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Secondary mercury dispersion haloes were detected and defined above sulphide mineralization by in-situ mercury in soil gas measurements. The meteorological factors controlling the concentration of mercury in soil gas were investigated by long-term experiments. Different mercury compounds in soils and rocks have been determined by a thermal destruction technique. In areas with sulphide mineralization, adsorbed mercury, HgCl2, HgS, HgSO4 and organically fixed mercury are the most important mercury compounds. The concentrations, transport and secondary formation of mercury and its compounds is controlled by: (1) the content of organic matter, Fe-oxides/hydroxides and clay minerals of the soils; and (2) the composition of the underlying rocks.The occurrence of mercury-sulphur compounds indicates the topographic influence on down-slope dispersion and the direction of inclination of the ore body. HgS and HgSO4 are the dominant mercury compounds in the ore; in the bedrock, mercury occurs mainly as adsorbed mercury.  相似文献   
By means of the quality criteria COD-Mn, NO3?, substances which can be filtered off and components of phosphate at two measuring stations at the river Elbe in the section of Dresden as well as an inflow gauge at a drinking water reservoir in the Eastern Ore Mountains there were investigated correlative connections with hydrological and meteorological quantities. Statistically secured connections between matter-balance and water-balance components were recorded on the basis of regression statements. The large number of the factors to be observed in the development of process-describing matter discharge models is determined by the large number of “causing or influencing quantities”. With respect to continuing investigations, it is recommended to take into account the dynamic character of precipitation and the influence of vegetation more exactly, especially in the case of substance components carried away from areas, as substances which can be filtered off, nitrate, o-phosphate.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine kurze Übersicht der neuen Erkenntnisse über die Tektonik des andinen Bolivien gegeben. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind folgende:Das Präkambrium des brasilianischen Schildes reicht, direkt von mächtigem Alluvium bedeckt, NW Santa Cruz bis nahe an den Andenrand. Im Süden bricht es an einer Störung ab, die in 17° 30 S bis an den Andenrand reicht und als Schwächezone nach W bis zur Achse der Cordillera Real zu verfolgen ist. Diese teilt den geosynklinalen Raum in einen nördlichen, im Ostteil gehobenen und einen südlichen, tiefer liegenden Abschnitt.Der Andenblock ist ein Bruchfaltengebirge. Die Auf- und Abschiebungen der Blöcke sind zumeist in vertikalem Sinne erfolgt und nur im Subandin am Ostrande gegen Osten gerichtet. Stärkere epirogene Bewegungen haben gegen Ende des Perms stattgefunden. Mit ihnen ist die Intrusion der älteren Granite der Cordillera Real verknüpft. Epirogene Krustenbewegungen im Jura waren besonders stark im Raum von Potosi und südlicher, wo starke Faltungen und Diskordanzen beobachtet wurden. Die einzige starke Orogenese ist im Pliozän erfolgt, sie hat den gesamten Andenblock mitsamt Altiplano und Subandin einheitlich erfaßt. Die Plutone der Cordillera Quimsa Cruz, des Illimani und von Kari-Kari sind miozän und wohl als präorogen zu deuten. Der intensive Vulkanismus im post-geosynklinalen Raum und im Altiplano ist pliozän und postorogen.
This paper presents new information concerning the tectonics of the Andean portion of Bolivia. The most important results are:In NW Santa Cruz, the Precambrian Brazilian shield extends westward nearly as far as to the Andean border; it is covered only with quaternary sediments. To the south it ends at a fault, which reaches the Andean border at 17° 30 S. This old tectonic zone of weakness extends west as far as to the axis of the Cordillera Real, and divides the Andean block into a northern portion, which is elevated in the east, and a southern portion in lower position.The Andes consist of a system of fractured folds. The movement of fault blocks was predominantly vertical, but in the Subandean belt at the eastern margin they were directed east. Epirogenic movements were relatively intensive at the end of the Permian; the intrusion of the older granites is related to these movements. Jurassic epirogenic movements were intensive in the area of Potosi and south, where intensive folding and unconformities were observed. The only intensive orogeny, which is of Pliocene age, affected the entire Andean block including Altiplano and Subandean belt. The granitic intrusions of the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz, of the Illimani, and of Kari-Kari of Miocene age are interpreted to be pre-orogenic. The intensive volcanism of the post-geosynclinal region and in Altiplano is post-orogenic and of Pliocene age.

Résumé L'auteur donne un résumé des connaissances acquises sur la tectonique des Andes boliviennes à partir des travaux publiés ces dix dernières années. Les résultats les plus importantes sont les suivants:Le Précambrien du bouclier brésilien, qui a fortement influencé la tectonique du géosynclinal andin, s'étend, recouvert du Quaternaire, jusqu'au pied du massif andin. Le Précambrien se termine au Sud, le long d'une faille ancienne qui, à la latitude 17° 30, s'étend jusqu'au pied des Andes et se poursuit sous forme d'une zone de faiblesse jusqu'à l'axe de la Cordillera Real. Cette ligne ancienne divise l'aire geosynclinale en une partie septentrionale qui a été soulevée et une partie méridionale abaissée.Le massif andin est le résultat de soulèvements de blocs, généralement suivant la verticale, et de plissements asymétriques. Dans la zone subandine les mouvements tectoniques montrent un déversement vers l'Est. Généralement les terrains sont concordants depuis l'Ordovicien jusqu'au Tertiaire.Des mouvements epirogéniques se sont produits pour la première fois a la fin du Permien, en relacion avec les intrusions des massifs granitiques dans la Cordillera Real. Pendant le Jurassique se sont produits des mouvements de blocs plus intenses accompagnés de plissements, surtout dans la zone de Potosi et plus au Sud.Il y eut récemment, au Pliocène, une orogénèse qui a affecté l'ensemble du bloc andin, y compris l'Altiplano et la zone subandine. Les plutons de la Cordillera Quimsa Cruz, de l'Illimani et, au Sud, de la cordillère Kari-Kari sont miocènes; le volcanisme intense dans l'aire post-géosynclinale et dans l'Altiplano est d'âge pliocène et post-orogénique.

