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In recent years discrepancies arose in the determination of the solar EUV output. It is difficult and often impossible to remove these discrepancies from the observational data reported so far. However, the EUV data show evidence for a strong variability during the Solar Cycle 20. The measuring methods applied so far create uncertainties of the order of ± 30% or less. Therefore, new methods have to be developed for more accurate measurements. Two approaches offer the possibility of overcoming todays shortcomings. With these methods the EUV indices will be measured with an accuracy better than 10%, using a simple spectrometer on a free-flying long-term mission with recalibration factors provided by short-term mission results e.g. from Soyuz or Spacelab.  相似文献   
The stable carbon isotope composition of particulate organic carbon (POC) from plankton, sediment trap material and surface sediments from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were determined. Despite low and constant water temperatures, large variations in the δ13C values of plankton were measured. 13C enrichments of up to 10‰ coincided with a change in the diatom assemblage and a two-fold increase in primary production. Increased CO2 consumption as a result of rapid carbon fixation may result in diffusion limitation reducing the magnitude of the isotope fractionation. The δ13C values of plankton from sea-ice cores display a relationship with the chlorophyll a content. High ‘ice-algae’ biomass, in combination with a limited exchange with the surrounding seawater, results in values of about − 18 to − 20‰. It is assumed that these values are related to a reduced CO2 availability in the sea-ice system. In comparison with plankton, sinking krill faeces sampled by traps can be enriched by 2–5‰ in 13C (e.g. central Bransfield Strait). In contrast, the transport of particles in other faeces, diatom aggregates or chains results in minor isotope changes (e.g. Drake Passage, Powell Basin, NW Weddell Sea). A comparison between the δ13C values of sinking matter and those of surface sediments reveals that 13C enrichments of up to 3–4‰ may occur at the sediment-water boundary layer. These isotopic changes are attributed to high benthic respiration rates.  相似文献   
Starting from the idea that the electrons accelerated during a solar flare have originally a preferred direction, the angular distribution and the polarization of bremsstrahlung below 10 Å is calculated taking into account the influence of the magnetic field. The energy distribution of the nonthermal electrons is based on X-ray spectra measured by the Leicester group during flares in 1962 and 1967. In addition to the case of a fixed angle between the electron velocity and the magnetic field, an angular distribution of the form sin n is considered. The results may be used to test flare models. Recent measurements of the polarization of solar X-radiation yield the expected order of magnitude.Paper presented to the Int. Symp. on Solar-Terr. Phys., Leningrad, May 1970.  相似文献   
Sulfates have been discovered by the OMEGA spectrometer in different locations of the planet Mars. They are strongly correlated to light toned layered deposits in the equatorial regions. West Candor Chasma is the canyon with the thickest stack of layers and one with the largest area covered by sulfates. A detailed study coupling mineralogy derived from OMEGA spectral data and geology derived from HRSC imager and other datasets leads to some straightforward issues. The monohydrated sulfate kieserite is found mainly over heavily eroded scarps of light toned material. It likely corresponds to a mineral present in the initial rock formed either during formation and diagenesis of sediments, or during hydrothermal alteration at depth, because it is typically found on outcrops that are eroded and steep. Polyhydrated sulfates, that match any Ca-, Na-, Fe-, or Mg-sulfates with more than one water molecule, are preferentially present on less eroded and darker outcrops than outcrops of kieserite. These variations can be the result of a diversity in the composition and/or of the rehydration of kieserite on surfaces with longer exposure. The latter possibility of rehydration in the current, or recent, atmosphere suggests the low surface temperatures preserve sulfates from desiccation, and, also can rehydrate part of them. Strong signatures of iron oxides are present on sulfate-rich scarps and at the base of layered deposits scarps. They are correlated with TES gray hematite signature and might correspond to iron oxides present in the rock as sand-size grains, or possibly larger concretions, that are eroded and transported down by gravity at the base of the scarp. Pyroxenes are present mainly on sand dunes in the low lying terrains. Pyroxene is strongly depleted or absent in the layered deposits. When mixed with kieserite, local observations favor a spatial mixing with dunes over layered deposits. Sulfates such as those detected in the studied area require the presence of liquid water to form by precipitation, either in an intermittent lacustrine environment or by hydrothermal fluid circulation. Both possibilities require the presence of sulfur-rich groundwater to explain fluid circulation. The elevation of the uppermost sulfate signatures suggests the presence of aquifers up to 2.5 km above datum, only 1 km below the plateau surface.  相似文献   
