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The identification of the origin and source of natural gas is always a difficult and hot issue.Hereinto,the maturity identification is one of the most important scientific problems.Many empirical equations have been established to decipher the relationship between the maturity of gas source rocks and the carbon isotopic composition of natural gas.However,these equations proposed often fail to identify the maturity of the source rocks correctly,which in turn prevents the identification of genetic types and source rocks of the natural gas because the petroliferous sedimentary basins in China are complex and diverse,with multiple sets of source rocks and different thermal history.In this paper,the oil-associated gas from the Permian lacustrine source rocks and the coal-derived gas from the Jurassic source rocks in Junggar and Turpan-Hami basins have been investigated to decipher the relationship between the maturity(vitrinite reflectance)of gas source rocks and the carbon isotopic composition of methane.The equations established areδ13C1=25lgRo-42.5 for oil-associated gas,andδ13C1=25lgRo-37.5 for coal-derived gas.These new equations are suitable for the maturity identification of source rocks in most petroliferous basins,and favorable for the identification of the genetic type and source of natural gas,which is very important to improve the geological theory of natural gas.  相似文献   
The coefficients embodied in a Boussinesq-type model are very important since they are determined to optimize the linear and nonlinear properties.In most conventional Boussinesq-type models,these coefficients are assigned the specific values.As for the multi-layer Boussinesq-type models with the inclusion of the vertical velocity,however,the effect of the different values of these coefficients on linear and nonlinear performances has never been investigated yet.The present study focuses on a two-layer Boussinesq-type model with the highest spatial derivatives being 2 and theoretically and numerically examines the effect of the coefficient on model performance.Theoretical analysis show that different values for(0.13≤α≤0.25)do not have great effects on the high accuracy of the linear shoaling,linear phase celerity and even third-order nonlinearity for water depth range of 0相似文献   
CASS在测量中得到广泛应用,特别是CASS配合Autolisp语言,还可以编写一些常用小程序,使测量计算和作图过程得到大量简化。地质坑道测量在矿山测绘中占有重要地位,可以将CASS与全站仪配合,在测量坑道过程中,进行坑道平面图绘制,指导井下开矿,提高工作效率。还可以利用CASS计算坑道挖掘土方量,这样便于与施工方进行工程量结算及处理井下越界开采纠纷问题。  相似文献   
胡曙虹  杜德斌  范蓓蕾 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1733-1748
基于中国企业海外R&D投资数据和零断尾负二项回归分析方法,探讨了1998—2015年中国企业R&D国际化的时空格局特征,并从东道国角度分析影响其区位选择的主要因素。结果表明:研究期内中国新建海外R&D机构数量快速扩张;海外R&D投资区域分布广泛,呈现分散和集聚并存的特征;以华为为例分析了典型中国企业海外R&D投资的空间布局特征,认为目前华为海外R&D投资呈现集中布局在欧洲,零散分布在亚洲、美洲、非洲的空间特征,主要是由其以全球技术升级和满足多样化的市场需求等R&D国际化的战略动机所决定。回归分析结果表明,中国企业对发达国家和发展中国家进行R&D投资的影响因素有共同点但也存在一定的差异:① 现阶段东道国的R&D需求不是影响中国企业对其进行R&D投资的主要因素;② 代表中国与东道国经济往来密切程度的关联要素是影响中国企业R&D投资的重要决策因素;③ 发达国家吸引中国企业对其进行R&D投资主要是因其创新能力强、R&D资源数量多,而政策及制度供给是影响中国企业对发展中国家进行R&D投资的主要因素;④ 地理距离对中国企业R&D“走出去”的阻碍作用主要体现在对发展中国家的R&D投资中。  相似文献   
