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马扎拉金锑矿位于西藏自治区山南地区措美县东南部古堆乡,东临隆子县,南近错那县,区域上位于藏南拆离断裂(陈智梁等,1996)以北的特提斯喜马拉雅(或称特提斯喜马拉雅)褶皱造山带(许志琴等,2006)南部,属于隆子逆冲推覆断裂的前缘。自2014年开始,成都地质调查中心作为扎西康整装勘查的主要实施单位接受了西藏雪域矿业开发有限公司的委托,在矿区开展地质找矿工作,现已基本查明了金锑矿体围岩蚀变和矿化特征。  相似文献   
王增如  王成  董晓红  高丙民 《冰川冻土》2016,38(6):1710-1717
生物多样性与生产力的关系是生态学领域争论不休的重要科学问题。调查了青藏高原疏勒河上游高寒草甸典型植物群落物种丰富度、生物量及环境因子,分析了不同植物群落物种丰富度与生物量的关系及其差异性,并探讨了影响两者间关系的关键环境因子。结果表明:1)以莎草科或毛茛科物种为主要建群种的植物群落物种丰富度与生物量不存在显著的相关性(P>0.05),如高山嵩草+苔草群落、线叶嵩草+黑褐苔草群落、唐松草+矮火绒群落、草苔草+昆仑蒿群落;而以禾本科为建群种的植物群落(紫花针茅+紫菀群落、紫花针茅+沙生风毛菊群落)两者间存着显著正相关性(P<0.05).2)CCA排序中,环境因子对植物群落分布格局的累计解释量为83.4%,这说明环境异质性是影响植物群落空间格局的主要原因,其中冻土上限埋深是影响植物群落特征及分布的关键环境因子。冻土上限埋深小于-4m时,丰富度与生物量间存在着显著的正相关;冻土上限埋深大于-4m时,两者间无显著相关性。这有助于深刻认识生物多样性与高寒草甸生态系统功能的关系。  相似文献   
采用电感耦合等离子体质谱技术,研究了地质样品中稀散元素铬、镓、铟、碲、铊含量的质谱分析方法。研究确定了最佳测定酸度、干扰元素的校正方法,结果令人满意。方法检出限为0.001 3~0.063μg/g,精密度(RSD,n=11)为2.00%~4.87%,优于其他方法,具有较好的灵敏度。方法快速、简便,结果准确,可用于地质样品中稀散元素铬、镓、铟、碲、铊含量的分析,适用于批量样品的快速测定。  相似文献   
高台车站断裂全新世活动特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高台车站断裂属于河西走廊内次级隆起——榆木山隆起北侧断裂系的组成部分,它位于榆木山北缘断裂北侧6km、是与榆木山隆起有成生联系、活动时间比北缘断裂更新的现代活动断裂。高台车站断裂呈向北北东略微凸出的弧形,走向总体为北西向,倾向南西,自南东向北西走向由北西向渐变为北西西、甚至近东西向,倾角自中等变化为低角度。高台车站断裂的活动性质在剖面上表现为南西盘向上逆冲为主、水平位移不明显,在近两万年以来的晚更新世晚期—全新世期间,该断裂可能发生过5期明显的新构造活动,活动时间具有自东向西逐渐变新的迁移性特点,最新一次在2.0~3.0ka左右,与高台地震时间是吻合的,它是高台地震的发震构造。  相似文献   
新疆焉耆盆地绿洲水盐双梯度下天然植被多样性分异特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对焉耆盆地河畔带、荒漠带、湖畔带土壤水盐及地下水位和天然植被关系的分析,研究了干旱绿洲水盐过程与分异天然植被生长和绿洲生态的影响.结果表明:绿洲天然植被生物多样性取决水盐双梯度影响,盐分不断向湖畔积聚是引起焉耆盆地湖畔生态系统生境恶化的主导因子.绿洲内部河畔带物种多样性与地下水埋深关系表明,在埋深1.5m区域,随着地下水埋深的加大,物种多样性减少;在埋深1.5~3m区域内,随着地下水埋深加大,其物种多样性在增加;而当埋深在3~4m之间时,随着地下水埋深的加大,植物多样性呈明显减少趋势;而在埋深4m区域内,多样性指数波动不大.调查表明,随着埋深的变化,地表的天然植被草本、灌木、乔木也呈现明显的分异,地下水水盐条件制约植被分布、生存和演替,各种植被类型适应不同的地下水位和盐分特征.  相似文献   
Abstract  Abundant mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) extensively distribute in granitoids in the Gangdisê giant magmatic belt, within which the Qüxü batholith is the most typical MME‐bearing pluton. Systematic sampling for granodioritic host rock, mafic microgranular enclaves and gabbro nearby at two locations in the Qüxü batholith, and subsequent zircon SHRIMP II U‐Pb dating have been conducted. Two sets of isotopic ages for granodioritic host rock, mafic microgranular enclaves and gabbro are 50.4±1.3 Ma, 51.2±1.1 Ma, 47.0±1 Ma and 49.3±1.7 Ma, 48.9±1.1 Ma, 49.9±1.7 Ma, respectively. It thus rules out the possibilities of mafic microgranular enclaves being refractory residues after partial melting of magma source region, or being xenoliths of country rocks or later intrusions. Therefore, it is believed that the three types of rocks mentioned above likely formed in the same magmatic event, i.e., they formed by magma mixing in the Eocene (c. 50 Ma). Compositionally, granitoid host rocks incline towards acidic end member involved in magma mixing, gabbros are akin to basic end member and mafic microgranular enclaves are the incompletely mixed basic magma clots trapped in acidic magma. The isotopic dating also suggested that huge‐scale magma mixing in the Gangdisê belt took place 15–20 million years after the initiation of the India‐Asia continental collision, genetically related to the underplating of subduction‐collision‐induced basic magma at the base of the continental crust. Underplating and magma mixing were likely the main process of mass‐energy exchange between the mantle and the crust during the continental collision, and greatly contributed to the accretion of the continental crust, the evolution of the lithosphere and related mineralization beneath the portion of the Tibetan Plateau to the north of the collision zone.  相似文献   
石块地金矿位于党河南山金成矿带上,是由断裂构造控制的岩浆热液型金矿。通过1∶5万水系沉积物测量,在本区圈定了As-3综合异常,并进一步利用1∶1万土壤测量进行解剖,发现了石块地金异常区,经过后期工程揭露,发现了有价值的金矿体7条。综合研究表明,勘查区金矿体赋存岩性均为花岗斑岩,并严格受NW—SE向断裂构造的控制。主矿体的延伸方向与土壤测量圈定的Au异常长轴展布方向一致,充分证明了在该区运用化探手段找矿的重要指导作用。  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地辽东湾地区古近系地震相研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
