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利用京秦高速公路沿线交通气象监测站实况资料,通过对84个站次的浓雾雾生和雾消各气象要素变化特征进行分析,归纳出高速公路沿线浓雾和强浓雾天气雾生雾消的预报指标。爆发性强浓雾期间能见度少波动,在能见度爆发下降前,温度下降过程中的小幅上升对能见度突然下降有很好的指示作用;相对湿度在能见度爆发下降前1 h内达到80%以上。一般性强浓雾大多数出现在温度波动之后继续直线下降期间;在500 m浓雾出现15 h之前空气相对湿度达90%以上,能见度达50 m之前相对湿度基本达饱和状态。浓雾消散主要有两个方面,因冷空气造成的雾消,预报应着眼于冷空气前锋影响高速公路所在区域的时间;而由辐射升温造成的雾消,预报应着眼于对天空状况和升温速度的判断。  相似文献   
Oxygen stable isotope of atmospheric water vapor is widely used to study the modern process of climate. Atmospheric water vapor samples were collected at Dlingha, northeast of Tibetan Plateau during the period from July 2005 to February 2006. The variation of δ 18O and the relationships between δ 18O and both the temperature and specific humidity are analyzed in this paper. Results show that the seasonal variation of δ 18O of atmospheric water vapor at Delingha is remarkable with higher δ 18O in summer and lower δ 18O in winter. The temporal variation of vapor δ 18O shows obvious fluctuations, with magnitude of over 37‰ The daily variation of the δ 18O is highly correlated with air temperature. The relationship between δ 18O and atmospheric water vapor content is complex. Study shows that δ 18O of atmospheric water vapor is positively correlated with specific humidity in winter in seasonal scale and inversely correlated with specific humidity in summer rainy period. The δ 18O values of atmospheric water vapor are lower than those of precipitation at Delingha, and the average difference is 10.7‰ Variations of δ 18O of atmospheric water vapor is also found to be affected by precipitation events, The model results show that the precipitation effect could have caused the vapor δ 18O in the raining season to lower by 7% in average in July and August. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40671043, 40571039 and 40771048) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2005CB422002)  相似文献   
以测震台网Jopens系统流服务为依托,根据NetSeis/IP协议通讯标准实时接收数据包,解析MiniSEED格式波形数据,监控台站波形中断情况,实现基于REST架构的台站状态显示,结合震中附近地质构造信息,快速判定地震破坏扩展方向,圈定极震区范围,为地震应急决策服务.  相似文献   
It is generally recognized that the low strength and high compressibility are the characteristics of soft soil. In addition to other techniques, reinforcement can also be used in increasing the strength and decreasing the deformation of this kind of soil. The results of an investigation into the effects of a natural fiber on the consolidation and shear strength behavior of Shanghai clayey soil reinforced with wheat straw fibers are presented in this paper. A series of one dimensional consolidation and triaxial tests were conducted on samples of unreinforced and reinforced Shanghai clayey soil with different percentages of randomly distributed wheat straw fibers. The results show that the preconsolidation pressure decreases and the coefficient of swelling and compression generally increase with increasing the fiber content until a optimum content value. Furthermore, the addition of wheat straw fiber leads to a significant increase in shear strength and friction angle of the natural soil and there is an optimum wheat fiber content that makes this increase maximal.  相似文献   
