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The purpose of the present paper is to examine a selection of macro- and micro-linguistic features (at text and sentence/word level respectively) of the South-African Green Paper “National Climate Change Response” from 2010. Our overarching assumption is that the Green Paper needs to handle competing interests, beliefs and voices in a narrative structure favouring specific courses of action. How does the government portray the complex natural and societal phenomenon of climate change, and how does it take into account the many and often competing national and international views and interests which come into play? Our hypothesis is that the Green Paper constructs a narrative and that it relates to a number of voices other than that of the authors, through linguistic markers of polyphony, such as negation, sentence connectives, adverbs and reported speech. Thus we propose a narrative and polyphonic analysis of the Green Paper, at the level of the text as a whole (macro-level) but also with attention to linguistic constructions of polyphony or “multi-voicedness” (micro-level). We find that the narrative-polyphonic properties of the Green Paper contribute to a strategy for building consensus on climate change policy. The South African government assumes the role of main hero in its own climate change “story”, and there are subtle forms of interaction with different and typically non-identified voices, such as concessive constructions and presuppositions. These results support our overarching interpretation of the whole document as striving to impose a South African consensus on the issue of climate change.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen der Solnhofener Plattenkalke (Lagunensediment) und der Oberalmer Kalke (bathyale Sedimente) zeigen weitgehend ähnliche diagenetische Veränderungen der Coccolithen-Morphologie. Die Vielfalt der während der Sedimentation, am Meersboden und im Sediment möglichen Lösungs- und Abscheidungsvorgänge (siehe Abb. 1) erscheinen in den beiden, aus unterschiedlichen paläogeographischen Bereichen stammenden Malm-Kalken homogenisiert.
According to Stereoscan Electron Microscope Studies of the Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) Solnhofen limestone (Southern Franconia) and of the Oberalm limestone (Northern Calcareous Alps) similar diagenetic criteria can be recognized in the alterations of the coccolith morphology. In contrast to the various solution- and precipitation patterns formed during the sedimentation of the ultraplancton, on the sea-floor or in the sediment (see fig. 1) no differentiation can be made with regard to the submicroscopic criteria caused by diagenetic processes in different environments (Solnhofen: subtidal lagoon with alternating hypersaline conditions with growth of blue-green-algal mats and normal marine water conditions with the sedimentation of ultraplancton. — Oberalm: bathyal basin with strongly burrowed soft bottoms and common sedimentation of ultraplancton).

Résumé Les études par S.E.M. des calcaires en minces bancs de Solenhofen (sédiment lagunaire) et des calcaires d'Oberalm (sédiment bathyal) montrent des transformations diagénétiques sensiblement les mÊmes dans la morphologie des coccolithes. La multiplicité des processus de dissolution et de précipitation pouvant intervenir au cours de la sédimentation sur le fond de la mer et dans le sédiment, apparaissent comme s'homogénéisant dans ces deux calcaires du Mahn provenant de domaines paléogéographiques différents.

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This study evaluated the effects of climate change on sugarcane yield, water use efficiency, and irrigation needs in southern Brazil, based on downscaled outputs of two general circulation models (PRECIS and CSIRO) and a sugarcane growth model. For three harvest cycles every year, the DSSAT/CANEGRO model was used to simulate the baseline and four future climate scenarios for stalk yield for the 2050s. The model was calibrated for the main cultivar currently grown in Brazil based on five field experiments under several soil and climate conditions. The sensitivity of simulated stalk fresh mass (SFM) to air temperature, CO2 concentration [CO2] and rainfall was also analyzed. Simulated SFM responses to [CO2], air temperature and rainfall variations were consistent with the literature. There were increases in simulated SFM and water usage efficiency (WUE) for all scenarios. On average, for the current sugarcane area in the State of São Paulo, SFM would increase 24 % and WUE 34 % for rainfed sugarcane. The WUE rise is relevant because of the current concern about water supply in southern Brazil. Considering the current technological improvement rate, projected yields for 2050 ranged from 96 to 129 t?ha?1, which are respectively 15 and 59 % higher than the current state average yield.  相似文献   

