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The discovery of cyclopropenylidene in space suggests that other C3H2 isomers may be present and a tentative detection of one such isomer, propargylene (HCCCH), has been reported. Ab initio molecular orbital theory has been used to characterize five low-lying, metastable isomers of cyclopropenylidene. Four are found to be stable minima and their vibrational frequencies are reported, although the stable form of triplet propargylene is not firmly established. Extended calculations including the electron correlation energy, show that the lowest in energy is singlet propadienylidene, followed by propargylene; the singlet and triplet of the latter are too close in energy to allow an assignment of the ground state; triplet propadienylidene is at a significantly higher energy. Rotational frequencies computed to an expected accuracy of +/- 1%-2% do not confirm the tentative detection of propargylene in space, although the discrepancy between theory and the observation is not so great as to unequivocally rule out this possibility.  相似文献   
利用Sentinel-1A升轨和降轨数据,基于D-InSAR技术,获取2020年1月19日伽师MS6.4地震同震形变场,并结合其他研究机构给出的震源机制解参数和已有研究成果,反演得到伽师地震的发震断层几何特征和滑动分布。研究结果表明,伽师地震同震形变在地表有明显差异;升轨同震形变在卫星视线方向北侧抬升55 mm,南侧下降42 mm;降轨同震形变在卫星视线方面北侧抬升63 mm,南侧下降23 mm。通过反演得到发震断层走向为275°,倾角为20°,地震滑动主要分布在地下5 km处,最大滑动量约为0.32 m,平均滑动角为89.3°,累积地震矩为1.46×1018 N·m,合矩震级MW6.1,发震构造为具有少量走滑性质的逆冲断裂。从发震构造特征、同震滑动分布推测,伽师地震发震构造是柯坪塔格褶皱带滑脱面以上沉积盖层内的逆冲断裂,支持了柯坪推覆体的薄皮构造模型观点。  相似文献   
给出了一种用地震折射波初至走时确定二维速度的迭代层析成象反演法。该反演法适用于源-接收器间距比常规剖面法密的折射剖面,它是以线性化问题的迭代解为依据,不仅能用于近水平界面的几何形态,而且也能用于连续速度变化的情况。每次迭代中用射击法进行两点间的射线追踪,来建立线性系统。速度场用速度梯度为常数的三角形单元定义,这样射线路径可解析计算。根据正问题的不同线性化公式对两种不同的反演方法作了研究。用线性化走时-速度雅可比行列式反演得出的结果比用更近似于一般级数展开法的慢度公式的结果好。分辨率的例子不仅揭示了源-接收器组合方式及速度结构对分辨率的影响,而且也揭示了射线的几何形态造成的水平向模糊不清和分辨率随深度降低。反演例子表明,使用较好的初始模型时,整体范数产生的解比用最小扰动法计算的解更接近真实模型。对不均匀射线覆盖产生的条纹作用及其排除作了实例说明。  相似文献   
有关太平洋海洋环流,特别是对亚热带(又称副热带)、热带和赤道带环流的调查研究,近数十年来在国内、外海洋学界已蓬勃展开。其中,日本气象厅于1967年至今在137°E断面上每年进行1-2次定期海洋观测,并于1972-1979年、1987-1995年在155°E断面上每年夏季进行一次观测。根据上述经向断面观测资料,许多学者对137°E断面的海流结构,温、盐分布,水团及其变异,以及与ENSO现象的关系作了细致的分析研究(邹娥梅等,1993;顾玉荷,1996;Guan,1986;Masuzawa,1967);关于155°E断面的研究,则着重于太平洋赤道区域海流结构和它的变异及其与ENSO现象的关系等(顾玉荷,1990;Guan,1986)。本文拟根据155°E断面1972-1979年夏季(6-7月)日本气象厅的海洋水文气象观测资料(其中1974年无资料),分析研究该断面(北亚热带、热带和赤道带海域)的温、盐度分布特征和热、盐含量及其年际变异,并探讨其与ENSO现象之间的关系。 155°E断面北起30°N,南至11°S,自北向南横穿北亚热带、热带、赤道带和南半球热带。测站的密度以1975-1977年最密(设55个测站),1972年和1973年次之(分别设测站33个和40个),1978年和1979年测站稀疏,仅为15个和12个。采样深度间隔于30m以浅为10m,50-150m层间为25m,150-300m层间为50m,300-1000m层间为100m。图1为断面的位置和站位分布(5028站至5058站每相邻两站中间省略一站位)。 为了便于分析断面上各纬度带的水文特征及年际变异,将该断面自北向南划分为4个纬度带,即北亚热带(18°-30°N)、北半球热带(2°-18°N,以下简称北热带)、赤道带(2°N-2°S)和南半球热带(2°S以南,以下简称南热带)。其中北热带又划分为北赤道流区(8°-18°N)和北赤道逆流区(2°-8°N)。  相似文献   
Based on the full water-wave equation,a second-order analytic solution for nonlinear interaction of short edge waves on a plane sloping bottom is presented in this paper.For special case of slope angle β=π/2,this solution can reduced to the same order solution of deep water gravity surface waves traveling along parallel coastline.Interactions between two edge waves including progressive,standing and partially reflected standing waves are also discussed.The unified analytic expressions with transfer functions for kinematic-dynamic elements of edge waves are also given.The random model of the unified wave motion processes for linear and nonlinear irregular edge waves is formulated,and the corresponding theoretical autocorrelation and spectral density functions of the first and the second orders are derived.The boundary conditions for the determination of the parameters of short edge wave are suggested,that may be seen as one special simple edge wave excitation mechanism and an extension to the sea wave refraction theory.Finally some computation results are demonstrated.  相似文献   
