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The arcuate pattern of the main Caledonian cleavage and associated fold axial plane traces in North Wales is due partly to NW-SE compression with tectonic transport to the southeast against the concealed crop of the Tan y grisiau Microgranite. Low-angle cleavage close to the microgranite is shown to be a local variant of the regional cleavage formed during the main deformation and not an earlier phase as previously supposed. Transcurrent movements along several major fault systems are also related to compression around the microgranite and the Harlech Dome block.  相似文献   
The short-periodic spectroscopic and photometric variations and the frequency ratio of 1:2 suggest the existence of a triple system for ET And, though some serious difficulties continue to exist in explaining all observational facts. Assuming a triple, the observable star is the primary of a very close, ellipsoidal binary system. Under this assumption the star cannot be a main-sequence B9 star as usually assumed. It should be a star located in the domain of the horizontal branch stars in the HR diagram possessing a thin and expanding envelope. Spektroskopische und photometrische Beobachtungen des variablen Sterns ET And wurden in den Jahren 1981/82 ausgeführt. Zusätzlich zu der bekannten periodischen Variation der Radialgeschwindigkeit von 48.308 Tagen, hervorgerufen durch einen Begleiter und der wahrscheinlich von der Rotation des Sterns herrührenden photometrischen Periode von 1.61883 Tagen, existieren weitere periodische Variationen. So variieren die Radialgeschwindigkeiten mit einer Periode von 0.1989 Tagen und die photometrischen Werte mit der Hälfte dieses Wertes, d. h. mit 0.0994 Tagen. Die Minima der Helligkeit koinzidieren mit den Extrema der Radialgeschwindigkeiten. Die Radialgeschwindigkeitskurve weicht etwas von der Harmonischen ab; die Werte steigen rascher an, als sie abfallen. Das gleiche Verhalten liegt auch für den entsprechenden Teil der Lichtkurve vor. Die kurzperiodischen spektroskopischen und photometrischen Variationen und das Frequenzverhältnis 1:2 legen die Existenz eines Dreifachsystems für ET And nahe, obwohl für die Erklärung aller Beobachtungswerte einige ernste Schwierigkeiten fortbestehen. Vorausgesetzt der Stern sei ein Dreifachsystem, dann ist der beobachtete Stern die Hauptkomponente eines sehr engen ellipsoidalen Systems und kann nicht ein Hauptsequenz-B9-Stern sein, wie allgemein angenommen wird. Vermutlich handelt es sich bei ET And um einen Vertreter der Gruppe der Horizontalsterne im HR-Diagramm, welcher noch eine dünne, expandierende Hülle besitzt.  相似文献   
Observations and light curves of the variable star AM Her observed in the b and v proper color system of the Abastumani two-channel photometer are presented.  相似文献   
The Abu Dabbab albite granite(ADAG), in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt, hosts the most significant rare metal ore deposit in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield. Here, we report detailed field,petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of the ADAG, an isolated stock-like granitic body with sharp intrusive contacts against metamorphic country rocks, probably emplaced at about 600 Ma. The fine-grained porphyritic upper unit is a preserved remnant of the shallowly-emplaced apex of the magma chamber, whereas the medium-grained lower unit crystallized at deeper levels under subvolcanic conditions. The peraluminous leucocratic ADAG shares common geochemical characteristics with post-collisional intraplate A-type magmas. In addition to the conspicuous enrichment in Na2 O, the ADAG is remarkable for its anomalous concentrations of Ta, Nb, Li, Hf, Ga, Sn, Zn and heavy rare-earth elements. Nb-Ta minerals in the ADAG are mixed with Fe-Mn oxides, forming black patches that increase in abundance toward of the base of the intrusion. Columbite-tantalite, cassiterite and wolframite are the most important ore minerals.Pronounced negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu* = 0.10–0.24) reflect extreme magmatic fractionation and perhaps the effects of late fluid-rock interaction. The ADAG was most likely generated by partial melting of the juvenile middle crust of the ANS as the geotherm was elevated by erosional uplift following lithospheric delamination and it was emplaced at the intersection of lineations of structural weakness. Although formation of the ADAG and its primary enrichment in rare metals are essentially due to magmatic processes, late-stage metasomatism caused limited redistribution of rare metals. Fluid-driven subsolidus modification was limited to the apex of the magma chamber and drove development of greisen, amazonite, and quartz veins along fracture systems.  相似文献   