1-phenylethanol (1-PEA) is a flavor extensively used in the production of cosmetics, beverages, and food. The release of 1-PEA into coastal environments has aroused great concern. However, its potential effects on marine organisms are still unknown. In order to provide a better understanding of the ecological risks of 1-PEA in marine environments, this study determined the toxic effects of 1-PEA on two marine diatoms (Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Skeletonema costatum). The diatoms were grown in culture medium containing different concentrations of 1-PEA for 96 h. The contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), were measured at the end of the exposure period. 1-PEA was shown to significantly inhibit the growth of diatoms, with 96-h EC50 values of 257.14 mg/Land 126.46 mg/L in P. tricornutum and S. costatum, respectively. In P. tricornutum, the levels of SOD, CAT, GPx, GSH, and MDA were stimulated only when 1-PEA concentrations were close to or greater than the 96-h EC50 value. However, in S. costatum, the activities of SOD and CAT, and the syntheses of two chlorophylls were inhibited even at an exposure concentration below the 96-h EC50 value. Taken together, these findings indicate a potential ecological risk by discharging 1-PEA into coastal areas and its species-specific toxic effects on marine organisms.  相似文献   
荣成月湖是一个典型天然潟湖,潮间带沉积物中存在多种形态趋磁细菌。通过Roche454高通量测序平台,对沉积物样品(B_S)和磁收样品(B_M)进行16SrRNA基因高通量测序,认识荣成潮间带沉积物的细菌群落结构,并了解趋磁细菌多样性及系统进化地位。研究结果表明沉积物样品中主要的细菌类群为δ-变形菌纲,占总细菌数的26.4%,其次是γ-变形菌纲和α-变形菌纲;而磁收样品中细菌多样性和种类明显降低,以α-变形菌纲占绝对优势,相对比例达72.6%。在磁收样品和沉积物样品分别发现了1 612条和186条reads与趋磁细菌相关,分别占细菌总数的5.76%和0.85%,磁收样品中趋磁细菌数是沉积物样品的6.8倍。对两个样品中获得的趋磁细菌序列进行系统进化分析,发现这些序列多数属于变形菌门的α-变形菌纲,以趋磁球菌占绝对优势,少数属于δ-变形菌纲,与多细胞趋磁原核生物亲缘关系最近。海洋趋磁螺菌属仅在B_M样品中检出,趋磁弧菌属在B_M样品优势度高于B_S样品,而多细胞趋磁原核生物和趋磁螺菌属在B_S样品中优势度更高。通过分析样品间的差异OTUs,认为荣成潮间带沉积物中可能存在大量未知的趋磁细菌新类群。研究结果为下一步培养和开发趋磁细菌这一功能菌群,发现趋磁细菌新类群及趋磁细菌生态功能提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
吴薇  杜冰  周春花  黄晓龙  郭旭 《气象科技》2023,51(6):805-814
雨量监测的准确性对天气预报、气候变化、服务决策、防灾减灾等有着重要的影响和意义,而雨量站网布设直接影响雨量监测的准确性。选取四川省雅安市作为研究对象,在现有站网布设的基础上,采用相关性分析,提出基于抽站的站网布设优化方法,并对抽站后的站网布设合理性进行评价。结果表明:(1)雅安雨量站有265站,各站点的控制面积为2.64~510.78 km2,邻近站间距离为0.3~12.28 km,邻近站间降水相关系数为0.62~0.993;(2)逐次抽站后,雨量站控制面积和邻近站间距离逐渐增大,邻近站点间降水相关系数逐渐减小;(3)抽站后站网面雨量与原站网面雨量较一致,误差较小,泰森多边形法面雨量变化幅度小于算术平均法;(4)从降水过程来看,各次抽站后,降水落区和各量级降水范围基本一致,站网对降水极值的捕捉能力较好,误差较小,但随着站点数的减少,对于降水形态刻画的精细程度有所下降。  相似文献   
在3维地形环境仿真中,经常需要输出大量文本信息.通常的做法是用位图方式进行渲染,但在某些情况下(如嵌入式操作系统)无法实现这一功能.针对某些3维地形环境仿真中位图方式渲染文本的局限性,研究如何用点阵方式渲染文本.研究内客包括点阵字库的创建和点阵文本的渲染,并根据实时渲染中不同类型文本的特点,将点阵文本的渲染分为缓存和非缓存两种方式.最后在基于VxWorks嵌入式系统的3维地形环境中实现了点阵文本的渲染.  相似文献   
海洋防腐工程中受阴极保护金属构筑物表面的电位电流分布常常是不均匀的,而金属表面的电位电流只有在一定范围内才能使构筑物受到有效和适当的保护.尤其是复杂而庞大的海洋钢结构物(如滨海电厂钛管凝汽器)阴极保护系统的设计和监测较复杂,此阴极保护下电化学场的计算,对评价阴极保护效果,优化阴极保护设计有重要意义.采用电化学场中的拉普拉斯(Laplace)方程,使用四节点四面体和合适的形状函数对水室表层和复杂结构体系周围场域进行离散.用有限元计算法,通过对各单元的分布和整个求解区域的总和,建立了两种不同金属组成复杂结构体系的三维有限元数学模型.  相似文献   
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