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东海大陆架异养细菌的生态分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从海洋物质循环的观点来看,异养细菌在分解有机物质和无机化过程中起着极重要的作用。从海洋食物链的角度来看,分解各种类型有机物而得以增殖的异养细菌自身也是海洋原生动物、浮游动物及底栖动物的营养源。异养细菌在海洋生态系中占有极重要的位置。对海洋中某些细菌的代谢活动与其他海洋生物之间的相互关系的研究日益受到普遍的重视。 海洋异养细菌的生态分布资料已有不少报道。但至今尚未有人发表过东海大陆架海域海洋微生物生态调查的报告。东海大陆架海域江河交汇人海,大陆对海洋的影响极为突出,水文和底质情况复杂,水产资源丰富,因而特别富有多样化的有机物来源。调查和了解这一海域中异养细薗生态分布规律,并研究其参与物质转化过程的特异性,不仅有助于深入研究海洋生态学问题,而且对于阐述东海大陆架的特点也极有价值。本文着重讨论异养细菌在东海大陆架的生态分布特征及菌群组成的特点。  相似文献   
Viewshed analysis is widely used in many terrain applications such as siting problem, path planning problem, and etc. But viewshed computation is very time-consuming, in particular for applications with large-scale terrain data. Parallel computing as a mainstream technique with the tremendous potential has been introduced to enhance the computation performance of viewshed analysis. This paper presents a revised parallel viewshed computation approach based on the existing serial XDraw algorithm in a distributed parallel computing environment. A layered data-dependent model for processing data dependency in the XDraw algorithm is built to explore scheduling strategy so that a fine-granularity scheduling strategy on the process-level and thread-level parallel computing model can be accepted to improve the efficiency of the viewshed computation. And a parallel computing algorithm, XDraw-L, is designed and implemented taken into account this scheduling strategy. The experimental results demonstrate a distinct improvement of computation performance of the XDraw-L algorithm in this paper compared with the coarse-partition algorithm, like XDraw-E which is presented by Song et al. (Earth Sci Inf 10(5):511–523, 2016), and XDraw-B that is the basic algorithm of serial XDraw. Our fine-granularity scheduling algorithm can greatly improve the scheduling performance of the grid cells between the layers within a triangle region.  相似文献   
机载雷达定量测雨中雨滴谱参数的优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机载雷达可以方便地跟踪观测对象,并且可以观测某些地基雷达较难观测的区域(如海洋),因此近年来在大气遥感领域得到越来越广泛的应用。为了获得一个较好的地面分辨率,机载雷达使用X波段的衰减频率。虽然雷达波受到的衰减通过算法可以进行订正,但由于雨滴谱的范围较宽,使得利用Z-R或k-R经验公式来确定雨强仍具有较大的不确定性。该文应用在西太平洋进行的国际大型科学考察实验TOGA/COARE中1993年1月和2月间取得的机载雷达实测数据进行定量测雨中雨滴谱参数优化的尝试。  相似文献   
采用静态和动态计量方法分析2006~2015年海洋经济对沿海省(市、区)经济发展的影响程度并通过空间计量方法识别差异动因。研究发现:海洋经济对中国省域经济发展具有显著地影响,其中天津、上海、福建、山东、广东、海南海洋经济总量贡献率高于全国平均水平;省域海洋产业对区域经济影响度分异呈现省际绝对差异不断扩大、相对差异不断缩小,且具有显著的空间相关性;引起省域经济增长差异的海洋经济相关因素中,海洋第二产业、海洋进出口贸易额等起到正向促进作用(即拉大差异),且海洋第二产业结构具有显著的溢出效应。相关发现有助于中国沿海省(市、区)经济的协调发展和科学决策。  相似文献   
颉佳  王世金  窦文康  赵灿文 《地理科学》2022,42(6):1064-1072
滑雪场空间分布特征、集聚演变状况与分布方向性变化深刻影响着中国滑雪旅游乃至冰雪产业的发展。运用地统计学空间分析原理,通过最邻近指数分析、空间自相关分析、核密度分析、标准差椭圆及平均中心分析,对1990年前后每10 a 中国滑雪场空间特征及其演变规律进行了综合分析。结果显示:① 1990年之前,仅在黑龙江和吉林省有7家滑雪场,且分布较为离散。② 1990—1999年,滑雪场数量呈小幅增长,空间上出现向新疆、河北和四川扩散的现象。③ 2000—2009年,滑雪场增速较快,并形成了以哈尔滨?牡丹江、北京?张家口两地区为核心的滑雪场双核驱动模式。④ 2010—2019年,是滑雪场数量增速最快的10 a,期间新增滑雪场522家,并在双核驱动模式基础上,逐步形成了以长白山、燕山–太行山为主要条带的联通南北的滑雪场空间结构。总体上,近30 a中国滑雪场呈现出了“南展西扩东进”的空间演变特征。该研究结果对于未来中国滑雪场空间布局、优化及其区域间的协调发展具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
Abstract Zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) concentrations were determined in the tissues (muscle, stomach, liver, gills, skin, and gonads) of five commercial fish species (mullet Liza haematocheilus, flathead Platycephalus indicus, mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius, silver pomfret Pampus argenteus, and sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus) from Laizhou Bay in the Bohai Sea. Metal bioaccumulation was highest in the metabolically active tissues of the gonads and liver. Bioconcentration factors for Zn were higher in all tissues (gonads 44.35, stomach 7.73, gills 7.72, liver 5.61, skin 4.88, and muscle 1.63) than the corresponding values for Cu (gonads 3.50, stomach 3.00, gills 1.60, liver 5.43, skin 1.50, and muscle 0.93). Mackerel tissues accumulated metal to higher concentrations than did other fish species, but bioaccumulation levels were not significantly correlated with the trophic levels of the fish. Zn and Cu concentrations in the tissues were generally negatively correlated with fish length, except for a few tissues of sea bass. Risk assessment based on national and international permissible limits and provisional tolerances for weekly intake of Zn and Cu revealed that the concentrations of these two metals in muscle were relatively low and would not pose hazards to human health.  相似文献   
