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The present estimates of ice drift in the Arctic include utilization of satellite imagery data (special sensor microwave/imager) and a reconstruction of air pressure for the period 1899-1998. A significant part of the sea ice in the Arctic Ocean has its origin in the Kara Sea and melts in the Greenland and the Barents Sea (BS). Consequently there may be a particular risk of pollutants in the Kara Sea entering the food webs of the Greenland and BS. The ice export from the Kara Sea between 1988 and 1994 was about 208,000 km2 (154 km3) per year. The import of ice into the BS was during the same period 161,000 km2 (183 km3) per year while the ice drift through the Fram Strait into the Greenland Sea was 583,000 km2 (1859 km3) per year. Ice which formed adjacent to the Ob and Yenisey rivers in early January, drifted into the BS within two years (with a probability of about 50%.  相似文献   
Near-infrared spectroscopic observations of a sample of very cool, low-mass objects are presented with higher spectral resolution than in any previous studies. Six of the objects are L dwarfs, ranging in spectral class from L2 to L8/9, and the seventh is a methane or T dwarf. These new observations were obtained during commissioning of the near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSPEC), the first high-resolution near-infrared cryogenic spectrograph for the Keck II 10 m telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Spectra with a resolving power of R approximately 2500 from 1.135 to 1.360 μm (approximately J band) are presented for each source. At this resolution, a rich spectral structure is revealed, much of which is due to blending of unresolved molecular transitions. Strong lines due to neutral potassium (K i) and bands due to iron hydride (FeH) and steam (H2O) change significantly throughout the L sequence. Iron hydride disappears between L5 and L8, the steam bands deepen, and the K i lines gradually become weaker but wider because of pressure broadening. An unidentified feature occurs at 1.22 μm that has a temperature dependence like FeH but has no counterpart in the available FeH opacity data. Because these objects are 3-6 mag brighter in the near-infrared compared with the I band, spectral classification is efficient. One of the objects studied (2MASSW J1523+3014) is the coolest L dwarf discovered so far by the 2 Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS), but its spectrum is still significantly different from the methane-dominated objects such as Gl 229B or SDSS 1624+0029.  相似文献   
对土壤温度的季节性变化,曾进行了广泛的研究。其中如何区分气象因子和土壤物理特性对地温的影响感到因难。本文通过实例证明,至少在英国,后者的影响和前者相比是次要的;其次的难题是所能得到的多数土壤温度资料是09时(世界时)的定时记录。本文指出,仔细考虑所能得到的有限的连续观测资料,可以在一定程度上解决这难题。最后文章指出,在夏天,土壤温度随海拔的升高而大辐度的下降(比气温降得快),在冬天,地温随海拔的升高降温减慢,有时甚至增温,多数情况下,比气温降温小,这些重要的现象,认为可以得到解释。  相似文献   
引言在大系统中总要出现实时的河道流量预报问题。这种需要可以起因于增大枯季径流以维持航运所需的水深,或对水质所需的流量,或因暴雨而需作洪水预报。在大流域里,要研制由索洛西——纳吉(Szollosi-Nagy)等人(1977年),托迪尼(Todini)等人(1976年)或布拉斯(Bras)和罗德里格——伊特伯(Rodriguez-Iturbe)(1976年)所描述的那种  相似文献   
足尺磁流变阻尼器的建模及动态特性   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