福建九龙江河口平原晚第四纪地层划分与对比   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文根据沉积物岩性,孢粉,微体古生物组合特征及年代测定,对九龙江河口平原晚第四纪地层进行了划分与对比。结果表明,北岸平原缺失上更新统下,中段,且全新统厚度小于南隙,研究区晚更新世以来发生两次海侵,分别出现于玉木亚间冰期和全新世。晚更新晚期,本区主要处于河口港湾的环境,显示出与相邻海域及全球的差异性,这主要是由构造沉降所造成的。  相似文献   
Chronic exposure to organic contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can lead to the development of resistance to these chemicals, a condition associated with reduced response of CYP1A1, a pollutant-inducible biomarker. We measured CYP1A activity (ethoxyresorufin o-deethylase, EROD) and PCB concentrations in feral fish from the Town Branch/Mud River system (Logan County, KY), a stream historically contaminated with PCBs and partially remediated. As a first step in evaluating the possible development of resistant populations in this system, we measured CYP1A expression and PCB body burdens in resident fish from sites we previously characterized as containing biologically significant levels of CYP1A inducing compounds. Mean PCB concentrations in edible flesh ranged from 75.2 to 16.7 microg/g in fish collected from Town Branch remediated sites and were relatively low (1.23 microg/g) in Town Branch reference site fish. However, hepatic CYP1A activity was similar among individuals of most species collected from reference and contaminated/remediated sites. The absence of elevated CYP1A levels in resident fish species despite the presence of significant PCB body burdens may indicate these fish have developed reduced sensitivity to CYP1A induction, a condition associated with acquired resistance to toxicants.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionMudskipper ( Boleophthalmus pectinirostris ) inhabits muddy burrow in the intertidal mudflats of the temperature zone, feeding mainly on benthic diatoms and adapting to a wide range of salinity[1~3]. Although it is small in size, the mudskipper is delicious, nutritious and has a high market value. Fish farmers in Southeastern Mainland China are eager to culture this species. However, at present the natural resource of the fish has been decreasing or disappearing in some area…  相似文献   
位于水合物脊(前称“第二脊”)上的ODPl46航次站位调查资料揭示了俄勒冈边缘水合物/气体系统中构造活动影响下的地层和BSR反射特征的变化情况。尤其在水合物脊南部,这些模式得到了详细的描述,1996年在该区的抓斗样品表明。在海底附近存在含块状水合物的沉积物。根据我们对ODPl46航次站位调查资料的检验和水合物脊最近几个航次的调查结果,建议在水合物脊上实施三个钻孔,井深400—700米。并辅以生物和地球化学综合采样及一系列的原位测试。在这样一个ODP航次中开展下列课题的研究:1.在两个明显不同的沉积和构造环境中,对气体和水合物形成的物理和化学机制作源区比较:(1)在增生楔较老沉积物中,海底附近发现了块状水合物及其相关的自生碳酸盐矿物,其甲烷可能来源于俯冲沉积物;(2)与增生楔相连、快速充填的陆坡盆地中,沉积物较年轻、成层性好,其地震反射特征强烈地显示了水合物和(或)游离气的存在,但海底附近没有水合物和(或)碳酸盐矿物积聚的迹象,其气源主要来自原地沉积物中。2.采用地球物理遥感技术校准确定水合物及其下伏游离气饱和度。为了更好地了解这些特性,需要编制井间水合物分布图,评价俯冲带环境中天然气水合物的未来经济潜力。3.利用地球化学示踪物、物理性质测量和微结构分析,检测构造因素诱发的水合物不稳定导致的BSR和BSR下伏地震反射特征发生变化是否与地震反射资料推测的一样。4.加深对水合物形成的地球化学效应的认识,以便于利用综合地质资料确定甲烷释放进入大气的原生载体,了解巨大而剧烈的水合物失稳作用在全球变化中所扮演的角色。5.确定水合物和下伏沉积物的孔隙度和剪切强度,以评估水合物、流体活动与斜坡稳定性之间的关系。6.确定沉积物中生物成因甲烷菌和热成因甲烷菌的分布数量,评估它们对水合物形成和分解的贡献,以及与沉积物成岩作用的关系。  相似文献   
Shao Q  Shi DJ  Hao FY  Ma LN  Chen ZJ  Yu MM  Ru BG 《Marine pollution bulletin》2002,45(1-12):163-167
The mouse metallothionein (mMT) mutant alpha-KKS-alpha has a higher capacity for binding heavy metals than wild type mMT. The mMT mutant alpha-KKS-alpha gene was placed under the control of the strong promoter PpbsA to generate the intermediate vector pRL-alpha-KKS-alpha. pRLalpha-KKS-alpha was then linked with the plasmid pDC-08 to construct shuttle expression vector pDC-alphaKKS-alpha. This expression vector was transformed into Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 using triparental conjugative transfer. After antibiotic selection (ampicillin and kanamycin), transgenic Anabaena was identified by PCR and Western blotting. The expression level of the mMT mutation alpha-KKS-alpha reached 7.4 mg/g dry cells weight, as detected by ELISA, and heavy metal resistance of the transgenic Anabaena was significantly improved.  相似文献   
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