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The impact of cloud microphysical processes on the simulated intensity and track of Typhoon Rananim is discussed and analyzed in the second part of this study. The results indicate that when the cooling effect due to evaporation of rain water is excluded, the simulated 36-h maximum surface wind speed of Typhoon Rananim is about 7 m s−1 greater than that from all other experiments; however, the typhoon landfall location has the biggest bias of about 150 km against the control experiment. The simulated strong outer rainbands and the vertical shear of the environmental flow are unfavorable for the deepening and maintenance of the typhoon and result in its intensity loss near the landfall. It is the cloud microphysical processes that strengthen and create the outer spiral rainbands, which then increase the local convergence away from the typhoon center and prevent more moisture and energy transport to the inner core of the typhoon. The developed outer rainbands are supposed to bring dry and cold air mass from the middle troposphere to the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The other branch of the cold airflow comes from the evaporation of rain water itself in the PBL while the droplets are falling. Thus, the cut-off of the warm and moist air to the inner core and the invasion of cold and dry air to the eyewall region are expected to bring about the intensity reduction of the modeled typhoon. Therefore, the deepening and maintenance of Typhoon Rananim during its landing are better simulated through the reduction of these two kinds of model errors.  相似文献   
Collision between the Indian and the Eurasian plates since the early Cenozoic produces one of the world’s most remarkable continental escarpments between the Tibetan Plateau and the adjacent Sichuan Basin. Yet Tertiary sediments are rare in the Sichuan Basin; the oldest preserved Late Cenozoic deposits called Dayi conglomerates directly overlie the Cretaceous or Jurassic red beds. Using cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al burial dating, we obtain deposition ages of ~2.0 Ma and catchment erosion rates of ~400 mm/ka for the Dayi conglomerates. Zircon U–Pb age distributions suggest derivation of these conglomerates from the Songpan-Ganzi flysch, the Pengguan complex and Late Permian and Triassic granite plutons in the headwater regions of the Min Jiang (Jiang, a Chinese term, means river). The formation of the poorly-sorted, sub-angular to sub-rounded and tens-centimeter-sized deposits in the western margin of the Sichuan Basin, after long distance transportation, is best explained by glacial activity ~2.0 Ma ago in east Tibet.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地东北部构造热演化史的磷灰石裂变径迹分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丁超  陈刚  李振华  毛小妮  杨甫 《现代地质》2011,25(3):581-588,616
运用磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)分析的构造热年代学研究方法,系统探讨鄂尔多斯盆地东北部不同区段中新生代以来的热演化历史,为盆地东北部石油和天然气等多种沉积能源矿产的勘探预测提供新的约束条件。模拟结果表明:盆地东北部经历了250~150 Ma缓慢埋藏增温过程,平均增温速率为0.9℃/Ma;150~120 Ma为快速增温阶段,平均增温速率高达2.1℃/Ma,地层温度达到最高,且均大于130℃。之后不同区段经历差异降温过程:北缘露头区经历了120~65 Ma快速降温,平均冷却速率约1.3℃/Ma;65~10 Ma缓慢降温,平均冷却速率约为0.4℃/Ma。南缘露头区及盆地沉降区则经历了120~30 Ma缓慢降温,平均冷却速率约为0.9℃/Ma;30~10 Ma快速降温,平均冷却速率约为1.5℃/Ma。10 Ma以来,盆地东北部整体抬升冷却,平均冷却速率约6.5℃/Ma。分析结果认为燕山中期构造热事件之最高热增温作用的关键时刻为(120±10)Ma,促成鄂尔多斯盆地东北部主要烃源岩层系的成熟生烃和大规模油气成藏。在后期的差异抬升冷却过程中,北缘露头区在65 Ma±通过了110℃等温面,南缘露头区及盆地的沉降区在30 Ma±通过了110℃等温面,有利于相邻地区原生油气藏的积聚和保存,古近纪晚期(30 Ma)尤其是新近纪晚期近10 Ma以来的强烈构造抬升作用有可能是引发原生油气藏调整—改造和次生成藏的关键因素。  相似文献   
In an effort to study the relation of fabrics to the critical states of granular aggregates, the discrete element method (DEM) is used to investigate the evolution of fabrics of virtual granular materials consisting of 2D elongated particles. Specimens with a great variety of initial fabrics in terms of void ratios, preferred particle orientations, and intensities of fabric anisotropy were fabricated and tested with direct shear and biaxial compression tests. During loading of a typical specimen, deformation naturally localizes within shear bands while the remaining of the sample stops deforming. Thus, studying the evolution of fabric requires performing continuous local fabric measurements inside these bands, a suitable task for the proposed DEM methodology. It is found that a common ultimate/critical state is eventually reached by all specimens regardless of their initial states. The ultimate/critical state is characterized by a critical void ratio e which depends on the mean stress p, while the other critical state fabric variables related to particle orientations are largely independent of p. These findings confirm the uniqueness of the critical state line in the e ? p space, and show that the critical state itself is necessarily anisotropic. Additional findings include the following: (1) shear bands are highly heterogeneous and critical states exist only in a statistical sense; (2) critical states can only be reached at very large local shear deformations, which are not always obtained by biaxial compression tests (both physical and numerical); (3) the fabric evolution processes are very complex and highly dependent on the initial fabrics. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
