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This study focuses on the sources of alkali and alkaline-earth elements based on the geochemistry of groundwater and surface water in Dschang concerning environmental and anthropogenic constraints. A comprehensive set of 50 samples from groundwater and surface water were analyzed by ICPMS and processed by spatial interpolation in a GIS environment. The results highlight a geochemical anomaly at the center of the densely inhabited area subject to a profusion of open dumps discharges. This anomaly with the highest spatial contents of Be(Cs, Rb, Mg) suggests an anthropogenic source that demarcates with the lowest alkali and alkaline-earth elements on the peripheral area of Dschang. Other findings include lithological constraints with volcanic rocks being the main source compared to granitoid.The study points out good correlations between Be, Cs, Rb and Mg spatial distributions and physicochemical parameters of waters(K, EC, TDS), and inversely with the lowest p H. p H is established as the most functioning physico-chemical constraint of alkali and alkaline-earth mobility in Dschang. The p H lowest values within the geochemical anomaly also highlight the impact of human activities on water acidity, which later enhance elements mobility and enrichment. Despite low elements contents relative to WHO standards, our findings point out an example of anthropogenic impact on water geochemistry linked to solid waste pollution; it also demonstrates significant anthropogenic changes of environmental physicochemical parameters of prime importance in the mobility and distribution of elements in the study area.Similar assessments should be extended in major towns in Cameroon.  相似文献   
The main Carboniferous outcrop in Scotland is in the Midland Valley rift, though rocks of that age also occur farther south along the English Border. The cyclic sedimentary sequence comprises up to 3,000 m. of Dinantian (mainly Viséan) and 2,000 m. of Silesian beds which at one locality or another include lavas or tuffs almost at every level. The distribution of these volcanic rocks is known in exceptional detail because of mining and exploratory borings in the Viséan oil shale field and in the various Namurian and Westphalian coalfields.The lavas and tuffs form part of an alkaline (sodic) magma series. Their outpourings were greatest in volume during the Dinantian, with the formation of the extensive lava piles which now form the Clyde Plateau (maximum thickness c. 900 m.) in the west, the Garleton Hills (c. 600 m.) and Burntisland Anticline (c. 400 m.) in the east, and the Kelso Traps of the Tweed Basin (c. 120 m.), the Birrenswark Lavas of Dumfriesshire (c. 90 m.), the Kershopefoot Basalt of Liddesdale (c. 60 m.) and the Glencartholm Volcanic Beds (mostly tuffs) of Eskdale (c. 180 m.) to the south. Most of the lavas are varieties of olivine-basalt, but subordinate trachybasalts, trachytes and rhyolites are included in the upper parts of the Clyde Plateau and Garleton Hills successions. The areas covered by individual lava fields are difficult to assess because they varied from time to time and occasionally overlapped.By the end of the Dinantian this form of activity had ceased everywhere except in West Lothian, where it continued into early Namurian (E1). Thereafter volcanicity continued periodically from scattered centres and gave rise to relatively short-lived ash-cones. They formed in Ayrshire (E1 age) but were most abundant in Fife, occurring there almost throughout the Namurian succession. The highly explosive nature of this phase of volcanicity is apparent from the rarity of associated lavas (though minor basaltic intrusions occur in the necks) and from the presence within the surrounding sediments of thin layers of tuff representing fine ash carried for distances of up to 32 km from source. These layers, some of which are kaolinized and are a variety of tonstein, are of local use in correlation.The explosive phase is now known to have continued throughout Westphalian A and possibly into Westphalian B in Fife, but in Ayrshire volcanicity was more intermittent and is represented by two outpourings of basalt lavas, one late Namurian to early Westphalian in age and up to 150 m. thick, the other Stephanian in age and 90 to 237 m. thick. The Stephanian lavas and associated necks in Ayrshire, like some of the necks exposed on the classic Fife coastal section on the Firth of Forth, were until recently believed to be Permian, but there is now no positive evidence of Permian eruption in Scotland.Two groups of intrusions cut the Carboniferous rocks. The most extensive is of alkaline dolerites which are co-magmatic with the basaltic lavas and tuffs, and are of similar geographic distribution. They form sills up to 120 m. thick and are probably of various ages up to Stephanian. It is possible that some of them were high-level reservoirs from which diatremes issued. The other group is of quartz-dolerite or tholeiite which forms a series of east-west dykes and a sill-complex extending over an area of about 1500 km2 and having a maximum thickness of 127 m. Their age is late Carboniferous.The distribution of the Carboniferous volcanic rocks is not apparently related to the rift-valley, but is clearly linked in places to the earlier Caledonoid structures which determined the pattern of sedimentation. The lavas and, to a lesser extent, the tuffs, influenced the sedimentary processes by partially enclosing basins, by causing local anomalies in cyclic sequences and by providing sources of atypical sediment.
