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西安市城市资源压力与城市化水平的灰色关联分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
统计结果显示西安城市化水平的提高也伴随着城市资源压力的加大,为了找出它们之间定量的数字特征关系,运用综合评价法对西安市近15年的城市化水平进行了测度.同时,使用资源压力指数法对西安市城市资源压力进行了定量评价,最后,用灰色关联分析方法对城市资源压力指数与城市化水平的各相关因子之间的关系进行研究.结果表明,城市资源压力与最能体现城市化发展水平的"城市现代化水平"因子之间存在着极强的关联,针对这一现状,提出了缓解城市资源压力和协调加快城市化发展进程之间矛盾的几点建议.  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组页岩油勘探取得巨大突破,但是按照普遍认可的页岩油烃源岩评价标准,本区的烃源岩品质并不理想。为了科学评价玛湖凹陷烃源岩品质特征,本文在系统的岩心观察和有机地球化学分析的基础上,揭示烃源岩的形成环境,并按照矿物组成对烃源岩分类评价。玛湖凹陷风城组细粒岩主要沉积于正常半深湖、咸化半深湖、半咸化半深湖、含热液半深湖和滨浅湖环境中,各环境中细粒岩的有机质特征存在一定区别,其中半咸化半深湖有机质较为富集,w(TOC)均值在1%左右。进一步结合有机质类型判别图解,表明咸化半深湖和含热液半深湖有机质来源以湖泊生物为主,而其他环境中存在湖泊和陆源混合有机质来源。基于有机质生烃潜力评价和成熟度(Vre=0.74%)估算,表明目前风城组烃源岩中有机质正处于大量排烃的成熟阶段,且确定了细粒岩中的烃类为原生烃。由于不同矿物组成的烃源岩吸附能力的差异,按照陆相泥质烃源岩和碳酸盐质烃源岩开展分类评价,结果表明风城组沉积了累计厚度近250 m的的有效烃源岩,且富含以藻类体为主的有机质。  相似文献   
钾长石分解反应热力学与过程评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
综述了添加各种助剂分解钾长石的研究进展。对不同体系中钾长石分解反应的G ibbs自由能和能耗计算,综合考虑一次性资源、能源消耗量和烧结过程的环境相容性、产品方案等因素,结果表明:只有以石灰石、碳酸钠为配料的工艺路线具有实际工业应用价值;而唯有以碳酸钠为配料时,钾长石原料烧结过程才具有一次性资源消耗量最少、能耗最低、温室气体CO2排放量最小、且可生产高附加值产品、实现完全清洁生产等优点。因此,选择以碳酸钠为配料分解钾长石的技术路线,具有良好的工业化应用前景。  相似文献   
Pretreatment of waste emulsions with high organic content by a combined process of vibratory shear enhanced process and Fenton’s oxidation prior to biological treatment was investigated. Vibrating membrane had shown good performance in chemical oxygen demand and oil removals and the mitigation of concentration polarization. However, the permeate after filtration processing still contained high content of organics. Thus, additional Fenton oxidation was applied to reduce the organic loading, and improve the biodegradability of the wastewater. The optimal molar ratio of ferrous iron to hydrogen peroxide was 0.05 obtained from the jar-test experiments. Removal of organics was enhanced by increasing hydrogen peroxide dosage, while efficiency of hydrogen peroxide reached maximum of 1.11(w/w) at the hydrogen peroxide dosage of 6.8 g/L. Furthermore, the biological experiments indicated that the high concentration of organics could inhibit microbial activity, which decreased the chemical oxygen demand degradation rates. The adaptive period of the microbe was greatly shortened using Fenton’s reagent at the low dosages. The improvement of the biodegradability could be explained by partial mineralization and chemical transformation of parent organic compounds after Fenton oxidation.  相似文献   
彭阳  陈安泽  钱方 《地质论评》2014,60(5):1109-1112
云南石林世界地质公园阿诗玛石柱,其岩石地层是呈水平产状的中二叠统茅口组厚层块状灰岩,但其构成岩石的具体岩性却未见做过详细工作。笔者等经公园管理部门同意,自下而上分别在阿诗玛石柱背侧底部、下部、中部、上部和顶部共采集样品五块,对其岩石学特征及沉积微相作了详细研究,弄清了这一世界著名景点自下而上的岩石构成及沉积相。底部为高能浅滩相灰色厚层块状具平行层理生屑颗粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛脚部。下部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状虫筳生屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛腿部。中部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状砂屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛腰部。上部为中能浅潮下灰色厚层块状具生物扰动含砂屑生屑泥粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛胸部;顶部为高能浅滩相灰色厚层块状砂屑生屑颗粒灰岩,构成阿诗玛头部。其中含有大量生物化石碎屑:有孔虫、三叶虫、藻类、介形虫、腕足、苔藓虫、虫筳、海百合茎、双壳类,为高能浅滩相和中等能量浅潮下环境。希能为石林形成过程研究和科学普及提供参考。  相似文献   
