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I. INTRODUCTIONNumerical models of estuaries incorporating simulation of the density induced circulation are consideredimPOrtant tools in the assessment of their dispersive characteristics. Most models to date have used finite difference approximations to the governing equations (see for example thericke and Hogan, 1977, Blumberg,1 977, Perrels and Karelse, 1978). A numeriCal model of estuarine circulation using a SADI (Spline Alternating Direction implicit) procedure together with a…  相似文献   
研究了1976年中国唐山Ms7.8级地震两个主震事件和两个最大余震之间的静态应力相互作用。断层参数取自前人大地测量和远震波形反演结果。对于序列中的每个事件,我们计算了前面所有事件产生的包括孔隙压力变化的库仑破裂应力(CFS)变化。我们发现,在所有情况下,对于最优的力学参数得到的增加的库仑应力变化几乎涵盖了有关的整个断层。我们认为,应力相互作用在确定主震以外地区中何处可能发生大余震是很重要的。快速确定主震位置和机制,并结合对附近主要断层的认识,对后续事件的危险性评估是有用的。  相似文献   
G.  Festa  A.  Zollo  G.  Manfredi  M.  Polese  E.  Cosenza  申彤 《世界地震译丛》2006,(5):53-62
世界上有些火山地震位于人口密集区,因此与喷发前地震活动有关的地震危险性及其对工程结构的潜在破坏应该是危险性评估及管理的一部分。维苏威火山(意大利南部)就是如此,在那里数十万人面临火山及相关的地震危险的威胁。通过对维苏威火山地震活动相应的震级、震中及震源机制进行地震波形的大量模拟,本文研究了喷发前地震活动的影响。进行地震合成处理,以求得强地面运动特征参数,这有利于估计建筑物多的地区由期望的最大单个地震事件和大量小地震的累积效应所造成的地震破坏。选择一组所记录的地震比较合成的和观测的强地面运动参数,以证实模拟方法是否可靠。由于在维苏威地区下面的浅深度存在明显的速度不连续性,不同距离的峰值地面加速度(PGA)似乎受地震深度的影响。另一方面,滞后能量谱与结构物的塑性变化有关,它明显取决于古登堡-里克特定律(G-R)的b参数。1997年在意大利翁布里亚-马尔凯发生的地震(M5.8),虽然并未记录到很大的峰值地面加速度值,但却造成了建筑物和基础设施的严重破坏,通过在合理的期望范围内改变G—R定律参数,我们注意到累积滞后能量与在翁布里亚-马尔凯震源附近的观测值是相当的。  相似文献   
~~Metamorphic zircon from Xindian eclogite,Dabie Terrain: U-Pb age and oxygen isotope composition@E. Deloule$CRPG-CNRS Nancy,54501,France1. Vavra, G, Gebauer. D., Schmid. R. et al., Multiple zircon growth and recrystallization during polyphase Late Carboniferous to Tri-assic metamorphism in granulites of the Ivrea Zone (Southern Alps): an ion microprobe (SHRIMP) study, Contrib. Mineral Petrol., 1996, 122:337-358 2. Vavra, G, Schmid, R., Gebauer, D., Internal morphology, ha…  相似文献   
Based on the study of Beijing PM10 bioreactivity with the newly developed plasmid DNA assay method, and analysis for trace elements of PM10, the cause of plasmid DNA damage by PM10 was investigated. The study showed that plasmid DNA oxidative damages by PM10 are of difference in different seasons at various areas. The concentrations of TM50 of PM10 in whole samples respectively collected at urban and comparison sites during winter were 900 μg mL?1 and 74 μg mL?1, while those in their corresponding soluble fractions were 540 μg mL?1 and 86 μg mL?1. In contrast, TM50 contents of PM10 from summer whole samples at urban areas and comparison sites were 116 μg mL?1 and 210 μg mL?1, whereas those in their soluble fractions were 180 μg mL?1 and 306 μg mL?1. The difference of bioreactivity of Beijing PM10 resulted from the variation of trace elements. The oxidative damage of plasmid DNA caused by Pb, Zn, As in PM10 (whole sample) was relatively strong. TM50 and Mn, V, Zn display stronger correlation in the soluble fraction. It implies that Zn could be the major trace element in Beijing PM10 which contributes to oxidative damage to plasmid DNA.  相似文献   
Ships are a dominant vector for biological invasions through ballast water discharge (BWD) and hull fouling. Here, we provide a first comprehensive analysis of shipping in Alaska, summarizing (a) the number, type and origin of vessel arrivals to Alaska for 2003 and 2004, (b) the spatial and temporal variation in vessel traffic, and (c) the available data on ballast water discharge in order to prioritize locations for tracking biological invasions. Most arrivals were passenger vessels, followed by ferries and fishing vessels, all of which carried little ballast water. Regional and seasonal patterns in arrivals and BWD were unevenly distributed among vessel types. The majority of vessels reporting BWD were from foreign ports, and most of this ballast was untreated. The largest volumes of ballast were from tankers at Valdez and Kenai Peninsula ports. Although Alaska has few documented invasions, opportunities for ship-mediated transfer now appear high and warrant further scrutiny.  相似文献   
