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The Gemmi fault is a prominent NW–SE striking lineament that crosses the Gemmi Pass in the central Swiss Alps. A multidisciplinary investigation of this structure that included geological mapping, joint profiling, cathodoluminescence and scanning electron microscopy, stable isotope measurements, luminescence- and U-TH-dating, 3D ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveying and trenching reveals a history of fault movements from the Miocene to the Holocene. The main fault zone comprises a 0.5–3 m thick calcite cataclasite formed during several cycles of veining and brittle deformation. Displaced Cretaceous rock layers show an apparent dextral slip of 10 m along the fault.A detailed study of a small sediment-filled depression that crosses the fault provides evidence for a post-glacial reactivation of the fault. A trench excavated across the fault exposed a Late-Glacial-age loess layer and late Holocene colluvial-like slope-wash deposits that showed evidence for fault displacement of a few centimeters, indicating a recent strike-slip reactivation of the fault. Focal mechanisms of recent instrumentally recorded earthquakes are consistent with our findings that show that the fault at the Gemmi Pass, together with other parallel faults in this area, may be reactivated in today's stress field. Taking together all the observations of its ancient and recent activity, the Gemmi fault can be viewed as a window through geological space and time.  相似文献   
The chemical and isotopic composition of groundwater from 52 sites in the London (U.K.) area was determined as part of a project aimed at assessing the spatial variation in the age of Chalk groundwater, and in determining the relationship between fracture and matrix groundwater in this dual porosity system.Systematic changes in groundwater chemistry take place in the downgradient direction in response to several chemical processes. These processes include early concentration by evaporation and congruent dissolution of calcite followed by widespread incongruent dissolution and ion exchange in addition to local oxidation-reduction reactions, gypsum dissolution and saline intrusion. As a result of the above processes, Chalk groundwater follows an evolutionary path from Ca bicarbonate type to Na bicarbonate type.The age of Chalk groundwater was modelled using14C, δ13C,3H, δ2H and δ180. There is a general increase in the groundwater age in a downgradient direction with the oldest water found in N central areas of the basin. Groundwater in the unconfined zones and in areas S of the Greenwich fault is almost entirely of unevolved, modem composition. Carbon-14 modelling suggests that Chalk groundwater in the S basin is generally less than 10000 a old while that in the north is generally between 10000 and 25000 a old. The presence of3H in concentrations of up to 7 TU in groundwater which yields ages of several 1000 a, however, indicates that mechanisms exist for the rapid introduction of recent groundwater to the confined aquifer. Results of palaeorecharge temperature determinations using δ2H, δ180 and noble gas analytical results suggest that significant Devensian recharge did indeed occur in the aquifer.A model of the development of the Chalk recognizes that it is a classic dual porosity aquifer in which groundwater flow occurs predominantly in the fracture system. The upper 50 m of the aquifer was flushed with fresh water during the 2–3 × 106 a of the Quaternary and therefore meteoric water largely replaced the Tertiary and Cretaceous marine water that previously saturated the system. Most processes which control the chemistry of the groundwater occur in the matrix where the surface area is exceptionally high. Although fracture flow dominates the flow regime, diffusion from the matrix into the fracture porosity controls the chemistry of Chalk groundwater.  相似文献   
