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The purpose of the study is to assess the role of trophic relations of the dominant pelagic fishes capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea with regard to distribution and accessibility as prey for the Atlantic cod in warm years (2004–2005). Unlike in the previous period, during these warm years a dramatic increase of the polar cod population resulted in a northwards expansion of the feeding grounds where overlapping of polar cod and capelin concentrations was observed. This caused an increased competition for copepods, which are the main food item for young fish. In the areas dominated by polar cod the shortage of copepods forced immature capelin to switch to the chaetognath Sagitta, which affected their fatness negatively.During the warm years the feeding grounds of Atlantic cod also expanded, to a large degree caused by the shortage of their main food, the capelin. In 2004–2005 the cod formed feeding concentrations in the north and northeast Barents Sea where they fed on the capelin. In this area the consumption of polar cod by cod increased, and in some local areas the polar cod practically replaced the capelin in the diet of cod. In general polar cod in the diet of Atlantic cod were more important in the northern than in the southern part of the Barents Sea. The fatness of cod was extremely low during the whole spring–summer period (until August), and after the feeding period the fatness index of the Atlantic cod became lower than the average long-term autumn value.  相似文献   
The breakthrough curve obtained from a single-well push-pull test can be adjusted to account for dilution of the injection fluid in the aquifer fluid. The dilution-adjusted breakthrough curve can be analyzed to estimate the reaction rate of a solute. The conventional dilution-adjusted method assumes that the ratios of the concentrations of the nonreactive and reactive solutes in the injection fluid vs. the aquifer fluid are equal. If this assumption is invalid, the conventional method will generate inaccurate breakthrough curves and may lead to erroneous conclusions regarding the reactivity of a solute. In this study, a new method that generates a dilution-adjusted breakthrough curve was theoretically developed to account for any possible combination of nonreactive and reactive solute concentrations in the injection and aquifer fluids. The newly developed method was applied to a field-based data set and was shown to generate more accurate dilution-adjusted breakthrough curves. The improved dilution-adjusted method presented here is simple, makes no assumptions regarding the concentrations of the nonreactive and reactive solutes in the injection and aquifer fluids, and easily allows for estimating reaction rates during push-pull tests.  相似文献   
Complex flow circulation patterns are likely to be present in fault‐controlled groundwater flow systems, such as carbonate aquifers. Nevertheless, not much information is available for faults in carbonates, and their hydrogeological behaviour is often neglected in conceptual and numerical models. The understanding of this aspect of subsurface fluid flow has been improved in a carbonate aquifer, where hydrogeological investigations at site scale demonstrated the existence of fault zones that act as barriers. The hydraulic conductivity of the fault core is as low as that of siliciclastic rocks that represent the regional aquitard of the carbonate aquifer. Despite the lower permeability, the fault zones allow a significant groundwater flowthrough and a good interdependence of piezometric heads upgradient and downgradient of the faults. Because of this discontinuous heterogeneity, the aquifer looks like a basins‐in‐series system, where seasonal springs can be detected along some fault zones, as a function of groundwater level fluctuations.  相似文献   
Biofouling increases drag on marine vessels resulting in higher fuel consumption and can also facilitate the transport of harmful non-indigenous species (NIS). Antifouling technologies incorporating biocides (e.g., copper and tributyltin) have been developed to prevent settlement of organisms on vessels, but their widespread use has introduced high levels of contamination into the environment and raised concerns about their toxic effects on marine communities. The recent global ban on tributyltin (1 January 2008) and increasing regulation of copper have prompted research and development of non-toxic paints. This review synthesises existing information regarding the ecological impact of biocides in a wide range of organisms and highlights directions for the management of antifouling paints. We focus particularly on representatives of the recent past (copper and tributyltin) and present (copper and ‘booster’) biocides. We identify knowledge gaps in antifouling research and provide recommendations relating to the regulation and phasing-out of copper.  相似文献   
In the last decades, hydraulic barriers have been activated in a large number of polluted sites with the aim of preventing groundwater pollution outside the contaminated area. From a regulatory point of view, there is the need of evaluating the efficacy of these barriers. For this reason, the goal of the present study is to apply a coupled experimental modelling approach aimed at evaluating the efficacy of the barrier and providing management strategies. In particular, a case study in Italy is investigated. The study case is of main interest because of its complexity due to a heterogeneous aquifer and the presence of surface water that interacts with the below aquifer. The study has been carried out through the experimental characterization of the aquifer system (coupling the classic stratigraphic techniques with the results of radiocarbon dating, as well as through pumping and injection tests) and its hydrogeological behaviour (by means of hydraulic- and the stream-head measurements, as well as some isotopic investigations), and the implementation of a numerical model (through MODFLOW 2005). The results show the effectiveness of the coupled experimental modelling approach to analyse and simulate the hydrodynamics within the test aquifer system, as well as to evaluate the efficacy of the hydraulic barrier. Based on the results of the numerical model, easy solutions were designed to manage the barrier.  相似文献   