Zusammenfassung Im Midland Valley (Schottland) war der permokarbonische Alkali-(Na)-Vulkanismus besonders im Dinantium aktiv, wobei bis 900 m mächtige Laven (Olivinbasalte, untergeordnet Trachytandesite, Trachyte und Rhyolite) gefördert wurden. Gegen Ende des Dinantium hörte diese Art der Aktivität fast ganz auf, dafür setzte eine explosive, periodische Tätigkeit ein, die zu kurzlebigen Aschenkegeln führte. Ein Beweis für das früher angenommene permische Alter dieser Necks läßt sich nicht erbringen.Zwei Gruppen von Intrusiva sind in die karbonischen Sedimente eingedrungen. Die größere der beiden wird durch Alkali-Dolerite (Sills) gebildet, die co-magmatisch zu den Laven und Tuffen sind. Die andere besteht aus Quarz-Doleriten und Tholeyiten (vorwiegend Dykes), die spätkarbonisch bis frühpermischen Alters sind.Die Verbreitung der karbonischen Vulkanite ist nicht an das Midland Valley, sondern an frühere caledonische Strukturen gebunden und für den Sedimentationsprozeß von Bedeutung.

Résumé Le principal affleurement carbonifère en Ecosse se trouve dans le graben du Midland Valley, quoiqu'on rencontre les roches de cet âge le long de la frontière anglaise. La succession du cycle sédimentaire comprend jusqu'à 3,000 m. de roches de l'âge Dinantien (principalement Viséen) et à 2,000 m. des couches Silésiennes qui dans une localité quelconque comprennent des laves ou des tufs à presque tous les niveaux. La distribution de ces roches volcaniques est bien connu dans tous les détails à cause des mines et des forages.Les laves et les tufs font partie d'une série alkaline (sodique) magma. Leurs éruptions atteignirent leur maximum en volume pendant Ie Dinantien, avec la formation du Plateau de Clyde (épaisseur maximum 900 m. env.) à l'ouest, les Collines de Garleton (600 m. env.) et l'anticlinal de Burntisland (400 m. env.) a l'est, et les Kelso Traps du bassin du Tweed (120 m. env.), les Birrenswark Lavas de Dumfriesshire (90 m. env.), le Kershopefoot Basait de Liddesdale (60 m. env.) et les Glencartholm Volcanic Beds (des tufs pour la plupart) d'Eskdale (180 m. env.) au sud. La plupart des laves sont des variétés de basalte-olivine, mais des quantié peu considérables de trachybasalte, trachytes et rhyolites sont comprises dans les parties supérieures dans les successions du Plateau de Clyde et des Collines de Garleton.A la fin du Dinantien, cette forme d'activité avait cessé partout excepté dans l'Ouest Lothian, où elle continuait jusqu'au commencement du Namurien. Après cela le volcanisme continua périodiquement des centres dispersés, et donna naissance à des cônes de cendre de relativement petite durée. Ceux-ci se formèrent en Ayrshire (age E1), mais on les trouvait beaucoup plus souvent en Fife, et on les y rencontrait presque pendant toute la succession namurienne. La nature explosive de cette phase de volcanisme est apparente par la rareté des laves et par la présence dans le sédiment qui se trouve dans les couches étroites de tuf, résultat du cendre fin porté jusqu'à 32 km. de sa source. Ces couches-ci dont quelques-unes furent transformées en kaolin, sont une variété de tonstein qui s'emploie beaucoup en corrélation. La distribution des quelques cheminées volcaniques coïncide aux structures nord—est d'un âge précarbonifère.La phase explosive est maintenant connue d'avoir continué à travers toute la Westphalie «Äs» et possiblement d'avoir pénétré dans la Westphalie «B» en Fife, mais en Ayrshire le volcanisme était plus intermittent et est représenté par deux éruptions de lave basaltique, l'une pendant la fin du Namurien jusqu'au début du Westphalien et d'une épaisseur de 150 m., l'autre du Stéphanien et d'une épaisseur de 90 à 237 m. Les laves du Stéphanien et les cheminées associées étaient classées auparavant comme Permien, mais maintenant il n'y a aucune évidence positive d'éruption permianique en Ecosse.Deux groupes d'intrusions scindèrent les roches carbonifères. Le groupe le plus étendu est fait de dolérites alkalines qui sont co-magmatiques avec les laves basaltiques et les tufs, et sont de pareille distribution géographique. Elles forment des silles d'une épaisseur jusqu; à 120 m. et elles sont probablement d'âges variés jusqu'au Stéphanien. Il est possible que quelques-une d'entre elles furent des réservoirs de haut-niveau desquels des diatrèmes sortirent. L'autre groupe est fait de quartz-dolérite ou tholéiite qui forme une série de dikes est—ouest et une sille-complexe couvrant une étendue de 1,500 km2 et ayant une épaisseur maximale de 127 km. Leur áge est de la fin du Carbonifère ou du début du Permien.