A zoned intrusion with a biotite granodiorite core and arfvedsonite granite rim represents the source magma for an albitised granite plug near its eastern margin and radioactive siliceous veins along its western margin. A study of selected REE and trace elements of samples from this complex reveals that the albitised granite plug has at least a tenfold enrichment in Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Y, Th, U and Sr, and a greatly enhanced heavy/light REE ratio compared with the peralkaline granite. The siliceous veins have even stronger enrichment of these trace elements, but a heavy/light REE ratio and negative eu anomaly similar to the peralkaline granite. It is suggested that the veins were formed from acidic volatile activity and the plug from a combination of highly fractionated magma and co-existing alkaline volatile phase. The granodiorite core intrudes the peralkaline granite and has similar trace element geochemistry. The peralkaline granite is probably derived from the partial melting of the lower crust in the presence of halide-rich volatiles, and the granodiorite from further partial melting under volatile-free conditions.  相似文献   
On the basis of the systematic variation and the appearance and disappearance of some metamorphic minerals in metapelitic assemblages, the metamorphic terrain of Leros can be divided into chlorite, biotite, garnet and staurolite-kyanite zones of progressive regional metamorphism. The matapelites are interbedded with blueschists containing magnesioriebeckite in Fe3+-rich mafic assemblages in the chlorite zone and more normal greenschist and amphibolite facies in higher grade zones. Combining the observed mineral assemblages in pelitic and mafic schists with the available experimental or calculated relevant phase equilibria, one can deduce temperature conditions of metamorphism ranging from about 350° C up to about 700° C and pressures ranging between a minimum value defined by the pressure of the triple point of the Al2SiO5 polymorphs and a possible minimum around 7 kb.The observed metamorphic sequence may be interpreted as the result of progressive transportation of the original sediments and the interbedded mafic rocks from a regime typified by low temperatures and relatively high pressures, to regimes characterized by higher temperature and medium pressures.  相似文献   
The Miocene-Oligocene volcanism of this region is part of the larger Tertiary volcanic province found throughout E. Australia. Within the S.E. Queensland region, the volcanism is strongly bimodal, and has emanated from six major centres, and many additional smaller centres. The mafic lavas (volumetrically dominant) range continuously from ne-normative through to Q-normative and are predominantly andesine-normative; Mg/Mg+Fe (atomic ratios range from 30–60; K2O ranges from 0.42–2.93%, and TiO2 from 0.81–3.6%.Phenocryst contents are low (averaging 6.7 vol.%), and comprise olivine (Fa18–75; Cr-spinel inclusions occur locally in Mg-rich phenocrysts), plagioclase (An25–68), and less commonly augite, which is relatively aluminous in lavas of the Springsure volcanic centre. Very rare aluminous bronzite occurs in certain Q-normative lavas. Groundmass minerals comprise augite, olivine (Fa33–77), feldspar (ranging from labradorite through to anorthoclase and sanidine), Fe-Ti oxides, and apatite. Within many of the Q-normative lavas, extensive development of subcalcic and pigeonitic pyroxenes occurs, and also relatively rarely orthopyroxene. Mineralogically, the ne- and ol-normative lavas, and some of the Q-normative lavas are indistinguishable, and in view of the gradations in chemistry, the term hawaiite has been extended to cover these lavas. The term tholeiitic andesite is used to describe the Q-normative lavas containing Ca-poor pyroxenes as groundmass phases.Megacrysts of aluminous