. Santa Cruz , . , 17° 30 Cordillera Real. , , , . , . , Cordillera Real. Potosi , . , Cordillera Quimsa Cruz, Illimani Kari-Kari . . . - Altiplano , . . .
Zusammenfassung Periodisch gescharte Sandkörper auf den Sandwattflächen (große Rippeln und- hier besonders - Sandwellen) geben durch ihre im Luftbild erkennbare Asymmetrie Indizien für den Sandtransport. Diese Sandwellen sind, im Gegensatz zu Groß- und Riesenrippeln, aus einer Kreuzschichtung aufgebaut, die durch wandernde Kleinrippeln entstanden ist. Dadurch entsteht auch die Asymmetrie der Großformen. Die aus der Luftbildanalyse resultierende Richtungsverteilung stimmt mit einer Stromvektorenkarte (Göhren), die von normalen Tideverhältnissen abgeleitet ist, gut überein.Die Gesamtheit der auftretenden Strömungen spiegelt sich in der Schichtung nicht wider, sondern es dominiert diejenige Strömung, die am häufigsten mit einer relativ großen Geschwindigkeit eintritt. Extreme Bedingungen haben so geringere Chancen, im Sediment dokumentiert zu werden.
The asymmetric character of periodic sedimentary sand bodies found on tidal flats (largescale ripples and here particularly sand waves) can be mapped on aerial photographs to give an indication of sand transport directions. These sand waves, in contrast to largescale and giant ripples, exhibit cross-lamination which formed from migrating smallscale ripples. The asymmetry of the large form is established through the migration of the smallscale ripples. The vector distributions obtained from aerial photograph analyses show good agreement with a map of current vectors (Göhren) based on normal tidal conditions.Not every current is reflected in the sediment; dominant are the frequently occurring currents having a moderately high velocity. Extreme conditions (which are infrequent) have a smaller chance to be recorded in the sediment.

Résumé Dans la zone intertidale, on trouve des mégarides et d'autres crêtes sableuses, groupées periodiquement, qui sont appelées ici «Sandwellen» (vagues de sable). L'asymmetrie de ces formes, bien reconnaissable sur les photographies aériennes, donne des indications sur le mouvement du sable. Les vagues de sable montrent, au contraire des mégarides ordinaires, une stratification croisée de rides à l'intérieur. La migration de ces rides cause l'asymmetrie. La distribution des directions concorde avec une carte des vecteurs de courants (Göhren) dérivée des conditions ordinaires de marée.La totalité des courants présents dans la zone intertidale n'est pas réflétée dans la stratification, mais ce sont les courants, qui ont lieu le plus fréquemment avec des vélocités relativement fortes qui dominent. Les conditions extrêmes n'ont pas une grande chance d'être fossilisées.

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Shock recovery experiments on synthetic MgAl2O4-spinel samples in the pressure range 25.5 to 50.5 GPa have been performed in order to examine the effects of shock waves on this material. The shocked samples were subsequently studied in the transmission electron microscope. All samples showed shock-induced dislocations with the Burgers vector 1/2 〈110〉 and twin lamellae of the twin-law {111}. In addition, samples, which had experienced the higher pressures, showed lamellar areas of a crystalline phase that we have not yet been able fully to characterize. It is probably not ε-MgAl2O4.  相似文献   
Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Water by HPLC‐MS‐MS In the EC Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EG and in CEC 76/464/EEC there are 16 organophosphorus pesticides (insecticides and acaricides) listed which belong to so‐called priority substances. The committed quality aims of these substances frequently require maximum concentrations below 0.1 μg/L. In this paper a HPLC‐MS‐method is described. The reported limits of determination of organophosphorus pesticides are lower than the demanded limits. High analytical sensitivity is reached by solid‐phase extraction (SPE) and by injecting large volumes. For some of these substances no sample enrichment is needed and low detection limits are obtained by direct injection of the original water sample.  相似文献   
The Yuanmou area in Yunnan Province is a fa-mous place for origin of mankind. Qian Fang et al. found tooth fossils of Yuanmou man in Shangnabang Village of Yuanmou in 1965. Jiang Nengren et al. identified the hominoid teeth from animal fossils un-earthed near Zhupeng Village in the Xiaohe Basin which were delivered by the local peasants. Hominoid fossils were also found in Leilao Village of Yuanmou afterward. These great discoveries have aroused ex-tensive concern in academic circle[1,2…  相似文献   
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