点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带变沉积岩的变质演化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
王舫  刘福来  刘平华 《岩石学报》2013,29(2):630-640
点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带位于青藏高原东南缘大理-元江-元阳-河口一带,出露规模达数百千米,是扬子板块和印支陆块之间的一条重要构造带.该变质杂岩带主要由各类正片麻岩、副片麻岩、大理岩所组成,夹有斜长角闪岩、石榴辉石岩和超镁铁质岩石的透镜体或团块.其中,变沉积岩如含夕线石和蓝晶石的片麻岩类岩石保存了多阶段的矿物组合及异常复杂的矿物相转变关系.详细的岩相学、成因矿物学以及矿物相转变关系分析表明,变沉积岩系经历了早期进变质阶段(M1)、峰期角闪-麻粒岩相变质阶段(M2)、峰后近等温减压(脱水熔融)阶段(M3)以及晚期退变质阶段(M4)的变质演化.其中,M1阶段的稳定矿物组合为石榴石+斜长石+白云母+石英+十字石±蓝晶石±黑云母±钾长石,M2阶段的稳定矿物组合为石榴石+黑云母+蓝晶石/夕线石+斜长石+石英、石榴石+黑云母+斜长石+石英±钾长石±夕线石,M3阶段的共生矿物组合为石榴石+黑云母+夕线石+斜长石+石英,M4阶段的矿物组合为黑云母+白云母+斜长石+石英±钾长石±石榴石等.通过传统GB-GASP温压计和二云母温度计的估算结果,配合P-T视剖面定量计算,确定早期进变质阶段(M1)的温压条件为T=560 ~ 590℃,P=5.5 ~6.3kb,峰期角闪-麻粒岩相阶段(M2)的温压条件为T=720~ 760℃、P=8.0~9.3kb,峰后近等温减压阶段(M3)的温度压力条件为T=640~760℃,P=5.0~7.3kb,晚期退变阶段(M4)的温压条件为T=521~648℃,P=4.0~5.0kb.上述研究结果表明,点苍山-哀牢山变沉积岩记录了典型碰撞造山带型式的顺时针P-T演化轨迹,表明点苍山-哀牢山变质杂岩带的形成与印度板块和欧亚板块之间的俯冲-碰撞存在密切的成因关系.  相似文献   
过去2000年气候变化对中国经济与社会发展影响研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
It is one of the important focuses of the Past Global Changes (PAGES) to investigate the long-term impacts of climate change on regional social and economic development over the past two millenniums. The past decades in China have witnessed great progresses in the study of past climatic influence on human society. In this paper, reviews have been made on the latest proceedings related with researches about the past 2000-year climatic impacts on Chinese history in terms of the following three aspects: economic fluctuations, social stability, and the rise and fall of dynasties in China. It is concluded that climate change and socio-economic fluctuation in historical China really temporarily demonstrated a good coincidence, which indicates a potential driving-response mechanism was likely embedded in the complicated relationship between climate change and human society. A warm climate provided relatively stable conditions of agricultural production and thus generally played a positive role in the healthy development of the economy and society. On the contrary, socio-economic adverseness triggered by a colder climate was preconditioned with social problems such as the intensification of the contradiction between people and land, as well as the gradual accumulation of social rigidity. These social problems accompanying with social development contributed higher vulnerability of society in the face of changing climate, which to some extent might amplify the effects of climatic deterioration. The authors emphasize that the future studies of the relationship between past climate change and human history in China should attach more attention to the