In Allende, a very complex compound chondrule (Allende compound chondrule; ACC) was found consisting of at least 16 subchondrules (14 siblings and 2 independents). Its overall texture can roughly be described as a barred olivine object (BO). The BO texture is similar in all siblings, but does not exist in the two independents, which appear as relatively compact olivine‐rich units. Because of secondary alteration of pristine Allende components and the ACC in particular, only limited predictions can be made concerning the original compositions of the colliding melt droplets. Based on textural and mineralogical characteristics, the siblings must have been formed on a very short time scale in a dense, local environment. This is also supported by oxygen isotope systematics showing similar compositions for all 16 subchondrules. Furthermore, the ACC subchondrules are isotopically distinct from typical Allende chondrules, indicating formation in or reaction with a more 16O‐poor reservoir. We modeled constraints on the particle density required at the ACC formation location, using textural, mineral‐chemical, and isotopic observations on this multicompound chondrule to define melt droplet collision conditions. In this context, we discuss the possible relationship between the formation of complex chondrules and the formation of macrochondrules and cluster chondrites. While macrochondrules may have formed under similar or related conditions as complex chondrules, cluster chondrites certainly require different formation conditions. Cluster chondrites represent a mixture of viscously deformed, seemingly young chondrules of different chemical and textural types and a population of older chondrules. Concerning the formation of ACC calculations suggest the existence of very local, kilometer‐sized, and super‐dense chondrule‐forming regions with extremely high solid‐to‐gas mass ratios of 1000 or more.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Am 4. November 1957 wurde an den deutschen und niederländischen Küsten der Nordsee eine Störung des Gezeitenverlaufes beobachtet. Trotz eines Sturmes aus ablandiger Richtung wurde der mittlere Wasserstand bis zu mehreren Metern erhöht. Eine Analyse der Wasserstandsbeobachtungen von vierzehn Stationen ergab, daß es sich um eine fortschreitende Welle handelte, die sich im Seegebiet der südwestlichen Nordsee gebildet hatte. Es wird die Entstehung dieser Welle untersucht. Sie wird erklärt 1. aus ungewöhnlich stark ausgeprägten Luftdruckschwankungen im Küstengebiet Südostenglands und 2. aus dem besonderen Windfeld im Bereich eines Tiefdrucktroges über der südwestlichen Nordsee. Die beobachteten Durchgangszeiten der Welle stimmen mit den berechneten Werten überein; auch die beobachteten Amplituden lassen sich größenordnungsmäßig erklären. Ein Parallelfall vom 13./14. Dezember 1956 weist schließlich auf die Ähnlichkeit der Erscheinung mit den an der englischen Ostküste häufiger beobachtetenexternal surges hin, die als fortschreitende Wellen vom Atlantischen Ozean her in die Nordsee vordringen.
Verification of a progressive wave in the southern North Sea
Summary On November 4, 1957, a disturbance of the tide was observed on the German and Netherlandish North Sea coasts. Although a storm associated with offshore winds was dominating, the water rose up to several meters above mean sea level. The analysis of sea level observations from 14 stations showed that the rise of water was due to a progressive wave that had been produced in the sea region of the southwestern North Sea. The origin of the progressive wave is the subject of the present investigations. Its occurrence is attributed firstly to atmospheric pressure variations of extraordinary intensity over the southeastern coastal area of England, secondly to a particular wind field in the neighbourhood of a trough of low pressure over the southwestern North Sea. The observed times of passage of the progressive wave correspond to the calculated values; the order of magnitude of the observed amplitudes, too, allows a satisfactory interpretation. A parallel case occurring on December 13/14, 1956 reveals the resemblance of the progressive wave to the phenomenon of external surges, frequently observed on the east coast of England; taking its origin as a progressive wave in the Atlantic Ocean, it penetrates into the North Sea.