augite, aluminous bronzite, olivine, ilmenite, and spinel sporadically occur within the lavas, and their compositions clearly indicate that they are not derived from the Upper Mantle. Rare lherzolite xenoliths are also found.The petrogenesis of these mafic lavas is approached by application of the thermodynamic equilibration technique of Carmichael et al. (1977), utilizing three parental mineral assemblages that could have been in equilibrium with the magmas at P and T. The models are: (a) standard upper mantle mineralogy; (b) an Fe-enriched upper mantle model (Wilkinson and Binns 1977); (c) lower crust mineralogy, based on analysed megacryst compositions. The calculations suggest that these mafic magmas were not in equilibrium with either mantle model prior to eruption, but show much closer approaches to equilibrium with the lower crust model. Calculated equilibration temperatures and pressures (for the lower crust model) range from 995°–l,391° C (average 1,192), and 7.2–16.3 kb (average 12.4). These results are interpreted in terms of a model of intrusion and magma fractionation within the crust-mantle interface region, with consequent crustal underplating and thickening beneath the Tertiary volcanic regions. Some support for the latter is provided by regional isostatic gravity anomalies and physiographic considerations.  相似文献   
Antithetic faults are dip slip faults that displace rocks so as to prevent or reduce structural relief, typically producing tilted fault blocks. They may or may not occur in conjugate systems with their opposites, homothetic faults, which serve to increase structural relief. Several examples serve to illustrate the concept and to correct current misunderstandings.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit soll die Begriffe antithetisch und homothetisch klären helfen. Antithetische Verschiebungen wirken dem tektonischen Relief entgegen, homothetische Verwerfungen unterstützen es. Die Begriffe werden an einigen Beispielen erläutert.

Résumé Ce travail constitue une tentative d'élucider les termes »antithétique« et »homothétique«. Le rejet des failles antithétiques s'oppose à la création d'un relief tectonique. Le rejet des failles homothétiques augmente ce relief. Quelques exemples sont discutés.

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Zusammenfassung Die einzelnen tektonischen Einheiten des Iran werden in ihrer faziellen und strukturellen Entwicklungsgeschichte dargestellt. Fazies und Paläogeographie sprechen dafür, daß vom Infrakambrium bis in die Trias der gesamte Raum zwischen dem Persischen Golf und dem Elburs-Gebirge eine einheitliche Entwicklung genommen hat. Eine zusammenhängende Plattformsedimentation in Schelffazies kennzeichnet dieses Gebiet während des gesamten Zeitraums. Es ist ein Teil Gondwanas. Paläomagnetische Befunde stützen diese Aussage. Ozeanische Kruste und damit Hinweise auf die Tethys als eine strukturelle Einheit fehlen während dieser Zeit in diesem Gebiet. Lediglich als Faunenprovinz in Flachmeerfazies ist sie wirksam. Das offene Meer lag vom Infrakambrium bis zur oberen Trias im Norden. In der Trias tritt mit einer Heraushebung, die mit tiefgreifender Lateritisierung verbunden ist, und einer anschließenden Transgression ein grundlegender Wechsel des geodynamischen Regimes ein. Von jetzt an erfolgen die Ingressionen in den Iran von Süden. Eine engräumige fazielle Differenzierung setzt ein. Kontinental beeinflußte Sedimente im Jura zeigen, daß im Iran ein Hochgebiet entstanden ist. Gleichzeitig tretenwahrscheinlich in Anlehnung an langlebige Geosuturen — Ophiolith-Radiolarit-Zonen auf, die als das Ergebnis intrakratonischer Zerbrechung gedeutet werden. Die Ingressionen gehen wahrscheinlich von Tiefseerinnen aus, in denen auch die Ophiolithe konzentriert sind. Der Aufstieg des ophiolithischen Materials an die Oberfläche erfolgte entlang von Linien, an denen sich flach geneigte Unterschiebungen von Kruste unter Kruste ereigneten. Dabei kam es zu erheblichen Krustenverkürzungen. Möglicherweise fällt der Umbruch des tektonischen Regimes in der Obertrias mit der Plattenkollision Arabia-Iran/ Eurasia zusammen. Die Grenze zwischen Arabia-Iran und Eurasia liegt aber nicht im Gebiet des Persischen Golfes und der Zagros-Ketten, sondern muß nördlich des Elburs-Gebirges gesucht werden.
