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随着数值预报模式不断发展,各类观测资料在数值模式中发挥着越来越重要的作用,船舶观测资料是海上3类观测系统 (卫星、飞机、船舶) 资料之一。为了保障船舶观测资料质量并有效地应用于数值模式,该文依据船舶观测资料的时空分布特征,以及2011年1月和7月T639分析场与观测资料对比分析结果,建立了一套船舶海平面气压资料质量控制方案,包括要素极值范围检查、缺测和冗余资料剔除、背景场一致性检查、测站黑名单建立等,并将该方案应用于2011年2月、6月、8月的观测资料。结果表明:船舶观测资料在时间上不连续且空间分布不均匀,会影响时间一致性检查和空间一致性检查质量控制效果;船舶海平面气压观测资料在所有观测要素中资料量最大,但其缺测和冗余资料量约占50%;黑名单资料的质量控制方案能够有效识别和剔除黑名单资料,且有利于对各测站的检查与维修工作;由于五大湖和大奴湖地区地形高度的影响,在背景场一致性检查过程中需对这些区域的背景场资料进行订正。  相似文献   
Wanshan area has been chosen to be the specified field to calibrate and validate(Cal/Val) the HY-2 altimeter and its follow-on satellites. In March 2018, an experiment has been conducted to determine the sea surface height(SSH) under the HY-2 A ground track(Pass No. 203). A GPS towing-body(GPS-TB) was designed to measure the SSH covering an area of about 6 km×28 km wide centered on the HY-2 A altimeter satellite ground track. Three GPS reference stations, one tide gauge and a GPS buoy were placed in the research area, in order to process and resolve the kinematic solution and check the precision of the GPS-TB respectively. All the GPS data were calculated by the GAMIT/GLOBK software and TRACK module. The sea surface was determined by the GPS-TB solution and the tide gauge placed on Zhiwan Island. Then the sea surface of this area was interpolated by Arc GIS10.2 with ordinary Kriging method. The results showed that the precision of the GPS-TB is about 1.10 cm compared with the tide gauge placed nearby, which has an equivalent precision with the GPS buoy. The interpolated sea surface has a bias of –1.5–4.0 cm with standard deviation of 0.2–2.4 cm compared with the checking line. The gradient of the measured sea surface is about 1.62 cm/km along the HY-2 orbit which shows a good agreement compared with the CLS11 mean sea surface(MSS). In the Cal/Val of satellites, the sea surface between the tide gauge/GPS buoy and the footprint of altimeter can be improved by this work.  相似文献   
Oyster reefs and their spatial patterns are deemed to change the local hydrodynamic condition and exert profound impacts on the grain size, concentration and transportation of suspended sediments. Meanwhile, high suspended sediment concentration often results in excess mortality among oysters. Oyster reefs are rare and vital ecosystem in Liyashan national marine park, Jiangsu Coast, China. However, urgent conservation efforts should be made on account of the drastic reduction in reef areas. To investigate the sediment dynamics and the geomorphology, two tripod observation systems were deployed and UAV aerial surveys with elevation measurement using Real Time Kinematic (RTK) were also carried out. High mud content (60%) was found in the bed sediment at the reef ridge, causing much lower drag coefficient than other recorded values of living oyster reefs, indicating the death of oysters and the degradation of reefs in Liyashan. Ridgelines of the string reefs at 45° to the current direction and high suspended sediment concentration in the water body (50–370 mg/L) that exceeds the threshold (200 mg/L), which would affect nutrient uptake efficiency and further result in gill saturation, decrease of clearance rate and associated deposition, were probably crucial causes of the death of oysters. The findings are useful for restoring natural oyster reefs and designing artificial reefs for nature-based coastal defense.  相似文献   
侯志华  刘敏  樊晓霞  贾宇平 《地理科学》2020,40(12):1978-1989
以11 188个自然聚落斑块为研究对象,基于场强模型,定量测度汾河流域城乡聚落体系发展潜能,借助GIS技术和地理探测器模型,分析其空间格局特征及驱动因素,进而探讨流域城乡融合发展空间模式。结果表明:①城乡聚落斑块发展潜能差异显著,且空间分布极不均衡;纵向上中游流域高于下游流域高于上游流域,横向上河谷盆地区高于周边缓丘区高于两侧山丘区。②聚落斑块发展潜能具有正向空间自相关性,高值斑块聚类显著;具有空间异质性特征且方向性明显,汾河主河道方向联动效应最强,空间联系最紧密;存在局域热点区,并呈现"主核–廊道–次核"的空间结构形态。③自然基础、社会经济发展水平和区位条件共同影响着城乡聚落体系发展潜质及空间结构形态;融合发展采取非均衡增长路径,市、县、镇、村全局考虑,构建"强化核心点–培育发展轴–扶持特色区–带动全流域"的逐层推进式空间发展模式。  相似文献   
