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藏北羌塘盆地胜利河-长蛇山油页岩带的发现及其意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
最近在北羌塘长蛇山地区新发现了晚侏罗世—早白垩世油页岩及膏盐层,该油页岩与近年来笔者在胜利河地区发现的多处油页岩连成一片,构成了目前中国发现的最大规模的海相油页岩带。详细的野外地质调查与研究表明:该油页岩有机碳含量介于4.31%~16.89%之间,焦油含量为3.5%~16.3%,油页岩有机质大多处于成熟阶段。胜利河-长蛇山油页岩带及与其密切共生的膏盐层的发现,丰富了羌塘盆地烃源岩的类型,为羌塘盆地油气地质条件评价提供了新的依据。  相似文献   
内蒙洪特地区化探与油气微生物勘探应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过采用化探及油气微生物勘探新技术,对内蒙洪特地区进行了油气勘探研究.化探综合异常分析研究表明,本研究区有2个异常区,即西南化探异常区和东北化探异常区.油气微生物综合异常分析研究,可将本研究区划分为3个异常区,即中南微生物异常区、东北微生物异常区和西南微生物异常区.研究表明,化探和油气微生物勘探结果,不仅与研究区内已完钻井的含油气性相符,而且与随后完钻的各井的含油气性亦相符.在本研究区,化探与油气微生物勘探结果呈现互补关系,如将二者叠合运用,这样将会大大提高油气勘探成功率.  相似文献   
城市基础地理空间数据建库中的质量控制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
付建德  富莉  张海印 《测绘科学》2005,30(6):67-68,73
基础空间数据库是数字城市的核心,而数据质量的高低又是数据库建设成功与否的关键。本文在简要分析数字城市基础空间数据库构建过程的前提下,详细论述了数字城市基础空间数据建库中需进行的质量控制内容及方法。  相似文献   
利用日本高知大学提供的逐小时分辨率静止卫星云顶黑体亮温(TBB)资料,使用模式匹配算法对2000~2016年(2005年除外)暖季(5~9月)青藏高原东部的两类中尺度对流系统(MCS)进行了识别和追踪,并利用人工验证订正了结果。基于此,利用NOAA的CMORPH(Climate Prediction Center Morphing)降水资料和NCEP的CFSR(Climate Forecast System Reanalysis)再分析资料对高原东部两类MCS进行了统计和对比研究。研究发现,7月和8月是高原东部MCS生成最活跃的季节,然而,此两个月能够东移出高原MCS的比例最小;5月虽然MCS生成数最少,但是移出率高达近40%。对比表明,能够东移出高原的MCS(V-MCS)比不能移出的MCS(N-MCS)生命史更长,触发更早,短生命史个例占比更低。暖季各个月份,相比于N-MCS,V-MCS的对流更旺盛且发展更快,然而,由于其发生频数远低于N-MCS,总体而言,V-MCS对高原东部的降水贡献率仅为15%左右,是N-MCS相应数值的一半左右。高原东部两类MCS的环流特征差异显著,有利于V-MCS发生、维持和东移的因子主要位于对流层中低层(西风带短波槽、西风引导气流、低层风场切变),而在对流层高层,N-MCS拥有更好的高空辐散条件(其对应的南亚高压更强)。  相似文献   
在分析国内外有关学者关于岩盐的物理力学性质及其工程稳定性应用研究现状基础上,分别从岩盐物理力学性质、岩盐孔隙度、渗透率、塑性变形能力和损伤恢复等物理特性方面,论述了近年来有关岩盐的短期强度特性、岩盐的蠕变性能、围压作用下的力学特性,以及温度效应对岩盐力学特性影响等有关岩盐工程应用中所表现出的物理力学特性;最后从岩盐在工程应用方面,提出了岩盐及其工程应用的发展方向。  相似文献   
傅敏红  古泉 《地震学刊》2013,(Z1):15-19
基于子结构分析方法,提出了土-结构相互作用体系中数值解和解析解耦合的地震反应分析方法。此方法中,数值解是用有限元方法来模拟上部结构的非线性动力行为;而弹性结构-刚性基础-半无限大弹性地基中频域内的解析解,是通过离散时间递归滤波方法得到时域内的解来等效,且在整个体系中,利用土、结构两个子结构边界上的力和位移协调求解。本文提出的方法用有限元程序Opensees来实现,并用于一个线弹性单层框架结构的动力分析中。这种耦合的分析方法得到的结果,与土-结构相互作用单自由度体系的解析解进行了比较,验证此方法的精度、稳定性和工程实用性。  相似文献   
通过分析彝良地震前地震预测意见和预测依据,认为:彝良地震前云南最主要的地震活动特征是境内6级以上地震平静时间接近或超过20世纪以来的极限时间,中等地震丛集过程中,缺少6级地震活动;宁蒗地震的窗口意义和前兆异常数量持续增加是判断地震短期危险性的主要依据;4级地震密集活动区为地点判断提供线索。彝良地震与缅甸地震同时孕育的复杂性,增加了地震预测的难度,也丰富了我们对地震孕育过程的认识。  相似文献   
During the mei-yu period,the east edge of the Tibetan Plateau and the Dabie Mountain are two main sources of eastward-moving mesoscale vortices along the mei-yu front(MYF).In this study,an eastward-moving southwest vortex(SWV) and an eastward-moving Dabie vortex(DBV) during the mei-yu period of 2010 have been investigated to clarify the main similarities and differences between them.The synoptic analyses reveal that the SWV and DBV were both located at the lower troposphere;however,the SWV developed in a "from top down" trend,whereas the DBV developed in an opposite way.There were obvious surface closed low centers corresponding to the DBV during its life span,whereas for the SWV,the closed low center only appeared at the mature stage.Cold and warm air intersected intensely after the formation of both the vortices,and the cold advection in the SWV case was stronger than that in the DBV case,whereas the warm advection in the DBV case was more intense than that in the SWV case.The Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea were main moisture sources for the SWV,whereas for the DBV,in addition to the above two moisture sources,the East China Sea was also an important moisture source.The vorticity budget indicates that the convergence was the most important common factor conducive to the formation,development,and maintenance of the SWV and DBV,whereas the conversion from the vertical vorticity to the horizontal one(tilting) was the most important common factor caused the dissipation of both of the vortices.The kinetic energy(KE) budget reveals that the KE generation by the rotational wind was the dominant factor for the enhancement of KE associated with the SWV,whereas for the DBV,the KE transport by the rotational wind was more important than the KE generation.The KE associated with the SWV and the DBV weakened with different mechanisms during the decaying stage.Furthermore,the characteristics of baroclinic and barotropic energy conversions during the life spans of both vortices indicate that the SWV and DBV both belong to the kind of subtropical mesoscale vortices.  相似文献   
This work studies new petrological and geochemical data and zircon U-Pb ages for bimodal intrusive rocks from Xinglong region, Hainan Island. Zircon U-Pb dating yields mean 238 U/ 206 Pb ages of 238 ± 2 Ma and 234 ± 2 Ma for diabasic and granitic phases, respectively, representing the Middle Triassic emplacement. The diabase and granite bodies were formed from discrete mafic and acidic magma sources that experienced local mechanical mixing at their mutual contacts. Although SiO 2 content of intrusions is bimodal, trace element ratios indicate that both were formed in a post-orogenic extensional setting. Sr-Nd isotopic composition reflects a shared EMII type enriched mantle source component, possibly influenced by subduction-fluid metasomatism.  相似文献   
Based on the statistics of all surface drifting buoys of 1978-2011 and Lagrangian tracers simulated from high quality ocean reanalysis currents,the impact times and strength of Fukushima nuclear pollution to the east coast of China and the west coast of America have been estimated.Under the circumstances of the radioactive pollutants drifting in the ocean surface,preliminary research results show that while the tracers took about 4 years to reach the west coast of USA,there are two types of tracers to carry out Fukushima nuclear pollutants to reach the east coast of China,corresponding to 1.5-year recirculation gyre transport and 3.5-year subtropical circulation transport.The distributions of the impact strength at these time scales are given according to the variation of relative number concentration with time combined with the decaying rate of radioactive matter.For example,starting from 1% at 1.5-year,of the initial level at the originating area of Fukushima nuclear pollution,the impact strength of Cesium-137 in the South China Sea continuously increases up to 3% by 4 years,while the impact strength of Cesium-137 in the west coast of America is as high as 4% due to the role of strong Kuroshio-extension currents as a major transport mechanism of nuclear pollutants for that area.  相似文献   
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