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1. Introduction The main-hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project (CCSD) in Donghai of the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic belt in East China has reached its final depth of 5118 m in March 2005. As shown in Fig.  相似文献   
We performed a series of experiments at high pressures and temperatures to determine the partitioning of a wide range of trace elements between ilmenite (Ilm), armalcolite (Arm) and anhydrous lunar silicate melt, to constrain geochemical models of the formation of titanium-rich melts in the Moon. Experiments were performed in graphite-lined platinum capsules at pressures and temperatures ranging from 1.1 to 2.3 GPa and 1300-1400 °C using a synthetic Ti-enriched Apollo ‘black glass’ composition in the CaO-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2 system. Ilmenite-melt and armalcolite-melt partition coefficients (D) show highly incompatible values for the rare earth elements (REE) with the light REE more incompatible compared to the heavy REE ( 0.0020 ± 0.0010 to 0.069 ± 0.010 for ilmenite; 0.0048 ± 0.0023 to 0.041 ± 0.008 for armalcolite). D values for the high field strength elements vary from highly incompatible for Th, U and to a lesser extent W (for ilmenite: 0.0013 ± 0.0008, 0.0035 ± 0.0015 and 0.039 ± 0.005, and for armalcolite 0.008 ± 0.003, 0.0048 ± 0.0022 and 0.062 ± 0.03), to mildly incompatible for Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf (e.g. 0.28 ± 0.05 and : 0.76 ± 0.07). Both minerals fractionate the high field strength elements with DTa/DNb and DHf/DZr between 1.3 and 1.6 for ilmenite and 1.3 and 1.4 for armalcolite. Armalcolite is slightly more efficient at fractionating Hf from W during lunar magma ocean crystallisation, with DHf/DW = 12-13 compared to 6.7-7.5 for ilmenite. The transition metals vary from mildly incompatible to compatible, with the highest compatibilities for Cr in ilmenite (D ∼ 7.5) and V in armalcolite (D ∼ 8.1). D values show no clear variation with pressure in the small range covered.Crystal lattice strain modelling of D values for di-, tri- and tetravalent trace elements shows that in ilmenite, divalent elements prefer to substitute for Fe while armalcolite data suggest REE replacing Mg. Tetravalent cations appear to preferentially substitute for Ti in both minerals, with the exception of Th and U that likely substitute for the larger Fe or Mg cations. Crystal lattice strain modelling is also used to identify and correct for very small (∼0.3 wt.%) melt contamination of trace element concentration determinations in crystals.Our results are used to model the Lu-Hf-Ti concentrations of lunar high-Ti mare basalts. The combination of their subchondritic Lu/Hf ratios and high TiO2 contents requires preferential dissolution of ilmenite or armalcolite from late-stage, lunar magma ocean cumulates into low-Ti partial melts of deeper pyroxene-rich cumulates.  相似文献   
Hydrogeological investigations in arid regions are particularly important to support sustainable development. The study area, El Daba’a in northwestern Egypt, faces scarce water resources as a result of reported climate change that particularly affects the southern Mediterranean coast and increases stress on the local groundwater reserves. This change in climate affects the area in terms of drought, over-pumping and unregulated exploration of groundwater for irrigation purposes. The hydrogeological investigation is based on a multidisciplinary data-layer analysis that includes geomorphology, geology, slope, drainage lines, soil type, structural lineaments, subsurface data, stable isotopes, and chemical analyses. The study area contains Pleistocene and middle Miocene marine limestone aquifers. Based on lithology and microfacies analysis, the middle Miocene aquifer is subdivided into two water-bearing zones. The area is affected by sets of faults and anticline folds, and these structures are associated with fractures and joints that increase permeability and facilitate the recharge of groundwater. Stable isotope data indicate that groundwater of both the Pleistocene and middle Miocene aquifers is recharged by modern precipitation. The high salinity values observed in some groundwater wells that tap both aquifers could be attributed to leaching and dissolution processes of marine salts from the aquifers’ marine limestone matrix. In addition, human activities can also contribute to an increase in groundwater salinity. A future water exploration strategy, based on the results from the multidisciplinary data-layer analysis, is proposed for the area. The derived scientific approach is transferable to other arid coastal areas with comparable conditions.  相似文献   
Incorporating upper mantle differentiation through decompression melting in a numerical mantle convection model, we demonstrate that a compositionally distinct root consisting of depleted peridotite can grow and remain stable during a long period of secular cooling. Our modeling results show that in a hot convecting mantle partial melting will produce a compositional layering in a relatively short time of about 50 Ma. Due to secular cooling mantle differentiation finally stops before 1 Ga. The resulting continental root remains stable on a billion year time scale due to the combined effects of its intrinsically lower density and temperature-dependent rheology. Two different parameterizations of the melting phase-diagram are used in the models. The results indicate that during the Archaean melting occurred on a significant scale in the deep regions of the upper mantle, at pressures in excess of 15 GPa. The compositional depths of continental roots extend to 400 km depending on the potential temperature and the type of phase-diagram parameterization used in the model. The results reveal a strong correlation between lateral variations of temperature and the thickness of the continental root. This shows that cold regions in cratons are stabilized by a thick depleted root.  相似文献   
