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Summary The author describes a method of determining the size and shape of a gravitating disturbance, treated as a surface-reaching a) vertical cylinder, b) infinite parallelepipedon, when the local Bouguer anomaly field has a) radial symmetry, b) axial symmetry. He introduces the quantity which e. g. serves the purpose of distinguishing very easily between deepseated and shallow disturbances.Presented at the IUGG-Meeting, Helsinki 1960 (IAG, Sec. V).  相似文献   
Rock samples and the C-, B- and O-horizons of soils developed on these rocks were collected in forested areas along a 120-km south–north transect in southern Norway, passing through the city of Oslo. Forty samples (1 site/3 km) were analysed for 37 chemical elements (Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sr, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W and Zn) following an aqua regia digestion; pH (water extract) and loss on ignition were also determined. The O-horizon soils were additionally analysed for Pt. Gold is the only element that shows a clear anthropogenic peak in the O-horizon soils collected from the city of Oslo. Silver, Au, Bi, Cd, Hg, Pb, S, Sb, Se and Sr all show a strong enrichment in the O-horizon when compared to the underlying C-horizon or the bedrock along the full length of the transect. Neither geology nor anthropogenic input of elements dominate the observed patterns. The most important factors for the observed element concentrations in the O-horizon are weathering, uptake (or rejection) of elements by plants and the kinetics of decay of the organic material in the O-horizon. Climate, especially temperature and precipitation, has an important influence on the formation and decay rates of the organic soil layer. Acid precipitation will delay the decomposition of the organic layer and lead to a natural enrichment of several metals in the O-horizon. Land use change, deforestation and liming can all increase the decay kinetics of organic matter and thus result in a release of the stored element pool.  相似文献   
Four Mesozoic–Cenozoic palaeothermal episodes related to deeper burial and subsequent exhumation and one reflecting climate change during the Eocene have been identified in a study of new apatite fission‐track analysis (AFTA®) and vitrinite reflectance data in eight Danish wells. The study combined thermal‐history reconstruction with exhumation studies based on palaeoburial data (sonic velocities) and stratigraphic and seismic data. Mid‐Jurassic exhumation (ca. 175 Ma) was caused by regional doming of the North Sea area, broadly contemporaneous with deep exhumation in Scandinavia. A palaeogeothermal gradient of 45 °C km?1 at that time may be related to a mantle plume rising before rifting in the North Sea. Mid‐Cretaceous exhumation affecting the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone is probably related to late Albian tectonic movements (ca. 100 Ma). The Sole Pit axis in the southern North Sea experienced similar inversion and this suggests a plate‐scale response along crustal weakness zones across NW Europe. Mid‐Cenozoic exhumation affected the eastern North Sea Basin and the onset of this event correlates with a latest Oligocene unconformity (ca. 24 Ma), which indicates a major Scandinavian uplift phase. The deeper burial that caused the late Oligocene thermal event recognized in the AFTA data reflect progradation of lower Oligocene wedges derived from the uplifting Scandinavian landmass. The onset of Scandinavian uplift is represented by an earliest Oligocene unconformity (ca. 33 Ma). Late Neogene exhumation affected the eastern (and western) North Sea Basin including Scandinavia. The sedimentation pattern in the central North Sea Basin shows that this phase began in the early Pliocene (ca. 4 Ma), in good agreement with the AFTA data. These three phases of Cenozoic uplift of Scandinavia also affected the NE Atlantic margin, whereas an intra‐Miocene unconformity (ca. 15 Ma) on the NE Atlantic margin reflects tectonic movements of only minor amplitude in that area. The study demonstrates that only by considering episodic exhumation as an inherent aspect of the sedimentary record can the tectonic evolution be accurately reconstructed.  相似文献   
This paper considers the methods for risk analysis and management in connection with avalanches and road traffic. Examples with calculations of encounter probability and quantification of uncertainty are given, along with suggestions for risk management in Norway.  相似文献   