The prograde evolution of minerals in metapelites of a Barrovian sequence from the tri-state area (Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York) of the Taconic Range involves assemblages with garnet (Ga), chlorite (Ch), chloritoid (Ct), biotite (Bi) and staurolite (St). Detailed petrologic observations, mineral compositions and chemical zoning in garnet show: (1) garnet high in Mn and Fe but low in Mg is stable with chlorite at grades below those where chloritoid+biotite is found; (2) early formed garnet reacted partially to form Ct+Bi at intermediate grades; (3) at higher grades garnet (with low Mn)+chlorite is again produced, at the expense of chloritoid+biotite, suggesting a reversal in the continuous reaction involving the phases Ga, Ch, Ct and Bi. Thermodynamic modeling of the assemblage Ga+Ch+Ct+Bi±St in the MnKFMASH system reveals: (1) in the MnKFASH system the prograde reaction is Ga+Ch=Ct+Bi whereas in the KFMASH system the prograde reaction is the opposite: Ct+Bi=Ga+Ch; (2) the Ga–Ch–Ct–Bi–St invariant point in the KFMASH system occurs twice, at approximately 6.5 kbar, 545° C and 14.8 kbar, 580° C (although one of them may be metastable in a complex phase system); the appearance of the petrogenetic grid is markedly different from that of Albee, but similar to that of Spear and Cheney; (3) as a consequence, in the KFMASH system, chloritoid+biotite are stable over a wide range of P-T conditions whereas garnet+chlorite assemblages are restricted to a narrow band of P-T conditions; (4) MnO increases the stability field of Ga+Ch relative to both Ct+Bi at low temperatures, and St+Bi at high temperatures; (5) in natural samples the occurrence of Ct+Bi is controlled more by bulk Mg–Fe(-Mn) composition than P-T conditions. Specifically, Ct+Bi is restricted to bulk compositions with Fe/(Mg+Fe+Mn)>0.6. Rocks with Fe/(Mg+Fe+Mn)<0.5 are likely to display only chlorite+biotite at low grade. These observations are consistent with Wang and Spear and Spear and Cheney.  相似文献   
The effect of intragranular diffusion on chemical zoning in garnet and on P-T paths calculated from that zoning was evaluated using a numerical model of multicomponent diffusion in combination with simulations of garnet growth. Syn-and post-growth diffusion of Mg–Fe–Mn–Ca species in garnet was calculated for a model pelitic assemblage over a range of temperatures from 485 to 635°C. Compositions from zoned garnet, as modified by diffusion, hypothetical inclusions of plagioclase within garnet and matrix phases were used to reconstruct pressure-temperature (P-T) paths from isobaric and polybaric model histories. P-T path calculations, based on numerical simulations conducted over an input isobaric heating path that reached peak temperatures between 585 and 635°C, show that relaxation of garnet compositional gradients by diffusion can induce modest to appreciable curvature in the inferred paths. Retrieved paths also indicated somewhat smaller overall temperature changes relative to the actual temperature difference of the input path. The magnitude of these distortions is shown to depend upon the heating and cooling rate and garnet crystal size as well as the actual peak temperature condition. The effect of diffusion on path trajectories in simulations with thermal histories that also included cooling were comparable to heating-only models that reached peak temperatures approximately 15–30°C higher. Compositions of garnets with radii less than 1 mm, that reached actual peak temperatures of 605°C along temperature-time histories characteristic of regional metamorphism, experienced sufficient diffusional relaxation to introduce errors of hundreds of bars to in excess of one kilobar in path trajectories. Path distortions were significant at heating/cooling rates less than 10°C/Ma, but rapidly diminished for rates faster than this. In polybaric simulations diffusion effects were least noticeable when the actual pressure-temperature conditions changed in a clockwise sense (i.e., convex to higher P and higher T), but apprecciable modification was seen in path models that underwent counterclockwise changes in P and T. Reequilibration of garnet rim compositions occurred during cooling on all paths, and temperature maxima obtained from garnet-biotite geothermometry underestimated actual peak conditions by 40 to 70°C. Calculations suggest that P-T path trajectories calculated from garnets of at least 1 mm size, and that experienced actual thermal maxima below 585°C, are not likely to be distorted by diffusional effects during regional metamorphism. However, P-T path reconstructions based on garnet zonation with smaller grains or higher temperatures may lead to misinterpretation of crystallization history. The partitioning record of peak metamorphic temperatures may be destroyed by diffusional reequilibration of garnet rim compositions during cooling, seriously complicating the task of quantitatively estimating diffusion effects on path calculations.  相似文献   