Primary production was studied at nine sites distributed within the Strait of Gibraltar (Southern Spain) and North-Western (NW) Alboran Sea by analyzing photosynthesis-irradiance (P–I) relationships and integrated primary production rates in relation to the different types of Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM) detected in the area. The characteristics of the DCM were examined by several methods, including flow cytometry, quantification of transparent expolymer particles and fluorimetric measurements that were applied in order to assess the photo-physiological state of the phytoplankton assemblages with respect to their species composition and water column structure (hydrology). The photosynthetic parameters (derived from P–I relationships) and integrated primary production (range 6–644 mg m−2 d−1) responded greatly to the diverse DCM identified and thereby the spatial variability of the primary production observed in the region was found to depend upon the occurrence of the different types of phytoplankton accumulations, which were themselves indicative of the previous history of the water column. The net contribution of the primary production to the air–sea CO2 exchange process was also evaluated in the area. Results indicated that this region behaved as a net sink for the atmospheric CO2, with the intensity of the flux being strongly modulated by the wind intensity.  相似文献   
Marine turtles are considered keystone consumers in tropical coastal ecosystems and their decline through overexploitation has been implicated in the deterioration of reefs and seagrass pastures in the Caribbean. In the present study, we analysed stomach contents of green (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) harvested in the legal turtle fishery of the Turks and Caicos Islands (Caribbean) during 2008–2010. Small juveniles to adult‐sized turtles were sampled. Together with data from habitat surveys, we assessed diet composition and the taxonomic distinctness (and other species diversity measures) in the diets of these sympatric marine turtle species. The diet of green turtles (n = 92) consisted of a total of 47 taxa: including three species of seagrass (present in 99% of individuals), 29 species of algae and eight sponge species. Hawksbill turtles (n = 45) consumed 73 taxa and were largely spongivorous (16 species; sponges present in 100% of individuals) but also foraged on 50 species of algae (present in 73% of individuals) and three species of seagrass. Plastics were found in trace amounts in 4% of green turtle and 9% of hawksbill turtle stomach samples. We expected to find changes in diet that might reflect ontogenetic shifts from small (oceanic‐pelagic) turtles to larger (coastal‐benthic) turtles. Dietary composition (abundance and biomass), however, did not change significantly with turtle size, although average taxonomic distinctness was lower in larger green turtles. There was little overlap in prey between the two turtle species, suggesting niche separation. Taxonomic distinctness routines indicated that green turtles had the most selective diet, whereas hawksbill turtles were less selective than expected when compared with the relative frequency and biomass of diet items. We discuss these findings in relation to the likely important trophic roles that these sympatric turtle species play in reef and seagrass habitats.  相似文献   
AK Her is a very interesting contact binary exhibiting variable lightcurves and an obvious O'Connell effect, with max I greater than max II. Inthe present work an extensive study of this system is made covering notonly its light curve analysis, but also its orbital period changes in anattempt to give a definite answer regarding the apsidal motion of AK Her.Photoelectric observations of AK Her, obtained between 1985–1987 at theNational Observatory of Athens Greece, are presented, analysed anddiscussed. The light curve analysis was made with the W-D code and thegeometric and photometric elements of the system were derived. TheO'Connell effect was faced with a two dark spot model. Moreover, theorbital period of the system was examined and two periodicities weredetected. Since the first one corresponds to the time interval for whichobservational data exist and the second was found to be half of the first,it turns out that none of them is true. Two other significant results thatcame from the present analysis are that the orbital period of AK Her doesnot follow a sinusoidal variation and that, from the times of minimumlight at primary and secondary eclipses, it seems that there is no apsidalmotion.  相似文献   
Direct exploration of subglacial lakes buried deep under the Antarctic Ice Sheet has yet to be achieved. However, at retreating margins of the ice sheet, there are a number of locations where former subglacial lakes are emerging from under the ice but remain perennially ice covered. One of these lakes, Hodgson Lake (72°00.549′S, 068°27.708′W) has emerged from under more than 297–465 m of glacial ice during the last few thousand years. This paper presents data from a multidisciplinary investigation of the palaeolimnology of this lake through a study of a 3.8 m sediment core extracted at a depth of 93.4 m below the ice surface. The core was dated using a combination of radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence, and relative palaeomagnetic intensity dating incorporated into a chronological model. Stratigraphic analyses included magnetic susceptibility, clast provenance, organic content, carbonate composition, siliceous microfossils, isotope and biogeochemical markers. Based on the chronological model we provisionally assign a well-defined magnetic polarity reversal event at ca 165 cm in the lake sediments to the Mono Lake excursion (ca 30–34 ka), whilst OSL measurements suggest that material incorporated into the basal sediments might date to 93 ± 9 ka. Four stratigraphic zones (A–D) were identified in the sedimentological data. The chronological model suggests that zones A–C were deposited between Marine Isotope Stages 5–2 and zone A during Stage 1, the Holocene. The palaeolimnological record tracks changes in the subglacial depositional environment linked principally to changing glacier dynamics and mass transport and indirectly to climate change. The sediment composition in zones A–C consists of fine-grained sediments together with sands, gravels and small clasts. There is no evidence of overriding glaciers being in contact with the bed reworking the stratigraphy or removing this sediment. This suggests that the lake existed in a subglacial cavity beneath overriding LGM ice. In zone D there is a transition to finer grained sediments characteristic of lower energy delivery coupled with a minor increase in the organic content attributed either to increases in allochthonous organic material being delivered from the deglaciating catchment, a minor increase in within-lake production or to an analytical artefact associated with an increase in the clay fraction. Evidence of biological activity is sparse. Total organic carbon varies from 0.2 to 0.6%, and cannot be unequivocally linked to in situ biological activity as comparisons of δ13C and C/N values with local reference data suggest that much of it is derived from the incorporation of carbon in catchment soils and gravels and possibly old CO2 in meteoric ice. We use the data from this study to provide guidelines for the study of deep continental subglacial lakes including establishing sediment geochronologies, determining the extent to which subglacial sediments might provide a record of glaciological and environmental change and a brief review of methods to use in the search for life.  相似文献   
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