Preuve de la présence d'une onde progressive dans la région sud de la mer du Nord
Résumé Le 4 novembre 1957, on observa une perturbation de la marée sur la côte allemande et sur la côte néerlandaise. Bien qu'une tempête, associée aux vents de terre, dominât, la surface de la mer atteignit une hauteur supérieure au niveau moyen de la mer de plusieurs mètres. Une analyse basée sur des observations du niveau de la merde 14 stations révéla qu'il s'agit d'une onde progressive originaire de la région sud-ouest de la mer du Nord. La génération de cette onde est le sujet des recherches actuelles. Sa formation est ramenée 10 aux variations extraordinairement prononcées de pression atmosphérique au-dessus du littoral sud-est de l'Angleterre, et 20 au champ particulier du vent au voisinage d'un couloir de basse pression au-dessus de la région sud-ouest de la mer du Nord. Les observations des heures de passage de l'onde progressive s'accordent avec les valeurs calculées; de même, l'ordre de grandeur des amplitudes observées permet une interprétation satisfaisante. Un cas analogue, survenu le 13/14 décembre 1956, révéla enfin la ressemblance de l'onde progressive avec le phénomène des ondes externes («external surges») observées fréquemment sur la côte est de l'Angleterre; ce type d'onde tire son origine dans l'Océan Atlantique pour pénétrer dans la mer du Nord.

Dank. Diese Untersuchung wurde ermöglicht, weil verschiedene Dienststellen entgegenkommenderweise Beobachtungsmaterial zur Verfügung stellten: Die Wasser- und Schifffahrtsämter Emden, Wilhelmshaven, Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven und Tönning sowie die Marschenbauämter Heide und Husum stellten ihre Pegelaufzeichnungen zur Verfügung, der Rijkswaterstaat, 's-Gravenhage, die der niederländischen Stationen. Die englischen und niederländischen Luftdruckbeobachtungen wurden mir freundlicherweise von Mr. Virgo, Chief Meteorological Officer, Headquarters Second ATAF, und Herrn M. P. H. Weenink, De Bilt, vermittelt. Das Seewetteramt Hamburg des Deutschen Wetterdienstes stellte wiederum, wie schon bei früheren Untersuchungen, bereitwillig die Arbeitswetterkarten zur Einsicht zur Verfügung. Schließlich sei dankend hervorgehoben, daß die im internationalen Wetterfernschreibnetz verbreiteten Wasserstandsbeobachtungen des englischen Sturmflutwarndienstes die Untersuchung wesentlich gefördert haben.  相似文献   
Vertical distribution of fossil carotenoids in a sediment core from meromictic Mahoney Lake was studied. Besides okenone and demethylated okenone, lutein and zeaxanthin and-carotene isomers were identified. No carotenoids typical for purple nonsulfur or green sulfur bacteria were detected. The ratio of zeaxanthin to lutein (above 1:1 in all samples) indicates a dominance of cyanobacteria over green algae in the phytoplankton assemblages of the past. Okenone, which is found exclusively in Chromatiaceae, was the dominating carotenoid in all sediment zones.The oldest sediment layers containing okenone were deposited 11 000 years ago. Between 9000 and 7000 and since 3000 years b.p., Chromatiaceae reached a considerable biomass in the lake. Vertical changes in okenone concentration were not related to changes of paleotemperatures. In contrast, okenone concentrations decreased during periods of volcanic ash input. During most of the lake history, however, mean okenone concentrations were positively correlated with sedimentation rates. This indicates that vertical changes of okenone concentration in the sediment reflect past changes of purple sulfur bacterial biomass in the lake.According to these results, the past limnology of Mahoney Lake resembled that of the present with a sulfide-containing monimolimnion and a well-developed population of okenone-bearing purple sulfur bacteria.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Einwirkung des Windes auf den Wasserstand bei Hochwasser entlang der deutschen Nordseeküste ist im allgemeinen verschieden. Die Gründe hierfür sind der ungleichmäßige Küstenverlauf und das von zahlreichen Prielen durchzogene flache Küstenvorland. Ausführliche Methoden zur Vorausberechnung des Windstaus unter Beachtung dieser morphologischen Bedingungen liegen noch nicht vor. Es wird deshalb ein Verfahren vorgeschlagen, den Windstau entlang der Küste im Anschluß an den Windstau eines geeigneten Bezugsortes zu bestimmen. Am Beispiel von acht Häfen der schleswig-holsteinischen Westküste wird gezeigt, daß dies mit gutem Erfolg möglich ist. Es wird eine Tabelle vorgelegt, die nach diesem Vorschlag beim Deutschen Hydrographischen Institut berechnet wurde und seit einiger Zeit für die Wasserstandsvorhersagen im Windstau- und Sturmflutwarndienst dieses Institutes verwendet wird. Die Tabelle enthält den Windstauunterschied der acht Orte gegen Cuxhaven in Abhängigkeit von Windrichtung und -stärke. Der Einfluß des Windes auf den Wasserstand wird für die Häfen einzeln besprochen. Die Untersuchung des Verhaltens der Häfen untereinander führt zur Aufstellung von sogenannten Normalgefällen. Abschließend werden Betrachtungen über die Genauigkeit des Verfahrens, die sich als befriedigend ergibt, angestellt.