Shipboard X-band radar images acquired on 24 June 2009 are used to study nonlinear internal wave characteristics in the northeastern South China Sea. The studied images show three nonlinear internal waves in a packet. A method based on the Radon Transform technique is introduced to calculate internal wave parameters such as the direction of propagation and internal wave velocity from backscatter images. Assuming that the ocean is a two-layer finite depth system, we can derive the mixed-layer depth by applying the internal wave velocity to the mixed-layer depth formula. Results show reasonably good agreement with in-situ thermistor chain and conductivity-temperature-depth data sets.  相似文献   
天然气水合物开采井眼出砂问题是当前水合物产业化急需突破的瓶颈之一,解决水合物开采时防砂与产能平衡问题是实现水合物安全高效、长期可控开采的关键.我国海域典型水合物储层属于弱固结的低渗泥质粉砂储层,其面临的防砂控泥与增产矛盾较为突出.厘清不同水合物储层和开采条件下的井眼出砂规律并揭示其机理,进而制定科学合理的防砂控泥措施以实现产能最大化是解决上述矛盾的途径所在.从理论分析、数值模拟、室内实验和现场试采4个角度介绍了世界范围内已开展的水合物出砂防砂情况,分析总结了水合物储层出砂影响因素及出砂机理,最后探讨了目前出砂研究存在的问题和挑战,并给出了相应的建议,旨在为后续水合物开采井眼出砂预测和防控研究提供思路和参考.  相似文献   
Based on the field data acquired in the program of fast ice observation off Zhongshan Station, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica during the austral summer 2005/ 2006, physical properties evolution of fast ice during the ice ablation season is analyzed in detail. Results show that the annual maximum ice thickness in 2005 occurred in later November, and then ice started to reek, and the ablation duration was 62 days; sea water under the ice became warmer synchronously; corresponding to the warming sea ice temperature, a "relative cold mid-layer" appeared in sea ice; the fast ice marginal line recoiled back to the shore observably, and the recoil distance was 20.9 km from 18 December 2005 through 14 January 2006. In addition, based on the data of sea ice thickness survey along the investigation course of MV Xuelong on December 18 of 2005, the ice thickness distribution paten in the marginal ice zone have been described : sea ice thickness increased, but the diversity of floe ice thick-ness decreased from open water to fast ice zone distinctly.  相似文献   
Based on the characteristics of land use and drainage network of the upper watershed of the Miyun Res-ervoir, Beijing, 26 monitoring and sampling sites were selected in different sub-catchments. Temporal and spatial variations in nutrient loss were dealt with in this paper in terms of the monitoring data on the water quality of the main tributaries flowing into the Miyun Reservoir. In combination with the monitoring data on water quality, the impacts of watershed characteristics including land-use type, landscape pattern, and drainage density were assessed, The concentrations of nutrients in the rainy season are higher than those in other seasons, and the concentrations of NO3--N are linearly related to those of total N which is the main form of nitrogen present in the fiver water. The concentrations of nitrogen become higher toward the reservoir along the main rivers. The seasonal variation of ni-trogen in the watershed affected by intensive human activities is very obvious; in the watershed with steady or low water flow, the seasonal variation of nitrogen is less obvious. Forest land and grassland can trap and filter nitrogen effectively. Land-use pattern also has important impacts on the loss of nitrogen. The concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water bodies show great temporal and spatial variations. On a temporal scale, the concentrations of TN and TP in the rainy reason are higher than those in other seasons. On a spatial scale, the concentrations of TN and NO3--N in the Qingshui River and Chaohe River are highest all the time. The spatial variation of TP is distinct, being obvious at sampling sites near villages. The form of nitrogen and phosphorus loss varies in different hydrological seasons. Dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus are the main forms in streams in non-rainy seasons, the dissolved nitro-gen and total nitrogen decrease in percentage in the rainy season. Particulate nitrogen and phosphorus are the main forms in some rivers. The concentrations of TN and NO3--N from orchards and villages are high whereas those from forest land are lowest. Land-use pattern has impacts on TN and NO3--N losses, at the sampling sites near the source landscape, the concentrations are higher than those at the sampling sites near the sink landscape. Water quality of the rivers which flow into the Miyuan Reservior is influenced by the composition of adjacent soils.  相似文献   
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