- Midland Valley (). ( 900 ), , , . . : ) , , ) .

Published by permission of the Director, Institute of Geological Sciences.  相似文献   
Meteoritical Bulletin 111 contains the 3094 meteorites approved by the Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society in 2022. It includes 11 falls (Antonin, Botohilitano, Cranfield, Golden, Great Salt Lake, Longde, Msied, Ponggo, Qiquanhu, Tiglit, Traspena), with 2533 ordinary chondrites, 165 HED, 123 carbonaceous chondrites (including 4 ungrouped), 82 lunar meteorites, 28 Rumuruti chondrites, 27 iron meteorites, 23 ureilites, 22 mesosiderites, 22 Martian meteorites, 21 primitive achondrites (one ungrouped), 17 ungrouped achondrites, 13 pallasites, 7 enstatite achondrites, 6 enstatite chondrites, and 5 angrites. Of the meteorites classified in 2022, 1787 were from Antarctica, 1078 from Africa, 180 from South America, 34 from Asia, 6 from North America, 4 from Europe, and 1 from Oceania.  相似文献   
Concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) plotted vs. dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in groundwater samples taken from a coastal plain aquifer of South Carolina (SC) showed a statistically significant hyperbolic relationship. In contrast, DO-DOC plots of groundwater samples taken from the eastern San Joaquin Valley of California (CA) showed a random scatter. It was hypothesized that differences in the bioavailability of naturally occurring DOC might contribute to these observations. This hypothesis was examined by comparing nine different biochemical indicators of DOC bioavailability in groundwater sampled from these two systems. Concentrations of DOC, total hydrolysable neutral sugars (THNS), total hydrolysable amino acids (THAA), mole% glycine of THAA, initial bacterial cell counts, bacterial growth rates, and carbon dioxide production/consumption were greater in SC samples relative to CA samples. In contrast, the mole% glucose of THNS and the aromaticity (SUVA(254)) of DOC was greater in CA samples. Each of these indicator parameters were observed to change with depth in the SC system in a manner consistent with active biodegradation. These results are uniformly consistent with the hypothesis that the bioavailability of DOC is greater in SC relative to CA groundwater samples. This, in turn, suggests that the presence/absence of a hyperbolic DO-DOC relationship may be a qualitative indicator of relative DOC bioavailability in groundwater systems.  相似文献   
We report on observations of a large eruptive event associated with a flare that occurred on 27 September 1998 made with the Richard B. Dunn Solar Telescope at Sacramento Peak Observatory (several wave bands including off-line-center H), in soft and hard X-rays (GOES and BATSE), and in several TRACE wave bands (including Feix/x 171 Å, Fexii 195 Å, and Civ 1550 Å). The flare initiation is signaled by two H foot-point brightenings which are closely followed by a hard X-ray burst and a subsequent gradual increase in other wavelengths. The flare light curves show a complicated, three-component structure which includes two minor maxima before the main GOES class C5.2 peak after which there is a characteristic exponential decline. During the initial stages, a large spray event is observed within seconds of the hard X-ray burst which can be directly associated with a two-ribbon flare in H. The emission returns to pre-flare levels after about 35 min, by which time a set of bright post-flare loops have begun to form at temperatures of about 1.0–1.5 MK. Part of the flare plasma also intrudes into the penumbra of a large sunspot, generally a characteristic of very powerful flares, but the flare importance in GOES soft X-rays is in fact relatively modest. Much of the energy appears to be in the form of a second ejection which is observed in optical and ultraviolet bands, traveling out via several magnetic flux tubes from the main flare site (about 60° from Sun center) to beyond the limb.  相似文献   
