vary along the FIR, but there is good signal-to-noise ratio to travel times of at least 9 s (i.e., into the lower crust), implying that the reduced reflectivity beneath the main part of the FIR is not an artifact of signal penetration loss. We conclude that the addition of melt to the lower crust along the trace of the plume apparently did not produce strong physical property contrasts in the lower crust, where little reflectivity is apparent. Perhaps this was because the entire crust was hot at the time of formation. In contrast, igneous intrusion into preexisting continental crust (at the Færoe Islands end of the FIR) and into older igneous crust (at the Iceland end of the FIR) produces significant lower-crustal reflectivity. Strong lower-crustal reflectivity elsewhere beneath the northwestern European continental margins may have a similar intrusive origin.  相似文献   
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