提供一种水下航行体控制系统数学仿真软件的设计方案,在该仿真软件平台上可以完成水下航行体控制系统数学仿真研究、水下航行体水动力参数辨识实验和实航内测数据及仿真实验结果三维可视化显示。详细设计了该软件包含的 4 大模块:水下航行体数学模型及仿真模型模块、控制算法模块、流体动力参数辨识模块和图形界面人机交互模块,并对仿真模型的配置做了简单介绍。  相似文献   
轻非水相液体(LNAPL)进入到地下环境中,首先在非饱和带进行垂向迁移,到达毛细带后在地下水面以上形成饱和透镜体。准确预测LNAPL渗漏在毛细带形成的透镜体厚度,对于LNAPL的去除及污染含水层的修复具有重要的指导意义。通过模拟实验测定了水-油两相吸湿及脱湿曲线,采用水-油饱和度-压力曲线拟合出了吸湿及脱湿进入压力。根据透镜体达到稳定状态时脱湿、吸湿压力水头之间的关系,建立了透镜体厚度的预测计算方法,并以中砂和粗砂为例,预测出实验条件下柴油在毛细带形成透镜体稳定时的厚度分别为4.61 cm和1.29 cm。通过室内模拟槽实验,测得柴油在中砂和粗砂中迁移时形成的透镜体厚度分别为5.30 cm和1.50 cm。预测与实验结果的相对误差分别为13.0%和14.0%。误差产生的主要原因为脱湿与吸湿曲线是在非干燥情况下测得,从而导致预测的透镜体厚度偏小。  相似文献   
Considerable debate on whether and how the Sulu Orogenic Belt extends eastward to the Korean Peninsula has remained over the past decade. New results reported here include the following: (1) an eclogite and retrograded eclogite-bearing complex (Hongseong Complex) is discovered in South Korea, in which the eclogite occurs as lenses in circa  810–820 Ma granitic gneiss. SHRIMP zircon dating of the eclogite yields  230 Ma for the metamorphic age and  880 Ma for the protolith age; (2) The basement of the Rangnim, Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs have affinities to the basement of the North China Block (NCB). However the Gyeonggi Massif encloses a minor amount of large or small slabs of the Hongseong Complex that are similar to the rocks of the Sulu Belt. (3) Two main Paleozoic basins within the Rangnim and Gyeonggi massifs have a similar Paleozoic tectono-stratigraphy to the NCB. (4) The Imjingang and Ogcheon belts do not exhibit any metamorphic characteristics of collisional orogenic belts. Based on these facts, we propose a crustal-detachment and thrust model and suggest that the collision belt between the Yangtze Block (YB) and NCB (Sino–Korea Craton) is preserved along the western margin of the Korean Peninsula. The lower part of the UHP metamorphosed lithosphere of the YB was subducted under the Korean Peninsula and not uplifted to the surface. The lower crust of the YB (the Hongseong Complex) was detached from the subducted lithosphere and thrust over the Korean Peninsula, and inserted into the basement rocks of the Gyeonggi Massif. The upper crust of the YB possibly was detached from the lower crust and overthrusted along the Honam and Chugaryong shear zones. The Imjingang and Ogcheon belts possibly represent the detached upper crust of YB and their present occurrences are controlled by a Mesozoic strike–slip shear structure. All these detached lower and upper crustal slabs were strongly deformed during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous tectonic event leading to their present geological distribution and characteristics.  相似文献   
袁敏  平凡  李国平 《大气科学》2018,42(5):1000-1012
利用多种资料对2011年第9号热带气旋“梅花”的两次路径转折过程进行诊断分析和数值模拟,结果表明:副热带高压、中纬度槽和越赤道气流等外部大环境场的变化对路径转向有影响,第一次路径转折期间,眼墙和螺旋云带分布变化不大;第二次路径转折前后,台风眼墙从双眼墙结构演变成明显的非对称结构,台风眼区发生了眼墙置换与合并,以及螺旋云带与眼墙合并过程。机制的定量分析表明:第一次转向期间,环境风场的纬向和经向分量对引导气流的贡献在83%以上,表明外部环境风场对其路径转向的影响较大,内部的风暴尺度风场对其路径转折的影响程度较小;第二次转向期间,风暴尺度场的纬向分量对引导引流贡献的百分比从23%上升到36%,经向分量对引导引流贡献的百分比介于35%~47%之间,表明内部非对称结构与外部大尺度环境流场对第二次路径转折都有影响。  相似文献   
深空探测是对宇宙中地球以外的行星、卫星、小行星和彗星等星体或空间环境的探测活动.合理选择深空探测科学仪器,了解被测星体的物理及化学性质、地表地貌、动态特性以及有机物和水的存在,对人类了解地外水和生命信息、认识太阳系的起源和演化有着重要意义,是深空探测的重要任务.本文总结了深空探测的科学目标,介绍了近50年来典型深空探测任务中探测器所搭载的科学仪器及其特点,包括质谱仪、光谱仪、探地雷达和磁力计等,整理了其性能参数及面向的探测功能任务,最后讨论了深空探测科学仪器目前呈现出的小型化、低功耗、更强的环境适应能力和多仪器联合使用的发展趋势.  相似文献   
连云港沿海地区及近海风能资源评估   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对连云港市30多年气象整编资料及沿海高密度自动气象站、6座测风塔、4座海岛气象站等加密观测资料研究,在充分考虑当地特殊地形特点的基础上,探讨了该地区沿海及近海风能资源的时空分布规律及特点,并重点对风湍流强度的特征及强湍流对风电的影响进行了剖析;研究表明,近海地区风能资源储量相对丰富,风速变化稳定,且风垂直切变较小,具有更为广阔的开发利用前景.  相似文献   
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