指出逆冲地震的触发、抑制和丛集的主要特性可以用库仑破裂应力变化来解释。解释中我们采用了一套代表模型及详细实例。虽然地表破裂的逆冲断层使得大部分周围地壳的应力降低,但逆冲盲断层的滑动却使得某些附近区域,特别是震源断层上方的应力增加。这样逆冲盲断层可以触发浅部次生断层的滑动,并产生广泛分布的余震。短逆冲破裂对于触发大小相差不多的邻近逆冲断层特别有效。我们的计算结果表明,在加利福尼亚中部连续的逆冲序列中,1983年Mw6.7级科林加地震使得1983年Mw6.0级努涅斯地震和1985年Mw6.0级凯特尔曼山地震破裂与库仑破裂应力分别接近了10bar和1bar。理想化的应力变化计算与伴随大逆冲事件的地震活动性分布一致,这与前人的研究结果是一致的。俯冲带破裂的计算结果促使了俯冲前缘隆起发生正断层事件,并有利于地震破裂带周围及其下倾延伸区发生逆断层事件。这些特性在1957年Mw9.1级阿留申地震和其他大逆冲地震是明显的。我们进一步研究了能得到详细滑动模型的1960年Mw9.5和1995年Mw8.1级智利地震引起的破裂面上的应力变化。计算的库仑破裂应力增加为2-20bar,与余震地点和震后滑动密切相对应,而应力降低10bar的地区余震缺失。我们也提出主走滑系统的滑动调制了附近逆冲和走滑断层的应力。我们计算得到圣安德烈斯断层上1857年Mw7.9级蒂洪堡地震以及后续震间滑动使得科林加断层接近破裂约1bar,但抑制了全部海岸山岭的逆冲断层。1857年的地震也促使于1952年发生Mw7.3级科恩县地震的怀特沃尔夫逆冲断层接近破裂约10bar,但抑制了自1857年以来从来没有破裂的左旋加洛克断层上的滑动。于是我们有充分理由认为,应力转移在很宽的时间和空间尺度上对逆冲断层的地震活动性有控制作用。  相似文献   
The relative performance of (i) percent live cover, (ii) colony density, (iii) generic richness, (iv) partial colony mortality, and (v) colony size of hard corals were evaluated to determine which variables best discriminated the coral communities near a small river in Okinawa, Japan. An analysis of their variance was undertaken across a combination of sites at three depths, at increasing distance from a river's influence (Zatsun River). The river provides a periodic and localized input of sediment and fresh water to the adjacent coral reef; the effects of which we assume attenuate at increasing distance from the river mouth. The mean frequency of partially dead coral colonies (i.e., the proportion of live coral colonies that were partially dead) presented the clearest and most reliable response to river affect, and the power to discriminate among sites improved steadily with increasing depth. Spatial examination of the prevalence of partial mortality, regardless of how long ago the infliction occurred, provides a clear window to long-term processes involving population and community change and indeed the reef building capacity of the communities.  相似文献   
Blooms of macroalgal matting are increasingly common within temperate zones and are often comprised of opportunistic species such as Ulva lactuca. Where this algae forms a dense mat, a stressful environment is created in the sediment below, influencing the invertebrate infaunal assemblage. This study was conducted over a six month period during which a dense mat of U. lactuca developed and subsequently dispersed. The algal mat was found to have a significant negative impact on species richness, abundance and biomass of the macroinfauna. However, a faunal community developed within the algal mat which contained several species not previously observed. This community increased the abundance and diversity of the overall invertebrate assemblage. The results are discussed in relation to impacts on the ecosystem as a whole.  相似文献   
This study provides a holistic perspective on the ecological effects of dredged material disposal, both intertidally and subtidally. A number of numerical techniques (univariate, distributional, multivariate and meta-analysis) were used to assess impacts at 18 different disposal sites. The analyses revealed that ecological effects associated with dredged material disposal were dependent on the numerical techniques used, and that impacts were disposal-site specific. Disposal-site communities were generally faunistically impoverished to varying degrees, and impacts following intertidal placement were comparable to those of subtidal placement. We conclude that any assessment of the consequences of dredged material disposal to the coastal environment must take account of site-specific variation in prevailing hydrographic regimes and in ecological status, along with information on the disposal activity itself (mode, timing, quantity, frequency and type of material). As would be expected, variability in the latter presents a significant challenge in attempts to generalise about environmental and ecological impacts.  相似文献   
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