Shelf-margin clinoforms and prediction of deepwater sands   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Early Eocene successions from Spitsbergen and offshore Ireland, showing well‐developed shelf‐margin clinoforms and a variety of deepwater sands, are used to develop models to predict the presence or absence of turbidite sands in clinoform strata without significant slope disturbance/ponding by salt or mud diapers. The studied clinoforms formed in front of narrow to moderate width (10–60 km) shelves and have slopes, 2–4°, that are typical of accreting shelf margins. The clinoforms are evaluated in terms of both shelf‐transiting sediment‐delivery systems and the resultant partitioning of the sand and mud budget along their different segments. Although this sediment‐budget partitioning is controlled by sediment type and flux, shelf width and gradient, process regime on the shelf and relative sea‐level behaviour, the most tell‐tale or predictive signs in the stratigraphic record appear to be (1) sediment‐delivery system type, (2) degree of shelf‐edge channelling and (3) character of shelf‐edge trajectory through time. The clinoform data sets from the Porcupine Basin (wells and 3‐D seismic) and from the Central Basin on Spitsbergen (outcrops) suggest that river‐dominated deltas are the most efficient delivery systems for dispersing sand into deep water beyond the shelf‐slope break. In addition, low‐angle or flat, channelled shelf‐edge trajectories associate with co‐eval deepwater slope and basin‐floor sands, whereas rising trajectories tend to associate with muddy slopes and basin floors. Characteristic features of the shelf‐edge, slope and basin‐floor segments of clinoforms for these trajectory types are documented. Seismic lines along the slope to basin‐floor transects tend to show apparent up‐dip sandstone pinchouts, but most of these are likely to be simply sidelap features. Dip lines aligned along the axes of sandy fairways show that stratigraphic traps are unlikely, unless slope channels become mud‐filled or are structurally partitioned. Another feature that is prominent in the data sets examined is the lack of slope onlap. During the relative rise of sea level back up to the shelf, the clinoform slopes are generally mud‐prone and they are characteristically aggradational.  相似文献   
Metamorphic remobilization of arsenopyrite-rich ores is a globally important process which can lead to significant concentrations of gold. In order to understand this and related processes, relations of sulphur isotopes can give a number of important clues. To resolve such relations in detail, we have successfully calibrated and applied a laser combustion system for in situ analysis of sulphur isotopic compositions of arsenopyrite. Experimental calibration of the laser fractionation factor (+0.4‰) was obtained by using compositionally and isotopically homogeneous natural samples from ore deposits at Boliden (Sweden) and Freiberg (Germany); subsequent to detailed microscopic study, the S isotope ratios of these samples were measured by conventional and laser combustion techniques.The present application to different types of arsenopyrite in the Palaeoproterozoic metamorphosed VHMS ores of the Boliden Au–Cu–As deposit, Skellefte district, northern Sweden, shows that the sulphur isotope composition of arsenopyrite is essentially unmodified during medium-grade metamorphic recrystallization and remobilization. Here, massive arsenopyrite ore is crosscut by later veins that carry a complex quartz–sulphosalt–sulphide assemblage. The latter ore type is markedly Au-rich compared to the host ore, and thus of significant economic interest. We find that both ore types exhibit very similar sulphur isotope compositions, ca. +2‰ to +3‰ (V-CDT), which is similar to most massive sulphide deposits in the Skellefte district. Thus, the crosscutting Au-rich vein ore has inherited the sulphur isotope composition from sulphur liberated by metamorphic reactions affecting the massive ore, and most likely also inherited the Au through this mechanism. The latter finding clearly has important implications both for the general discussion on, and the prospecting for, similar high-grade Au ores in this world-class mining region.  相似文献   
Fabric-dependent anisotropy is important in understanding the mechanical behaviour of foliated rocks because the foliation creates mechanically weak discontinuities. Using optical microscopy, a foliation index (FIX) was calculated for a group of granitic rocks in southern Sweden that displays a range of textures from foliated to nonfoliated. Image analysis from scanning electron microscope with backscattered detector (SEM/BSE) images was used in order to measure the rock texture of these samples. The analyses were compared with the Los Angeles (LA) test, which measures resistance of rock aggregate to fragmentation. The results demonstrate that the measured grain size, shape and spatial arrangement are important parameters controlling the fragility of the rock. Both the texture and foliation must be taken into account to obtain a significant relationship with the mechanical analyses. We suggest that this alternative method could be a helpful tool for predicting a rock's suitability as an aggregate as it gives a better understanding of the material properties compared to mechanical testing.  相似文献   