在过去三十年左右的时间里,结构保护系统受到了广大研究者的普遍关注.这种保护系统可以用来降低自然灾害(如地震、强风)对上木工程建筑的损害.由于磁流变阻尼器机械结构简单,动态范围大,能耗低,回复力大,鲁棒性良好,能够在满足不同工程项目需求的同时提供有效的结构抗震抗风手段,目前它是一种非常有前途的半主动结构减震装置.本文首先介绍了磁流变液体和装置的主要特性和优点,建立了磁流变阻尼器的伪静力轴对称模型,并将其结果和平行板模型以及阻尼器实验结果进行了比较.尽管伪静力模型对于阻尼器的设计十分有效,但是它们还不足以描述阻尼器的动态特性.对实际工程应用来说,动态响应时间是一项非常重要的性能指标.文章还讨论了影响磁流变阻尼器动态响应时间的因素,建立了基于Bouc-Wen模型的阻尼器动态模型.同时文章也提出了优化阻尼器动态响应的途径和方法以及其实验验证.  相似文献   
南加州经历了发生在垂直右旋以走滑占优势的圣安德烈斯断层系统上的地震,以及发生在一个由逆断层、斜滑断层、左旋断层和其他类型断层组成的次级断层系统上的地震。应用模式识别和聚类分析的方法来分析1915~1994年间M≥5.5的地震目录。我们用模式识别来找出一组能够表示上述两个系统各自特征并能够区分它们的特性。模式识别和聚类分析这两种方法都表明,当地震活动的两种体系中的任何一种成为主要形式时,则进入了地震释放期。近20年来,次级系统成为活跃的系统,板块在运动方向上的微小变化可能会解释这一现象。在圣安德烈斯系统上的地震释放之前,大盆地或加州湾地区发生了一系列的地震活动。这些事件大致上表明了大盆地地区的扩张和加州湾地区转换断层的扩展和滑动。  相似文献   
人们观测到亚马逊森林大火的浓烟减小了云滴的大小,使降水产生延迟。因为清洁云在云底以上1.5km处就可以产生降水,而被污染的云中这个高度要抬升到5km以上.在火成云中就要到7km以上了。云中低层被抑止的降雨和气溶胶沉降使得水份和烟尘向高层输送,高层的云就像能卸下很多污染物的‘烟’。在抬高了的降雨启动高度上,由于相变触发的上升气流导致强的雷雨、大雹以及其他类似的云体突破云顶进入平流层,在平流层沉降的污染物和水汽的辐射效应对气候系统有深刻的影响。大气中激发的风暴在更高层释放出潜热,这就从本质上影响了区域和全球的环流系统。这些过程共同影响了水份循环、大气中污染物的分布以及大气环流的动力学特征。  相似文献   
On June 27, 1997, the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft flew within 1200km of the main belt asteroid 253 Mathilde. Previous observations of Mathilde had revealed it to be a C-type asteroid with an astonishingly-long rotation period of 17.4 days, an albedo of 3.8%, and a mean diameter of 60 km. Observations by NEAR reveal that Mathilde has a roughly triaxial shape of 66 × 48 × 46 km diameter and a mass of 1. 02 × 10 g, implying a mean density of only 1. 3g/cm3 . The surface of Mathilde was observed to be saturated with large impact craters, showing a range of visible topography in excess of 5 km. Multispectral observations did not reveal any substantial color differences across the surface, and coverage at multiple phase angles was used to derive a preliminary albedo of 3. 5 % to 5% .The low observed density, lack of color variations, and low albedo all suggest that Mathilde may be a primitive, carbon - rich object with an interior that contains substantial pore space.  相似文献   
Even in an age of increasing spacecraft exploration, telescopic observations of Mars continue to provide new data and new insights into the nature of the Martian surface, atmosphere, and climate. Three major technological advances in the last decade, combinde, have allowed telescopic observations to increase our knowledge of the planet: (1) Advances in infrared, near-infrared, and radio wavelength array detector and telescope technology, allowing high spatial and/ or high spectral resolution imaging in new and diagnostic wavelength regions; (2) The advent of routine space-based telescopic observations of Mars using the Hubble Space Telescope , providing the ability to study the planet at high spatial resolution over a much longer part of its orbit than from groundbased telescopes, and offsetting some of the inherent loss in resolution associated with the recent series of aphelic oppositions of the planet; and (3) The widespread use and availability of CCD cameras and powerful telescopes in the 10 - inch  相似文献   
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