对辽东湾地区古近系地层进行了研究,选择了可信度较高的地震反射内部结构和外部形态,辅助地震反射振幅、连续性等参数,对地震相进行了划分命名。在研究区6个地震层序中共识别出平行—亚平行席状地震相、前积地震相、楔状地震相、充填状地震相、透镜状地震相、丘状地震相及乱岗状地震相等多种类型。这些地震相在平面分布上具有差异性,在垂向演化上具有继承性。将地震相转变为沉积相,划分出了湖泊沉积环境的深湖—半深湖、滨浅湖、扇三角洲、近岸水下扇、三角洲、浊积扇等沉积相,预测出了有利沉积相带。  相似文献   
South China as an amalgamation of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks is composed of Archean to Mesoproterozoic basement overlain by Neoproterozoic and younger cover. Both the constituent Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks contain well-preserved Neoproterozoic rocks that have been extensively studied in terms of the age and tectonic nature, but less is known about their earlier crustal history due to the incomplete rock record. Recent efforts in investigating the yet survived crustal nature based on isotopic and elemental signatures preserved in igneous and sedimentary rocks have steadily improved our knowledge about the pre-Neoproterozoic continental crustal evolution in South China. In this paper, we summarize the up-to-date pre-Neoproterozoic records, including petrological, geochronological, geochemical and geophysical data, across South China, and discuss its spatiotemporal patterns of the pre-Neoproterozoic crust and the relevant tectonic events. While the xenocrystic/inherited and detrital zircon records suggest widespread Archean (mainly ca. 2.5 Ga) crustal components within both the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, exposed Archean rocks are only limited to isolated crustal provinces in the Yangtze Block. These Archean rocks are dominated by TTGs (tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite) with varied ages (3.3–2.5 Ga) and zircon Hf isotopes, indicating a compositionally heterogeneous nature of the Archean Yangtze Block and, by inference, the development of multiple ancient terranes. The early Paleoproterozoic (2.4–2.2 Ga) tectonomagmatic events characterize the western Yangtze Block and are supportive of an east-west subdivision of the Yangtze basement, whereas the late Paleoproterozoic (2.1–1.7 Ga) orogeneses may have affected a larger area covering both the western and eastern parts of the Yangtze Block, and also the Cathaysia Block. The eastern Yangtze Block with generally northeastward-younging late Paleoproterozoic magmatism and metamorphism likely experienced a prolonged 2.05–1.75 Ga orogenic process welding the various Archean proto-continents, consistent with the documentation of a buried late Paleoproterozoic orogenic belt imaged by deep seismic profiling from its central part and of a slightly older ophiolitic mélange in the northern part. The Cathaysia Block was probably involved in a short-lived 1.9–1.8 Ga orogenic event. The two orogeneses overlapped in time and may have contributed to the cratonization of a possible unified South China, and are referred to be linked with the assembly of the Nuna Supercontinent. The subsequent late Paleoproterozoic to early Mesoproterozoic rift successions and intrusions (1.7–1.5 Ga) in the southwestern Yangtze Block, and the ca. 1.43 Ga rifting in Hainan Island of the Cathaysia Block could be responses to the Nuna break-up. Late Mesoproterozoic (1.2–1.0 Ga) magmatism of varied age and nature in different localities of the Yangtze Block is reflective of a complex tectonic process in the context of the assembly of the Rodinia Supercontinent. Similar-aged metamorphism (1.3–1.0 Ga) is recorded in Hainan Island, reflecting the Grenvillian continental collision during the Rodinia assembly, but further studies are necessary to better constrain the late Mesoproterozoic tectonic framework of South China.  相似文献   
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