The study provides a regional seismic interpretation and mapping of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic succession of the Lusitanian Basin and the shelf and slope area off Portugal. The seismic study is compared with previous studies of the Lusitanian Basin. From the Late Triassic to the Cretaceous the study area experienced four rift phases and intermittent periods of tectonic quiescence. The Triassic rifting was concentrated in the central part of the Lusitanian Basin and in the southernmost part of the study area, both as symmetrical grabens and half-grabens. The evolution of half-grabens was particularly prominent in the south. The Triassic fault-controlled subsidence ceased during the latest Late Triassic and was succeeded by regional subsidence during the early Early Jurassic (Hettangian) when deposition of evaporites took place. A second rift phase was initiated in the Early Jurassic, most likely during the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian. This resulted in minor salt movements along the most prominent faults. The second phase was concentrated to the area south of the Nazare Fault Zone and resulted here in the accumulation of a thick Sinemurian–Callovian succession. Following a major hiatus, probably as a result of the opening of the Central Atlantic, resumed deposition occurred during the Late Jurassic. Evidence for Late Jurassic fault-controlled subsidence is widespread over the whole basin. The pattern of Late Jurassic subsidence appears to change across the Nazare Fault Zone. North of the Nazare Fault, fault-controlled subsidence occurred mainly along NNW–SSE-trending faults and to the south of this fault zone a NNE–SSW fault pattern seems to dominate. The Oxfordian rift phase is testified in onlapping of the Oxfordian succession on salt pillows which formed in association with fault activity. The fourth and final rift phase was in the latest Late Jurassic or earliest Early Cretaceous. The Jurassic extensional tectonism resulted in triggering of salt movement and the development of salt structures along fault zones. However, only salt pillow development can be demonstrated. The extensional tectonics ceased during the Early Cretaceous. During most of the Cretaceous, regional subsidence occurred, resulting in the deposition of a uniform Lower and Upper Cretaceous succession. Marked inversion of former normal faults, particularly along NE–SW-trending faults, and development of salt diapirs occurred during the Middle Miocene, probably followed by tectonic pulses during the Late Miocene to present. The inversion was most prominent in the central and southern parts of the study area. In between these two areas affected by structural inversion, fault-controlled subsidence resulted in the formation of the Cenozoic Lower Tagus Basin. Northwest of the Nazare Fault Zone the effect of the compressional tectonic regime quickly dies out and extensional tectonic environment seems to have prevailed. The Miocene compressional stress was mainly oriented NW–SE shifting to more N–S in the southern part.  相似文献   
Finite Prandtl number thermal convection is important to the dynamics of planetary bodies in the solar system. For example, the complex geology on the surface of the Jovian moon Europa is caused by a convecting, brine-rich global ocean that deforms the overlying icy “lithosphere”. We have conducted a systematic study on the variations of the convection style, as Prandtl numbers are varied from 7 to 100 at Rayleigh numbers 106 and 108. Numerical simulations show that changes in the Prandtl number could exert significant effects on the shear flow, the number of convection cells, the degree of layering in the convection, and the number and size of the plumes in the convecting fluid. We found that for a given Rayleigh number, the convection style can change from single cell to layered convection, for increasing Prandtl number from 7 to 100. These results are important for determining the surface deformation on the Jovian moon Europa. They also have important implications for surface heat flow on Europa, and for the interior heat transfer of the early Earth during its magma ocean phase. Electronic Supplementary Material is available if you access this article at . On that page (frame on the left side), a link takes you directly to the supplementary material. Electronic Supplementary Material is available if you access this article at . On that page (frame on the left side), a link takes you directly to the supplementary material.  相似文献   
Several procedures for solving, in a closed form the GPS pseudo-ranging four-point problem P4P in matrix form already exist. We present here alternative algebraic procedures using Multipolynomial resultant and Groebner basis to solve the same problem. The advantage is that these algebraic algorithms have already been implemented in algebraic software such as “Mathematica” and “Maple”. The procedures are straightforward and simple to apply. We illustrate here how the algebraic techniques of Multipolynomial resultant and Groebner basis explicitly solve the nonlinear GPS pseudo-ranging four-point equations once they have been converted into algebraic (polynomial) form and reduced to linear equations. In particular, the algebraic tools of Multipolynomial resultant and Groebner basis provide symbolic solutions to the GPS four-point pseudo-ranging problem. The various forward and backward substitution steps inherent in the clasical closed form solutions of the problem are avoided. Similar to the Gauss elimination techniques in linear systems of equations, the Multipolynomial resultant and Groebner basis approaches eliminate several variables in a multivariate system of nonlinear equations in such a manner that the end product normally consists of univariate polynomial equations (in this case quadratic equations for the range bias expressed algebraically using the given quantities) whose roots can be determined by existing programs (e. g., the roots command in MATLAB). © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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