卫星遥感反演降水研究综述   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
降水是地球水循环的基本组成部分,具有重要的气象、气候和水文学意义.精准地测量降水及其区域和全球分布,长期以来一直是一个颇具挑战性的科学研究目标。经过近50年的发展,基于可见光、红外和微波等各类卫星传感器的降水反演算法也逐渐发展成熟起来。简要回顾可见光/红外、被动微波、雷达和多传感器联合反演等卫星遥感降水反演的基本原理、...  相似文献   
Experiments on ion implantation were performed in order to better characterize diffusion of noble gases in lunar soil.4He+ at 50 keV with 5×1016 ions/cm2 was implanted into lunar simulants and crystal ilmenite.Helium in the samples was released by stepwise heating experiments.Based on the data,we calculated the helium diffusion coefficient and activation energy.Lunar simulants display similar 4He release patterns in curve shape as lunar soil,but release temperatures are a little lower.This is probably a con...  相似文献   
松辽盆地及外围地区石炭系-二叠系烃源岩的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松辽盆地及外围地区晚古生代构造层因长期以来被视为中-新生代盆地的变质褶皱"基底"而受到油气勘探界的忽略.近4年的野外调查和室内研究结果表明.本区上古生界除局部遭受不同程度的动力接触变质或热力变质外,并没有发生区域变质作用.初步查明本区石炭系-二叠系在区域上分布4套烃源岩,自上而下为:上二叠统(林西组、索伦组)、中二叠统(哲斯组、吴家屯组)、上石炭统-下二叠统(本巴图组、阿木山组)和下石炭统(白家店组、红水泉组).其中上二叠统和中二叠统中的暗色泥岩单层最大厚度迭百余米、累计厚度迭数百米至千余米,区域分布广,依据有机地球化学主要指标(有机碳、成熟度、干酪根类型),综合评价为中等-好烃源岩,是本区上古生界2套区域主力生烃层系,具有良好的油气资源远景,可望构成松辽及外围地区油气勘探战略接替新层系.  相似文献   
矿床水文地质勘查类型划分是进行矿床水文地质勘查重要环节,是做好和优化勘查设计的主要依据。根据我国煤炭矿山经过几十年的开采,特别是近十几年来大规模开采,煤矿水文地质条件发生了较大变化,现行规范划分方案在实际应用中不基础上,结合《煤矿防治水规定》,提出了矿床水文地质勘查类型划分的新方案:类分孔隙充水矿床、裂隙充水矿床、岩溶充水矿床、老空水充水矿床、地表水充水矿床和复合式充水矿床6个;亚类分顶板充水、底板充分水、周边充水和组合式充水4个;型分水文地质条件简单、中等、复杂和极复杂4个。  相似文献   
In this study, the vegetation dynamics in Heilongjiang province and their relationships with climate variability were assessed using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and meteorological datasets from 1981 to 2003. The conclusions from our results are as follows: (1) After 1981, vegetation cover, as indicated by the NDVI, exhibited an insignificant increasing tendency. However, the inter-annual variations of the NDVI showed apparent spatial differentiations. (2) The inter-annual changes of the NDVI were different from season to season. The spring and autumn NDVI values increased, while the summer and winter NDVI decreased. (3) The annual NDVI was significantly correlated with precipitation. Thus, as compared to temperature, precipitation was the dominant climatic factor affecting the vegetation dynamics in Heilongjiang province. (4) The trend in the NDVI showed a marked homogeneity corresponding to regional and seasonal variations in climate. Additionally, land use changes also play an important role in influencing the NDVI trends over some regions. All of these findings will enrich our knowledge of the natural forces that impact the stability of boreal ecosystems and provide a scientific basis for the environmental management in Heilongjiang province in response to climate change and human activities.  相似文献   
Shallow water depth retrieval from space-borne SAR imagery   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Based on shallow water bathymetry synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging mechanism and the microwave scattering imaging model for oceanic surface features, we developed a new method for shallow water depth retrieval from space-borne SAR images. The first guess of surface currents and winds are estimated from the normalized radar crossing section (NRCS) profile of shallow water bathymetry SAR imagery, according to the linear theory and geophysical model function. The NRCS profile is then simulated by the microwave scattering imaging model. Both the surface currents and winds are adjusted by using the dichotomy method step by step to make the M4S-simulated NRCS profiles approach those observed by SAR. Then, the surface currents and the wind speeds are retrieved when a best fit between simulated signals and the SAR image appears. Finally, water depths are derived using the Navier–Stokes equation and finite difference method with the best estimated currents and the surface winds. The method is tested on two SAR images of the Taiwan Shoal. Results show that the simulated shallow water NRCS profile is in good agreement with those measured by SAR with the correlation coefficient as high as 85%. In addition, when water depths retrieved from the SAR image are compared with in situ measurements, both the root mean square and relative error are less than 3.0 m and 6.5%, respectively, indicating that SAR images are useful for shallow water depth retrieval and suggesting that the proposed method in this paper is convergent and applicable.  相似文献   
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