As a complement to our efforts to update and revise the thermodynamic basis for predicting garnet-melt trace element partitioning using lattice-strain theory (van Westrenen and Draper in Contrib Mineral Petrol, this issue), we have performed detailed statistical evaluations of possible correlations between intensive and extensive variables and experimentally determined garnet-melt partitioning values for trivalent cations (rare earth elements, Y, and Sc) entering the dodecahedral garnet X-site. We applied these evaluations to a database containing over 300 partition coefficient determinations, compiled both from literature values and from our own work designed in part to expand that database. Available data include partitioning measurements in ultramafic to basaltic to intermediate bulk compositions, and recent studies in Fe-rich systems relevant to extraterrestrial petrogenesis, at pressures sufficiently high such that a significant component of majorite, the high-pressure form of garnet, is present. Through the application of lattice-strain theory, we obtained best-fit values for the ideal ionic radius of the dodecahedral garnet X-site, r 0(3+), its apparent Young’s modulus E(3+), and the strain-free partition coefficient D 0(3+) for a fictive REE element J of ionic radius r 0(3+). Resulting values of E, D 0, and r 0 were used in multiple linear regressions involving sixteen variables that reflect the possible influence of garnet composition and stoichiometry, melt composition and structure, major-element partitioning, pressure, and temperature. We find no statistically significant correlations between fitted r 0 and E values and any combination of variables. However, a highly robust correlation between fitted D 0 and garnet-melt Fe–Mg exchange and D Mg is identified. The identification of more explicit melt-compositional influence is a first for this type of predictive modeling. We combine this statistically-derived expression for predicting D 0 with the new expressions for predicting E and r 0 outlined in the first of our pair of companion papers into an updated set of formulae that use easy-to-measure quantities (e.g. garnet composition, pressure, temperature) to predict variations in E, r 0, and D 0. These values are used in turn to calculate D values for those garnets. The updated model substantially improves upon a previous model (van Westrenen et al. in Contrib Mineral Petrol 142:219–234, 2001), and accounts well for trivalent cation partitioning in nominally anhydrous systems up to at least 15 GPa, including for eclogitic bulk compositions and for Fe-rich systems appropriate to magmagenesis on the Moon and Mars. The new model is slightly less successful in predicting partitioning with strongly majoritic garnets, although the mismatch is much less than with the original 2001 model. Although it also improves upon the 2001 model in predicting partitioning in hydrous systems, the mismatch between model and observation is still unacceptably large. The same statistical tools were applied in an attempt to predict tetravalent partitioning as well, because lattice-strain based techniques are not applicable to such partitioning. However, no statistically significant predictive relationships emerged from that effort. Our analyses show that future efforts should focus on filling the gap in partitioning data between ∼10 and 25 GPa to evaluate more closely the gradual transition of garnet to majorite, and on systematically expanding the hydrous partitioning database to allow extension of our model to water-bearing systems.  相似文献   
An unresolved issue in the study of pressure solution in rock materials is the dependence of grain boundary structure and diffusive properties on the mutual orientation of neighbouring grain lattices. We report electrical measurements yielding the diffusivity of differently oriented halite–glass and halite–halite contacts loaded in the presence of brine. The halite–glass contact experiments show pressure solution of the halite and an effect of halite lattice orientation on grain boundary transport. Post-mortem observations show an orientation-dependent grain boundary texture controlled by the periodic bond chains in the halite structure. It is inferred that this texture determines the internal grain boundary structure and properties during pressure solution. In the halite–halite experiments neck-growth occurred, its rate depending on twist-misorientation. The results imply that deformation by pressure solution may lead to lattice-preferred orientation development, and that polymineralic rocks may deform faster at lower stresses than monomineralic rocks.  相似文献   
Integrated biostratigraphic (planktonic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils), chemostratigraphic (bulk C and O isotopes) and compound-specific organic geochemical studies of a mid-Cretaceous pelagic carbonate—black shale succession of the Ionian Zone (western Greece), provide the first evidence for the Cenomanian–Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2, ‘Bonarelli’ event) in mainland Greece. The event is manifested by the occurrence of a relatively thin (35 cm), yet exceptionally organic carbon-rich (44.5 wt% TOC), carbonate-free black shale, near the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary within the Vigla limestone formation (Berriasian–Turonian). Compared to the ‘Bonarelli’ black-shale interval from the type locality of OAE2 in Marche–Umbria, Italy, this black shale exhibits greatly reduced stratigraphic thickness, coupled with a considerable relative enrichment in TOC. Isotopically, enriched δ13C values for both bulk organic matter (−22.2‰) and specific organic compounds are up to 5‰ higher than those of underlying organic-rich strata of the Aptian-lower Albian Vigla Shale member, and thus compare very well with similar values of Cenomanian–Turonian black shale occurrences elsewhere. The relative predominance of bacterial hopanoids in the saturated, apolar lipid fraction of the OAE2 black shale of the Ionian Zone supports recent findings suggesting the abundance of N2-fixing cyanobacteria in Cretaceous oceans during the Cenomanian–Turonian and early Aptian oceanic anoxic events.  相似文献   
New U-Pb age determinations confirm earlier interpretations that the strongly deformed and metamorphosed mafic and intermediate igneous rocks of the Pie de Palo Complex represent a Mesoproterozoic fragment of suprasubduction zone oceanic crust.