The colony-forming Phaeocystis species are causative agents of dense bloom occurrences in coastal waters worldwide. It is difficult to separate them because of the different morphologies associated with their colonial stages. In this study we applied molecular approaches to analyze the genetic variation of Phaeocystis globosa and Phaeocystis pouchetii from several geographic regions, and to assist in tracing the dispersal of bloom-forming Phaeocystis species in coastal waters of China. The sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of rDNA and the 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene of Phaeocystis strains were determined. Sequence comparison shows that P.globosa was the most divergent to P. pouchetii, exhibiting sequence divergence higher than 0.08. However, lower genetic divergences existed between strains of P.globosa. The sequence comparison of the Phaeocystis rDNA ITS clearly shows that the species isolated from the southeast coast of China is identified as P.globosa rather than P. cf. pouchetii or other species. Furthermore, the significance of rDNA variation in distinct global populations of P.globosa suggested it might have had sufficient time to accumulate detectable mutations at the rDNA locus, supporting the hypothesis of ancient dispersal of P.globosa to many areas, meaning that P.globosa blooms in the coastal waters of China are endemic rather than a newly introduced species or a foreign source. Finally, based on the high divergent region of rDNA ITS, a pair of species-specific primers for P.globosa were designed, they could be useful to detect the presence of this species in mixed plankton assemblages or flagellate stages that are recognized with diffculties by means of conventional microscopy.  相似文献   
太湖14000年以来古环境演变的湖泊记录   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文根据东西太湖短柱岩芯的沉积物的物理、化学、生物指标的综合分析,讨论了该区距今14ka来的古气候变化过程,结果表明14.3-13.3kaBP,太湖水位低,环境指标甚至表现为暴露特征,反映了气候干旱:13.3-12.4kaBP,为偏暖湿的过渡阶段;该孔柱270-280cm (11.5kaBP左右)各类指标均明显反映冷干特征,可能是YoungerDrays事件的记录,与我国东部其它地区有可比性;约10.9-10kaBP,这一时期是整个研究时段内一个较显著的温暖期。表现为还原沉积环境和水位相对较深;约10-7.2kaBP为冷暖交替的过渡带;7.2-5.737kaBP为暖湿气候;5.05kaBP多项分析指标发生突变,反映物源发生显著变化,可能存在沉积间断;表层沉积物则呈现现代环境的特征,西太湖藻类生长茂盛,偏氧化的沉积环境。目前湖泊生产力较高,富营养化程度高,表现为藻型湖泊特征;东太湖有机质来源以东太湖中生长较为茂盛的维管水生植物为主,目前湖泊生产力较低,富营养化程度低,表现为典型的草型湖泊特征。   相似文献   
中国大陆地震条带统计特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对中国大陆具备相对完整资料的327次M≥5.0地震,分5个工作区进行了统一要求的地震条带图像扫描,发现96次中强震前存在条带图像,约占研究地震总数的29%.其中震前有条带地震与研究地震的比例分别为:华北地区30%,华东南区29%,川滇地区41%,青藏高原西北缘24%,新疆地区16 %.中强震前出现条带比例最低的是新疆,...  相似文献   
豫西洛宁沙坡岭钼矿床位于华北克拉通南缘东秦岭钼矿带东段,是新近发现的赋存于太古宙太华群变质岩中的细脉浸染型钼矿床。本文对其地质特征进行了研究,并初步测定了1个辉钼矿样品的Re-Os同位素年龄,获得模式年龄为126.8±1.7Ma,表明沙坡岭钼矿形成于燕山期,接近金堆城、雷门沟钼矿的形成时代,Re同位素含量显示其地幔来源的特征。沙坡岭钼矿形成机制错综复杂,有待进一步研究,特别是深部钻孔工程验证工作,对于验证深部是否隐伏着与成矿相关的斑岩体、储量更大的斑岩型钼矿有着重要作用,找矿潜力巨大。  相似文献   
国家气象中心台风路径数值预报模式经过串行优化及程序并行, 成功地实现了在国产超级计算机神威上的并行运算, 并可满足业务时效要求。基于并行程序及神威机计算平台的台风路径数值预报业务系统于2002年6月30日投入实时运行, 其初估场与侧边界条件从T106L19模式产品升级为T213L31模式产品 (称为基于T213台风预报系统, 原串行系统称为基于T106台风预报系统)。通过对2002年夏秋季台风路径的检验, 总体来看, 基于T213台风预报系统48 h内的平均路径预报误差小于基于T106台风预报系统的路径预报误差。对西行及西北行登陆的台风, 基于T106台风预报系统的48 h预报好于基于T213台风预报系统的预报。对于转向台风而言, 转向后的预报, 基于T213台风预报系统的预报要好于基于T106台风预报系统的预报, 有效地减小了基于T106台风预报系统对转向台风路径预报的系统性误差:即台风转向后预报路径较实况路径偏西。  相似文献   
一次大暴雨过程中低空急流演变与强降水的关系   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
金巍  曲岩  姚秀萍  黄素文 《气象》2007,33(12):31-38
利用营口新一代天气雷达提供的每6分钟一次的风廓线资料,详细分析了2006年6月29日辽宁省西部大暴雨过程中强降雨时段的低空风场结构。得出:此次强降水天气的发生与低空急流的迅速加强和向下扩展相对应,短时大暴雨发生前低空西南急流提前2小时左右开始有动量快速下传,当20m.s-1的急流中心下传到≤1km超低空,1.2~2.1km低空出现24m.s-1东南急流,有利于产生短时大暴雨;说明低空脉动及向地面扩展程度与短时强降水之间关系密切。低空急流到达测站上空不一定立即产生强降水,有时会滞后1~2个小时,强降水或强烈天气的发生都存在着一定的动量下传,引起低空扰动加强,同时低空急流的强度和伸展高度,以及动量下传的能量大小,都直接制约着强降水的强弱。低空急流指数增大的程度和降水量的强度呈正比关系,低空急流指数不仅可以说明低空急流的脉动以及向地面扩展程度与中小尺度的强降水存在密切的关系,同时对强降水的出现以及雨强的大小有一定的预示作用。  相似文献   
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