The spectrophotometric measurements of chloro complexes of lead in aqueous HCl, NaCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2 solutions at 25°C have been analyzed using Pitzer's specific interaction equations. Parameters for activity coefficients of the complexes PbCl+, PbCl20 and PbCl3? have been determined for the various media. Values of K1 = 30.0 ± 0.6, K2 = 106.7 ± 2.1 and K3 = 73.0 ± 1.5 were obtained for the cumulative formation constants. [Pb2+ + nCl? → PbCln2?n)]. These values are in reasonable agreement with literature data. The Pitzer parameters for the PbCl ion pairs in various media were used to calculate the speciation of Pb2+ in an artificial seawater solution.  相似文献   
The ophiolite-bearing Bangong-Nujiang zone (BNZ) traversing central Tibet from east to west separates the Qiangtang block in the north from the Lhasa block in the south. Their stratigraphic development indicates that both blocks once formed a continuous continental platform until the Late Triassic. Following Late Paleozoic-Triassic rifting, ocean crust formed between both blocks during the Late Triassic creating the Dongqiao-Naqu basin (DNB) among other basins (Yu et al. 1991). The analysis of the rift flank sequences reveals that rifting was dominated by transtension. The basin was shortened by post-Mid-Cretaceous transpression. Thus, the overall basin evolution represents a Reading cycle despite some active margin processes which gave this cycle a special imprint. Major basin parts were preserved despite transpressional shortening suggesting that the eastern BNZ represents a remnant basin. Our understanding of the DNB solves the prior problem of viewing the BNZ as a Mid-Late Jurassic collisional suture although typical collision-related deformation, thickening, mountain building, as well as related molasse formation are lacking. Our model also explains the scattered linear ophiolite distribution by local transpression of remnant oceanic basin floor without having to consider problematic long range ophiolite thrusting.  相似文献   
A number of experimental CO2 solubility data for silicate and aluminosilicate melts at a variety of P- T conditions are consistent with solution of CO2 in the melt by polymer condensation reactions such as SiO 4(m 4? +CO2(v)+Si n O 3n+1(m) (2n+1) ?Si n+1O 3n+4(m) (2n+4)? +CO 3(m )2? . For various metalsilicate systems the relative solubility of CO2 should depend markedly on the relative Gibbs free change of reaction. Experimental solubility data for the systems Li2O-SiO2, Na2O-SiO2, K2O-SiO2, CaO-SiO2, MgO-SiO2 and other aluminosilicate melts are in complete accord with predictions based on Gibbs Free energies of model polycondesation reactions. A rigorous thermodynamic treatment of published P- T-wt.% CO2 solubility data for a number of mineral and natural melts suggests that for the reaction CO2(m) ? CO2(v)
  1. CO2-melt mixing may be considered ideal (i.e., { \(a_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }^m = X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }^m \) );
  2. \(\bar V_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }^m \) , the partial molal volume of CO2 in the melt, is approximately equal to 30 cm3 mole?1 and independent of P and T;
  3. Δ C p 0 is approximately equal to zero in the T range 1,400° to 1,650 °C and
  4. enthalpies and entropies of the dissolution reaction depend on the ratio of network modifiers to network builders in the melt. Analytic expressions which relate the CO2 content of a melt to P, T, and \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) for andesite, tholeiite and olivine melilite melts of the form
$$\ln X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }^m = \ln f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } - \frac{A}{T} - B - \frac{C}{T}(P - 1)$$ have been determined. Regression parameters are (A, B, C): andesite (3.419, 11.164, 0.408), tholeiite (14.040, 5.440,0.393), melilite (9.226, 7.860, 0.352). The solubility equations are believed to be accurate in the range 3<P<30 kbar and 1,100°<T<1,650 °C. A series of CO2 isopleth diagrams for a wide range of T and P are drawn for andesitic, tholeiitic and alkalic melts.  相似文献   
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