The influence exercised by the coast's shape and the topography of the tidal flats on the piling up of water due to stress of wind, exemplified by the conditions on the coast of Schleswig-Holstein
Summary The influences exercised by the wind on the water level at high water along the German North Sea coast show, in general, great differences which are due to the irregular coast line and the tidal flats with their numerous transversal tideways. Detailed methods of forecasting the piling up of water which take into consideration this sort of morphological conditions are so far not developed. Therefore, a method is proposed which permits to determine the piling up of water along the coast by relating it to the piling up at a suitable port of reference. Eight ports on the coast of Schleswig-Holstein are chosen as examples; they show that good results will be obtained from this method. A table is submitted which has been calculated by the German Hydrographic Institute in accordance with this proposal and which is used for the prediction of water level by the Storm Surge Warning Service of this institute. The table includes the difference in height of the piling up phenomenon at the eight places as compared with the data obtained at the port of Cuxhaven as a function of direction and strength of wind. The wind's influence on the water level at the different ports is discussed in detail. The behaviour of the eight ports is studied and a list of normal gradients is drawn up. In conclusion, the accuracy of the method is considered and is found to be satisfactory.

L'influence de la configuration de la côte et des bas-fonds sur la montée du niveau due à la pression du vent, phénomène étudié à l'exemple de la côte du Schleswig-Holstein
Résumé La montée du niveau de la mer à l'époque de la pleine mer qui est causée par le vent subit, en général, des variations tout le long de la côte allemande de la mer du Nord. Les causes en sont le contour irrégulier de la côte et les bas-fonds traversés par beaucoup de petits chenaux de marée. Il n'existe pas encore de méthodes précises qui permettent à la fois de prédire la montée du niveau en tenant compte de ces conditions morphologiques. Donc, pour déterminer la montée du niveau le long de la côte, l'auteur propose un procédé qui se base sur la montée de niveau dans un port de référence convenable. A l'exemple de huit ports sur la côte d'ouest du Schleswig-Holstein, il montre que ce procédé donne de bons résultats. Une table est présentée qui fut calculée à l'Institut Hydrographique Allemand en conformité de cette proposition et qui y est employée depuis quelque temps pour les prévisions quotidiennes du niveau de la mer. La table contient les différences en montée du niveau entre les huit ports et le port de Cuxhaven en fonction de la direction et de la force du vent. L'influence du vent sur le niveau d'eau de chacun de ces huit ports est discutée. Le comportement des huit ports est étudie et il en résulte une table de gradients normaux. Enfin, l'auteur considère la précision du procédé qu'il trouve satisfaisante.
Zusammenfassung Es werden die Ergebnisse einer Berechnung des geomagnetischen Potentials in Form einer Reihenentwicklung nach Kugelfunktionen bis zur 15. Ordnung auf Grund der magnetischen Weltkarten für die Epoche 1945,0 vonE. H. Vestine und andern vorgelegt. Bei der Ableitung des Potentialausdrucks nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate wurden die Orthogonalitätseigenschaften der Kugelflächenfunktionen vollständig ausgenutzt.
Summary The results of the analysis of the main geomagnetic field for the epoch 1945.0 in a series of spherical harmonics to the 15th degree are presented. The analysis is based on the world magnetic charts derived byVestine et al. The coefficients of the potential are calculated by least-squares approximation taking advantage of the orthogonality of the spherical harmonics over discrete ranges.
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