The individual tectonic units of Iran are represented with respect to the history of the development of their facies and structure. Facies and paleogeography indicate that the entire area between the Persian Gulf and the Elburz Mountains had a uniform development until the Triassic. During the whole period a coherent platform sedimentation remained characteristic of this area, which is part of Gondwana. Paleomagnetic data support this statement. Oceanic crust and thus any indications of the Tethys as a structural unit are absent in this area for that period of time. Its existence is only demonstrated in faunal provinces in shallow-marine facies. From the Infra-Cambrian to the Late Triassic the northern part of the area was open sea. During the Triassic, uplifting processes combined with deep lateritization and subsequent transgression initiated a basic change in the geodynamic regime. From this time on the ingressions into Iran proceeded from the south. At this time differentiation of facies began within small areas. Continental influences in the Jurassic sediments show that an elevated area was formed in Iran. At the same time ophiolite-radiolarite zones occurred, probably along long-lived geosutures. These zones are interpreted to be the result of processes breaking up the craton. Probably, the ingressions started from deep-sea furrows where ophiolite concentrations are found. The ascension of the ophiolitic material to the surface occurred along lines where gently dipping subduction of crust under crust took place. During this process it came to considerable crustal shortening. It is possible that the change in the tectonic regime during the Late Triassic coincided with the collision of the Arabia-Iran and Eurasia plates. The boundary between the Arabia-Iran and Eurasia plates is, however, not to be found in the area of the Persian Gulf and the Zagros mountain ranges, but is assumed to be north of the Elburz Mountains.

Résumé Chacune des unités tectoniques de l'Iran font l'objet d'un exposé concernant leur développement du point de vue de leur facies et de leur structure. Le facies et la paléogéographie indiquent que, de l'Infracambrien au Trias, tout le territoire compris entre le Golf persique et la chaîne de l'Elbours a eu un développement unitaire. Une sedimentation de plateforme cohérente, à facies de shell, caractérise cette région pendant toute cette période. C'est une partie du Gondwana. Des données paléomagnétiques appuient cette affirmation. Toute croûte océanique et, de ce fait toute indice d'une Téthys en temps qu'unité structurale, sont absent dans cette région à ce moment. Une mer ouverte s'y étend au nord de l'Infracambrien jusqu'au Trias supérieur. Au Trias, un soulèvement, auquel est liée une forte latéritisation, et la trangression qui lui est liée, entraînent un changement radical du régime géodynamique. A partir de ce moment, des ingressions se produisent en Iran à partir du sud introduisant des différences de facies. Des sédiments montrant une influence continentale montrent qu'au Jurassique un fort soulèvement s'est produit en Iran. En même temps, vraisemblablement suivant une géosuture depuis longtemps active, apparurent des zones ophiolothiques à radiolarites, qui indiquent une rupture intracratonique. Les ingressions émanent vraisemblablement d'un sillon océanique profond dans lequel sont également concentrées les ophiolithes. La montée du matériau ophiolithique à la surface s'en suivit le long de lignes suivant lesquelles se sont produits dessous-charriages intracrustaux, d'où sont résultés de notables racourcissements de la crôute. Il est possible que cette rupture du régime tectonique coïncide, au Trias supérieur, avec la collision des plaques de l'Arabie Iran et de l'Ewrasie. La limite entre l'Arabie-Iran et l'Eurasie ne se trouve donc pas dans la région du Golfe persique et des chaînes du Zagros, mais doit être recherchée au nord de la Chaîne de l'Elbours.

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