A significant opaque component in Mercury’s crust is inferred based on albedo and spectral observations. Previous workers have favored iron-titanium bearing oxide minerals as the spectrally neutral opaque. A consequence of this hypothesis is that Mercury’s surface would have a high FeO content. An array of remote sensing techniques have not provided definitive constraints on the FeO content of Mercury’s surface. However, spectral observations have not detected a diagnostic 1 μm absorption band and have thus limited the FeO in coexisting silicates to <2 wt.% FeO. In this paper, we assess equilibrium among oxide and silicate minerals to constrain the distribution of iron between opaque oxides and silicates under a variety of environmental conditions. Equilibrium modeling is favored here because the geologic process that produced Mercury’s low-albedo intermediate terrain must have occurred globally, which favors a common widespread igneous process. Based on our modeling, we find that iron-rich ilmenite cannot occur with silicates that do not display a 1 μm absorption feature unless plagioclase abundances are high. However, such high plagioclase abundances are precluded by Mercury’s low albedo. Incorporating equilibrium crystallization modeling with spectral and albedo constraints we find the iron abundance of Mercury’s intermediate terrain is ?10 wt.% FeO. This intermediate iron composition matches constraints provided by visible albedo and total neutron absorption observed by MESSENGER. In fact, the total neutron absorption of mixtures of oxide, plagioclase, olivine and pyroxene for the oxide abundances estimated for Mercury, favor Mg-rich members of the ilmenite-geikielite solid-solution series. This work offers compositional constraints for Fe, Ti, and Mg that will be testable by various MESSENGER instrument data sets after it begins its orbital mission.  相似文献   
A section near the Kilgen Lake (Adana Province) has yielded a fauna of rugose and tabulate corals including Disphyllum cf. rugosum (Wedekind, 1922), D. cf. curtum Hill, 1954, Wapitiphyllum sp., Thamnopora sp., and Alveolites sp. This coral assemblage is consistent with the previous Frasnian age assigned to the limestones of the Gümü?ali Formation. The rather well-preserved material provides new data on the structure and microstructure of Disphyllum and allows to describe in Thamnopora unusual calicinal morphology (septal ridges, median teeth, and pseudopercula) as well as new structures linked to the lateral increase (basal low wall, apical cul-de-sac).  相似文献   
It is expected that an average protostar will undergo at least one impulsive interaction with a neighbouring protostar whilst a large fraction of its mass is still in a massive, extended disc. Such interactions must have a significant impact upon the evolution of the protostars and their discs.   We have carried out a series of simulations of coplanar encounters between two stars, each possessing a massive circumstellar disc, using an SPH code that models gravitational, hydrodynamic and viscous forces. We find that during a coplanar encounter, disc material is swept up into a shock layer between the two interacting stars, and the layer then fragments to produce new protostellar condensations. The truncated remains of the discs may subsequently fragment; and the outer regions of the discs may be thrown off to form circumbinary disc-like structures around the stars. Thus coplanar disc–disc encounters lead efficiently to the formation of multiple star systems and small- N clusters, including substellar objects.  相似文献   
The estimation of sub‐daily flows from daily flood flows is important for many hydrological and hydraulic applications. Flows during flood events often vary significantly within sub‐daily time‐scales, and failure to capture the sub‐daily flood characteristic can result in an underestimation of the instantaneous flood peaks, with possible risk of design failure. It is more common to find a longer record of daily flow series (observed or modelled using daily rainfall series) than sub‐daily flow data. This paper describes a novel approach, known as the steepness index unit volume flood hydrograph approach, for disaggregating daily flood flows into sub‐daily flows that takes advantage of the strong relationship between the standardized instantaneous flood peak and the standardized daily flood hydrograph rising‐limb steepness index. The strength of this relationship, which is considerably stronger than the relationship between the standardized flood peak and the event flood volume, is shown using data from six rivers flowing into the Gippsland Lakes in southeast Australia. The results indicate that the steepness index unit volume flood hydrograph approach can be used to disaggregate modelled daily flood flows satisfactorily, but its reliability is dependent on a model's ability to simulate the standardized daily flood hydrograph rising‐limb steepness index and the event flood volume. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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