Many regions of the world are affected by high density of large gullies that can impact on water resources. As these impacts have not been properly evaluated, this study presents a quantification model by numerical simulation of the effect of gullying on the water budget. An active gully of a very eroded region (Bação Complex) was selected and systematically monitored during a hydrological year. The simulation of the gully area by finite element method enabled the quantification of impacts, such as baseflow reduction and groundwater drawdown in the vicinity of this erosional feature. The baseflow reduction, when extrapolated to the whole complex, showed a significant baseflow loss during the dry seasons and an increase of stream flows during the rainy seasons, favouring floods. The numerical simulation results indicate that these modifications are relevant and must be considered when managing aquifers in intensely gullied areas with problems related to water availability.  相似文献   
Modelling of ground water recharge-potential in hard-rock areas principally aims at water-resource evaluation. Various techniques are available to assess recharge-potential, and their capability in estimating recharge is also variable. However, the water level fluctuation method is found capable in computing actual ground water recharge. Demarcation of ground water recharge-potential zones in arid and semi-arid regions is of great importance for human survival and sustainable development. Remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques have been widely used by numerous researchers for qualitative assessment of ground water potential of a basin or terrain. In the present study, a GIS-based water table fluctuation method has been attempted for quantitative modelling of ground water recharge of the hard-rock Aravalli terrain. This GIS-based model is further used to evaluate recharge-potential of the terrain by integrated assessment of infiltration capacity, normal rainfall, and its cumulative frequency.  相似文献   
The Olary Block comprises a set of Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic basement inliers that were deformed together with the Neoproterozoic sedimentary cover of the Adelaide Geosyncline during the ca 500 Ma Cambro‐Ordovician Delamerian Orogeny. Balanced and restored structural sections across this region show shortening of less than 20%. These basement inliers represent the interface between a region of thick‐skinned deformation bordering the Curnamona Craton to the north and a region of thin‐skinned deformation to the south and west in the Nackara Arc. The basement inliers represent upthrust segments of the subsided basin margin with the sedimentary package thickening to the south and to the west. Earlier formed extensional faults provided the major strain guides during Delamerian shortening. An early phase of east‐west shortening is interpreted to be synchronous with dextral strike‐slip deformation along basement‐relay structures (e.g. Darling River lineament). During progressive shortening the tectonic transport direction rotated into a northwest to north direction, coeval with the onset of the main phase of thin‐skinned fold deformation in the adjacent Nackara Arc.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to provide information on the ecological integrity of an industrial district located in the estuary of Pará River (Amazon estuary), by applying a selection of fish based multimetric indices of ecosystem integrity: Abundance Biomass Comparation (ABC); Biological Health Index; Estuarine Fish Community, Transitional Fish Classification and Estuarine Biotic Integrity Indexes. To evaluate the impacts of the industrial area and cargo terminal, three areas were considered: Zone 1, (maximum impact), Zone 2 (median risk) and Zone 3 (reference area). All the biological indices used were considered to be excellent indicators of the ecological integrity of the different sectors of the study area and were especially effective for the demonstration of the critical alterations of the fish community of Zone 1 and Zone 2. The simultaneous use of different indices family, with different assumptions, did strengthen the results enhancing the confidence in the diagnostic.  相似文献   
Most slope-channel outcrop studies have been conducted at continental margin-scale on seismic data. However, in foreland and back-arc deepwater settings, sub-seismic scale slope channels hold equally important information on deepwater sediment delivery, often in hydrocarbon-bearing provinces. One such slope-channel system is examined in Lower Jurassic prograding shelf-margin clinoforms in Bey Malec Estancia, La Jardinera area, southern Neuquén Basin, Argentina. In a 4 km wide, 300 m tall, slightly oblique- to depositional-dip section of Jurassic Los Molles Formation deepwater slope deposits, seven clinoform timelines were identified by isolated slope-channel fills with thicknesses less than 50 m. Sedimentary logs, satellite images, a digital elevation model and drone photogrammetry were used to map variations in downslope channel geometry and infill facies. The slope channels are filled with sediment density flow deposits: poorly sorted conglomeratic debrites, structureless sandy high-density turbidites and well-sorted, fine-grained, graded low-density turbidites. The debrite portion decreases downslope, whereas high- and low-density turbidites increase. A grain-size analysis reveals a broad downslope fining trend of turbidite and debrite beds within slope channels with increasing water depth, and some notable bypass of conglomeratic facies to the lowermost slope channels and basin floor fans. The architecture of the slope channels changes from lateral to aggradational infill downstream. The Bey Malec clinoforms and its slope channels add new knowledge on downslope changes for sediment delivery in relatively shallow (<500 m water depth), prograding-dominant deepwater basins. They also highlight one of very few outcropping examples of oblique-type clinoforms.  相似文献   
Seismic reflection data document for the first time the existence of a BSR in a limited area west of the Dnieper Canyon in the northwestern Black Sea. Seismic wide-angle data suggest that gas hydrates occupy in average 15±2% of the pore space in a zone of 100 m in thickness. A conservative quantification of the amount of methane associated with this gas hydrate occurrence is about 12±3×1011 m3 (0.6±0.2 Gt of methane carbon). Conductive heat flow deduced from the BSR depth is in the range of 21±6 to 55±15 mW m–2.  相似文献   
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