A gabbroic pegmatite, interpreted to have formed during arc rifting or subsequent back-arc spreading, yielded a U-Pb age of 1204 +5.3/–4.7 Ma. Highly tectonized ultramafic-mafic cumulates, occurring at the structural base of the Pie de Palo Complex and previously interpreted to represent remnants of a primitive arc phase, prior to rifting and back-arc spreading, could not be dated, but should be older than 1204 Ma if these inferences are correct. Tabular, sill-like bodies of leucogabbro/diorite and calc-alkaline tonalite/granodiorite sills yielded ages of 1174±43 and 1169 +8/–7 Ma respectively. They may represent a younger, more evolved arc phase established after arc rifting or a younger, tectonically unrelated Mesoproterozoic arc. SHRIMP-analysis of metamorphic zircon rims with low Th/U ratios in VVL 110 gave a 206Pb/238U age of 455±10 Ma, similar to lower intercept dates determined by discordia lines. Combined, these data indicate that the bulk of the amphibolite facies metamorphism present in the Pie de Palo Complex was generated during the Famatinian Orogeny.

Analysis of six single detrital zircon grains in a metasedimentary, quartzofeldspathic garnet-mica schist, tectonically interleaved with the igneous rocks of the Pie de Palo Complex, and tentatively correlated with the Difunta Correa metasedimentary sequence of other workers, yielded three age populations: 1150–1160 Ma; 1050–1080 Ma and 665 Ma, indicating that these sedimentary rocks were deposited during the late Neoproterozoic or Early Paleozoic. In addition, they confirm structural evidence that intercalation of rocks of the Pie de Palo Complex with isolated slivers of these sedimentary rocks is due to tectonic imbrications. These ages are also consistent with a Laurentian provenance, and earlier interpretations that these rocks once represented a sedimentary cover to the Pie de Palo Complex. The zircon population of 1050–1080 Ma could be derived from Grenville-age felsic plutons identified elsewhere in the Pie de Palo Complex by other workers. However, no evidence has been found in our samples for a Grenville-age orogenic event, invoked previously to explain accretion of the oceanic Pie de Palo Complex to Laurentia prior to the late Neoproterozoic/Early Cambrian rifting and drift of Cuyania.  相似文献   

Despite a long history of related research, quantifying and verifying recharge is still a major challenge. The combination and comparison of conceptually different methods has been recommended as a strategy for evaluating recharge estimates. In this article, recharge estimates from water-table fluctuation (WTF) methods are combined with and compared to the results of the spatially and temporally discretized soil-water-balance model PROMET (processes of radiation, mass and energy transfer). As PROMET and WTF methods rely on different measurable variables, a comparison of these two contrasting techniques allows improved assessment of the plausibility of recharge estimates. An enhanced approach to WTF methods is presented. The approach assumes that in the case of no recharge, there exists a maximum possible potential decline for any given groundwater level. The primary conclusion is that WTF methods are excellent for determining the plausibility of spatially distributed regional-groundwater-recharge estimation approaches and for detecting inconsistencies in available models. Recharge estimates derived from WTF approaches alone are, however, not suitable for regional-scale recharge estimation due to (1) their strong dependency on local data, applicability of which is limited to only very specific conditions, and (2) their sensitivity to influences other than recharge.  相似文献   
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