following key problems: making deeper exploitation of the potential of Chinese historical documents, exploring the mechanism of climate-society interaction, and studying the differences of climatic effects on socio-economic development at the regional scale. This study from a historical perspective might enhance the understanding of human-environment relationship under a situation of global warming, and also provide the scientific basis for the sustainable social development in China.  相似文献   
选取123例乳腺病理性矿化样品,利用光镜、扫描电镜对乳腺矿化进行了微形貌分类研究,并利用统计学方法探讨了乳腺矿化集合体类型与患者年龄、乳腺病变类型和癌变阶段的相关性。研究发现,根据乳腺矿化在光学显微镜下的可分辨形态,将其分为两种类型:粒状集合体与块状集合体;其中粒状集合体为小于200μm的规则粒状钙化,少部分有环带结构,和有机组织结合紧密;而块状集合体则为大于200μm的片状钙化,形状不规则。统计分析数据显示,随年龄增加,块状集合体出现病理比例增加,粒状集合体出现病理比例减少,敏感年龄分区界限为50岁;粒状集合体在50岁以上和50岁以下患者中单独出现的概率分别为24%和53%;块状集合体在乳腺原位癌(71. 4%)患者中占主导,粒状集合体在乳腺纤维腺瘤(64. 5%)患者中占主导。该研究可为未来乳腺癌的诊断提供基于乳腺矿化精细矿物学特征的辅助新方法。  相似文献   
基于风洞试验对青藏铁路沿线不同类型防沙措施防沙效果进行模拟研究,探讨了不同类型挡沙墙的防沙效果。结果表明:挂板式、轨枕式和箱式挡沙墙输沙率随高度基本呈递增缓变型趋势,最大输沙率低于20%;铃铛式和高立式聚乙烯(PE)网挡沙墙随高度呈递减陡降型趋势,距地表6~8 cm处为转折点,转折点以上输沙率随高度增大急剧减小,转折点以下输沙率随高度变化较为平缓,最大输沙率低于50%。随着风速的增大,各挡沙墙的阻沙率呈递减趋势:挂板式和轨枕式挡沙墙对风速的敏感性最弱,整体阻沙效果较优,可大范围推广;箱式挡沙墙对风速的敏感性较弱,建议在风速18 m·s-1以下的地区使用;PE网挡沙墙防沙效果对风速的敏感性最强,建议在风速10 m·s-1以下的地区使用。  相似文献   
Using hindcasts of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model, the relationships between interannual variability (IAV) and intraseasonal variability (ISV) of the Asian-western Pacific summer monsoon are diagnosed. Predictions show reasonable skill with respect to some basic characteristics of the ISV and IAV of the western North Pacific summer monsoon (WNPSM) and the Indian summer monsoon (ISM). However, the links between the seasonally averaged ISV (SAISV) and seasonal mean of ISM are overestimated by the model. This deficiency may be partially attributable to the overestimated frequency of long breaks and underestimated frequency of long active spells of ISV in normal ISM years, although the model is capable of capturing the impact of ISV on the seasonal mean by its shift in the probability of phases. Furthermore, the interannual relationships of seasonal mean, SAISV, and seasonally averaged long-wave variability (SALWV; i.e., the part with periods longer than the intraseasonal scale) of the WNPSM and ISM with SST and low-level circulation are examined. The observed seasonal mean, SAISV, and SALWV show similar correlation patterns with SST and atmospheric circulation, but with different details. However, the model presents these correlation distributions with unrealistically small differences among different scales, and it somewhat overestimates the teleconnection between monsoon and tropical central-eastern Pacific SST for the ISM, but underestimates it for the WNPSM, the latter of which is partially related to the too-rapid decrease in the impact of E1 Nifio-Southern Oscillation with forecast time in the model.  相似文献   
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